21 files
Ejército del Aire F-104G - ALA-12
By paulopanz
Ejército del Aire F-104G - ALA-12
The Spanish Air Force received their F-104s under the Military Assistance Program: 18 Canadair-built F-104Gs
and three Lockheed-built TF-104Gs were delivered under MAP to Spain's Ejército del Aire in 1965.
These aircraft were transferred to Greece and Turkey when they were replaced by F-4 Phantoms in 1972.
It is notable that no aircraft were lost through accidents during 17,000 hours of operational use in Spain
although it should also be noted that the aircraft was used only in its intended role of an interceptor and
mainly in very good flying weather.
Ejército del Aire:
-Ala 6 based at Torrejon (later redesignated Ala 16); 61 Escuadron (later redesignated 161 and 104 Escuadron)
Install: as usual
@ Paulopanz
Koninklijke Luchtmacht F-104G Skinpack
By paulopanz
A whole skins collection made fixing, upgrading stock ones
and adding new ones ....
- 65+ special skin
- UFO flight 1984 (story included)
+ 3 special planes (Snoopy, Mirror Image, Bonzo)
- 311/312 joint skin: nose fixed
- 322/323 joint skin: nose fixed + 1 special plane (Happy Hooker)
- Original camo: new nose + patch added
- Original Grey: patch added
INSTALL: as usual.
I began this little work talkin' with Derk years ago, and so
is dedicated to all of You from Netherlands.
@ Paulopanz
Canadair CF-104 Starfighter skins
By Sheriff001
I have made new skins for the Canadair CF-104 Starfighter. These skins show all the normal Royal Canadian Air Force/Canadian Armed Forces CF-104 schemes. Fuel tanks are included. Aircraft.ini files removing TK's CF-104 skins are also included.
The following skins are provided:
CF-104 RCAF Natural Metal (Canada-based) RCAF Natural Metal (Germany-based) RCAF Natural Metal post-1965 (Canada-based) RCAF Natural Metal post-1965 (Germany-based) CAF Natural Metal (Canada-based) CAF Natural Metal (Germany-based)
CAF Natural Metal (Canada-based) CAF Natural Metal (Germany-based) CAF Green CAF Symmetrical Natural Metal (Canada-based) CAF Symmetrical Natural Metal (Germany-based) CAF Symmetrical Green
CAF Symmetrical Natural Metal (Canada-based) CAF Symmetrical Natural Metal (Germany-based) CAF Symmetrical Green CAF Symmetrical Camo
I have provided 20 serial numbers. Anyone wishing to make additional serials will find PSD templates, and the RCAF font in the extra's folder. Use 22-point for pre-unification serials, 16-point for unification serials, and 48-point for buzz numbers.
I have also included fuel tank templates which I have created.
No instructions or files have been added to make the CF-104 flyable, however plenty is available on combatace.com on this subject. What works for the F-104G will work for the CF-104. I recommend making the aircraft ini files read only.
Template used: http://combatace.com/files/file/5474-f-104g-photoshop-template/
Removed CAF Green from CF-104, removed scratches from all skins, adjusted specular, glossiness and reflection values on natural metal skins, added SM files to natural metal skins. Fixed decals to remove white borders.
Installation Instructions
Copy the contents of "ModFolder" into your mod folder. Over-write where necessary.
TK: SF2, stock CF-104 Bobrock - F-104 template Littlesmoke - CF-104 NATO skin (used for 'tracing' the camo skin) Paulopanz - natural metal skins advice
If there are any problems, or omisions in the credits, please send me a PM.
- cf-104
- starfighter
- (and 8 more)
SF2 DLC #28: F-104C (66) Starfighter Skins/Ini Pak, Part 2
By Wrench
SF2 DLC #28: F-104C (66) Starfighter Skins/Ini Pak, Part 2 3/15/2014
= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, =WITH= DLC #28 (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
*DLC #28 is REQUIRED for this mod!!*
Please note, this pack is set up for the F-104C_66 variant from the DLC pak
(WITH refueling probe) =ONLY=!!!
This pack contains skins/decals for the following units:
435th TFS, 479th TFW, as based at Udorn RTAFB (and attached to 8th TFW)
198th FIS, Pureto Rico ANG
The PRANG skin has a start date of 1969, and will automaticly switch.
All aircraft are in standard SEA camo finish.
