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19 files

  1. SF2 A-1H Skyraider (3W) VA-75 Skin Pack

    SF2 A-1H Skyraider (3W) VA-75 Skin Pack       1/11/2024
    -For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended-- must have access to the A-1H Skyraider in your mods folder(s)
    This here is a new skin for the stock 3W A-1H Skraider, depicting VA-75 "Sunday Punchers" in approx 1962 aboard USS INDEPENDENCE in Southeast Asian waters.
    Most markings are decals, excepting for the squadron color bands on the rudder. Through the magic jiggery-pokkery of Level 2 decals, the CAG color bands are also available when you select modex #500. The line birds have their correct markings. All serial numbers are 100% historically correct for this unit at this time period.
    It should be noted, nothing is provided to make this AI aircraft flyable; you should have alread done that. This is just the textures and decals.
    As is always reccomendified, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
    Happy Landings and Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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  2. SF2 KAW AD-4 Skyraider VA-45 Skin Pack

    SF2 KAW AD-4 Skyraider VA-45 Skin Pack       10/1/2020
    -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
    "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
    This package contains a new skin for the AD-4 Skyraider (3W). This represents VA-45 "Blackbirds" based aboard USS LAKE CHAMPLAIN (CVA-39) on their tour in Korean waters from April, 1953 thru December, 1953 as part of CVG 4.
    This skin is designed to be used on the KAW AD-4 Skyraider pack availalbe at the following url:
    This skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. 24 modex and BuNums have been supplied.
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  3. A-1H VNAF

    Trâu nước điên
    VNAF A-1 Skyraiders
    Also known as "The Crazy Water Buffalo"
    Hi Rez skins 
    To be used on the stock 3W SF2 A-1H Skyraiders
    My next set and final set for the A-1H/J Skyraiders, is the one I  just KNOW you have been waiting for in breathles anticipation !! Oh you giddy young things !! Yes these are the VNAF versions of the Skyraider. 
    The contents are as follows :-
    83 SOG 
    514 FS
    516 FS
    518 FS
    The 514 skins are just a rework of KULBIT80's skin and decal set, I have just updated the skins , the other 3 Squadrons are all new decal sets, and reworked skins, 514's skins are overall grey, 516 & 518 are pretty much standard USAF 3 tone over grey schemes with the usual over the top Vietnamese markings, SOOOOO TACTICAL !! The lack of tail markings on the 516th airframes is correct they just didnt 'ave 'em so there !! I have done the 518th skins as slightly earlier ones so I could do the snazzy white super tactical and camo friendly cowling bands, I have put anti glare panels on these skins even though in reality they didnt have them, but I thought the looked a bit odd like that so anti glare are us deal with it !! harharharhar finally the 83 SOG scheme.....I mean WOW...Really !! hyper tactical or what !! they do look we snazzy though eh chaps !! these aircraft carried no national markings except for the fin flashes, I know the reasons elude me too . 
    Anyhow as with the previous skins I have done everything is all inclusive AT NO EXTRA CHARGE mind you !! 
    All the usual shout outs to all and sundry, youre all groovy froods and you rock !!
    Now what are you waiting for, get into your Spad and go kick some Commie bottom !!! and of course, as always ENJOY !!! 


