Aircraft Models
New aircraft models for OFF / Combat Flight Simulator
40 files
Readme File 1/16/2013
HPW Ultimate Damage Model for OFF BHaH HITR Full Campaign and QC Battles
by Herr Prop Wasche
Zip file contents:
HPW UltimateDM\aircraft folder with 477 individual aircraft folders, .xdp files and .bdp files
This readme.txt
INSTALLATION: Important! This version of the damage mod is intended to be used only along with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler and should not be installed UNLESS JSGME has already been installed into your OBDSoftware folder. With JSGME, installation and use of this, or any mod, is very easy. Simply extract the contents of the zip file into the MODS folder which is created when you install JSGME into OFF. The mod is correctly installed if you see this readme.txt and the following folder structure inside the MODS folder: HPW UltimateDM\aircraft\Alb_DIII_AC1, AC2, etc. To load the mod, simply run JSGME, highlight the mod you wish to use, click on the top button, and then start your game. That's it!
An even simpler method is to simply click on the HPW UltimateDM.exe self-installer program created by Lothar. This program will automatically check your OFF and JSGME installation and install the mod into the correct folder. No muss, no fuss! Thanks, Lothar!
--Decreased wing-tip hit point values for the Fokker EIII.
--Slightly decreased engine hit point values for the Alb DIII early.
--Decreased engine hit point values for the
Hannover CIIIa.
--Slightly increased engine hit points for the Alb DVa 200.
--Engine threshold values adjusted again to reduce chance of engine fires and the "forever flying flamers" bug. You should see less fires than in version 1.25 but more than you get using Buddy1998's damage model.
--Engine hit points reduced somewhat on two-seaters and "pusher" types (DH-2 and Fee's) for better game balance.
--File structure revised in order to comply with Lothar of the Hill Peoples Offbase program and proper placement of JSGME inside the OBDSoftware game folder.
--Added HPW UltimateDM.exe self-installer program created by Lothar.
--Engine hit points adjusted for all aircraft for a better balance between scouts and two-seaters. Most scout engines have a few more hit points, while most two-seater engines have slightly fewer.
--Engine threshold values adjusted for all aircraft. Camel and Dr1 slightly less likely to catch fire, Albatros series more likely to catch fire than in version 1.1. ALL aircraft WILL catch fire eventually if hit hard enough. Fx_airexplosion and fx_enginefire moved from center fuel tank to engine, resulting in more realistic engine fires and explosions.
--Fuel tank hit points for most aircraft raised slightly.
--Fuel leaks adjusted so some aircraft--especially Albatros series--do not spring major fuel leaks as quickly as before. Small fuel leaks slightly more likely, however.
--Minor adjustments to hit points for wings and wing tips on almost all aircraft. Wings on most two-seaters are somewhat weaker (exception: Roland's wings approximately 10% stronger). Wings and wing tips for Fokker Dr1 and Se5a's somewhat stronger.
--Minor adjustments to ailerons, elevators, and horizontal stabilizers on some aircraft.
--"Break" level for pilot and observer reduced from 100% to 75% to see if this results in greater chance of pilot injury or death.
--More thorough testing of all aircraft to insure better game balance.
--Hit probabilities for aileron, elevator, and rudder cables reduced substantially so that hits to cables should be much less frequent than before. Hit points for all cables also increased slightly.
--Hit probabilities to pilot and center fuel tank adjusted slightly.
--Hit points for ailerons increased by approximately 150% and threshold values adjusted.
--Minor increase in wing tip strength.
--Hit probability to landing gear reduced by 50%.
--Minor adjustments to threshold values for engine, oil reservoir, and center fuel tank.
--For DH5 only, chance of fire and explosion to auxillary fuel tank removed and replaced with fuel leaks.
--For Spad VII and Spad XIII only, increased wing hit points by approximately 5% to reflect sturdy reputation of Spad series.
Initial release 1.0
Thank you for downloading HPW's Ultimate DM, a totally new version of the damage model for Hat in the Ring, the official extension to Between Heaven and Hell, the WWI flight sim modification of CFS3 by OBD Software. In addition to the advances featured in my previous damage model modifications, this entirely new damage model brings additional realism to the stock damage model by significantly increasing the hit points of most aircraft components, but particularly the engine, wings, and tail assemblies, of virtually every aircraft currently available in HITR. As a result of these changes, air combat has now become longer, more intense, and more unpredictable than ever!
Due to a suggestion by Creaghorn (thank you, Creaghorn), hit points for some components in the Ultimate DM have been increased by more than 500 percent in some cases! On the other hand, special effect "triggers," such as fuel leaks, oil leaks, fires, explosions, and "break" commands or failure levels for all components have also been reduced by a proportionate amount so the total failure of a particular aircraft component occurs just as frequently as it did in the stock and previous damage model mods. This helps to avoid the dreaded "flying tank" situation that some of the developers have sometimes mentioned in referring to previous test versions of the stock DM. The overall goal of this new DM, therefore, is to make dogfighting both more challenging for the experienced OFF gamer, but also enjoyable for the more casual, or less experienced, flight simulation fan.
To give you an idea of what I am trying to accomplish with this mod, hit points for most aircraft engines in the stock game average around 110 points. Therefore, under the stock DM, an engine that receives only 11 points of damage loses 10% of its power--and an engine that receives 55 points of damage loses 50% of its power! As a result, aircraft with only minor engine damage become unable to maneuver and frequently slam into the ground due to the lack of engine power. By substantially increasing the engine hit points, but also reducing the failure point by a proportionate amount, I have been able to recreate a situation where the engine still functions at close to full power, virtually up to the moment when it catches fire or fails completely! As a result, enemy aircraft will continue to turn, climb, dive, and remain able to fight you, up to almost the last minute. All aircraft (including your own) should no longer suffer from an immediate (and often quite noticeable) loss in engine performance after only a very short burst into the front of the plane. The same principle applies to the wings of all aircraft. No longer will you or your opponent experience an immediate and major loss of maneuverability after having your wing or aileron get hit by just a couple of bullets.
As mentioned above, other improvements to the damage model from my previous damage model mods have also been incorporated into this new version. For example, time period of service, overall aircraft reputation for durability or weakness, notable structural problems in various aircraft (weaker lower wings in Albs, for example), and overall game balance have also been considered in the development of this damage model.
Again, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to OBD Software for their help and encouragement in the making of this and previous versions of the damage mod. I would also like especially to thank Creaghorn and Hellshade for their comments, suggestions, and help in the development and testing of this mod. I would not have been able to complete it without all of their valuable help and encouragement! Thanks also goes out to all of the members of the Over Flanders' Fields forum to which this mod is dedicated. With the exception of the tweaks contained in this damage model, all work remains the sole work and property of OBD software. If you have any questions or experience any problems with the installation of this mod, you can reach me at at the Over Flanders Field forum. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the mod. Happy flying!
