393 files
WOV Hangar and Loading Screens Bonus
This is a Bonus pack for my Wings Over Vietnam Hangar and Loading Screens. It contains corrected screens from the previous packs and, also, new Hangar and Loading Screens, including the excellent F-106 for anyone willing to embody it in WOV, altough it did not take action in the Vietnam War. The F-4D Night Owl Loading Screen inspired me a lot, so I made loading screens for the AC-119G Shadow, the AC-119K Stinger and the B-57G Canberra.
Furthermore, Menu Screens are included, some Thirdwire-style and some of my own. However, some people gave me ideas with their works. These are:
Polaski, with his outstanding Pack here: http://combatace.com/files/file/1880-wov-menu-screens-final/
Kout, with his lovely Loadingscreen here:http://combatace.com/files/file/1677-wov-loadingscreen/
and Viper63a, with his excellent work for Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam here:
Important notes for this pack
Two Mainscreen versions are included. You have to choose an image and the .ini from the same folder.
I have included a few Default Loadingscreens in the flight folder. Choose the one you like most.
As for the Menu, pick the contents from one of the two folders and place them to the Menu folder in the main game folder.
In any case, allow to overwrite.
Concluding, a WoV desktop icon is included.
I hope you enjoy.
WOV Hangar and Loading Screens Part 3
This is the third (probably last) part of my Hangar and Loading Screen Pack for Wings Over Vietnam.
I hope you enjoy.
WOV Hangar and Loading Screens Part 2
My second part of Wings Over Vietnam Hangar and Loading Screens. I hope you enjoy.
Third part coming up.
Same installation procedure.
SBD-3 Hangar and Loading screens
Hangar and loading screens for SBD-3 Dauntless From Capun's site.
WOV Hangar and Loading Screens Part 1
This is the first part of my Wings Over Vietnam Hangar and Loading Screen Pack. I tried to gather as many images as I could, in order to succeed maximum historical accuracy and high resolution. Thus, I have included quite a few options for each aircraft.
I tried to provide screens for most aircraft used in the Vietnam war that are also available in the Strike Fighters 1 Series or addons.
Thanks to the WOV Expansion Pack Team for the wonderful idea with the F-4D Night Owl Loading Screen. They gave me an inspiration for making two of my own Loading Screens of this type (one for the AC-130A and one more for the F-4D Night Owl).
I hope you enjoy.
More packs coming soon.
BACKUP the original files first. Then enter the main .ini file for each aircraft, copy the name of the Hangar Screen and rename the .bmp file. Same with the Loading Screen.
MirageIIICJ_Shahak_Loading_screens 2560x1440
By UllyB
This is a pack for people who want diversity when it comes to an aircraft loading screen and use a UHD monitor which can handle 2560x1440 resolutions. This pack is designed for the Israeli Mirage IIICJ Shahak. I was inspired by the "Six day warriors" Deuces work.
I made this pack for the SF1_WOI game but it should work with the other SF1_X games, as well. Just unzip the pack and choose a picture you like. Change its name into Shahak_Loading.bmp and place it into /Wings over Israel/Objects/Aircraft/Shahak/ folder. That's it. Start the game and when the game will load the mission, presuming you will choose to fly a Mirage IIICJ Shahak single player random generated mission, you will see this screen. I hope you will enjoy it.
You can use my mod in your projects but you must add me to the credit list.
ThirdWire F-4J Loading screen
By Crusader
This F-4J_Loading.bmp file is the original loading screen from the
ThirdWire F-4J stand-alone add-on F-4J for Strike Fighters Project 1.
National counters for Wings Over Israel - February 2015 Update
This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size counters, devoted to each of the nationalities present in Wings Over Israel. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and brigade/division devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units.
