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F-15 Eagle

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F-15 and all variants

15 files

  1. F-15E Strike Eagle_Radar AESA_SFP1 Y SFG

    F-15E Strike Eagle by Kaiser1
    Versión del F-15 adaptado a cazabombardero todo tiempo, cuando entró en servicio en la USAF, los F-15E fueron dotados de un radar AN/APG 70 del tipo multimodo (impulsos Doppler+banda X), después de servir en varios escenarios de combate, la USAF pidió una modernización en su aviónica a Boeing, el cual junto con Raytheon, remplazaron los APG 70 por radares tipo AESA de barrido electrónico activo, los AN/APG 82 V1, que contaban con varias cualidades superiores que sus antecesores.
    Esta versión del F-15E esta desarrollada sobre la base de la versión F-15E Strike Eagle V1.3 de Dave con permisos otorgados, intentando mejorar la aviónica de los F-15E y dotarlos de una cabina propia y correspondiente.
    El F-15E proporciona las siguiente mejoras:
    3 pantallas MFD con la información necesaria para el piloto virtual. Versión de radar lo mas fiel al AN/APG 82 V1. Identificador IFF (Amigo-Enemigo), en la pantalla del radar los enemigos aparecen de color AMARILLO y los amigos de color AZUL (solo en modo TWS-Track While Scan). El APG 82 tiene una ventana de escaneo de 120° y un rango de alcance de 160. Versatilidad de armamento tanto aire-aire como aire-superficie. Muestreo de rangos para misiles AA de radar activo y semiactivo.

    En fase de pruebas de combate consiguió victorias contra J10A y MiG-35 Fulcrum F.
    Agradecimientos a Dave y el equipo de trabajo del F-15E V1.3, a CombatACE, al grupo Strike Fighters Series y sus modeladores.
    Version of the F-15 adapted to fighter bomber all time when he entered service in the USAF, the F-15E was fitted with an AN / APG 70 radar multimode type (pulse Doppler + band X), after serving in various scenarios combat, the USAF ordered a modernization in its avionics to Boeing, which together with Raytheon, replaced the APG 70 radar AESA type of active electronic scanning, the AN / APG 82 V1, which had several superior qualities than their predecessors.
    This version of the F-15E is developed on the basis of the version F-15E Strike Eagle V1.3 Dave, trying to improve the avionics of the F-15E and provide them with a corresponding own cabin.
    The F-15E provides the following improvements:
    3 screens MFD with the information necessary for the virtual pilot. Radar version as faithful to the AN / APG 82 V1. ID IFF (Friend or Foe), on the radar screen enemies appear yellow and friends of BLUE (TWS-only mode Track While Scan). The APG 82 has a scanning window of 120 ° and a range of range of 160. Versatility both arms air-air and air-to-surface. Sampling AA missile ranges for active and semi-active radar.

    In combat test phase got victories against J10A and MiG-35 Fulcrum F.
    Thanks to Dave and the team of F-15E V1.3, to combatace, the group Strike Fighters Series and modelers.


       (1 review)



  2. F-15CJ Kai I Eagle

    F-15CJ Kai I Eagle Version 1.0 2009
    F-15CJ Kai Program
    The F-15CJ Kai Improvement Program program made by Mitsubishi.
    F-15CJ Kai is that a updated version of F-15CJ. The main updated part of F-15CJ Kai is updated AN/APG-63 to AN/APG-63(V)1fand the AAM-3 AAM-4,maybe AAM-5.
    AAM-4 is a Japanese made Active Homing Missile based US AIM-7M,same to US Aim-120.
    The ECM Jammer form J/ALQ-8 updated to J/ALQ-8 Kai,and RWR updated from J/APR-4 to J/APR-4 Kai
    The first F-15CJ Kai first flown on 7 18, 2003.And in 2008, F-15CJ kai beganed mass product,and into sevice.
    I Moded Dave's F-15CJ to F-15CJ kai type.
    F-15CJ Eagle
    Original Model by Flying Toaster
    Additional Model Work by Wpnssgt
    Flight Model by Fubar512
    INI work by MJ and USAFMTL-----------I Moded some InI into F-15CJ Kai
    Effects by Deuces
    Sounds by Fubar512
    Skins by Scrapper from Push to Far V1.3
    Original F-15 Cockpit by Kesselbrut modified to an F-15C (BETA) by Wpnssgt
    Avionics Iused WOE F-15A avionics enhancement v1.0 by Crusader
    Weapon AAM-3,AAM-5 by Talos,AAM-4 by Jv44kt and Erwin_Hans


       (3 reviews)