HPW FM and EW Mods for Campaign and QC Battles
<a name="top">Thank you for downloading my FM update! This important update changes many FM settings on most of the aircraft currently existing in OFF. The most significant include changes to the elevator, rudder, and center of gravity (CoG) and center of lift (CoL) values in order to reduce the sluggish turn performance of several aircraft in version 3.0 of the FM mod. In addition to being more tail-heavy, most aircraft should feel more nimble and will now require a more delicate touch on the controls. As a result, while you will be able to fly much closer to the edge of an aircraft's "envelope" with this FM, you also bear the increased risk of possibly stalling and spinning your aircraft if you are not careful! This update also revises the moment of inertia (MOI) values of many aircraft in order to improve the performance of AI controlled aircraft, particularly at low altitude. Although I do not have access to and have not changed any of the AI routines, it is hoped that changes to the MOI values will result in the AI being somewhat more likely to "choose" turn, rather than climb-n-stall, tactics at low altitudes.
*Note: Although the FM has been updated for all QC aircraft, the AI will have the same empty weight advantage they have in the stock OFF FM. Consider the AI in QC battles as "practice opponents" who are a little better than your average campaign AI pilot.
Zip file contents: This readme file, plus the following files:
1) HPW FM and EW Campaign Mod (version 4.0.0)
2) HPW FM and EW Sopwith Tripe 130 HP (see New Alternative Aircraft in 3.1 below).
3) HPW FM and EW Sopwith Pup 100 HP
4) HPW FM and EW Spad VII 180 HP
5) HPW FM and EW Spad XIII 220 HP
6) HPW FM and EW Spad XIII 235 HP
Important! This version of the mod is ONLY intended to be used with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler and should not be installed unless JSGME has already been installed in your OBDSoftware main folder!
In order to install the main campaign mod and optional airplane mods, find the "HPW FM and EW Campaign Mod 7z" zip file and click on it. When the new window opens, you should see six folders plus this readme file. Click the "Extract" button at the top of the window and copy all six folders inside your OBDSoftware\MODS folder. The files are correctly installed if you see all six folders the next time you start JSGME. After copying the folders to the MODS folder, you can either keep or move the readme file to another location on your computer.
In order to activate any of the mods, simply start JSGME, highlight the mod you wish to use, and click the top button. Click okay and the mod will become activated.
Important note: As in previous versions of the FM mod, and any other mod which modifies any of OFF's .cfg files, using this mod will result in the user not being able to see any of the ace skins, either those already included in the game or that the user has created on his own or downloaded for use with HITR. Fortunately, a workaround for this problem has been identified by Panama Red. Basically, in order to use this mod and also to see all of the ace skins available in the game, first activate the FM mod and start the game. Begin your campaign as usual, but instead of flying your mission, click on end mission as soon as you find yourself on the field. Exit to the main menu and then restart your campaign. Then, on the campaign screen, click "Replay Mission." This will take you back to the beginning of your mission but with the advantage of allowing you to see all of the fantastic skins which have been lovingly created by members of the OBD team and by many others for users of HiTR. As long as you do not quit the game entirely or switch pilots, you should not have to repeat the procedure on subsequent missions. Finally, OBD has already assured us that this problem has been eliminated in the next version of Over Flanders Fields. Huzzah!
Buddy1998 Modified DM
By Buddy1998
This DM is a bit different from my other one. All that I did was to lower each of the probabilities to hit most parts of the aircraft (see Change Log). Nothing else was changed or altered.
Just drop in your JSGME mod folder, then activate the mod.
happy hunting.
Grand Bundle Sounds Mods JSGME Enabled
By OlPaint01
Here are the files for the Grand Bundle of JSGME-Enabled OFF Sound Mods from Creaghorn, Elephant,and Andy73 that I have prepared.
I installed JSGME into C:\OBDSoftware directory. I copied each of the Sounds Mod folders into the MODS directory.
I activated all of Creaghorn’s Sound Mods from the JSGME console in the order that they were published to guarantee that I had installed the latest versions of the WAV files.
Activate each Creaghorn Sounds Mod in the following order:
1) Creaghorn Homebrew Sounds
2) Creaghorn Sound Tweak
3) Creaghorn Sound Tweak II
4) Creaghorn Sound Tweak II Patch
Then activate all of Andy73’s Sound Mods from the JSGME console in the order that they were published.
5) Andy73 Aircraft Sounds
6) Andy73 Engine Sounds_1.1 for Sound Tweak II
7) Andy73 Gun Sounds_1.1 for Sound Tweak II
8) Andy73 Albatros DIII Sounds
9) Andy73 Rotary Aircraft Sounds_1.3a
Then activate the Spandau Mod last so the gun sound fix is not overwritten.
10) Creaghorn Spandau Mod
The ShellMusic can be activate anytime.
11) Creaghorn StartupBritish OR Creaghorn StartupGerman OR Elephant StartupG (the choice depends on which side you are flying)
Disregard warning messages that files are about to be overwritten.
Ultimate Bundle Damage Models JSGME Enabled
By OlPaint01
Here are the files for the Ultimate Bundle of JSGME-Enabled OFF Damage Model Mods that I have prepared.
Included in the Pack are:
HPW UltimateDM_1.25
Buddy1998 Modified DM_2.0 from HPW's files
33Lima ArcMod_1.1 for HPW UltimateDM_1.25 (Fix to adjust 'Arc of Fire' of Observer/Gunner for OFF 2-Seaters)
33Lima ArcMod_1.1 for Buddy1998 DM_2.0 (Fix to adjust 'Arc of Fire' of Observer/Gunner for OFF 2-Seaters)
Herr Prop-Wasche published his Ultimate Damage Model v1.25 for OFF:HitR_1.47.
Buddy1998 modified HPW's DM files into his own Damage Model v2.0.
Then, 33Lima assembled a DM fix to correct the 'Arc of Fire' of the Observer/Gunner for all the 2-Seaters in HPW's Damage Model.
Finally, OlPaint01 followed 33Lima's example and applied the same Fix to Buddy1998's Damage Model.
I installed JSGME into C:\OBDSoftware directory. I copied each of the Damage Model folders into the MODS directory.
I Activate the Mods in the following manner:
1) Choose either HPW's or Buddy1998's Damage Model to activate from the JSGME console, then
2) Activate the matching 33Lima's ArcMod.
Disregard any warning message that certain files will be overwritten.
A huge thank you to Herr Prop-Wasche, Buddy1998, and 33Lima for these great Damage Model mods. And of course, thanks to OBDSoftware for "Over Flanders Fields:Hat in the Ring" WW1 Combat Flight Simulator.
Doyle Painter
HPW Combined FM and AI EW Mod
Zip file contents: This readme file, plus the following six files:
1) Main FM and AI EW Mod 2.1
2) FM 2.1 Sopwith Pup 100 HP version
3) FM 2.1 Sopwith Triplane 130 HP version
4) FM 2.1 Spad VII 180 HP version
5) FM 2.1 Spad 13 220 HP version
6) FM 2.1 Spad 13 235 HP version
DESCRIPTION OF MOD: This mod is actually two mods in one--my recently released FM 2.0 mod combined with an AI EW mod designed to eliminate the weight advantage that the AI currently seems to enjoy over the human player in BHaH. Instead of having to worry about two seperate mods, the player now gets the benefit of both in one convenient package. In addition to combining the two mods, version 2.1 also includes minor updates to the FM of the following planes: Sopwith Camel, Sopwith Pup 100 HP version (optional mod), Airco DH-5, Nieuport 16, and Hannover CIIIa.
