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    1. AMI & KLU Recon F-104G with Orpheus pod

      In '70 AMI and KLU due the RF-104G shortage, converted a limited basic F-104G to recon duty by equipping them with Orpheus recon pod.
      These pods were different and Steve S made both for us sometimes ago. So it's time to upgrade and use them.
      What's in:
      - 2 new plane to fly
      - 6 HD skins
      - historical decalsets
      - 2 SF-2 Orpheus pods
      - Guns removed & noses restyled
      - Spillone104 new 3D parts & Orpheus upgrades
      - Steve S original SF-1 Orpheus
      - BobRock F-104G temps
      - Paulopanz skins, decals, screens, data.inis edits & upgrades
      - all in main mod folder (Isn't easy?)
      @ paulopanz
      PS: the 'real' RF-104G and A.M.I. F-104G skins in the makings.


         (4 reviews)



    2. Sukhoi Su-9 "Fishpot-B" - DLC AI planes pack 2 -

      The Su-9 emerged from aerodynamic studies by TsAGI, the Soviet aerodynamic center, during the Korean War, which devised several optimum aerodynamic configurations for jet fighters.
      The design first flew in 1956 as the T-405 prototype.
      The Su-9 was developed at the same time as the Su-7 'Fitter', and both were first seen by the West at the Tushino Aviation Day on 24 June 1956, where the Su-9 was dubbed Fitter-B.
      It entered service in 1959.
      Total production of the Su-9 was about 1,100 aircraft.
      It is believed that at least some Su-9s were upgraded to Su-11 'Fishpot-C' form.
      None were exported to any of the USSR's client states nor to the Warsaw Pact nations.
      Remaining Su-9s and later Su-11s were retired during the 1970s.
      Some were retained as test vehicles or converted to remote-piloted vehicles for use as unmanned aerial vehicles.
      It was replaced by the upgraded Su-11 and the much-superior Su-15 'Flagon' and MiG-25 'Foxbat'.
      What's in:
      - a new flyable plane
      - great Stary's cockpit built in
      - 6 simple (but all I found) skins includind famous 179 IAP one
      - specific sound
      - pilot
      - animated canopy
      - screens
      - plane Tk [DLC AI planes pack 2]
      - cockpit Stary (readme included)
      - sound Spillone104
      - Skins/decals/edits paulopanz
      - put all in main mod folder and overwrite
      Su-9.ini is flagged as only reading (sola lettura) to avoid patching rewriting, so the plane will be flyable until you'll not change files property, maybe to add further skins. By the way a recovery copy is included.
      This is for Stary the "pitmaker".
      Pavel Osipovich Panz


         (4 reviews)



    3. Gloster Javelin FAW.9 for SF2

      Gloster Javelin FAW.9 for SF2 by Veltro2K
      = For SF2, Full-4 Merged, and/or SF2E, both with Expansion Pak 2 (Reccomended!) =
      (A Re-Upload, as the original seems to have vanished)
      *Important Note:
      The main reasoning for the need for Expansion Pak 2, is the aircraft's inis are pointing to the stock 3W EE Lighting's cockpit and avionics. This is required for proper use of the rebuilt Firestreak missiles (included).
      However, if you do not have the required game installs/ExpPak, a simple edit of the main ini will return it to use the cockpit supplied, from the original 1stGen release. BE ADVISED -- You will NOT have the proper "shoot-cue" in the gunsight for missile launch, and will be using some 'Kentucky Windage' and range guess-timations. A more detailed explaination is to be found in the "Notes" section.
      This is an upgrade/mod of Veltro2K's Gloster Javelin. Several of the inis have been tweeked, peaked and fiddled with. Although primarly tasked with CAP and INTERCEPT mission profiles in Real Life ™, the ESCORT and RECON profiles have been added for player enjoyment. There is NO ground attack capability. Several weapons are included; a updated FirestreakIR (from the old BunyPak, with all new data*), a 230 gallon wing drop tank, and the centerline tank from Veltro has been repainted. Skins/decal sets included are:
      5 Squadron
      11 Squadron
      33 Squadron
      41 Squadron by LloydNB
      60 Squadron
      85 Squadron by Syrinx (iirc!)
      All skins now have the proper RAF Squadron Badge for their 'paint chip' on the Loadout Screen.
      Data and loadout changes duplicate the hardpoints; one set is ONLY for missiles, the other is ONLY for use the new wing drop tanks. All lighting has been updated and repositioned, with the addition of landing lights. Gun aim angles have been adjusted to "center on the pipper" A new 'damage' dds file is included, as are new Hangar and Loading Screens for your viewing pleasure. A Userlist has been generated, even though these aircraft were never exported. It should be noted, that the destroyed model pointed to is the MirageIII, so having SF2E or SF2I is a MUST!!
      As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other important stuff; might want to read it, huh? VERY Important info in there... So, PLEASE read it through after unzipping, but before installing.
      **The aircraft herein is released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      *=this is a seperate missile from the 3W Firestreak; for use only on the Javelin and Sea Vixen FAW1 & FAW2. This was done on purpose -don't mess with this!!! Seriously .. don't. All things are done for a reason.*