  3. F-15SG v1.0

    Republic of Singapore Air Force F-15SG Strike Eagle version 1.0 for SF:P1/WoV/WoE/WoI.
    The idea behind this is to do two things:
    1. Someone was going on and on about having the F-15SG since it is practically the same aircraft as the F-15E and derivaties. Whoever that is, there are more to that! From a glance it might look like an F-15K...but look closer! However, given how similar the F-15K and F-15SG is, the changes are minimal at best. I would explain some things later.
    2. Give the USAF F-15E some updates to give it Sniper ATPs, since they are currently being deployed on the aircrafts in large numbers (at least what what EricJ said). I would explain about this in detail through another readme, since some of you might find the whole thing a little bit on the complicated side (at least, the method I used).
    As of the current iteration of the mod, it is optimized for use in the games with the Sept 2008 patch onwards applied. The plane can be installed in older versions of the games, but the ground mapping radar would not work, since the Avionics70.dll of the older versions does not support the ground mapping radar out-of-box (except WoI). This aircraft has been tested non-stop in WoE (with Oct 2008 patch), but it should work in the others patched to the same level.
    More details in the readme (read and understand what goes), and as a bonus, instructions to give F-15Es the Sniper XRs are given! It might not be perfect, but feel free to give me suggestions as to what I need to do to improve.


       (3 reviews)



  4. Saudi F-15S

    RSAF F-15S By a whole bunch of mugs.
    All SP5 ready to go too. Its been on my HD forever. To
    many other things to going on so I can't get this any
    more tweaked. Known issues, weps seem to just hang on the
    pylons but not touching all the way. Could use some help
    there and I will update this package if i get it.
    Wrench, The
    And the list goes on and on to da break of dawn.
    Drop the contents of each folder in the folders of the
    same names in your WOX directory. Go fly.


       (4 reviews)

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  5. F-15K Version V1.5

    F-15K Strike Eagle Version 1.5
    14 OCT 2008 (now SP5 compatible) Thanks Wrench
    Original Model by Flying Toaster
    Additional Model Work by Wpnssgt
    Flight Model by Fubar512 (Use in Normal)
    Avionics by Moonjumper
    Effects by Deuces
    Skins by Wpnssgt & USAFMTL
    Original F-15 Cockpit by Kesselbrut modified to an F-15C (BETA) by Wpnssgt
    Drop tanks by Fast Cargo.
    Loading & Hangar Screens by Kout
    Fixed the wheels in the runway. Thanks Ant.
    Ready to use in WOE or WOI (use it in WOI, hint hint)
    Read the read me.


       (5 reviews)



  6. F-15I for Wings Over Israel V1.5

    F-15I Ra'am (Update) for WOI Update 14 Oct 2008. (Now WOI SP5 compatible) Thanks Wrench
    Original Model by Flying Toaster
    Additional Model Work by Wpnssgt
    Flight Model by Fubar512 (Fly this in normal)
    Avionics by Moonjumper (Completely new build as of 2007/08)
    Loading & Hangar Screens by Kout
    INI work by MJ and USAFMTL
    Effects by Deuces
    Sounds by Fubar512
    Updated on 22 Mar 08 to fix the sinking gear in the runway. Thanks Ant.
    Skin by Sundowner
    ****Warning - Skins are 1024x1024 and should be resized if your system cannot handle large texture files**** There is also 4096x4096 uber high res if you want them.
    Original F-15 Cockpit by Kesselbrut modified to an F-15C by Wpnssgt. Bottom left MFD is inop.
    Read the read me!


       (7 reviews)



  7. F-15 ACTIVE for the ThirdWire Series

    F-15 ACTIVE readme for the TW series.
    Version 1.0
    If you have my old F-15 Active mod (using addon canards) this will totally replace that directory. I would recommend deleting the old F-15 ACTIVE directory so as to not cause conflicts.
    Though this has a lot of stuff from the Mirage Factory, it is NOT a Mirage Factory product as it doesn't meet their standards. If there are problems, it's my fault, not theirs.
    Thanks to the following folks:
    TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
    The Mirage Factory - For the nice F-15D MSIP aircraft...in particular Flying Toaster, wpnssgt, and Dave for making the F-15D MAX file available for me to play with.
    Kei Nagase - For the awesome skins for this aircraft...you rock!
    To my fellows at Combatace and the Mirage Factory for helping me beta test and work out bugs.
    Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
    What you will need first:
    This archive file (duh!).
    Copy of SFP1/WOE/WOV/WOI patched to the latest standard (as of 06 Sep 08)
    The Mirage Factory MSIP F-15 Eagles (you will need them for the cockpit): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5865
    The WeaponEditor appropriate for your install. You NEED to know how to use it to get the properly colored external tanks.
    Notes and limitations.
    The F-15 ACTIVE (originally the F-15 S/MTD) is a modification of a preproduction F-15B used to test various technologies to increase short field abilities, manuverability, and enhanced flight control systems.
    More information can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-15S/MTD
    Two LODs are included, the F-15a.LOD (in use) and the F-15ad.LOD, which is for those computers that can run it...it's mainly used to smooth out any decal issues if you decide to customize later. But be warned, it can crash computers that can't handle it.
    This model was modified from wpnssgts F-15D, which in turn came from Flying Toaster's original F-15 model. As such, it also means that the skins for the MF F-15D will pretty much work normally, except for the canards. I'll leave it to you to figure out where the mappings are for those.
    The following modifications have been made to the visual model:
    1) Canards
    2) Movable nozzles for thrust vectoring
    3) Drooping ailerons when flaps are extended
    4) Minor cosmetic changes
    5) I did NOT add the pitot boom...mainly because that's a test aircraft thing only...and I can see future mods coming from folks showing the ACTIVE in service. Plus, I just didn't like it.
    The flight model incorperates the following:
    1) Independent thrust vectoring (NOT pitch linked). Range is 20 degrees nose up to 2 degrees nose down. Done this way due to limitations of sim and AI.
    2) Canards, including increased pitch up authority and increased yaw ability (symmetric and asymmetric movement)
    3) Drooping ailerons with flaps for better short field performance.
    As of right now, the AI will not take advantage of this increased ability, mainly due to my relative newness to the FM world.
    The handling is overall similar to the F-15D Eagle, however, your alpha and yaw abilities at low airspeed are significantly better. However, that also means that you can put yourself into a corner if you are not careful. Also, in Hard mode, a low to high rapid alpha pull will induce a right bank...this does not happen in Normal mode. Yaw (rudder) must be applied with discretion...the aircraft will depart if you leave it in too long.
    Finally, because the aircraft has increased alpha ability, it will happily stay at 60 degrees pitch below 100 knots all day...right into the ground. Don't be thinking you can do a loop on immediate takeoff and just keep the stick back the whole time...
    This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part.
    Because this file has a lot of stuff that is not mine, it is not currently freely redistributable. This is an exception to my normal policy. I hope to change that condition soon...in the meantime, please honor the requests of the folks who contributed to this mod to not redistribute it without getting permission first.
    06 Sep 08