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  4. A-1J USN

    SPADS !!!
    A-1J Skyraiders of the US Navy
    Hi Rez skins 
    To be used on the stock 3W SF2 A-1J Skyraiders
    Continuing my series of Skyraider skins, these ones are for late mark Spads, of the US Navy.
    Included are :-
    VA-25 "Fist of the Fleet" 2 different skins from 2 consecutive cruises the first on USS Coral Sea, and the secon on USS Midway
    VA-115 "Arabs" again 2 different skins, both on the same tour of duty on USS Kittyhawk, the second set are a rework of Wrench's original experimental camo scheme, again mine is not 100% accurate, but I think it conveys the general idea. Only 2 or 3 Airframes were actually painted in this scheme, but it was just easier to do all of the squadron in it, the scheme was an experiment, which was found to be non beneficial, and in fact a bit of a problem for deck crews whilst operating at night or in bad weather, so it was dropped , however it does look pretty cool, the aircraft had only very basic markings and I have tried to replicate this with these skins, the other set of  "ARABS" are in the standard Grey/White scheme.
    VA-145 "Swordsmen" aboard USS Intrepid 
    VA-152 "Friendlies" on the USS Oriskany and they were called the Friendlies at this time NOT the Black Aces, or the Fighting Aces, the Name is correct for the Time period, the Squadron I believe are now known as the Mavericks !!
    As with all my previous uploads, everything you need is in the package ( obviously you need the aircraft in the first place hahahaha ) Again I will give the Gypsies warning about the Data.ini, make sure you DO use it , or you WILL have clipping issues !!!
    I will also say, as mentioned my my friend Mr Wrench, these are not 100% completely new , shiny, you cant bend it, built from the ground up , skins, but rather total reworks of skins that are already available ( in most cases) Hopefully I have improved on previous and older ones, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed doing them for you all !!
    All the usual shout outs ( you know who you are !! ) 
    As always ENJOY !!!! 


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  5. A-1H USAF -for SF2V A-1H

    Also known as the A-1/AD-6 Skyraider
    For the stock 3rd Wire SF2:V A-1H Skyraider
    Continuing on from my previous uploads and reworks of USN and USMC Skyraiders, I present to you, for your delectation, and enjoyment the next in my rework of our beloved mud moving , snarling, piston powered , and rather handsome USAF Versions , I have made 3 Camouflage versions of the Aircraft from the 1st SOS, 22nd SOS, and 602st SOS of the 56th Special Operations Wing .
    22 SOS is in the Zorro scheme of Camo over Nite, I am aware that not all the aircraft in the Squadron were painted this way, however rather than making a split squadron, the whole load of 'em are nite unders, if ya don't like it....well tough !!  1 SOS is done in the more usual "day" scheme, but is very dirty drab and scratched up, whilst 602's airframes are reasonably clean ( for a skyraider) And a slightly lighter colour tone with the more usual Light Grey unders.
    I have tried to get the numbers and nose art matched up on the different squadrons airframes, and yes I am aware that some of the pilots flew on different squadrons and took their aircraft's name with them, so some of the ones I have portrayed, may appear with different tail codes etc, depending on your sources.
    I have pretty much reworked the camo schemes from scratch, and I hope that these beautiful aircraft meet your approval .
    Everything you need is in the package decals, sounds, pilots , weapons etc. etc. etc. also the Data.ini for the aircraft.........Be advised, you MUST use this Data.ini with these aircraft, firstly because I have enabled the Chaff dispensers, and secondly, it kills off the clipping issue that started me off on this project in the first instance................YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED AND WARNED!!
    That I think covers it, all the usual shout outs to Wrench and Nyghtfall for their Templates, which are instrumental in these 'ere skins And to anyone else who had anything to do with the original , aircraft, cockpits, and any other stuff that I have to be politically correct about .
    Please feel free to leave feedback ( it is much appreciated) also if you find any glitches that may have slipped by my (cough) quality control (cough) department, please give me a shout so I can attempt to fix it.
    Get out there, move some mud, scare the bejesus out of the baddies in Injun country, and above all ENJOY !!!


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  6. A-1H USMC DECAL.ini Corrections

    Just a quick errata sheet for the USMC Skyraider skins I released last month, I just noticed a glaring error, ie I had misnumbered the decals in the decal.ini on 3 of the skins I uploaded that is for VMA212 - 251 - 333 causing the tail numbers to be errr rather truncated on the right side of the fin.....ooops !! 
    So, here are the 3 corrected decal.ini's for the relevant skins, just rename them ie just delete the names I have put on them for reference, and rename EACH one "Decals" and drop them into the relevant skin folder and allow it to over write the existing decal.ini file if you didnt delete it first of course, oh yes, I had also forgotten to enable the prop decals on those 3 skins so that has been rectified as well.
    Totally my bad here, I shall be having strong words with my quality control department , apologies for the error , silly me !!   