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    4. SF2 Lockheed F-94B Starfire Pak by ErikGen

      SF2 Lockheed F-94B Starfire Pak by ErikGen 10/4/2012
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      **Note: this is a re-upload, as the original was damaged in the recent unpleasentness. you do NOT need to redownload if you have it already!***
      A brand new aircraft, that will replace the orignal 1stGen SFP1 version you may have.
      This is the Lockheed F-94B 'Starfire', all-weather interceptor. This is a BRAND NEW MODEL, by ErikGen; part of his exceptional Lockheed Shooting Star series.
      The aircraft comes with 4 skin/decal sets:
      69th FIS
      319th FIS (both for KAW)
      USAFSilver a generic NM skin
      449th FIS, as used by the ADC at Ladd Field (AFB), Alaska. *
      The skins are set to 'turn on' at specific years; in 1948 you'll get the 'generic', 51 the 2 KAW skins, and iirc, the Alaskan ADC 449th.
      All skins are in DDS format.
      The first 2 have all new decal sets; the later 2 reuse those I made for the old Pasko Starfire. All decals are Randomized; all skins are in DDS format. A new SF2-style hangar screen, sounds, pilots and drop tanks (same as the Shooting Stars, btw) are included. Other weapons used can be found in the GunnyPak, or the KAW Misc Items downloads.
      The Standard Animation Keystroke ™ is used for the canopy (Shift/0).
      As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      Did I happen to mention, this is a BRAND NEW aircraft? Just checking...as there seems to be the occasional doubt.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      //for the KAW Team//
      *everyone know how much I hate wasting good decals!


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    5. F-5E and F-5EM Tigre Brazilian Air Force (Pack)