All markings are decals, and decal Randomization is TRUE. 100% historical
serial numbers (all 77, new decals) are included. Nose Art decals are included
for the 435th Skin; the aircraft are 'named' in the numbers.lst. The PRANG
skin, which only uses 26 numbers, are in the later (post-10 years operational)
The inis included are:
Data.ini (operable canopy, Standard Keystroke, Shift/0)
Loadout ini
main ini
Hangar screen (an SF2 revamped version of the 1stGen's F-104G)
Loadout image (bmp)
Avionics. ini (see "Notes" for more information)
Cockpit.ini, (see "Notes" for more information)
Please note, the cockpit itself is =NOT= included -- you'll have to find the
F-104G's pit on your own.
When in game, just to be sure, you'll see "F-104C Starfighter (66) (3W)". This
will differentiate it from the 1stGen mods (see below, as an added safety
When installing, just allow the overwrite of the inis. I've fiddled with the
skin listing order, to make them more user friendly. Also included is my
(patent pending) 'One Click Restore Main ini' for when the game engine
rewirtes it.
Also, if you have ANY of the original Ajundair F-104Cs ported over to SF2, you
are ADIVSED to rename ALL the folders (aircraft and decals), back them up or
remove them from your mods folder BEFORE installing this package. There is a
distinct possibility that this mod may merge with them, and really and truely
foul things up!
*REMINDER!!! You =MUST= have DLC #28 to access the aircraft's LOD.*
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are
included. So, please -READ- them!!
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
SF2 DLC #28: F-104C (61) Starfighter Skins/Ini Pak, Part 1
By Wrench
SF2 DLC #28: F-104C (61) Starfighter Skins/Ini Pak, Part 1 3/15/2014
= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, =WITH= DLC #28 (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
*DLC #28 is REQUIRED for this mod!!*
The pack contains some remods of Daves skins/decals that were originally seen on Anjundair's F-104C. Now that we have a better model (DLC #28), it behooved me to update it.
Please note, this pack is set up for the F-104C_61 variant from the DLC pak (WITH refueling probe). However, with a simple rename of the skin maps, it can be used on the standard or garden Variety F-104C included in DLC 28. It is NOT for use on the F-104C_66. That will be covered in another mod pak See "Notes" for more information on skin renaming.
This pack contains skins/decals for the following units:
479th TFW, George AFB:
434th TFS
435th TFS
436th TFS
476th TFS (all in stateside full-color markings)
476th TFS, as seen at Da Nang, RVN in 1964 (called 476_E, with tail TAC Badge)
All aircraft are in 'Natural Metal' finish
All markings are decals, and decal Randomization is TRUE.
The inis included are:
Data.ini (operable canopy, Standard Keystroke, Shift/0)
Loadout ini
main ini
Hangar screen (an SF2 revamped version of the 1stGen's F-104G)
Loadout image (bmp)
Avionics. ini (with non-historic audio-only RWR)
Cockpit.ini, (with working secondary ADI and oil quantity gauges, ala F-104G)
Please note, the cockpit itself is =NOT= included -- you'll have to find the F-104G's pit on your own.
When in game, just to be sure, you'll see "F-104C Starfighter (61) (3W)". This will differentiate it from the 1stGen mods (see below, as an added safety precaution)
When installing, just allow the overwrite of the inis. I've fiddled with the skin listing order, to make them more user friendly. Also included is my (patent pending) 'One Click Restore Main Ini' for when the game engine rewirtes it.
Also, if you have ANY of the original Ajundair F-104Cs ported over to SF2, you are ADIVSED to rename ALL the folders (aircraft and decals), back them up or remove them from your mods folder BEFORE installing this package. There is a distinct possibility that this mod may merge with them, and really and truely foul things up!
*REMINDER!!! You =MUST= have DLC #28 to access the aircraft's LOD.*
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them!!
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter Skins Pak, Part 2
By Wrench
SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter Skins Pak, Part 2 3/15/2014
= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, =WITH= DLC #28 (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
*DLC #28 is REQUIRED for this mod!!*
The pack contains some remods of Daves skins/decals that were originally seen
on Anjundair's F-104A. Now that we have a better model (DLC #28), it behooved
me to update it. Included are USAF and Air National Guard skins.
56th FIS (ADC)
83rd FIS (ADC) (1st unit to recieve them, Hamilton AFB)
151st FIS (TN ANG)
157th FIS (SC ANG)
197th FIS (AZ ANG)
319th FIS
538th FIS
No 9 Squadron.