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  7. A-1H Skyraider USMC Pack

    This is another rework of the available A-1H  Skyraider skins, this time for USMC A-1's same details as the previous upload for the USN versions. 3 of which are generic USMC airframes, the bu numbers etc are also generic as not many A1's were in use with the Marines in Vietnam as most of the squadrons had re equipped with A4's by then.
    included are 
    VMA 212 generic
    VMA 225
    VMA 251 generic
    VMA 331
    VMA 333
    the reworked data.ini to stop the clipping issue
    All the Sounds needed
    Pilot ( a different one from the USN one )
    lo res screens if you need them
    as with the previous skins I have re-enabled the wingfold system,and the canopy so the usual shift-9 for the wings and shift-0 for the canopy
    Enjoy, fly safe, and give 'em hell.


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  8. A-1H Skin Pack

    This is a rework of the available A-1H  Skyraider skins, the project started when I noticed there was a clipping issue on the original user made skins, after the stock aircraft had been made flyable etc. being an OCD sufferer I couldn't live with it, so I had to comb the DATA.INI of the aircraft to find the issue, which I never didi, probably one number out of place , or something of that nature. So I re did the whole data file, using a frankenstien of a couple of the available ones, mainly Wrench's , so worry ye not good campers, very little has been altered, so the A/C still operates as Wrench intended, just NO CLIPPING !!! ................YAY !! RESULT !! HAPPY BLOODY DANCE !! ......
    Anyhow, I then went on to re do all the skins, utilising the templates from bot Wrench, and Nyghtfall, so a mix and match of those as well, I hope you like and enjoy the results !!
    Included are 
    VA-52 ( two versions, one dirty one clean , the clean one has new decals for the squadron markings made by me )
    VA-65 (Early version )
    VA-65 ( USS Enterprise )
    VA-105 ( A really shiny pristine skin ) 
    VA-176 (USS Shangri La )
    VA-176 (USS Intrepid)
    the reworked data.ini to stop the clipping issue
    Decals ( of course....no use without 'em as I have altered theDECAL.INI of all the skins , 'cos I like to make trouble harharhar )
    All the Sounds needed
    Finally the weapons ie drop tanks and the bog bomb, and the Pilot I myself use for this aircraft, oh yes and all the screens, both in hi res, and lo res if you need lo res screens for any reason. 
    One final note, on the  VA-176 ( Intrepid ) skin, two of the aircraft have kill markings, I have put the entry to enable those in the DECAL.INI of that particular aircraft, however I have them disabled, as in reality the Bu Numbers of the skins and the Actual aircraft are not the same, and I couldnt be bothered to make the correct bu numbers for thos 2 particular aircraft, however if you do not have OCD, and you want the marking showing ( they are keyed to the correct nose numbers ) the just remove the hash marks in the DECAL.INI
    //FilenameFormat=A-1H/VA176a/D/kills    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THAT THERE !!! 
    Thats about it, please enjoy, and please leave feedback if you like...........................cheers !! 
    OH yes, I forgot one last thing, I have re-enabled the wingfold system, , yes , yes I know its not perfect, as it leaves the stores hanging in a weightless environment, but hey ho, if ya dont like it, eith re disable it or , simply ignore it !! so canopy opens with SHIFT-0 and the wingfold is SHIFT-9.


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  9. A-1H 1st/514th Fighter Squadron VNAF

    South Vietnamese, 1st/514th Fighter Squadron grey skin (1962-67) for stock TW A-1H Skyraider.
    Decals: 12 real numbers and paintings
    To install: put object folder from this pack into your mod object folder and let it overwrite.
    Thanks to Nyghtfall for his absolutely awesome templates.