      F-5 Tigre Brazilian Air Force (Pack)
      The Tiger in Brazil
      In Brazil, the history of the F-5 started in practice in March 1975, however, he was quoted to equip the FAB since 1965, in its version F-5A / B. In 1967, he was again contemplated, this time as a design vector SISDACTA. The preference was for the F-4 Phantom, but this was vetoed by the Americans, who in turn offered the F-5C (version proposed by Northrop with improvements based on the evaluation report made in Vietnam).
      The impasse U.S. favored the French, having acquired the FAB 16 Dassault Mirage III. A new international contest held in 1971 to replace the AT-33A, attended the Fiat G-91, MB-326K, Harrier Mk-50, Jaguar GR1 and A-4F, won by Northrop fighter now in his version F-5E. Began a long and successful history of the Tiger II in FAB, which still continues today and is expected to last until 2018. The FAB received six F-5B (FAB 4800-4805), 4 F-5F (FAB 4806-4809) and 58 F-5E (FAB 4820-4877) that were acquired in two separate batches. The first batch in 1973, factory direct (06 F + 36 F-5B-5D), the value of $ 115 million and the second batch in 1988, former USAF (04 F-22 F-5F and 5E), the total cost of $ 13.1 million. The first aircraft of "Operation Tiger", became known as the transfer of the first batch were delivered from February 28, 1975 in Palmdale. Were three F-5B, which arrived in Brazil on 06 March of the same year, followed by another three F-5B on 13 May. On June 12, 1975, came the first 4 F-5E to BAGL, starting an airlift that ended on February 12 of the following year, totaling 36 aircraft.
      In 1985, after much searching, we reached an agreement with the Reagan administration, which agreed to negotiate 4 F-5F and 22 F-5E, which would come from the ranks of the USAF, at a cost of $ 13.1 million, a trifle. Around September 2006, it was speculated acquisition of 9 aircraft F-5E Tiger II, used in Saudi Arabia, 6 F-5E and F-5F 3. This purchase, however, went no further, come to the Brazilian Air Force to acquire a lot of aircraft of the Royal Jordanian Air Force. In total 11 aircraft were purchased, and 8 single-seat F-5E and F-5F 3 seaters. The first aircraft coming from Jordan arrived in Brazil on August 19, 2008 and were sent to the Air Force Material Park of São Paulo (PAMA-SP). All the F-5 ex-Jordan should be converted to the standard F-and F-5FM 5EM.
      4 Planes, 3 models and 3 Skins
      - F-5E Tigre II
      - F-5E Tigre II "Ex-Aggressor"
      - F-5EM Tigre II "Ex-Aggressor"
      - F-5EM Tigre II
      (Included but the Old F-5E "F-5EM 4856 Ex-Aggressor")
      O Tigre no Brasil
      No Brasil, a história do F-5 iniciou na prática em março de 1975, porém, ele esteve cotado para equipar a FAB desde 1965, em sua versão F-5A/B. Em 1967, ele foi novamente cogitado, desta vez como vetor do projeto SISDACTA. A preferência era para o F-4 Phantom, mas este foi vetado pelos americanos, que em contrapartida ofereceram o F-5C (versão proposta pela Northrop com melhorias baseadas no relatório de avaliação feito no Vietnã).
      O impasse norte-americano favoreceu os franceses, tendo a FAB adquirido 16 Dassault Mirage III. Numa nova disputa internacional, realizada a partir de 1971 para substituir os AT-33A, na qual participaram o Fiat G-91, MB-326K, Harrier Mk-50, Jaguar GR1 e A-4F, saiu vencedor o caça da Northrop, agora em sua versão F-5E. Começava a longa história de sucesso do Tiger II na FAB, que continua até hoje e ainda deve durar até 2018. A FAB recebeu 6 F-5B (FAB 4800 a 4805), 4 F-5F (FAB 4806 a 4809) e 58 F-5E (FAB 4820 a 4877) que foram adquiridos em dois lotes distintos. O primeiro lote em 1973, direto da fábrica (06 F-5B + 36 F-5E), ao valor de US$ 115 milhões e o segundo lote, em 1988, ex-USAF (04 F-5F e 22 F-5E), ao custo total de US$ 13,1 milhões. As primeiras aeronaves da "Operação Tigre", como ficou conhecido o translado do primeiro lote, foram entregues a partir de 28 de fevereiro de 1975 em Palmdale. Eram 3 F-5B, que chegaram ao Brasil no dia 06 de março do mesmo ano, sendo seguidos de outros 3 F-5B em 13 de maio. Em 12 de junho de 1975, chegavam os primeiros 4 F-5E à BAGL, dando início a uma ponte aérea que só terminaria em 12 de fevereiro do ano seguinte, totalizando 36 aeronaves.
      Em 1985, depois de muito procurar, chegou-se a um acordo com o governo Reagan, que aceitou negociar 4 F-5F e 22 F-5E, que sairiam das fileiras da USAF, a um custo de US$ 13,1 milhões, uma bagatela. Por volta de Setembro de 2006, especulava-se a aquisição de 9 aeronaves F-5E Tiger II, usadas da Arábia Saudita, sendo 6 F-5E e 3 F-5F. Esta compra, entretanto, não foi adiante, vindo a Força Aérea Brasileira a adquirir um lote de aeronaves pertencentes à Real Força Aérea da Jordânia. No total foram compradas 11 aeronaves, sendo 8 F-5E monoplaces e 3 F-5F biplaces. As primeiras aeronaves vindas da Jordânia chegaram no Brasil em 19 agosto de 2008 e foram enviadas ao Parque de Material da Aeronáutica de São Paulo (PAMA-SP). Todas os F-5 ex-Jordânia deverão ser convertidos para o padrão F-5EM e F-5FM.
      4 Planes, 3 models and 3 Skins (Incluido o mas Antigo F-5E "F-5EM 4856 ex-Aggressor")
      - Texture - PauloPanz, Denis Oliveira
      - 3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      - Decals - PauloPanz, Denis Oliveira
      - Data ini - PauloPanz, Denis Oliveira
      - Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi
      - F/A-18A Cockpit-Brain32
      - F/A-18A Avionics-Crusader e CrazyhorseB34
      - Boz for temps
      - Mike 1 for original SF-1 great skins.
      - Soulfreak for FAB Grey one
      - The Mirage Factory for the plane (original readmes in proper folder)
      - Sony Tucson & Boz for temps (mixed and edited)
      - Mike 1 for original NVAF & VPAF skins
      - Eburger 68 for data.ini edits in Viet pack


         (4 reviews)



    6. Mirage 5AD UAE

      Mirage 5AD UAE
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Mirage 5AD : Export version of Mirage 5 for Abu Dhabi, UAE; 12 built
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - PauloPanz
      Template Texture - Ludo.m54
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - PauloPanz
      Data ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi


         (1 review)



    7. Mirage 5RAD UAE

      Mirage 5RAD UAE
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Mirage 5RAD : Version of export of the Mirage 5R for Abu Dhabi, UAE
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - PauloPanz
      Template Texture - Ludo.m54
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - PauloPanz
      Data ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi


         (1 review)



    8. Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya"