       (4 reviews)



  8. F-15C Eagle

    This is the F-15C Eagle built by Flying Toaster and imported into SF by Wpnssgt, Fubar512, & USAFMTL.
    Go Kill Some MiGs!!
    22 Mar 08 - updated LOD added from the 1.1 package submitted: Sep 6 2005


       (0 reviews)



  9. F-15E Strike Eagle Version 1.3

    Updated to use "modern" avionics.
    F-15E Strike Eagle Version 20 March 2008
    Original Model by Flying Toaster
    Additional Model Work by Wpnssgt
    Flight Model by Fubar512 (Use in Normal)
    Avionics by Moonjumper
    Effects by Deuces
    Skins by Wpnssgt & USAFMTL
    Original F-15 Cockpit by Kesselbrut modified to an F-15C (BETA) by Wpnssgt
    Drop tanks by Fast Cargo.
    Loading & Hangar Screens by Kout
    Fixed the wheels in the runway. Thanks Ant.
    Ready to use in WOE or WOI (use it in WOI, hint hint)


       (12 reviews)



  10. Mirage Factory F-15A Baz

    IAF F-15A BAZ by the Mirage Factory. Upload with permission of Sony Tuckson


       (1 review)



  11. Mirage Factory F-15A Eagle

    USAF F-15A Eagle by the Mirage Facotry. Uploaded with permission by Sony Tuckson


       (2 reviews)



  12. JASDF F-15DJ

    F-15DJ Eagle
    Skins by Sundowner
    Original Model by Flying Toaster
    Additional Model Work by Wpnssgt
    Flight Model by Fubar512
    INI work by MJ and USAFMTL
    Effects by Deuces
    Sounds by Fubar512
    Original F-15 Cockpit by Kesselbrut modified to an F-15C by Wpnssgt. Bottom left MFD is inop.
    ****Warning - Skins are 2048x2048 and should be resized if your system cannot handle large texture files****
    There is additional skin files included that you can swap out if you want ultra high res 4096x4096 or low end high res of 1024x1024.
    Extract/Drag the F-15DJ folder into your Objects/Aircraft Folder of your WOE install. As this uses the WOE droptanks.
    All Sounds go into the Sounds Folder
    All Effects go into the Effect Folder
    Drop tanks goes in the the Weapons folder. If you dont have it, download the weapons pack and or make a weapons folder in your Objects folder and drop the BMP in there


       (5 reviews)



  13. JASDF F-15CJ

    F-15CJ Eagle
    Original Model by Flying Toaster
    Additional Model Work by Wpnssgt
    Flight Model by Fubar512
    INI work by MJ and USAFMTL
    Effects by Deuces
    Sounds by Fubar512
    Skins: Sundowner of course!
    Original F-15A Cockpit by Kesselbrut


       (8 reviews)



  14. MSIP F-15C/D

    F-15C/D with MSIP upgrade. Moonjumper aka Crusader and his magic avionics work really takes this F-15 to a new level. It also features Fubar512, seriously reworked FM and tons of other ini work. Read the readme for details.


       (15 reviews)



  15. F-15D Eagle

    Another Eagle, only this time you can have some company while you're aloft!
    F-15D Eagle
    Brought to you by the F-15 2005 Team


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