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  10. A-1H VA-52 Skin

    This is a Skin for SF2V A-1H VA-52.
    The file was updated.
    I used an excellent A-1template by Nyghtfall.
    Thank you Nyghtfall!
    Thank you COMBAT+ACE.


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  11. 3rd Wire VA-176 A-1H Template

    A long time project of mine...
    This is my template for the STOCK 3rd Wire A-1H Skyraider. It depict the VA-176 A-1H with the "BEE" scheme. As this is my first skin and did not want to be too complicated, this is a single layer one. With time, i will surely evolve :)
    Just unzip the folder in your object/aircraft/a-1h directory.
    Add the following in the A-1H.ini :
    Squadron=VA-176 "Thunderbolts"
    XXX stands for the number in sequence.
    I added another squadron patch then the VA-176 one used in the A-1 skin pack made by Wrench. So if you have then (hope you have) you will be able to find mine in the drop down list.
    This skin is for an A-1 right out of the paint shop, so don't expect a dirty one here!
    the template is jpeg format 2048 x 2048.
    Work done on the skin : wings, body, tail, weapons pylons, tail wheel, main wheels, tail hook, engine, propeller and interior of the speed brakes.
    Now it's yours to enjoy!
    Mario C.


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  12. SF2 1950s USMC AD-6 (A-1H) Skyraider Skin Pack

    SF2 1950s USMC AD-6 (A-1H) Skyraider Skin Pack 12/13/2015
    = For SF2 (or Any & All =at= Full- Merged) =
    *Note: must have SF2:V as part of your merged install to access the A-1H aircraft itself.*
    The package represents USMC AD-6 (A-1H) Skyraider squadrons of the mid-1950s. Included in this set are skins for:
    *Note: In Real Life ™ service, these 2 squadron used AD-4B (and AD-5) aircraft, but as there is little difference between the marks, for gaming purposes, are used with the AD-6/A-1H. (they =CAN= be added to the "SF2 AD-4B Skyraider, KAW Era" mod here at CA, but you'll have the blue drop tanks on your grey/white skins, but that DID happen in Real Life. Or one can hand-load the 'white' drop tanks.)
    All aircraft use a pool of modex and BuNums, with individual air group letters. In this respect, they should be considered "generic" in nature. All markings, excepting special squadron paint schemes (VMA-225 only) are decals. All skin maps are in jpg format. Decal randomizaion is TRUE. For those squadrons that are listed in the stock 3w "squadronlist.ini", a decal is used to activate the squadron name display on the loadout screen.
    Reminder: nothing is included herein that makes them Player Flyable. There is a superb cockpit by Dels you should have already! If you don't, what ARE you waiting for?? :)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    Happy Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  13. SF2 A-1J Skyraider VA-115 Camo Skin

    SF2 A-1J Skyraider VA-115 Camo Skin 11/30/2015
    = For SF2V (or Any & All at Full- Merged) =
    *Note: must have SF2:V as part of your merged install to access the A-1H aircraft itself.*
    This skin/decal pak represents VA-115 "Arabs" during their Oct 1965-June 1966 deployment in South East Asia aboard USS Kitty Hawk. It represents the experimantal 2-tone green camoflague use during that cruise. It should be noted, sources only point to 3 aircraft actually being painted such, but I've given you a full 12 aircraft squadron.
    The skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. I've also included a new, fully updated data ini, that has all the corrected lighting and so forth. Canopy and wingfold operation are the Standard Keystrokes (shift/0 canopy, shift/9 wingfold). Be advised, folding the wings with ordanance loaded, the items don't move with it. Also included are new sounds for flaps, gear and engine.
    The skin uses the SF2 "date switch statement" that will (hopefully!) turn it on in October 1965.
    What is NOT included are the cockpit or other items that make it flyable. You should have these already. If not, what are you waiting for???
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    Happy Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (6 reviews)