      In the late 1950s, the Soviet Air Force was seeking a jet-powered replacement for its fleet of piston-engined trainers, and this requirement was soon broadened to finding a trainer aircraft that could be adopted in common by Eastern Bloc air forces. Aero's response, the prototype XL-29 designed by Z. Rublic and K. Tomáš first flew on 5 April 1959, powered by a British Bristol Siddeley Viper engine. The second prototype was powered by the Czech-designed M701 engine, which was used in all subsequent aircraft.
      The basic design concept was to produce a straightforward, easy-to-build and operate aircraft. Simplicity and ruggedness were stressed with manual flight controls, large flaps and the incorporation of perforated airbrakes on the fuselage sides providing stable and docile flight characteristics, leading to an enviable safety record for the type. The sturdy L-29 was able to operate from grass, sand or unprepared fields. Both student pilot and instructor had ejection seats, and were positioned in tandem, under separate canopies with a slightly raised instructor position.
      In 1961, the L-29 was evaluated against the PZL TS-11 Iskra and Yakovlev Yak-30 and emerged the winner. Poland chose to pursue the development of the TS-11 Iskra anyway, but all other Warsaw Pact countries adopted the Delfin under the agreements of COMECON.
      What's in:
      - a new SF-2 fixed model
      - a new up to date FM
      - 27 updated & new worldwide skins (3 Auri, 1 BVVs, 7 CVL, 2 EAF, 1 FAR, 1 IrAF, 2 Lsk, 1 ML, 2 NAF, 1 VVs, 1 SyAF, 1 UgAF, 1 UkrAF, 2 VPAF)
      - Sound
      - pilot
      - weapons
      - screens
      - Key=10 front canopy open
      - key=9 back canopy open
      both automatic closing at take off
      - all in main mod folder
      - MontyCZ SF-1 model (old but gold), L-39 cockpit, original skins
      - Spillone104 SF-2 model edits (shadows, mappings, roundings edits) & sounds
      - Baffmeister FM & data edits
      - Muesli original SF-1 camo skins
      - Paulopanz (me) skins data7weapons SF-2 edits ect. ect.
      I realy love this bird and was a real pleasure to realise this togheter with my very friends Spillo & Baff.
      @ paulopanz


         (4 reviews)



    9. Sukhoi Fishpot SU-9.7z

      Updated SU-9F
      Added canopy animation : shift and zero
      mapping missing on gear doors and gearwells only partly mapped:FIXED
      Toned down some parts as they were too Bright.IE: Tyres,wells etc.
      added some missing base decals.
      opacity on canopy fixed.
      loadouts fixed.
      bmps and dds files all now jpegs.
      Just drop contents into your mod folder and overwrite,if you have old version,delete it first,as this pack has all updates etc.
      In development:
      Further skins,
      Ive assigned this a\c to the 179 IAP 8 Army PVO
      but you can alter it to any unit you prefer.
      Im not much up on my soviet units. :)
      I think ive done everything,if not contact me via CA.


         (2 reviews)

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    10. AF-1 Brazilian Navy

      AF-1 Brazilian Navy
      Navy of Brazil
      The Navy of Brazil has 23 copies of the version Skyhawk A-4KU, the last to be produced. Of these, 20 are single-seaters (version A-4KU) and 3 two-seaters training version (TA-4KU). These aircraft are used as single-seat five parts sources.
      The single-seater model was designated AF-1 and AF-1A biposto.
      The AF-1 and AF-1A were purchased in the late 90 Kuwaiti aircraft and are veterans of war, having participated in combat missions in Operation Desert Storm in early 1991. During the 1991 conflict with a camouflage flew in sand, brown and gray, in addition to taking the side of the fuselage written the words "Free Kuwait".
      The Skyhawk Brazilians are based in Naval Air Station São Pedro Aldeia (BAeNSPA) and embedded operating in NAe São Paulo.
      On 15/04/09 Embraer of Brazil and the Navy signed a $ 106 million for modernization nine AF-1 and AF-A three. The twelve A-4 Navy operating in Brazil must be retired in 2025.
      Marinha do Brasil
      A Marinha do Brasil possui 23 exemplares de Skyhawk da versão A-4KU, a última a ser produzida. Desses, 20 são monopostos (versão A-4KU) e 3 bipostos de treinamento (versão TA-4KU). Destas aeronaves, cinco monoplaces são utilizados como fontes de peças.
      O modelo monoposto foi designado AF-1 e o biposto AF-1A.
      Os AF-1 e AF-1A foram comprados no final dos anos 90 do Kuwait e são aeronaves veteranas de guerra, tendo participado de missões de combate da Operação Tempestade no Deserto no início de 1991. Durante o conflito de 1991 voaram com uma camuflagem em areia, marrom e cinza, além de levarem escrito na lateral da fuselagem as palavras "Free Kuwait".
      Os Skyhawk brasileiros ficam sediados na Base Aérea Naval de São Pedro Aldeia (BAeNSPA) e operam embarcados no NAe São Paulo.
      Em 15/04/09 a Embraer e a Marinha do Brasil assinaram um contrato de $106 milhões para modernização nove AF-1 e três AF-A. Os doze A-4 operacionais da Marinha do Brasil devem ser aposentados no ano de 2025.
      (1 airplane and 1 ship)
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Denis Oliveira and PauloPanz
      Data ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Denis Oliveira
      Hinchinbrooke for original CV
      Good work Coupi !


