12 files
AU-1 Corsair
By Crusader
*** Original SFP1 version, released March 3, 2006 ***
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| Vought AU-1 Corsair |
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The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo) present :
The AU-1 Corsair
Le Modéle SFP1
3D : BPAo
Textures : Sundowner
FM : Kreelin
Sound : Kreelin
3D & Textures : KesselBrut (based on Wolf cockpit)
Pilote texture : Bosco Hsuean
3D : Crab_02
Textures : Crab_02
Equipe de Test
Manetsim, Gaston, Sony Tuckson, Actarus, Column5, DamWaar, _Thomas_, Camouflage, Obelix
Weapons add
the best way is use the WeaponPack.
if you can't wait, use last weapon editor from ThirdWire and import
F4u_Weapondata.ini (you can found this file in weapons directory)
in your weapondata.ini.
Suez Avenger for WOI - Suez Crisis
By eburger68
TBM-3E Avenger for Wings Over Israel - Suez Crisis
This is a modification of the TBM-3E released by The Wrench, which is itself a mod of the TBF/TBM Avenger available in the WWII aircraft section at the A-Team Skunkworks web site:
This mod creates a TBM-3E Avenger for use in ThirdWire's Wing Over Israel (WOI). Included are French Navy and Royal Navy texture sets.
Historical purists & rivet-counters take note: what you're about to read is likely to cause nausea, dizziness, and mild vomiting.
Before discussing anything else, let me tell you what's wrong with this mod:
1) It uses the wrong aircraft: the French Naval Air unit participating in the Suez Crisis flew the TBM-3S/W, not the TBM-3E. I don't have access to a TBM-3S/W model, so the TBM-3E it is.
2) It represents the wrong unit: the French Naval Air unit flying the Avenger in the Suez Crisis was 9 Flotilla, not 15 Flotilla. I don't have decals for 9F, so I used the 15F decals from The Mirage Factory's F4U-7 Corsair instead.
3) It flies the wrong missions: the French Avenger was primarily an anti-submarine aircraft. Given that there are no Anti-Sub missions in WOI (and given that flying around over an open ocean for hours at a time would get really old really fast in this game), this Avenger is configured to fly Strike, CAS, and Armed Recon missions like other attack aircraft in the world of ThirdWire.
For those of you still with me, let me provide some other information about this mod.
This mod is NOT a complete, self-contained package. It requires that you download the TBF/TBM Avenger from the A-Team's site (see above for a link). Once you've got that file downloaded, do the following:
1) Unpack the A-Team's TBF/TBM Avenger into its own folder.
2) Copy or move the \Objects & \Sounds folders from this mod (i.e., the Suez Avenger mod) to your WOI installation directory.
3) Copy or move the following items from the A-Team TBF/TBM Avenger to the \Objects\Aircraft\TBM-3E folder in your WOI installation directory:
- TBM Avenger-R5.LOD
- TBM Avenger-R5.OUT
- \Cockpit [the entire folder "as is"]
4. Install the AN/APS-4 Radar Pod data (from ForWeaponData.txt) to your WeaponData.INI and save the changes using the 3rdWire Weapons Editor.
That's it. You're ready to fly.
Please note that the default unit/skin is the French Navy 15F. I've thrown in Kulbit(80)'s Royal Navy skin as a bonus. This aircraft can be flown reliably on both Hard and Normal flight model settings.
This mod produces the same aircraft as the version for SF2I.
Changes & Updates
This mod makes extensive changes to Wrench's TBM-3E. Here's a short list:
- added French Navy 15F texture set
- added Kulbit(80)'s Royal Navy texture set
- added custom Hangar & Loading screens
- added updated Loadout image
- tweaked flight model for Hard settings in WOI
- tweaked landing gear to fix AI aircraft exploding
on the taxiway
- removed belly gunner node and gun
- performed other minor, misc. tweaks & adjustments
Thanks to Wrench and Kulbit(80) for testing and misc. tweaks & fixes.