-- February 2015 changes: lots of variant counters for each era of the Israeli-Arab Wars --
Egypt and Syria (Iraq and Libya to a lesser extent) have changed quite often their flags and roundels during the period covered by Wings Over Israel (1948-82 with add-ons for SF2:Israel). So I chose to include several variants, which allowed me as well to insert some minor changes, just for aesthetic purpose (Syrian division-sized units by the ’70s only, Arab camo skins by the ’70s only, Arab camo suits for ground units by the ’80s...). Thus, the screenshots here depict the overture for the campaigns of Six-Day War 1967 and Lebanon War 1982, with clear differences regarding the Syrian counters.
Medals Pack, Israeli-Arab Wars - February 2015 update
The State of Israel provides very few medals even to his bravest soldiers. Three in all are actually attributed, which are all included as stock in SF1:Wings over Israel or SF2:Israel. Additionally, they are scarcely awarded, and almost never seen on the chests even of the best aces of the Israeli Air Force. The few ribbons that could be seen there were mostly awarded for participation in a given campaign, not for exceptional feats, honorable wounds, or exemplary long service.
This mod makes these campaign ribbons available; they will allow you to keep a track of the campaigns during which your pilot has flown even just a handful of missions. Moreover, I have included as well the badges for command citations that could be granted for special feats. A devoted panel of decorations has been created for each of the following selected periods when Israel was fighting an open war or undeclared hostilities. You shall just have to upload the correct panel before beginning a campaign. Citations have been arranged to restitute the fact that no medals actually existed before 1973.
Eight periods covered:
War of Independence 1948-49
Sinai Campaign 1956
Interwar 1956-67
Six-Day War 1967
Interwar 1967-73
Yom Kippur War 1973
Interwar 1973-82 (also works for 21st Century what-if campaigns)
Operation Peace for Galilee 1982
Changes in the June 2012 update:
New panel added for the War of Independence (campaign existing for SF2:Israel)
New lowest level of citation added in all panels (brigade commander citation), inducing some changes in the awards' criteria and precedence; citations rewritten accordingly
Modified AwardScreen for SF2:Israel
Changes in the February 2015 update:
French translation now included for all of the awards' names and citations. If you chose an installation of the game in French, just overwrite the relevant folders with those enclosed in the "French" folder.
VPAF Awards & Pilots for Wings over Vietnam
Aren't you tired at spending lots of your missions in the U.S.-sided campaigns of WoV flying a bomb truck, either trying to crush a handful of black pyjamas in the jungle, or to survive the vicious flak and SAMs over Hanoi? Don't you dream instead of a campaign completely devoted to interceptions, dogfights, the blazing air-to-air combat across the clouds over home country, facing a superior enemy that puts the challenge very high? So give a try to the Red side of the 'Nam! Such campaigns do exist at CombatAce, provided by eburger68, that makes the MiG interceptors flyable. Now I do provide the faces behind your cockpit, and the awards for your guts.
This mod provides you with a large panel of decorations for the Vietnam People's Air Force. Lots of pilots pics have also been added, with Soviet hard helmet for the MiG-21 pilots, and soft leather skullcap for the MiG-17/-19 pilots.
The complete list of your available decorations is displayed here:
Order of Ho Chi Minh
Hero of the People's Military
Order of the Military (3 Classes, each one awarded only once)
Victory Order (3 Classes, multiple awards possible)
Glorious Soldier Order (3 Classes, each one awarded only once)
Resistance Order (2nd Class)
Resistance Medal (2nd Class)
Glorious Soldier Medal
Uncle Ho Badges (multiple awards possible)
Colored screens for Wings Over Russia
This mod is intended to add 23 colored screens to the full-inclusive add-on Wings Over Russia, collective work for SF1 by The Dev A-Team, available at Capun Skunkworks. Several of these screens will be used in the campaigns that I plan to release. Regarding your own campaigns, you will just have to make by yourselves a little work in the campaigns files, for each of the flyable units you'd want to associate with an adequate BaseScreen. Details are given in the ReadMe file.