         (3 reviews)



    11. Mirage IIIE Armée de l'Air

      Avion Marcel Dassault Mirage IIIE Armée de l'Air (France) Mod version v1.0
      The Mirage IIIE was in service between 1964 and 1994. Improved version of the Mirage IIIC. The Mirage IIIE multi-purpose fighters were delivered with 2 versions: "Early" and "Late" variants presented into the SF2 game.
      Install - Need Update July 2012 (Minimum), DLC Mirage IIIO and DLC Mirage IIIEL
      Good flights!!!
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Texture Temp by Ludo.m54
      data.ini - Coupi
      decals - Ludo.m54
      Texture - Ludo.m54
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi
      Weapons - TMF SF1 Weapons pack.


         (11 reviews)



    12. SF2I DLC 28 IDFAF S-199 Mule Tweek Pak

      SF2I DLC 28 IDFAF S-199 Mule Tweek Pak
      = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED + DLC 28!)
      *Designed for use in the standard/stand alone SF2:I Mods folder (suggested usage)*
      **IF you do NOT have DLC 28, do not download this mod. It will be of no use to you
      This pak contains some "quick and dirty" mods for the S-199 "Mezek" (or Mule) recently
      released in DLC #28
      Now a flyable aircraft, with the included cockpit. 25 Historicaly accruate serial number
      decals, and NEW SF2 style Hangar and loading screens in my World Famous Box Art Style
      Loadout has been adjusted to add the 300 ltr drop tank, a different pilot figure,
      AvHistory Jumo engine sound. Canopy activated via the Standard Animation Keystroke,
      Shift/0. FM remains "as issued". See "Changes" in the Note section below for more stuff.
      Also included is my "One Click Restore" (patent pending) main ini for when it becomes AI-
      only again.
      When in-game, you'll see
      S-199 (3W)
      on the aircraft selection drop-down menu. This will differentiate it from the S-199 by
      MontyCZ (an excellent mod, btw!), in case you may have that one as well. If you DO have
      Monty's, you may want to rename it's folder and main ini to further differentiate it.
      Otherwise you WILL experience conflicts/problems/issues/and assorted troubles.
      As always, other improvements and changes/fixes are welcomed! As I said above, it's just a
      Q&D mod to get them flying so others can help out with any needed/wanted/whatever tweeks
      and fixes.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE
      read them!!!
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (3 reviews)



    13. CAC Sabre Mk. 31 / 32

      In 1951, CAC obtained a licence agreement to build the F-86. It was decided to power the aircraft using a licence-built version of the Rolls-Royce Avon R.A.7. This involved a re-design of the fuselage as the Avon was shorter, wider and lighter than the General Electric J47 that powered the North American-built aircraft. Because of the engine change the type is often referred to as the Avon Sabre. To accommodate the Avon, over 60% of the fuselage was redesigned along with a 25% increase in the size of the air intake. Another major revision was in replacing the F-86F's six machine guns with two 30mm Aden cannons, while other changes were also made to the cockpit and to provide an increased fuel capacity.
      The RAAF operated the CA-27 from 1956 to 1971.
      In 1958–60, CAC Sabres completed numerous ground attack sorties against communist insurgents in Malaya, during the Malayan Emergency, with No. 3 Squadron RAAF and No. 77 Squadron RAAF. Following the Emergency, they remained in Malaysia at RAAF Butterworth. From August 1964 onwards these aircraft responded several times to incursions by Indonesian MiG-21 fighters. However, the Indonesian aircraft always turned back before crossing the international boundary.
      In 1962, a detachment of eight CA-27s, which was later expanded and designated No. 79 Squadron RAAF (79 Sqn), was sent from Butterworth to RAAF Ubon, Ubon, Thailand, to assist the Thai and Laotian governments in actions against communist insurgents. Australia and Thailand were allies of South Vietnam and the United States during the Vietnam War, and 79 Sqn performed air defence for United States Air Force attack and bomber aircraft based at Ubon. The squadron never engaged North Vietnamese aircraft or ground forces and was withdrawn in 1968.
      Former RAAF CAC Sabres were operated by the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM) between 1969 and 1972. Following the establishment of better relations with Indonesia, 23 CAC Sabres were donated to the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) between 1973 and 1975; five of these were former Malaysian aircraft.
      WHAT'S IN:
      - CAC Sabre Mk. 31 RAAF
      - CAC Sabre Mk. 32 RAAF, RMAF, AURI with IRM install (1964)
      A plenty of Skins (16) and all historical decal numbers by plane.