  14. SF2:V USAF A-1H Skyraider, MPPD Skin Remod Pak

    SF2:V A-1H Skyraider, MPPD Skin Remod Pak 7/10/2014
    = For SF2:V (but can be used in all merged installs) =
    *You =must= have SF2:V to have access to the stock 3rd Wire A-1H Skyraider. Please note, the cockpit is NOT included. You'll have to locate and install that yourself*
    This pack contains remods of skin/decal sets originally done by Mike "MPPD" Druzolowski for the Razbam A-1H Skyraider, for SFP1.
    They have now been adapted for use on the stock 3W SPADs.
    Skins included are for the following units:
    1st SOS, 56th SOW
    22nd SOS, 56th SOW (Nite unders)
    602nd SOS, 56th SOW
    as seen in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam war. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE.
    When necessary, the aircraft has been repainted to match the original releases (ie: 22nd SOS).
    I've included MPPD's original readme for historical purposes, as it has interestering information.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
    Good Hunting!!!
    Kevin Stein
    *with thanks to MPPD for originally doing these skins!!*


       (2 reviews)



  15. A-1H Skyraider, VA-52 skin pak

    A-1H "Skyraider" VA-52 Skin Pak


    -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY!!!= --

    (it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the A-1H)
    This pak will add a new skin/decal set for the stock 3rdWire A-1H Skyraider. It represents aircraft from VA-52 "Knightriders" from the USS TICONDEROGA ~ August, 1964, during the time of the attacks on the US Destroyers, and the "Flaming Dart" retalitory raids.
    It is designed to add to the "A-1H Update Pak" released some months ago. You can find the update pak at CombatAce, at the following URL:
    A highly reccomended mod, if I do say so meself <grin>
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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  16. A-1H Skyraider, VA-65 Tigers Skin Pak

    A-1H Skyraider VA-65 Tigers Skin Pak
    -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered), and/or SF2V --
    (it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the stock A-1H)
    This skin/decal represents VA-65 Tigers as seen in 1962/63 when based USS ENTERPRISE (CVAN-65) during her Mediterranean Cruise and "Caribbean Cruise" of Oct/Nov 62 as part of CvG-6. All new decals have been created for the various markings and such. (well, not ALL -- some are reused from my other Skyraider skin paks, but you get the idea).
    For use with or without my A-1H Skyraider Upgrade Pak. (available in the CombatAce SF2/Skins/Downloads section)
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


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  17. A-1H Skyraider, VA-105 (ATG-201, 1958)

    Douglas A-1H (AD-6) Skyraider, VA-105 Skin/Decals pak
    - For SF2 (Any and All, but Full-4 Merged Prefered*) -
    *Note: you MUST, at the very least, have SF2:V for the A-1H. Hence, the 'Full-4 Merged Prefered' warning label*
    This skin pack reproduces A-1H (AD-6) Skyraiders of VA-105 "Gunslingers" circa 1958, as seen aboard USS Essex (CVA-9) as part of ATG-201, during the Beirut Crisis of that timeframe, supporting the US Marines during the intervention.
    Can (or Should?) be applied to my Skyraider Upgrade Paks, available here at CombatAce.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    kevin stein


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  18. 3rdW A-1J Skyraider, Skins and Ini Update Pak

    A-1J "Skyraider" Skin and Ini Update Pak


    -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY=!!!