As noted earlier, this is a modification of the TBM-3E released by The Wrench, which is itself a mod of the TBF/TBM Avenger available in the WWII aircraft section at the A-Team Skunkworks web site:
Original aircraft: Dev A-Team (Capun, Charles, Gramps and Kesselbrut)
TBM-3E Modifications: Kevin Stein, aka The Wrench
AN/APS-4 radar pod: Tim Davis
Royal Navy skin: Michal Minta, aka Kulbit(80)
15F decals: The Mirage Factory
Please see the \_Docs folder for the original readme files included with the mods listed above. Any errors or omissions are entirely my responsibility.
Eric Howes
27 July 2010
Alphasim Free Skyray texture fix SF/WOV/WOE Patched 10/08
The Mod Fixes some of the texture bugs in the Alphasim Free Skyray.
To install: Unzip the Alphasim_SkyrayFix.Zip and copy the texture files to the correct folders.
First copy the 2 textures from the Add_Cockpit folder to the Cockpit folder(overwright,Say Yes) then copy the
8 textures from the Add_USNGray1 folder to the USNGray1 folder.
Go Fly!
Fixes :
Addes textures to the external cockpit and jet exhaust.
UnPainted surfaces in the external cockpit are unmaped.
If you want to deleat all the unneeded files see full Readme.
Credits- Model Alphasim
By creature
fixed tail hook and aircraft can now land and stop on a carrier
There has been a little confusion about the designers of this aircraft. I in no-way claim to have built this aircraft, just enjoyed tweaking it.
I included a readme.txt in the download that states this!
Just to be clear the original designers that made a delightful aircraft:
by Pasko, Column5 (FM and avionics)
Skins by Pasko, Gramps, Major Lee and Marcfighters
F4D-1 Skyray
By Julhelm
F4D-1 Skyray V1.0
Model/Cockpit/Textures/Weapons: Julhelm
Flight Model: Column5
Hangar Painting: Julhelm
* Virtual cockpit
* Extensive exterior detail
* Accurate markings for VF-102 and VF(AW)-3
* Fueltanks with unit-specific markings
* Custom FFAR Rocketpods with radar targeting and which can be used by the AI when attacking aircraft!
Installation notes:
Simply extract the F4D-1 folder into your Objects\Aircraft folder, the files in the F4D-1 Weapons folder into your weapons folder and then add the info contained in the two text files to their respective target files (gundata and weapondata) and run the editors to compile the files.
Legal s**t:
This file cannot be used in any payware packages or such, it also cannot be changed or tampered with in any way, or uploaded in any shape or form by a third party without my consent or permission.
Failure to adher to these rules will be punished by summary execution by firing squad - Your next of kin shall be billed for the expended cartridge.
You have been warned.
Nils 'Julhelm' Dücker
F4U-4B Corsair, Korea Mod
By Wrench
F4U-4B Corsair -- A mod of the Mirage Factory's F4U-7
For SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY!!!!-
This is a modification of The Mirage Factory's F4U-7 (French Navy version), into the earlier, and almost identical, -4B as used by the US Navy and Marine Corps during the Korea War.
This pak contains -almost- everything you'll need to create this new version, minus a few critical files that you'll need to copy from the original F4U-7. So you MUST have the -7 somewhere to copy them from. If not, you can download it from Check6 (TMF Home Site), Column5 or CombatAce (?)
This is to be considered as an "incomplete" aircraft mod, due to the non-inclusion of certain files. I've NOT included the aircraft LOD files or the cockpit folder. See below "To Install" for a complete list of the necessary parts. This should also be considered as a 'stand-in' aircraft, as TMF is/was working on the -4B model for release at some point. I'm sure their's will be better than this small offering
So, as to soften the blow, I've included 3 new skins, based off the originals, for your use in a Korean Era (or Prop Cold War Gone Hot) type of install.
They are:
VF-53, USS Essex circa 1950
VMA-332, circa 1953
VMF-214, circa 1951
The skins are tweekifcations of existing TMF Corsair skins.
I've included all the inis I've modified, so you'll be copying the minimum number of bits. You'll also get my Korean Corsairs Hangar screen, and a new Pilot figure.
This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons (minus the Corsair drop tank - it comes with the F4U-7).
For those NOT using the Bunyap Weapons Pak, the WW2 bombs needed are included, as is TMF's original F4U drop tank. Just in case. The HVAR rockets are NOT included, as they exist in both the BunyPak and TMFs
=IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed to be used in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, as WoI has almost competly hosed the WW2-ish propeller plane flight models. If you attempt to use this in WoI, you do so at your own risk of flying 'quite oddly'.
READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions, plus the usual "Notes & Other Ramblings" section
Happy Hunting!
kevin stein
F7U Cutlass
By Wrench
Vought F7U-3M Cutlass by MarcFighters
A Stand-Alone aircraft for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI
This is a General Release of Marcello's F7U Cutlass Beta -(minus), as such it IS an incomplete aircraft, with many parts of the physical model either non-functional (ie: control surfaces, etc), or semi-functional. Please consider this a "Beta - (minus)" type of release.
It is a complete aircraft, with respect that all the bits needed to unzip and fly away are included. It is fully carrier capable, and has been tested off various US carriers.
I've tried to do what I can, with ini edits and other 'tweeks' to make it more functional. I don't think they came out too bad. We can only hope that in the future, Marcello releases a finished version. I'm doing this, simply because many people want this aircraft in their stable, even with all the warts still on it :) I hope Marcello dosen't mind!!
So, please take this in the spirit given.
Said data ini edits make the aircraft fully carrier capable (!!), via a ''virtual'' tail hook. A full cockpit, based off the F-4Bs in included, as are all the inis. The avionics ini includes an audio-only RWR, beeping ONLY on the 'track sound'. These are basically missile-armed interceptors, with 2 of the 4 20mm guns removed. As such, it is still a fully capable ground attack aircraft, carrying rocket pods and bombs.
It has a new skin, representing F7U-3Ms from VA-116 , aboard USS HANCOCK during the 1957 time frame. It's one of the few squadrons that painted their aircraft in the gull-gray/white scheme; most of the Cutlass' were left natural metal. The skin was created from a template I drew up, based on the UVmaps supplied in the original limited release in 2006 (?). Templates ARE included, as I'm not real happy with the skin in some respects; it needs further work and there are some bits on the map I can't figure out. So, if any other skinners want to have a crack at cleaning it up; have at it my brothers and sisters!!! :) Panel lines need some additions, small vent details, etc, etc, etc.
New, historical decals are included for 25 aircraft; modex numbers and BuNums that ARE 100% accurate, as they are real serial numbers as issued by the US Navy BuAer. Those marked with a star (*) in the number list are actual aircraft from VA-116; the other are fill-ins. Meaning, I could find a listing (read: photo) of the others.
It is set up to use the Bunyap Pak, as only it contains the VERY early Sparrow missiles, and the drop tanks. I've set it to use the drop tanks from FoxMontor's F3H Demon, as they have nearly the proper shape and size. Loadout configurations are a 'best guess' in some cases; there is an extra set of pylons built into the aircraft, that I've used for rocket pods in the CAS and Armed Recon mission assignments. In real life, the -3M that this 'represents', only had the fuselage and wing stations. So, consider this something between the F7U-3M and A2U, even though the A2U never went beyond a planning stage, and had 4 more stations for air-to-ground ordanance.
A revamped, newer, cleaner version of my really old Cutlass Hangar Screen is included.
It it advised that if you are using the Mirage Factory Pak, that you copy/import the necessary early style weapons. I've supplied all the necessary bits; they and the accompanying text file with the weapons' data, are in the /weapons folder in the "xtra_stuff" folder.
As it is a complete aircraft, it should also be usable in WoI, although this particular aircaft has not been tested as such -- BE ADVISED, that WoI handles flight models differently, and I (and the folks that originaly built this) cannot be responsible for "adverse handling conditions, leading to uncontroled flight into terrain". Be that as it may, it should work passably! However, it's my considered opinon, that it NOT be used in WoI.
As usual, read the enclosed readme, all the necessary instructions are included. As well as an extensive Notes & Comments section. Many explainations, hints, other informative goodies are there!
With thanks to Marcello for putting this out several years ago, and wishing him a speedy recovery. This one's for you man!
kevin stein
F9F-5P Addon
By Guest
The F9F-5P was the mainstay of US Navy Photo-Reconnaissance squadrons in the mid-1950s, eventually being replaced by the swept-wing Cougar.
F9F-5 Panther
By Guest
The Grumman F9F Panther was the first truly successful jet fighter to enter US Navy service. It formed the backbone of carrier air wings from the late 1940s to the mid 1950s.
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