      - plane (fixed for SF-2) by Zur
      - sabre temps by Ravenclaw
      - original mod & screens by Wrench
      - Skins, decals, ini edits by Paulopanz
      - ini tweakings & professional testings by Spillone104
      - all in main mod folder and overwrite
      I realy liked this job. The plane is fantastic and remaking it with Mike and Alex a real pleasure,
      @ paulopanz


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    14. F-104A, Pakistan Air Force

      F-104A, Pakistani Air Force for SF2
      This will work only if you have installed DLC No. 28 AI Aircraft Pack 1, including the F-104A Starfighter. Without this pack installed, you will not have the necessary model files.
      Serials include the 12 F-104A aircraft supplied to the PAF, a further 9 loaned by the Royal Jordanian Air Force, and finally two F-104B aircraft of the PAF.


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    15. SF2 Cessna O-2A Skymaster by Veltro2K

      SF2 Cessna O-2A Skymaster by Veltro2K
      = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! =
      This is a Re-release of the Veltro2k's O-2A FAC aircraft.
      **Note: due to extensive modifications to the cockpit and other ini tweeks, it will =NOT=
      work in 1stGen SF/Wo* games at ANY patch level**
      As stated above, a reissue of the Skymaster FAC bird. Included in this pak are all the mods
      from the "O-2 Tweeks Pak' I issued in 2009 (and it's attendant readme). This is the complete
      Skins remain in their bmp format; Decal radomization is set to TRUE. A user list is
      supplied. New damage textures are in DDS format. All weapons referenced are STOCK 3rd Wire
      items, available in full 4/5 merged installs.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read
      them!!! Included is my original readme for the "Tweeks Pak"; it's suggested you read this
      as well, as it contains a listing of all the changes, tweeks, mods and so forth.
      The Legal Statement has also been changed with regards to this aircraft.
      For those that still have the original releases, as there HAVE been changes and additions in
      several of the inis you may wish to examine, you may wish to replace the originals with
      **This aircraft herein is released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that
      cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    16. F-8E(FN) Crouze & F-8P(FN) Crouze Prolongé

      This pack is a TW DLC enhancement. So it's needed to work.
      WHAT'S IN:
      stock F-8E (FN): Prototype, 14F Grey skin
      New F-8P (FN): 2 blue skins, special Dernier Catapultage skin; dedicated numbers
      - Key 10 cockpit
      - key 9 wingfold
      (*) both animations are automatically closed at take off
      - Gaëtan Marie: LTV F-8E(FN) Crusader
      - Denis Oliveira 3D parts
      - Coupi F-8P avionics & Cockpit aspect (V. 1.1)
      - Paulopanz skins, decals, data.ini edits

      - all in main mod folder

      @ Paulopanz

      PS: we need a good Clemenceau/Foch carrier class


         (4 reviews)