Important! This version of the mod is ONLY intended to be used with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler and should not be installed unless JSGME has already been installed into your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields game folder! In order to install the main FM and AI EW mod and the five "optional" mods, open the archive and double-click the folder named "HPW Combined FM and AI EW Mod 2.1." Click the "Extract" button and copy all six files to the MODS folder created inside your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder that was created when you installed JSGME into OFF. The files are correctly installed if you see all six files plus this readme.txt the next time you start JSGME. After copying the files to the MODS folder, you can either keep or move the readme file to any other location on your computer.
In order to activate the mod, simply start JSGME, highlight the main FM mod, and click the top button. Click okay and the mod will become activated. Later, if you decide to activate either the Sopwith Pup 100 HP, Sopwith Triplane 130 HP, Spad VII 180 HP, or Spad XIII 220 or 235 HP variants, highlight the chosen file(s) and click the top button in your JSGME screen. JSGME will then display the following warning message: "enabling this mod 'may' have adverse effects on your game: are sure you wish to enable this mod?" This is completely normal and will not hurt your OFF installation. Later, if you decide to deactivate any of the FM variants or the main FM mod, simply deactivate the mods in reverse order.
Important note: As in previous versions of the FM mod, and any other mod which modifies any of OFF's .cfg files, using this mod will result in the user not being able to see any of the ace skins, either those already included in the game or that the user has created on his own or downloaded for use with HITR. Fortunately, a workaround for this problem has been identified by Panama Red. Basically, in order to use this mod and also to see all of the ace skins available in the game, first activate the FM mod and start the game. Begin your campaign as usual, but instead of flying your mission, click on end mission as soon as you find yourself on the field. Exit completely out of the game and then restart your campaign. Then, on the campaign screen, click "Replay Mission." This will take you back to the beginning of your mission but with the advantage of allowing you to see all of the fantastic skins which have been lovingly created by members of the OBD team and by many others for use with this wonderful simulation of WWI aerial combat. OBD has already assured us that this problem has been eliminated in the next version of Over Flanders Fields. Huzzah!
Sound Upgrade for Rotary Engines
By Andy73
As promised, here's my Update for almost all Planes in OFF with Rotary Engines. New Startup and Shutdown Sequences included. These Startup Sequences are NOT included in Olpaint's JSGME Version, but you can install and use them very easily.
Installation is easy. Let's say for Example you want to upgrade the Sopwith Camel. Open your OFF Installation. Then got to:
Aircraft / Camel_sqd / Sound
Simply copy the new Samples into this Sound Folder. Overwrite the old ones. Please make it the same way with all other Planes from this Download.
Thanks to OBD Software for the Original Stuff.
Have Fun
New Sound for German Fighters
By Andy73
after working a few Hours on the Configuration of the Albatros DIII, I've made now some new Sounds for the German Fighters. I don't know if you like it, some of you might now think that it sounds like a Cessna
I know the Sounds are not historically accurate, bur I simply like them.
These new Sounds replace the Halberstadt DII, the Albatros-Series, the Pfalz and the Roland CII .
New Startup Sequence and Exterior Sounds included.
Simply copy the Sound-Folder into "Aircraft / Alb_DIII_early_Sqd". Backup first, if you don't like it.
Have Fun, Andy
My new Sound Mod...
By Andy73
Hello Folks,
as promised, here's my new Sound Mod. New Engines for a lot of Planes.
I've tried to resample the Mercedes-Engine for the German Fighters, but had no luck. I've found nothing that fits perfect. But perhaps this one will come too next time...
Installation is not difficult, please read the "ReadMe".
Thanks to OBD Software for the Original Samples and for this wonderful Game!
Have Fun, Andy
Modified DM files from HPW and Fortiesboy
By Buddy1998
(revised 11/4/2012)
IMHO This is the most balanced DM that I've played so far. So, now I have a harder time to take out enemies in multiplane dogfights. Mostly, I just hit and run to save my own craft from turning into swiss cheese. Dogfights are more satisfying and aces are a bit harder to destroy.
Planes can still maneuver after taking just a few hits. I believe that the reason for this is that I adjusted the probability to hit parts of the plane according to the surface area. In the stock DM, most all probabilities were set at 100%. For example, now you'll have about a 10% chance to hit the aileron instead of 100% chance. So, it's not the first thing to get hit unless you aim for that part of the plane.
Since I don't have a way to view the exact location or size of the damage boxes on each plane, I had to estimate where the damage boxes would be based on the name of the damage box in the xdp file.
Other modifications are:
-Inline engines have a 20% greater chance to get hit than rotaries
-Lower the cable hit points on all aircraft to be more or less the same
-Fuel leaks will start when the fuel tank reaches 20% of its hit points and explode when 45% or more of its hit points are gone. (vanilla is set to explode when all hit points are gone)
-Oil leaks will start when 20% of its hit points are gone and loose all its oil when 45% of it is destroyed.
(vanilla is set at 100% to destroy the oil reservoir)
This will be my final version unless I get a bug report from someone.
My contribution was only very minor, so all credits go to OBD software for their great sim,
Installation is through Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler (JSGME).
I still recommend to backup the aircraft folder locted at CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\aircraft just to be on the safe side.
CREDITS - I appreciate the help from the following OFF members:
Herr Prop-Wasche
HPW Halberstadts for AI Weight Mod
Readme File 27/12/2011
HPW's Halberstadts for AI Weight Mod
For Use with BHaH HITR Full Campaign and QC Battle Modes
by Herr Prop Wasche and 33Lima
intended to be used with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler and should not
be installed unless JSGME has already been installed into your
CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields game folder!
To install, simply open the archive and extract the HPW Halberstadts for AI Weight
Mod folder to the MODS folder created inside your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder when you installed JSGME into OFF.
In order to activate the mod, simply start JSGME and first
confirm that 33Lima's AI Empty Weight Mod has already been activated
(33Lima's mod will already be listed as activated in the JSGME right
window). Next, highlight the HPW Halberstadts AI Weight Mod and click the top
button. Because this mod will overwrite some of the files in the AI Empty
Weight Mod, JSGME will open a message box warning you that "Enabling this
mod 'may' have adverse effects on your game," and asking if you "Are sure
you wish to enable this mod?" This is normal. Click okay and the mod
will become activated. Later, if you decide to deactivate any of my FM mods or
33Lima's weight mod, simply deactivate the mods in reverse order. Enjoy
the mod and 33Lima's AI Empty Weight Mod!
Important note: As in previous versions of my FM mod,
and any other mod which modifies any of OFF's .cfg files, using this
mod will result in the user not being able to see any of the ace
skins, either those already included in the game or that the user has
created on his own or downloaded for use with HITR. Fortunately, a
workaround for this problem has been identified by Panama Red. Basically,
in order to use this mod and also to see all of the ace skins
available in the game, first activate the FM mod and start the game.