August 2014 update: adds half a dozen screens, new or better quality, keeping the older variants for same models.34 downloads
New Woe Mainscreen BF3 style + music
This time its the new BF-3 inspired Main menu screen and the Serenata Immortale by Immediate Music to try and make you feel more epic and in awe when you enter your air combat sim.
BE WARNED that the picture will mask the Menu buttons but they will still be there and they should appear when you navigate your mouse over them.
I left it like this on purpose to have a cleaner looking Screen. Hopefully you wont have much trouble for this...
Do NOT forget to BACKUP your files if you have an alternative installed.
Good hunting pilots!
Main menu for Woi "One MiG Down"
Hello, this is my first minimod for SF1:WOI and representing a new mainmenu picture and menu text disposition and resizing for a better view. You can easily change the text size by changing parameters in the line
to something else located in the MAINSCREEN.INI file.
The picture quality is low because I had to enlare the original picture I found on the net.
Here is the piece of original description:
"A formation of Mirages led by Lt Col Avi Lanir - commander of 101 Squadron Israeli Air Force - intercepts the MiG-21s over the Syrian Desert on
9 November 1972. In the ensuing dogfight two of the Syrian MiGs are shot down. One from a direct hit by Lanir to score his second MiG victory..."
all credits go to Robert Taylor at Wings Fine Arts Inc
Best regards, Serbiansaber1
SF-P1 HD mainscreen and other screens
By wingwiner
Screens and menus for Strike Fighters P1 in 1920:1080 High Definition resolution.
This mod contains :
- Main Screen
- Single Mission screen
- Loadout screen
- Debrief screen
- Options screen
- Pilot roster screen
and all modified *.ini files and psd file for Mainscreen.
Make backup your oryginal files before instalation !
Flesh and Metal for WoV - VNAF/RAAF update
This mod provides you with enlarged panels of decorations for the US Air Force and US Navy / US Marine Corps, as well as many pilots pics to embody the SAM fodder.
The March 2011 update adds some more Vietnamese decorations to your awards panels for USAF and USN/USMC, and a completely new awards panel for the Republic of Vietnam Air Force, in the case a mod would allow you to fly a campaign as a VNAF pilot. Lots of pilots pics have also been added, including a large number of photographs for South Vietnamese pilots. The Vietnamese anthem completes the package.
The September 2013 update adds a full panel of awards for the Australian pilots in Vietnam (No.2 Sqn RAAF, Canberra bombers), as well as some new Vietnamese decorations, and many American and Australian pilot Pics.
The complete lists of your available decorations (partly stock ones, partly Guest's, partly SF2's, partly mine) are displayed here:
Medal of Honor
Air Force Cross
Silver Star Medal
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Air Force Distinguished Service Medal
Legion of Merit
Bronze Star Medal
Distinguished Flying Cross
Airman's Medal
Air Medal
Purple Heart
Vietnam Service Medal
Vietnamese Air Force Distinguished Service Order
Vietnamese Air Gallantry Cross (Gold Wings)
Vietnamese Campaign Medal
Medal of Honor (Navy model)
Navy Cross
Silver Star Medal
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Navy Distinguished Service Medal
Legion of Merit
Bronze Star Medal
Distinguished Flying Cross
Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Air Medal
Purple Heart
Vietnam Service Medal
Vietnamese Navy Distinguished Service Order
Vietnamese Navy Gallantry Cross (Gold Anchor)
Vietnamese Campaign Medal
National Order of Vietnam
Air Force Distinguished Service Order
Air Force Meritorious Service Medal
Air Gallantry Cross (Bronze, Silver and Gold Wings)
Hazardous Service Medal
Air Service Medal
Wound Medal
Campaign Medal
US Legion of Merit
US Distinguished Flying Cross
US Air Medal
RAAF (No.2 Sqn, Canberra bombers) :
Victoria Cross
Distinguished Service Order
Order of the British Empire, Member
Distinguished Flying Cross (and Bar)
Air Force Cross
Mentioned in Despatches badge
Vietnam Medal
US Legion of Merit
US Distinguished Flying Cross
US Air Medal
Vietnamese Air Gallantry Cross (Silver Wings)
Vietnamese Campaign Medal
National counters for Wings Over Vietnam
This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size counters, devoted to each of the nationalities present in Wings Over Vietnam. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and divisional devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units.