    17. Mirage IIIS Swiss Air Force

      Mirage IIIS Swiss Air Force
      (two versions)
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      In 1961, Switzerland bought a single Mirage IIIC from France. This Mirage IIIC was used as development aircraft. The Swiss Mirages were built in Switzerland by F+W Emmen (today RUAG ) (the federal government aircraft factory in Emmen) as the Mirage IIIS. Australia too, bought, one French-made in preparation for licensed production. Cost overruns during the Swiss production led to the so-called "Mirage affair". In all, 36 Mirage IIIS interceptors were built with strengthened wings, airframe, and undercarriage. The Swiss Air Force required performance comparable to those of carrier based planes; the airframes were reinforced so the aircraft could be moved by lifting them over other aircraft with a crane, as in the Aircraft cavern in the mountains that Swiss Air Force uses as bunkers, offer very little space to maneuver parked aircraft. Also, the strengthened frames allowed for JATO assisted takeoffs. The main differences to the standard Mirage III were as follows:
      New wiring of avionics with U.S. electronics
      Changed cockpit design with gray instead of black panels
      New U.S. radar, TARAN-18 from Hughes
      Use of HM-55S "Falcon" (Swiss designation of the from SAAB in Licence built Robot 27 (Rb27) which is similar to the Hughes AIM-26 "Falcon")
      Radar warning receiver (RWR) on both wingtips and on the back of the rudder
      Strengthened structure for use of JATO-Rockets
      Retractable nosecone and lengthened nosewhlle leg for storing in underground air base
      Four lifting points for moving aircraft in underground caverns with a crane
      Bay at the fin with a SEPR rocket engine to double the velocity for short time or climb to 20 000 m (60 000 ft)
      US TRACOR AN/ALE-40 chaff/flare dispenser at the back under the end of the engine (fitted with the upgrade 1988)
      Canards designed and produced by RUAG Aerospace(fitted with the upgrade 1988)
      New Martin-Baker ejection-seat (fitted with the upgrade 1988)
      The Swiss Mirages are equipped with RWS, chaff & flare dispensers. Avionics differed as well, with the most prominent difference being that the Thomson-CSF Cyrano II radar was replaced by Hughes TARAN-18 system, giving the Mirage IIIS compatibility with the Hughes AIM-4 Falcon AAM. Also the Mirage IIIS had the wiring to carry a Swiss-built nuclear bomb or French nuclear bomb. The Swiss nuclear bomb was stopped in the preproduction stage and Switzerland did not purchase the French-made bomb. The Mirage IIIS had an integral fuel tank under the aft belly; this fuel tank could be removed and replaced with an adapter of the same shape. This adapter housed a SEPR rocket engine with its liquid fuel tanks. With the SEPR rocket, the Mirage IIIS easily reached altitudes of 20,000 m. The rocket fuel was very hazardous and highly toxic, so the SEPR rocket was not used very often. The Mirage IIIRS could also carry a photo-reconnaissance centerline pod and an integral fuel tank under the aft belly; this carried a smaller fuel load but allowed a back looking film camera to be added. In the early 1990s, the 30 surviving Swiss Mirage IIIS interceptors were put through an upgrade program, which included fitting them with fixed canards and updated avionics. The Mirage IIIS were phased out of service in 1999. The remaining Mirage IIIRS, BS and DS were taken out of service in 2003.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      Texture Early Version - Coupi
      Template Texture - Ludo
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Coupi
      Data ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira


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    18. Mirage M5SSE Egyptian Air Force

      Mirage M5SSE Egyptian Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      Template Texture - Ludo
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Coupi
      Data ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment


    19. Mirage M5SDE Egyptian Air Force

      Mirage M5SDE Egyptian Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      Template Texture - Ludo
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Coupi
      Data ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi


         (5 reviews)

      1 comment


    20. Mirage M5E2 Egyptian Air Force

      Mirage M5E2 Egyptian Air Force
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      Template Texture - Ludo
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Decals - Coupi
      Data ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi


         (4 reviews)



    21. SF2 BAe Nimrod MR.1 Remod Pak by Veltro2k

      SF2 BAe Nimrod MR.1 Remod Pak by Veltro2k
      = For SF2, (Full 5 Merged ONLY!!)=
      **FUll 5 Merged reccomended, as the destroyed model references the stock 3W B-52, and many statements in the data ini refer to SF2NA coding only**
      A Re-release of the Veltro2k's Nimrod Martime Patrol aircraft, now with some (ok, many) updates for the SF2:NA environment.
      This is the complete aircraft package, with an new cockpit and various and sundry ini tweeks. Several new or updated weapons are included. The hangar and loading screens have also been converted for SF2 usage.
      2 skins are included:
      42 Squadron, in the original 2-tone (called Early)
      201 Squadron, in the Hemp (called, Hemp (doh!!))
      The skins will automatically change from the Early to the later Hemp at a (semi)specific date. (Read: my best guess)! Skins remain in bmp format.
      Decal randomization is set to TRUE for both skins. Basicly, it's the exactly as I released sometime back for SF2 (pre-purge), but with several enchancement and tweeks, now set up for SF2NA. Damage textures are in DDS.
      Loadouts have been adjusted to start with torpedos, and then switch to Harpoons, also at a 'best guesstimate' year (1983).
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, in particular on operational usage.
      The Legal Statement has been changed with regards to this aircraft.
      For those that still have the original releases, you may want to delete said original (or back it up somewheres), as there HAVE been changes and additions in several of the inis mostly in respect to SF2NA. Consider this a FULL replacement of the original.
      **These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**.
      Good Hunting!