This skin replaces the stock 3W with 100% hisorical serials, but is still named
the same (from my 1stGen mod of Ajundairs)
All markings are decals, and decal Randomization is TRUE.
The inis included are:
Data.ini (operable canopy, standard keystrokes, Shift/0)
Loadout ini
main ini
Hangar screen (an SF2 revamped version of the 1stGen's F-104G)
Loadout image (bmp)
Avionics. ini
Cockpit.ini, (with working secondary ADI and oil pressure gauges, ala F-104G)
User list with corrected RJAF date.
Please note, the cockpit itself is =NOT= included -- you'll have to find the
F-104G's pit on your own. (these inis will replace those in the PAF F-104A skin pak. Allow the overwrite)
*REMINDER!!! You =MUST= have DLC #28 to access the aircraft's LOD.*
For those that have the recently uploaded PAF A-Zipper, just allow the
overwrite of the inis. I've fiddled with their order, to make them more user
friendly. Also included is my (patent pending) 'One Click Restore Main ini' for
when the game engine rewirtes it.
Also, if you have ANY of the original Ajundair F-104As ported over to SF2, you
are ADIVSED to rename ALL the folders (aircraft and decals), back them up or
remove them BEFORE installing this package. There is a distinct possibility
that this mod may merge with them, and really and truely foul things up! The
same is equally valid for the upcoming mods for the DLC F-104Cs, that are now
'in the hangar'.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are
included. So, please -READ- them!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter, Pakistani Air Force
By Wrench
SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter, Pakistani Air Force 3/10/2014
= For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, =WITH= DLC #28 (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) =
*DLC #28 is REQUIRED for this mod!!*
A remod skin/decal set for the DLC F-104A, recreates the Starfighter as used by the PAF.
The decals are re-used from my Indo-Pak Mod, that was based on Ajundair's old 1stGen A Zipper. Now, we're using the newest model (you all know how I hate to waste decals.... ).
Included are 98.6% historical serial numbers (albeit 2 are for 104Bs ...) as used by No. 9 Squadron, PAF. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Also included are several inis with some additions and corrections.
The inis are:
Data.ini (operable canopy, standard keystrokes, Shift/0)
Loadout ini
main ini
Hangar screen (an SF2 revamped version of the 1stGen's F-104G)
Loadout image (bmp)
Avionics. ini
Cockpit.ini, (with working secondary ADI and oil pressure gauges, ala F-104G)
*REMINDER!!! You =MUST= have DLC #28 to have access to the aircraft's LOD.*
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
JaboG 36 "Westfalen" F-104G - Hopsten Air Base ca. 1972
By Soulfreak
JaboG 36 "Westfalen" F-104G Skin by Carlo (not Paulo) "Soulfreak" Vecchi
F-104G in colors of the Westfalen Geschwader (Hopsten Air Base). I served with that squadron, but I worked on the F-4F ICE.
Credit =
original model by - Third Wire
GAF F-104G temp by - ravenclaw_007
to install-
this mod is done for SF2
you need to have installed my Marine Zipper Skin Pack for the Decals. Available here:
Drop the JBG36 folder to your: objects/Aircraft/F-104G folder under mod folder.
If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce!
Go fly.
Have Fun
Schapen, Oct. 31st 2013
West German Marine Zippers
By Soulfreak
Marine F-104G Skin Pack by Carlo (not Paulo) "Soulfreak" Vecchi
Included are 4 Skins for the 2 (West) German Navy Squadrons (MfG 1 & MFG 2) that flew the Zipper.
in Norm 62 (early) and Norm 76 (late) Camo.
And all German F-104G Numbers (you need them for later Skins by me)!!!
Credit =
original model by - Third Wire
GAF F-104G temp by - ravenclaw_007
this mod is done for SF2
NOTE: Textures are in BMP format. If you have not a good system, you should convert the textures into jpg format.
You have to read the readme.txt!!!
Have Fun
Schapen, Oct. 31st 2013
- marine
- starfighter
- (and 4 more)
JBG32 25th Anniversary Skin
By Soulfreak
JBG 32 "Bavaria" F-104G Skin by Carlo (not Paulo) "Soulfreak" Vecchi
F-104G, 20+62 celebrating the 25th anniversary of JaboG 32 on July 26, 1983
Credit =
original model by - Third Wire
GAF F-104G temp by - ravenclaw_007
to install-
this mod is done for SF2
Drop the JBG32 folder to your: objects/Aircraft/F-104G folder under mod folder.