Begin your campaign as usual, but instead of flying your mission, click
on end mission as soon as you find yourself on the field. Exit completely
out of the game and then restart your campaign. Then, on the
campaign screen, click "Replay Mission." This will take you back to the
beginning of your mission but with the advantage of allowing you to see
all of the fantastic skins which have been lovingly created by members
of the OBD team and by many others for use with this wonderful simulation
of WWI aerial combat. OBD has already assured us that this problem has
been eliminated in the next version of Over Flanders Fields. Huzzah!
DESCRIPTION OF MOD: This mod revises the FM of the Halberstadt DII and
changes the empty weight settings for both the human controlled and AI
controlled aircraft so that Halbs will not crash into trees at the end of certain
runways when using Lima's Empty Weight mod. The FM changes are generally
small, but you should notice that the Halb is no longer quite as nose heavy and
is now 2 or 3 mph faster at sea level than in the official OFF version.
HPW Combined FM AI Weight Mod
HPW's Combined German and Allied FM for 33Lima's AI Empty Weight Mod
--For Use with BHaH HITR Full Campaign and QC Battle Modes
by Herr Prop Wasche and 33Lima
Zip file contents: 5 Files plus this readme file
1) HPW Main FM AI Weight Mod
2) HPW Sopwith Pup 100 HP version
3) HPW Sopwith Triplane 130 HP version
4) HPW Spad VII 180 HP version
5) HPW Spad 13 235 HP version
intended to be used with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler and should not
be installed unless JSGME has already been installed into your
CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields game folder!
In order to install the main mod and the four "optional" mods,
open the archive and double-click the folder named "HPW Combined FM AI
Weight Mod." Click the "Extract" button and copy the five files to the
MODS folder created inside your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder when
you installed JSGME into OFF. The files are correctly installed if you
see the five above files plus this readme.txt the next time you start
JSGME. After copying the files to the MODS folder, you can either keep
or move the readme file to any other location on your computer.
In order to activate the mod, simply start JSGME and first
confirm that 33Lima's AI Empty Weight Mod has already been activated
(33Lima's mod will already be listed as activated in the JSGME right
window). Next, highlight the HPW Main FM AI Weight Mod and click the top
button. Because this mod will overwrite some of the files in the AI Empty
Weight Mod, JSGME will open a message box warning you that "Enabling this
mod 'may' have adverse effects on your game," and asking if you "Are sure
you wish to enable this mod?" This is normal. Click okay and the mod
will become activated. Later, when you decide to use one of the
"optional" FM mods, JSGME will display the same warning. Again, this is
completely normal and should not result in any harm to your OFF
installation. Later, if you decide to deactivate any of my FM mods or
33Lima's weight mod, simply deactivate the mods in reverse order. Enjoy
the mod and 33Lima's AI Empty Weight Mod!
Important note: As in previous versions of my FM mod,
and any other mod which modifies any of OFF's .cfg files, using this
mod will result in the user not being able to see any of the ace
skins, either those already included in the game or that the user has
created on his own or downloaded for use with HITR. Fortunately, a
workaround for this problem has been identified by Panama Red. Basically,
in order to use this mod and also to see all of the ace skins
available in the game, first activate the FM mod and start the game.
Begin your campaign as usual, but instead of flying your mission, click
on end mission as soon as you find yourself on the field. Exit completely
out of the game and then restart your campaign. Then, on the
campaign screen, click "Replay Mission." This will take you back to the
beginning of your mission but with the advantage of allowing you to see
all of the fantastic skins which have been lovingly created by members
of the OBD team and by many others for use with this wonderful simulation
of WWI aerial combat. OBD has already assured us that this problem has
been eliminated in the next version of Over Flanders Fields. Huzzah!
DESCRIPTION OF MOD: Thank you for downloading my
newly revised FM update for "Hat in the Ring," the official update
to Over Flanders Fields "Beyond Heaven and Hell," OBD software's
great and historically accurate interpretation of WWI aerial combat,
based on Microsoft's CFS3 game engine. The purpose of this mod is to
make my previously released Allied and German FM mods fully compatible
with 33Lima's AI Empty Weight Mod so that the user can enjoy the
benefits of both mods simultaneously. Prior to the release of this
mod, the user could use either my FM mod or 33Lima's AI mod alone, but
not at the same time.
Readme File 03/08/2011
HPW_Spads for OFF BHaH HITR Full Campaign and QC Battles
by Herr Prop Wasche
Zip file contents:
HPW_Spads zip file containing five folders named SpadVII_150,
SpadVII_180, Spad13_200, Spad13_220, and Spad13_235 with appropriate
aircraft folders and aircraft.cfg and .air files.
DIFFERENT FROM MY OTHER MODS! First, download the mod to your
desktop or other preferred location. Then, open the zip file and
open the HPWSpads file folder. Select ALL FIVE Spad folders and
copy to your OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\MODS folder.
DO NOT install the mod unless JSGME has already been installed into
your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields game folder. The mod is correctly
installed if you see this readme.txt and the following folders
inside the MODS folder: SpadVII_150, SpadVII_180, Spad13_200,
Spad13_220, and Spad13_235. To load your desired aircraft, simply
run JSGME, highlight the appropriate folder, click on the top
button, and then start your game. That's it!
NOTE: In order to see the aircraft skins of any Spad aces while
using this mod, please see the first post of Panama Red's thread
titled "Guaranteed Method to See Ace Skins Using HPW's FM" at the
Over Flanders Fields Forum at for instructions on the
easy work-around.
Initial release 1.0
Thank you for downloading HPW's Spads FM Pack 1.0, a revised flight
model for FIVE different Spad series aircraft for use in Hat in the
Ring, the official extension to Between Heaven and Hell, the WWI
flight sim modification of CFS3 by OBD Software. This revised
interpretation of the Spad VII and Spad XIII flight models was made
to represent the different engines used by each aircraft and to
better reflect the evolution in performance of each aircraft during
the course of the war. See the following chart for a summary of
some of these differences. (Maximize window if chart is difficult
to read).
Aircraft Speed @ 3,000 m Speed @ 2,000 m Speed @ 1,000 m Speed @ 500 ft. Ceiling
Spad VII 150 114.00 mph 118.25 mph 122.00 mph 119.00 mph. 16,500 ft.
Spad VII 180 125.25 128.25 132.00 130.25 20,000
Spad XIII 200 129.25 133.25 129.75 124.75 18,500
Spad XIII 220 133.25 136.50 130.50 125.00 20,500
Spad XIII 235 137.50 139.50 134.00 128.75 21,250
The most noticeable changes using these mods are reflected in the
speeds of the early and late models of each aircraft. Compared to
the Spad models in the stock game, the Spad VII 150 version is
generally slower at all altitudes, while the Spad VII 180 is
slightly faster. The same applies to the Spad XIII 200, 220, and
235 HP versions, with the 235 HP version being about 2 mph faster
than the standard OFF version. The maximum ceiling is also
different depending on the engine used in each aircraft. Dive
speeds were also adjusted in order to better correspond with the
historical record. Finally, rudder responsiveness was reduced
somewhat to reflect the small surface area of the rudders on the
Spad series, as compared to the other aircraft in the game.