    This package contains inis, full skin and decals sets, a few weapons and a complete cockpit, to make the stock AI-only A-1J "Skyraider" flyable. While the cockpit is not 100% correct (or, more truthfully, close), it does have all the gauges working as they would be in a propeller aircraft. Until such time a a proper AD-7/A-1J pit arrives, this WILL have to suffice.
    Ini edits include some enhanced AI statements, corrected ammo counts, fuel quantity, on-board countermeasures (chaff and flares for Vietnam era usage) the addition of the running/formation lights on the tail, a landing light, and a working canopy (use Shift/0 to open and close). Wingfold is NOT activated, due to odd movement and placement issues with the outer wing stores locations. At some point in the future, I'll try and get them dailed in properlly, so the wingfold will work and the weapons follow the wing.
    A new 300 gallon drop tank has also been included, as the LOD lacks the nodes for built-in drop tanks as seen on other SF2 aircraft (even though called out in the data ini, it just ain't there!). And just for extra added enjoyment, the "Special Weapon", as used by VA-25 is also included. Yup, the world (in)famous Toilet Bomb.
    A new SF2-style hangar screen, and a new loading screen are also included. All decals are new, with correct Modex, squadron codes and BuNums. It should be noted, that in Vietnam era squadrons (and possibly before) most Skyraider units used a mix of AD-6/7 (or A-1H/J after 1961), so these may not be fully historical, as the BuNums reflect only the one type (AD-6 or A-1H) per squadron. But the BuNums ARE 100% accurate for the models they indicate; and in the cases where photos or profile were available, the actual aircraft represented.
    Skins included in this set are:
    VA-25 "Fist of the Fleet", USS Coral Sea, 11/1966
    VA-115 "Arabs", USS Kitty Hawk, 3/1966
    VA-145 "Swordsmen",USS Intrepid 9/1967
    VA-152 "Wild Aces", USS Oriskany, 8/1965
    The new "A-1J.INI" has been edited to move these new skins to the top, and the original 3W "USNGray1" and "USAFCAmo1" to the bottom, making it easier to select the USN/USMC marked skins.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires, to make it a LOT easier to install.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    oppsy edit! I had H, when I meant J!!! Sorry! -w


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  19. 3rdW A-1H Skin and Ini Update Pak

    A-1H "Skyraider" Skin and Ini Update Pak


    -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY!!! --

    This package contains inis, full skin and decals sets, a few weapons and a complete cockpit, to make the stock AI-only A-1H "Skyraider" flyable. While the cockpit is not 100% correct (or, more truthfully, close), it does have all the gauges working as they would be in a propeller aircraft. Until such time a a proper AD-6/7 (or A-1H/A-1J) pit arrives, this WILL have to suffice.
    Ini edits include some enhanced AI statements, corrected ammo counts, fuel quantity, on-board countermeasures (chaff and flares for Vietnam era usage) the addition of the running/formation lights on the tail, a landing light, and a working canopy (use Shift/0 to open and close). Wingfold is NOT activated, due to odd movement and placement issues with the outer wing stores locations. At some point in the future, I'll try and get them dailed in properlly, so the wingfold will work and the weapons follow the wing. A new 300 gallon drop tank has also been included, as the LOD lacks the nodes for built-in drop tanks as seen on other SF2 aircraft (even though called out in the data ini, it just ain't there!). A new SF2-style hangar screen, and an new loading screen are also included. Almost all decals are new, with correct Modex, squadron codes and BuNums. It should be noted, that in Vietnam era squadrons (and possibly before) most Skyraider units used a mix of AD-6/7 (or A-1H/J after 1961), so these may not be fully historical, as the BuNums reflect only the one type (AD-6 or A-1H) per squadron. But the BuNums ARE 100% accurate for the models they indicate; and in the cases where photos or profile were available, the actual aircraft represented.
    Skins included in this set are:
    VA-35 "Black Panthers",USS Saratoga, Med Cruise, 7/1958 (possibly during the Beirut Crisis)
    VA-85 "Black Falcons", USS Forrestal, 1962 (also possibly on a Med Cruise)
    VA-176 "Thunderbolts", USS Intrepid, Vietnam War (1st SEA cruise, before the famous "bee and lightning bolt" added)
    VMA-331 "Killer Bees", circa 1956-59, before transfering to Skyhawks. This one's for Gunny!
    The new "A-1H.ini" has been edited to move these new skins to the top, and the original 3W "USNGray1" and "USAFCAmo1" to the bottom, making it easier to select these USN/USMC marked skins.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/uses, to make it a LOT easier to install.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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