If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce!
Go fly.
Have Fun
Schapen, Oct. 31st 2013
F-104A, Pakistani AF, and Ini Tweeks Pak
By Wrench
F-104A, Pakistani Air Force, And Ini Tweeks Pak
= For SF2, Any and All =
Some modifications (ini wise) and a new-ish skin for the recently re-released revamp of Ajundair's F-104A Starfighter. This package is =ONLY= to be applied to the F-104A Pak by Spillone104, available at:
This adds a Pakistani AF skin, with historical serial numbers (albeit 2 are for 104Bs ...) as used by No. 9 Squadron; Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Also included are several inis with some additions and corrections.
Please note, the skins are in jpg format, so be at least at the Jan 2012 patch level for them to work. If not ... you can figure out the alternatives.
The inis are:
Data.ini (with corrected export dates, and steerable nose wheel)
Userlist (with, hopefuly correct years)
Loadout ini (corrects the "always loading Falcons" issue)
main ini (with some minor additions)
Hangar screen (albeit the SF2 revamped 1stGen F-104G, but the differences are so small...)
Cockpit.ini, (with working secondary ADI and oil pressure gauges, ala F-104G)
the included cockpit folder does NOT have the lod, but does contain the hi-rez skins by batman1976; and probably several other not used bmps -- I couldn't remember which ones to remove, so left them alone
As always, READ the enclosed readme for usual fully detailed install instructions.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
F-104A, RJAF Skin/Decal Pak
By Wrench
F-104A, Royal Jordanian Air Force Skin/Decal Pak
= For SF2, Any and All =
A new(ish) skin for the recently re-released revamp of Ajundair's F-104A Starfighter. This package is =ONLY= to be applied to the SF2 F-104A Pak by Spillone104 & Co, available at:
This represents RJAF F-104As, with historical serial numbers and ID Letters (albeit 3 or 4 actually are for their 104Bs ...). Decal randomization is set to TRUE. This is a reuse of one of the newly released natural metal skins, with all new decals. What little I've been able to determine via research, they weren't painted in camo until their retirement (1980s??), and used as decoys at various RJAF bases (* the pattern described is very similiar of the Mirage F-1 the RJAF was using at the time*)
Please note, the skins are in jpg format, so be at least at the Jan 2012 patch level (or whichever one in 2011 allowed it) for them to work. If not ... you can figure out the alternatives.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for usual fully detailed install instructions.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
F-104G Starfighter, Generic SEA/NATO 3-Tone skin
By Wrench
F-104G Starfighter, Generic SEA/NATO 3-Tone skin, (1024x1024)
For SF2, Any & All (Full-4 Merged Prefered)
Note: usable in any SF2 install with access to the F-104G
This is 'medium rez' skin for the stock F-104G; I call these "medium rez", as it's only 1024 x 1024. There is no partucular nation attached to this skin; it's "Generic" (however, certain contries may have had different placards - these, again, are generic in nature).
This is a "clean" skin, with no painted on markings, using all stock in-game markings (decals) - the decals ini will use whichever you choose (excepting USAF). This will allow skinners/decalers more latitude in creating country-specific squadron markings and such. The skin has a default start date of 1970; you can adjust as needed (again, a generic date of 1973 might be more accurate).
Included also are updated data and loadout inis, with "Nation & Year Specific" mission profile loadouts (in particular Marineflieger anti-ship). Updated version of the AS-30 and Kormoran 1 missile are included, for MFG usage.
*Note: the only thing NOT added is the Orpheus recon pod for KLU usage*
As expected, the canopy operates with the Shift/0 key.
Since the skin mapping hasn't changed since SFP1, this skin should (may) also be usable in 1stGen game installs that have the F-104G accessable. This, however, has NOT been tested.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!!
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
PS: the attached screenie shows HAF Zippers, with stock 3W serials, BuzzNumbers and national insigina
By Wrench
F-104G Starfighter, ROCAF Skin & Decal Pak
A rebadging of the stock F-104G Starfighter to those as used by the Republic of China (aka: Taiwan) from the mid-1960s until their retirment in the late 1990s.