As an *approximate* guide to when each aircraft and engine upgrade
entered service, please see the following chart:
Aircraft Entered Service
Spad VII 150 February 1917
Spad VII 180 June 1917*
Spad XIII 200 January 1918
Spad XIII 220 April 1918*
Spad XIII 235 August 1918*
In order to simulate when a particular squad might have recieved
their engine updgrade, I recommend that on the first of each month
marked with an asterik, the player should roll a six-sided die. If
you roll a number equal to or higher than the following guide,
your squad gets the upgrade and you can install the newer engine.
If not, at the beginning of each following week, roll the die
again until you obtain the upgrade. (If you wish, you may add +1
to each roll if you are in an elite squad).
Week Roll
One 6
Two 5,6
Three 4,5,6
Four+ 3,4,5,6
I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to OBD
Software for their help in the making of this revised version of
the flight model. As always, with the exception of the tweaks
contained herein, all work on the original flight model remains
the sole work and property of OBD software. I would also like to
thank Panama Red for the inspiration, development, and testing of
this mod. Finally, if you have any questions or experience any
problems with the installation of this mod, please contact me on
the Over Flanders Fields forum at Thank you
and I hope you enjoy the new FM's!
Readme File 04/07/2011
HPW_AlliedFM_Pack1.0 for OFF BHaH HITR Full Campaign and QC Battles
by Herr Prop Wasche
Zip file contents:
HPW_AlliedFM_Pack1.0\aircraft folder with aircraft.cfg and .air files for Re8, Sopwith Pup, and Sopwith Triplane.
readme.txt file
INSTALLATION: Important! This flight model mod is intended ONLY to be used along with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler and should not be installed UNLESS JSGME has already been installed into your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields game folder. With JSGME, installation and use of this, or any mod, is very easy. Simply extract the contents of the zip file into the MODS folder which is created when you install JSGME into OFF. The mod is correctly installed if you see this readme.txt and the following folder structure inside the MODS folder: HPW_AlliedFM_Pack1.0\aircraft\Re_QC1, etc. To load the mod, simply run JSGME, highlight HPW_AlliedFMPack_1.0, click on the top button, and then start your game. That's it!
Initial release 1.0
Thank you for downloading HPW's Allied FM Pack 1.0, the revised flight model for selected Allied scouts used in Hat in the Ring, the official extension to Between Heaven and Hell, the WWI flight sim modification of CFS3 by OBD Software. This revised interpretation of the flight model, at this point, is for the Re8, Sopwith Pup, and Sopwith Triplane ONLY (additional aircraft may be added insubsequent FM packs). The most significant changes to the FM of these planes involve changes to the top speed, ceiling, and dive speed in order to more closely comply with my understanding of the historical performance of these planes in WWI combat. Please refer to the following chart for a summary of these changes.
AircraftSpeed @ 10,000 ft.* Speed @ 3281 ft. Speed @ 500 ft. Ceiling Max Dive Speed **Pup103.75 (5.75)98.25 (-6.25)94.50 (-12.50)19,000 ft. 216 (-36.0)Triplane 101.50 (-11.50)108.75 (-9.25)111.75 (-10.25)18,500226 (-50.0)Re898.75 (-5.00)99.00*** (-12.50)94.75 (-12.75)16,000216 (-8.0)
Note: Numbers in parentheses indicate speeds compared to measured OFF speed readings, with a positive number indicating a faster speed using the new FM and a negative number indicating a slower speed using the new FM. Differences of less than two mph are not noted.
* in mph
** From 10,000 feet
*** 102.0 mph @ 6500 ft.
The most noticeable differences are the decreases in speed for all of these aircraft. For instance, the Re8 was reported to have had a top speed of 102 mph at 6500 ft. However, in the unmodified game, its top speed was measured to be 111.5 mph at 3281 ft. Therefore, I reduced its speed to more accurately reflect its historical performance. Similarly, the Sopwith Triplane was reported to have had a top speed of 112 mph, but in the game, its top speed was measured to be 122.5 mph. The other major change in the FM of these planes was to reduce the maximum dive speed to more historical levels. Again, in the unmodified game, the Sopwith Triplane has the highest dive speed in the game at more than 275 mph! With the new FM, the Tripe now has a dive speed that, in my view, corresponds more closely to the historical record. Please note that in most other respects, such as ceiling, climb, and turning radius, these planes perform just as well, and in some cases even better, than they do under the stock game. If you are a German pilot, you are still likely to get shot down if you try to engage either the Pup or the Tripe in a turning dogfight.
Another change to the FM I made in the case of the Sopwith Pup involved the same adjustments to the center of gravity and center of lift settings I made on the Albatros series and the Pfalz in the German FM pack in order to try and reduce the dreaded "hanging stall" or tail-first slide into the dirt that the AI tends to do on occasion. However, the problem is much less severe with the Pup, so my changes here were comparatively minor. As additional planes that have this problem are identified, I will issue further FM mods to try and deal with this problem. Of course, no mod is perfect, and I cannot claim that I have completely solved this problem. Still, I think the flying behavior of the Pup, Albatros, and Pfalz has been significantly improved with these FM mods.
Again, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to OBD Software for their help in the making of this revised version of the flight model. As always, with the exception of the tweaks contained in this mod, all work on the original flight model remains the sole work and property of OBD software. Finally, I would also like to especially thank the following OFF fanatics who helped me in the research, development, and testing of this mod: Creaghorn, Hellshade, Olham, RAF_Louvert, Bletchley, Lewie, and anyone else whose name I have accidently forgotten. Thanks, guys! If you have any questions or experience any problems with the installation of this mod, you can reach me at, then look for the Over Flanders Field forum. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the mod. Happy flying! HPW
Readme File 04/07/2011
HPW_GermanFM_Pack1.0 for OFF BHaH HITR Full Campaign and QC Battles
by Herr Prop Wasche
Zip file contents:
HPW_GermanFM_Pack1.0\aircraft folder with aircraft.cfg and .air files for all Albatros scouts and Pfalz DIIIa scout.
readme.txt file
INSTALLATION: Important! This flight model mod is intended ONLY to be used along with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler and should not be installed UNLESS JSGME has already been installed into your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields game folder. With JSGME, installation and use of this, or any mod, is very easy. Simply extract the contents of the zip file into the MODS folder which is created when you install JSGME into OFF. The mod is correctly installed if you see this readme.txt and the following folder structure inside the MODS folder: HPW_GermanFMPack1.0\aircraft\Alb_DIII_AC1, etc. To load the mod, simply run JSGME, highlight HPW_GermanFMPack1.0, click on the top button, and then start your game. That's it!
Initial release 1.0
Thank you for downloading HPW's German FM Pack 1.0, the revised flight model for all Albatros scouts and the Pfalz DIIIa scout, used in Hat in the Ring, the official extension to Between Heaven and Hell, the WWI flight sim modification of CFS3 by OBD Software. This revised interpretation of the flight model, at this point, is for the Albatros and Pfalz DIIIa scouts ONLY (additional aircraft may be added in subsequent FM packs). The most significant changes to the FM of these planes involve changes to the top speed, ceiling, and dive speed in order to more closely comply with my understanding of the historical performance of these planes in WWI combat. Please refer to the following chart for a summary of these changes.