- September 2013 update: adds USMC, ROK and Australian ground counters, and now distinctive USN and USMC light grey air counters.
Pilot pics, Israeli-Arab Wars
Here are some pics of Israeli (mostly), Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian and Soviet pilots, for you to know which face is looking into the mirrors of your Mirage/MiG/Hunter cockpit. Enjoy.
Coalition Pack for Operation Desert Storm
This mod for Operation Desert Storm (free add-on available on Combatace downloads) provides adequate awards systems, anthems, and lists of ranks for the flyable non-American Coalition members: the British Royal Air Force, the Canadian Forces Air Command, and the Aeronautica Militare Italiana. The awards panels for the US Air Force and US Navy/ US Marine Corps have also been enlarged by adding some new decorations, reshaped in the good size.
Pilots pics for Operation Desert Storm
The file contains pictures for pilots from the nations who sent combat aircraft over Kuwait in 1991, by alphabetic order: Canadians, French, Iraqis, Italians, Kuwaitis, (British) Royal Air Force, Saudis, US Air Force, US Marine Corps and US Navy. Enjoy flying over burning oilfields.
Mirage 2000C Hangar and Loading screens
These screens have been designed for Christian59's SF1 model for the 2000C, but should work for any work adapted from Erwin_Hans' Taiwanese 2000-5.
Pilots pics, Korean War
This expanded mod provides the presented pics, and many, many others, covering most of the flying belligerents of the Korean War, in various and uneven numbers: US Air Force, US Navy, US Marine Corps, British Fleet Air Arm, Royal Australian Air Force, South African Air Force, Republic of Korea Air Force, Soviet VVS/PVO, Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force, and Democratic People's Republic of Korea Air Force.
Most of the depicted pilots are now named in the ReadMe file. Enjoy.
Medals & Musics Pack for Edward's Korean War
This mod provides completely reshaped systems of awards, for the main belligerents present in Edward's mod intended to recreate the Korean War (available in Combatace downloads): the USAF, the USN/USMC, the Royal Australian Air Force, and the Soviet Air Force. Remember that in the early 1950s, the newborn US Air Force was still using mainly US Army decorations.
The sources for decorations pictures are : stock SFP1, stock First Eagles, Charles' Medals Pack v2.0, my own Flesh 'n Metal for WoV (both available in Combatace downloads), and some new personal creations devoted to that mod. The complete lists of now available awards are detailed in the ReadMe.
The mod also replaces many in-game musics with new ones providing a softer, Far-Eastern-sounding ambiance. Try them.
National counters for Operation Desert Storm
This mod is an adaptation from First Eagles' planning map, where different colors can be displayed for each present nationality. It provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size counters, devoted to each of the nationalities present in Operation Desert Storm. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and brigade/division devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units.Besides all of the present units, I have included counters for units not used in the original Desert Storm campaign, but which were present and played a significant role, and as such could be used in a upgraded campaign. Namely an air counter for the French Armée de l'Air, and ground counters for the forces of Egypt, Syria (division-sized units), and Saudi Arabia (miscellaneous brigades).
Updated version October 2011: the US air counters now display the adequate low-visibility roundels.
National counters for Wings Over Africa
This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size, more immersive counters, devoted to each of the nationalities present in Wings Over Africa. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and division devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units.
National counters for Wings Over Europe
This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size, more immersive counters, devoted to each of the nationalities present in Wings Over Europe – and also to some that could be added. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and division devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units.
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