As such, it should be considered as a 'generic' skin; although the serials and ID numbers are accurate, it represents no particular unit. The serials and ID numbers represent the first 40ish 104Gs the ROCAF acquired.
Although built and designed for use in SF2 series sims, it's easily backdated for use on SF/Wo* 1st Gens as well. I've even included a SF/Wo* series type Decals ini, ready for use.
For SF2 users, a modified F-104G_UserList.ini is included, with corrected service dates for Taiwan.
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. I've tried to make it as simple and easy as possible.
A perfect addition to Gepards' Formosa Terrain!
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
Default RNlAF F-104G Skin Replacement Pack
By bwild
26-06-2012 v1.0
This is a replacement pack for the default RNlAF skins used by the ThirdWire F-104G. The skins were made with ravenclaws excellent templates. This pack includes both the Camo and Grey skins and an additional Camo skin without the black inlets. The skins are HD (2048x2048). Matching droptank skins are included.
The skins have no national or squadron markings.
To use this pack you need to have SF2:Europe installed/merged.
To make them flyable follow the instructions by Wrench:
To install:
Simply unpack the Object folder in the zip to your MOD folder. Overwrite if prompted.
- The skins may be to big for your system, resize them if needed.
- The bumpmaps of the Thirdwire model do not exactly line up with the skin, I'm working on a fix (no ETA).
- ravenclaw_007 for the F-104G templates
- Thirdwire for the F-104G
By acesfakia
Hi,,,this is a skin for the TF-104G
BAF F-104G
By paulopanz
BAF F-104G for SF-2EU
We needed it, I remade (NATO 5 ready!!).
1st Wing – Wing Alle-Weder (Beauvechain/Bevekom AB)
349th Smaldeel
Motto: "strike Hard, Strike Home"
Insigna: Two Morning star (i.e. maces) crossed, on a white background
(F-104G November 1963 – March 1980)
350th Smaldeel
Motto: "Belgae Gallorum Fortissimi"
Insigna: The head of Ambiorix with winged helmet
(F-104G March 1963 – October 1981)
10th Wing – Bommenwerpers Wing (Kleine Brogel AB)
23rd Smaldeel
Motto: "Diabolico Furore"
Insigna: A red devil holding two black bomb
(F-104G April 1964 – December 1982)
31st Smaldeel
Motto: "In Sanguine Vinum"
Insigna: A black and gold Tiger
(F-104G June 1963 – October 1983)
(*) better historical notes added by costumer request.
All 100 planes delivered, all four squadrons badges included.
Bonus F-104_loadout.tga included.
CF-104 TuAF
By Soulfreak
CF-104 Turkish Air Force Skin
This skin is optimized for the stock SF2 CF-104_76 (June2011 Patch level).
I did it, cause there was no Turkish CF-104 skin and I think we need more skins for
the great Anatolian terrain.
Skin is for the CF-104_76!!!
Bobrock for his great temps
Thirdwire for the great sim
I hope you like this skin
Schapen, July 11th 2011
Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi
TuAF Zippers
By Soulfreak
F-104G Turkish Air Force Skins
These skins are optimized for the stock SF2 F-104G (June2011 Patch level).
I did them, cause I like the Sea Camo, the ex German Camos and I think we need more skins for
the great Anatolian terrain
- SEA Camo
- ex Luftwaffe Norm 62
- ex Marine Norm 76
Bobrock & Ravenclaw_007 for their great temps
Thirdwire for the great sim
Updated Files caused of some little mistakes on the f-104_3 bitmaps!!!
I hope you like this skins
Schapen, July 10th 2011
Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi
HAF Zippers
By Soulfreak
F-104G Hellenic Air Force Skins
These skins are optimized for the stock SF2 F-104G (June2011 Patch level).
I did them, cause I like the Sea Camo and I think we need more skins for
the great Anatolian terrain
Bobrock for the great temps
Wrench for the Decals of his SF1 Mod
Thirdwire for the great sim
Files updated!!!
Caused of some little mistakes in the F-104_3 bitmaps.
I hope you like this skins
Schapen, July 10th 2011
Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi
F-104G 4510th CCTW
By Soulfreak
F-104G 4510th CCTW Silver skin.
This skin is optimized for the stock SF2 F-104G (June2011 Patch level).
Since i saw there was no accurate USAF Skin for it in Game, i did this.
Bobrock for the great temps
Thirdwire for the great sim
I hope you like this skin
Schapen, June 25th 2011
Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi
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