AircraftSpeed @ 500 ft.Speed @ 3281 ft.Speed @ 10,000 ft. CeilingMax Dive Speed *D II105.75 mph (3.25) 110.0 mph (4.0) 103.25 mph (2.75) 16,500 ft. 204 mph (-10.0)D III early106.5110.0103.518,000237.0D III107.25111.0105.018,000240.0 (15.0)D III OAW 106.5110.75105.2518,000237.0 (15.0)D V110.0 (3.0)114.5 (3.0)108.25 (3.25)18,250244.0 (-7.0)D V later110.25114.5108.2518,250247.0 (-10.0)D Va112.5 (4.0)116.5 (4.0)112.25 (5.75)18,250238.0D Va 200113.5 (2.5)118.75 (2.75)115.25 (3.25)19,500242.0 (-15.0)Pfalz DIIIa105.75 (3.25)109.75 (3.0)106.75 (3.25)18,750245.0 (22.0)
Note: Numbers in parentheses indicate speeds compared to measured OFF speed readings, with a positive number indicating a faster speed using the new FM and a negative number indicating a slower speed using the new FM. Differences of less than two mph are not noted.
* From 10,000 feet
The most noticeable differences are the slight increases in speeds for the Albatros DII, DV, DVa, and DVa200, as well as the Pfalz DIIIa. At the same time, the ceiling for the DII has been reduced by about 2,000 feet to reflect its somewhat poorer performance at high altitude. Dive speeds have also been increased in a few cases, and decreased in most other cases, in order to reflect the relatively slow dive speeds of most WWI airplanes, and to better reflect their comparative dive performance. For instance, the dive speed of the Pfalz has been increased to reflect its superior dive performance compared to most other German scouts in WWI.
Another major change to the Albatros series of planes from the DIII early to the DVa involves an increase in their maximum G's so that these planes should no longer lose a wing in a tight turn, except in very exceptional circumstances. On the other hand, Albatros DIII's and DV's are now more susceptible to losing a lower wing in a steep dive, due to excessive wing twisting caused by the effects of high speed on the lower wing spar of these so-called "V-strutters." For the ultimate in realism, I recommend when you first start flying with the new FM enabled, that you temporarily enable advisor messages and simulation warnings in Workshop in order to give you an idea for when you might be overstressing a wing in a dive. Then, after one or two flights, disable the messages--but don't make a habit of exceeding 170 mph or so in a dive for more than 1,000 to 2,000 meters or you may be sorry!
Finally, perhaps the most significant change to the FM of all of the planes in this mod involves a few slight adjustments to the center of gravity and center of lift settings in order to try and solve a problem that seems to effect the Albatros' and a few other planes in the stock game: the dreaded "hanging stall" or tail-first slide into the dirt which makes kills against AI pilots flying these planes very easy in most cases. With this FM mod, the AI seem to do a better job of avoiding this poor flying behavior at both high and low altitudes, making dogfights against these opponents much more challenging. Of course, no mod is perfect, and I cannot claim that I have completely solved this problem. Still, I think the flying behavior of most of the planes in this mod has been significantly improved.
Again, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to OBD Software for their help in the making of this revised version of the flight model. As always, with the exception of the tweaks contained in this mod, all work on the original flight model remains the sole work and property of OBD software. Finally, I would also like to especially thank the following OFF fanatics who helped me in the research, development, and testing of this mod: Creaghorn, Hellshade, Olham, RAF_Louvert, Bletchley, Lewie, and anyone else whose name I have accidently forgotten. Thanks, guys! If you have any questions or experience any problems with the installation of this mod, you can reach me at, then look for the Over Flanders Field forum. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the mod. Happy flying! HPW </html>
HPWDMv2.5 update
Readme File 18/12/2010
HPW Full Campaign Damage Model for OFF BHaH HITR
by Herr Prop Wasche
Zip file contents:
HPWDMv2.5\aircraft folder with 477 individual aircraft folders, .xdp files and .bdp files (Fortiesboy, you were right!)
HPWDMv2.5 readme.txt
INSTALLATION: Important! This version of the damage mod is intended to be used only in conjunction with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler and should not be installed UNLESS JSGME has already been installed into your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields game folder. With JSGME, installation and use of this, or any mod, is very easy. Simply extract the contents of the HPWDMv2.5 zip file into the MODS folder which is created when you install JSGME into OFF. The mod is correctly installed if you see the readme.txt and the following folder structure inside the MODS folder: HPWDMv2.5\aircraft\Alb_DIII_AC1, etc. To load the mod, simply run JSGME, highlight the mod you wish to use, click on the top button, and then start your game. That's it!
NOTE: This mod is intended to be used in QC battles AND the main campaign.
Version History
2.5 Major fix and revision! All HPW damage model users are urged to upgrade to this version!
--Fix: Discovered and corrected major error introduced in v2.1 which prevented player pilot from being injured or dying even when "Dead is Dead" pilot outcome option was selected in Workshop. All three outcomes should now work as designed.
--Fix: Corrected error which prevented damage model mod from being applied to Nieuport 11's.
--Hit points for horizontal stabilizers increased slightly to lower chances of "tail-first slides" at low altitude for some aircraft. Note: This problem may also be partly an FM issue and cannot be fully fixed by changes to the damage model.
--Hit points for all control cables increased slightly in all aircraft.
--Important new feature: aircraft .bdp file associated with each matching aircraft .xdp file now included in mod. This has two major effects: game load times are no longer slowed the first time after the mod is applied, AND the original HITR .bdp files will be restored if the mod is disabled or removed. Previous versions of the damage model failed to restore the correct .bdp files, possibly causing certain game anomalies if the mod was disabled.
N28 FM 1.5 update
Greetings, OFFers!
HPW proudly presents the 1.5 revision (and first official release) of his Flight Model for the Nieuport 28, flown by several U.S. squadrons in early to mid 1918. This FM is meant to be used as an alternative to the official OFF FM used by the N28. Major changes to the FM include: slightly higher top speed, better high altitude performance, slower dive speed, increased susceptibility to upper wing damage from prolonged high speed dives (just as in real life), and improved handling with fewer nasty stall characteristics.
The major improvement from 1.0 to 1.5 includes better AI performance--less climbing and stalling during combat and less "bobbing" up and down of the aircraft at low altitudes. This should make AI opponents tougher to shoot down and make your AI wingmates more likely to survive their mission.
Installation is via JSGME. Simply unzip the file into the MODS folder, open JSGME, enable the mod, and fly! The mod has been tested and works for both QC and campaign missions.
Notes: Please be sure to write to me about any comments or criticisms of the new mod. Also, please note that this mod is based substantially on the existing official OFF FM for the N28 and would not be possible without OBD's and Polvoski's previous work on this and the other planes currently available in OFF. Thank you OBD!
HPWDM 2.3 update
The 2.3 update for my DM is now ready! What was once a fairly minor change has morphed into something a little larger. Here are the major highlights:
--Hit points for elevator and rudder cables reduced in all aircraft.
--Probability of "hit" to aileron cables reduced in all aircraft. Hit points on aileron cables also reduced.
--Hit points for observer/rear-gunner reduced slightly.
--Hit points for central fuel tank increased slightly in several aircraft, particularly Nieuport's, DR1, and DH5.