         (4 reviews)

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    22. Mirage IIIO Rose I Pakistan Air Force

      Mirage IIIO Rose I Pakistan Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      Project ROSE (Retrofit Of Strike Element) was an upgrade programme launched by the Pakistan Air Force to upgrade old Dassault Mirage III and Mirage 5 aircraft with modern avionics. In the early 1990s the PAF procured 50 ex-Australian Mirage III fighters, 33 of which were selected after an inspection to undergo upgrades. In the first phases of Project ROSE the ex-Australian Mirage III fighters were fitted with new defensive systems and cockpits, which included new HUDs, MFDs, RWRs, HOTAS controls, radar altimeters and navigation/attack systems. They were also fitted with the FIAR Grifo M3 multi-mode radar and designated ROSE I. Around 34 Mirage 5 attack fighters also underwent upgrades designated ROSE II and ROSE III before Project ROSE was completed. The Mirage III/5 ROSE fighters are expected to remain in service with the PAF until replacement in the mid-2010s.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Texture Temp by Ludo
      data.ini - Coupi
      decals - Denis Oliveira
      Texture - Denis Oliveira
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Denis Oliveira


         (5 reviews)

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    23. Vought RF-8A Crusader (*)

      The RF-8 Crusader was a photo-reconnaissance development and operated longer in U.S. service than any of the fighter versions.
      RF-8s played a crucial role in the Cuban Missile Crisis, providing essential low-level photographs impossible to acquire by other means.
      U.S. Naval Reserve units continued to operate the RF-8 until 1987.
      (*) This isn't a complete plane: You will need YAP RF-8G lod to work
      WHAT'S IN:
      - a new plane with a plenty of new skins for US NAVY & US MARINES
      - SF-2NA standard carriers operations ready
      - Canopy = Key 10
      - WingFold = Key 9
      - All in main mod folder
      - RF-8G lod from Yap in Aircraft/RF-8A folder
      - Optional View mod by KB (follow dedicated readmes in options folder)
      - Yankee Air Pirates for Original SF-1 RF-8G
      - Paulopanz Skins, Decals & new RF-8A Data.ini
      - the RF-8A team (Vols: 331Killerbee & Corktip_14) for testings
      - 331Killerbee Data.ini Tweakings (lights etc.), weapons (Cameras & Flares), optional view mod
      - Corktip_14 Data.ini Tweakings (FM etc.), pilot
      @ paulopanz


         (3 reviews)



    24. Mirage 5BR Belgian Air Force

      Mirage 5BR Belgian Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012, DLC Mirage IIIO and DLC Mirage IIIBA
      (Includes two versions)
      The Dassault Mirage 5BR is the Belgian licence-built version of the 5R (reconnaissance) Mirage variant. The 5R is broadly similar to the older IIIR from which it is derived, and conversion of the aircraft to an attack reconnaissance role proved equally straightforward. One notable difference is the chisel nose, which contains cameras instead of radar. The optional twin cannon pack is usually carried, and other options for armed reconnaissance included a reflector sight and low altitude bombing system. Most of the aircraft in Belgian service were retired during the mid-1990s
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Data and UserList.ini - Coupi
      Decals - PauloPanz


         (7 reviews)

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    25. F-104A and C Pack for SF2 by SupGen

      First, read the readmes; all of them! The first two are Spillone104s', this mod is based on his work and those credited in his readmes. Also, as it says in his readmes, you'll need at a minimum SF2E for the stock F-104s. You'll also need to follow the
      instructions here: http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/ to get the cockpits. This Pack contains six different versions of the Starfighter, three F-104As and three F-104Cs. I felt this was necessary because of the changes that ocurred
      over the years; the original A models had no gun and didn't recieve one until 1964, later, in 1967 a number of them recieved the J79-GE-19 engine. The C model was originaly optimized as an interim Nuclear Strike Fighter to fill in until the F-105 came
      online, as such it was cleared to carry either the Mk-28 (B28) or Mk-43 (B43) tactical nuclear weapons. Included are dedicated versions of these weapons and Lexx Luthors' Nuke Effects. I've made this an alternate loadout in the later versions(selectable
      with the Mission Editor) so if you really want to shake up Uncle Ho, you can. The F-104C also had the ability to carry two more Sidewinders on an under fuselage "Catamaran" ala the F-104G and according to Joe Baugher, while in Viet Nam they did just
      that. Raven was good enough to make a version of the "Cat" for both the SEA Camo and standard versions of the F-104C. Batman1978s' Hi-Res Cockpit .Bmps are included, as well as a Radar.bmpfrom Starfighter2s' F-104C Cockpit mod that I cleaned
      up a little. Some of the aircraft have benefited from Wrenchs' secondary ADI fix, however, in later versions of the aircraft that had a RWR, the secondary ADI was given over to a visual display. They also use Wrenchs' steerable nose wheel fix, along with
      a little bump from Raven. I also modified Spillone104s' "Added 3D Parts" to put the RWR bits on the F-104C_67. I think that's about it; it was a lot of work but if you enjoy it, it's worth it. As always, good luck, good hunting, and give 'em hell!
      Frank Rosato


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