--Rate of fuel loss due to hits to central fuel tank adjusted in all aircraft.
--Adjusted frequency of oil leaks from damage to nose and oil reservoir in several aircraft.
--Spad's, DH2's, SE5a, and all Albatros and Nieuport types somewhat less likely to catch fire. Roland, Hannover, and DFW somewhat more likely to catch fire.
--Probability of "hit" to left and right gear reduced slightly in all aircraft, hopefully reducing number of crashes due to collapsed landing gear just a bit.
--Hit points to wings and wingtips of Fokker Triplane reduced slightly.
--Corrected error in DH2_early models which caused central fuel tank to be only half-strength.
HPWDM 2.2 update
Readme File 29/08/2010
HPW Full Campaign Damage Model for OFF BHaH HITR
by Herr Prop Wasche
Zip file contents:
HPWDM2.2\aircraft folder with 477 individual aircraft folders and .xdp files
INSTALLATION: Important! This version of the damage mod is intended to be used only in conjunction with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler and should not be installed UNLESS JSGME has already been installed into your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields game folder. With JSGME, installation and use of this, or any mod, is very easy. Simply extract the contents of the HPWDM2.2 zip file into the MODS folder which is created when you install JSGME into OFF. The mod is correctly installed if you see the readme.txt and the following folder structure inside the MODS folder: HPWDM2.2\aircraft\Alb_DIII_AC1, etc. To load the mod, simply run JSGME, highlight the mod you wish to use, click on the top button, and then start your game. That's it!
NOTE: This mod may be used in QC battles AND the main campaign.
Version History
--Engine hit points for Hannover, Sopwith Pup, Sopwith Strutter, and Sopwith Strutter B1 reduced slightly.
--Missing minor fuel leak due to engine damage added to Sopwith Tripe and Tripe 2G.
--Hit points for elevator cables in aft fuselage of Fokker EV, N17_Bis, N24, N24_Bis, N24_Bis_Lewis, N24_Lewis, and N28 reduced to be consistent with other aircraft.
--Hit points for observer/rear-gunner corrected so they are now the same as the pilot of the aircraft.
--DH2 and DH2_m16 now somewhat less likely to catch fire than in version 2.1.
--Halberstadt scout now slightly less likely to suffer major fuel leak.
--"Fuselage_structure" changed to "rudder_cable" in aft fuselage of FE2b and hit points reduced from 28 to 18.
--Hit points for aileron cables in aft fuselage of Alb DV, DV later, DVa, and DVa 200 reduced to be consistent with other aircraft.
--Fuel tanks are now more resistant to major leaks but are still susceptible to minor leaks and are somewhat more likely to catch fire if substantially damaged.
--Wing and wing-tip hit points adjusted on some aircraft.
--Nose structures now slightly stronger in several early and mid-war aircraft.
--Somewhat higher probability of pilot "hits" for most aircraft.
--On DH5 only, fuel tank hit points now higher for main tank, slightly lower for secondary tank.
--Eliminates the "engine block popping out of the fuselage" effect seen in some aircraft.
Initial release
Thank you for downloading HPWDM2.1, a total revision of my previously released damage model for Hat in the Ring, the official extension to Between Heaven and Hell, the wonderful WWI flight sim modification of CFS3 by OBD Software. DM2.1 uses information about the dimensions and specifications of every aircraft in HITR in order to develop revised hit points for each major component of every aircraft currently available in OFF. The correlation between the historical size and dimensions of each aircraft component and the number of hit points assigned to that component in the game has been adjusted so that this correlation in now generally positive, instead of negative, as it is in many cases in OFF and previous versions of my damage model.
Engine hit points have also been adjusted so that the average aircraft engine has approximately 5% more hit points. Hit points also better correlate with engine size or displacement. Most importantly, engine hit points now do not necessarily directly correspond with the chances of an engine catching fire. In the standard HITR installation, most aircraft are "set" to catch fire when 75% of their engine hit points have been used up. This percentage has been adjusted in almost every aircraft so that some will now catch fire when a smaller percentage of hit points have been used up, while others will only catch fire after a higher percentage of hit points have been expended. The overall result should be somewhat more durable engines and longer and more dangerous dogfights. Fewer aircraft (including your own) should suffer from an immediate loss in engine performance after only a very short, early burst into the front of the plane. On the other hand, once you notice your engine is no longer running smoothly, take it as a good sign that you may be about to turn into a blazing fireball!
Other changes from the stock damage model include: stronger wing roots with somewhat weaker wing tips, resulting in aircraft wings that suffer from fewer catastophic failures but that are more difficult to control when severely damaged, i.e. you may be able to still fly, but landing becomes a much bigger challenge; slightly decreased chances of crippling aileron control cable hits; slightly reduced hit points, on average, for ailerons and rudders; and increased hit points, on average, for horizontal and vertical stabilizers. Pilot and observer hit points have also been adjusted to make both you and your AI opponent more vulnerable to becoming wounded--perhaps fatally! However, in contrast to previous versions of my damage model, hit points for oil and coolant reservoirs have been increased back to, or close to, stock levels. Numerous other tweaks were made to take into account time period of service, overall aircraft reputation for durability or weakness, notable structural problems in various aircraft (weaker lower wings in Albs, for example), and overall game balance.
Finally, I would again like to express my thanks and appreciation to OBD Software for their help and encouragement in the making of this damage mod. Of course, with the exception of the tweaks contained in this damage model, all work remains the sole work and property of OBD software. If you have any questions or experience any problems with the installation of this mod, you can reach me at at the Over Flanders Field forum. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the mod!
HPWDM 2.1 update
Readme File 19/08/2010
HPW Full Campaign Damage Model for OFF BHaH HITR
by Herr Prop Wasche
Zip file contents:
HPWDM2.1\aircraft folder with 477 individual aircraft folders and .xdp files
INSTALLATION: Important! This version of the damage mod is intended to be used only in conjunction with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler and should not be installed UNLESS JSGME has already been installed into your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields game folder. With JSGME, installation and use of this, or any mod, is very easy. Simply extract the contents of the HPWDM2.1 zip file into the MODS folder which is created when you install JSGME into OFF. The mod is correctly installed if you see the readme.txt and the following folder structure inside the MODS folder: HPWDM2.1\aircraft\Alb_DIII_AC1, etc. To load the mod, simply run JSGME, highlight the mod you wish to use, click on the top button, and then start your game. That's it!
NOTE: This mod may be used in both QC battles AND the main campaign.
Version History
--Fuel tanks are now more resistant to major leaks but are still susceptible to minor leaks and are somewhat more likely to catch fire if substantially damaged.
--Wing and wing-tip hit points adjusted on some aircraft.
--Nose structures now slightly stronger in several early and mid-war aircraft.
--Somewhat higher probability of pilot "hits" for most aircraft.
--On DH5 only, fuel tank hit points now higher for main tank, slightly lower for secondary tank.
--Eliminates the "engine block popping out of the fuselage" effect seen in some aircraft.
Herr Prop Wasche Damage Model 2 for HITR
Readme File
HPW Full Campaign Damage Model for OFF BHaH HITR
by Herr Prop Wasche
Zip file contents:
HPWDM2/aircraft folder with 477 individual aircraft folders and .xdp files
INSTALLATION: Important! This version of the damage mod is intended to be used only in conjunction with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler and should not be installed UNLESS JSGME has already been installed into your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields game folder. With JSGME, installation and use of this, or any mod, is very easy. Simply extract the contents of the zip file into the MODS folder which is created by JSGME when you install it into OFF. To load the mod, simply run JSGME, highlight the mod you wish to use, click on the top button, and then start your game. That's it!
NOTE: This mod may be used in both QC battles AND the main campaign.
Thank you for downloading HPWDM2, a total revision of my previously released damage model for Hat in the Ring, the official extension to Between Heaven and Hell, the wonderful WWI flight sim modification of CFS3 by OBD Software. DM2 uses information about the dimensions and specifications of every aircraft in HITR in order to develop revised hit points for each major component of every aircraft currently available in OFF. The correlation between the historical size and dimensions of each aircraft component and the number of hit points assigned to that component in the game has been adjusted so that this correlation in now positive, instead of negative, as it is in many cases in OFF and previous versions of my damage model.
Engine hit points have also been adjusted so that the average aircraft engine has approximately 5% more hit points. Hit points also now correlate roughly with engine size or displacement. In addition, engine hit points now do not necessarily directly correspond with the chances of an engine catching fire. In the standard HITR installation, most aircraft are "set" to catch fire when 75% of their engine hit points have been used up. This percentage has been adjusted in almost every aircraft so that some will now catch fire when a smaller percentage of hit points have been used up, while others will only catch fire after a higher percentage of hit points have been expended. The overall result should be somewhat more durable engines and longer and more dangerous dogfights. Fewer aircraft (including your own) should suffer from an immediate loss in engine performance after only a very short, early burst into the front of the plane. On the other hand, once you notice your engine is no longer running smoothly, take it as a good sign that you may be about to turn into a blazing fireball!
Other changes from the stock damage model include: stronger wing roots with somewhat weaker wing tips, resulting in aircraft wings that suffer from fewer catastrophic failures but that are more difficult to control when severely damaged, i.e. you may be able to still fly, but landing becomes a much bigger challenge; slightly decreased chances of crippling aileron control cable hits; slightly reduced hit points, on average, for ailerons and rudders; and increased hit points, on average, for horizontal and vertical stabilizers. Pilot and observer hit points have also been adjusted to make both you and your AI opponent more vulnerable to becoming wounded--perhaps fatally! However, in contrast to previous versions of my damage model, hit points for oil and coolant reservoirs have been increased back to, or close to, stock levels. Numerous other tweaks are designed to take into account time period of service, overall aircraft reputation for durability or weakness, notable structural problems in various aircraft (weaker lower wings in Albs, for example), and overall game balance.
Finally, I would again like to express my thanks and appreciation to OBD Software for their help and encouragement in the making of this damage mod. Of course, with the exception of the tweaks contained in this damage model, all work remains the sole work and property of OBD software. If you have any questions or experience any problems with the installation of this mod, you can reach me at in the Over Flanders Field forum. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the mod!
Fix for R-80, R-82 Gun Station ID
This small fix will quickly let you to see the exact gun station you've just switched to. Just unzip the file, copy the Allied_R80.xdp into the R80's folder and allow it to overwrite the old one. Then copy the Allied_R82.xdp file into the R82's folder and allow it to overwrite the old one.
Now you'll be able to more easily select the gun station you want in multiplayer, and in single player and multiplayer when you jump into or switch gun stations you'll get a clear message at the top of the screen letting you know which gun station you're in.
Twin British Airships
Twin British airships, the R-80 and R-82 for Over Flanders Fields. These are fantasy aircraft for my Saturday multiplayer sessions and are not intended to be historically accurate for OFF as I believe the R-80 was actually a post war airship. Still, they're a lot of fun and are very stable bombing platforms with the new bombsight. They are standalones of the existing Zeppelin and can reside in your aircraft folder along with the Zeppelin. Just unzip the file and place the two folders in your aircraft folder.
Basically these are re-skinned Zeppelin standalones, with a new bombsight and weapons loadout.
I wish I knew who created the original Zeppelin so I could thank him for a great add-on.
Thanks to Stumpjumper for technical assistance and breaking out the bombsight.
Thanks to Loopy and Red-Dog for extensive playtesting.
I did the skins, loadout and new bombsight reticule. I have several mp missions made up and will share them after my current campaign is finished.
More info in the readme file and bombsite tips.
Readme File
H.P.W. Full Campaign Damage Model for OFF BHaH HITR v1.0
by Herr Prop Wasche
Zip file contents:
aircraft folder with 477 individual aircraft folders and .xdp files
INSTALLATION: Important! Backup your HITR .xdp files first! Backup your HITR .xdp files by first copying the HITR_Backup_XDPs.bat file to your OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder and then clicking on it to run the program. After you have backed up your .xdp files, extract the entire contents of the file to the OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder. DO NOT unzip the file into the aircraft folder itself! If prompted, simply click "Yes to all" when asked if you wish to replace files. If at any time you wish to return to the stock HITR damage model, simply click the Restore_HITRXDPs.bat file included in the zip file and automatically placed in your OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder. In order to re-apply the mod, simply re-open the file and extract the aircraft folder to the OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder.
NOTE: This mod is intended to be used in BOTH QC battles and the main campaign.
Thank you for downloading version 1.0 of my Full Campaign damage model for Hat in the Ring, the official extension to Between Heaven and Hell, the already wonderful WWI flight sim modification of CFS3 by OBD Software. In addition to including .xdp files for all of the aircraft in the HITR campaign, this new version of the mod includes many additional tweaks (based on play-testing) made to the .xdp files since the release of the QC version. In particular, hit point values for many of the engines have been adjusted, along with wing root values for several planes, including but not limited to, all versions of Albatross, Nieuports, Spads, and many two-seaters. Minor corrections to the .xdp files for the Bristol Scout, DFW CV, Nieuport 24, and Nieuport 28 have also been included with this mod.
Overall, my intention with this damage model is two-fold: to slightly toughen up most of the airplane models in the game in order to slightly prolong dog-fights and to provide the human player with more visible signs of damage so he or she may choose to make their escape and live (hopefully) to fight another day! Depending upon the aircraft and the severity of the damage, aircraft should now be more likely to display not only bullet holes, but also rips and tears, oil and coolant leaks, exposed wing spars, and broken wing tips. Although entire wings may still break off at the root, the mod is intended to slightly reduce the frequency of this event. While all of the aircraft engines in the game have also been made slightly more resistant to early damage, when severely damaged they are somewhat more likely to catch on fire and even explode! Oil and coolant leaks should also be more likely to occur. Finally, both your pilot and your AI opponent are slightly more vulnerable to becoming wounded--perhaps even fatally!
I would again like to express my thanks and appreciation to OBD Software for their help and encouragement in the making of this damage mod. Of course, with the exception of the tweaks contained in this damage model, all work remains the sole work and property of OBD software. If you have any questions or experience any problems with the installation of this mod, you can reach me at at the Over Flanders Field forum. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the mod!
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