5 files
Su-32 34 Skin Packs
By bazillius
This is a set of Camouflages for Su-34
THIS IS ONLY TEXTURE SET and decals, There are no other files in this pack. This set is for persons who have this aircraft. I know that it is difficult to find this model last times. Do not ask me how to get it cuz I do not know. I got this aircraft many years ago and do not know its fate and why it is not available.
I tried to make the skins as accurate as possible. But some details missed because of the limitations of the model, some details i was too lazy to tune. As all old aircrafts, it has ugly UV map which is hard to use for texturing. Some early cammuflages can be not accurate too much to real aircraft for some details. There is a long "antiblick" strip over white nose on one photo, and the same aircraft has short strip before gray nose at another photo, one aircraft has "no step" dashes, anothe haven't it etc. Сoloration is often very different from year to year and sometimes from an aircraft to an aircraft from the same serie.
If you ask me why there is a chaos in a decal folder, the answer is that there is a chaos only for a first look ;) I used decals from NATO fighters pack and all decals on places which in that pack. I do not like doubles and i do like in my Mod folder. That is why decals not in one folder.
Skins was drawn based on outlines by Mariusz Wojciechowski and real photos.
Prototype Su-32 1993
Prototype Su-32 1995
Le Bourget 1997
Russia_1 - Standard modern colors
Russia_2 - Standard modern colors with "No Step" marks
Serial Su-34 2006
Aubergine 2011 - old gray skin from pack below looks too black in game. i tuned it and made some decals.
Aubergine 2012 - same with color tunes and some different decals for 2012 with "No Step" marks
BACK UP you original Su-34 folder first.
installation: unpack and copy to your installed Su-34 folder. Be sure to overwrite the decals folder. It is very important! There is a fix for the UV grid of the original model, cause of which the tail had a reflection of the another. All other decals like numbers are not changed and ruins nothing if you overwrite. If you didnt changed them youself.
I used these files:
NATO Fighters 4+
By Dave (approved by Dave, January 20, 2016)
I took some skin details like engines, nozzles, marks, from this skin:
Su-34 Skins
By WINGSOVERISRAEL (approved by Dave, April 5, 2014)
All the best, bazillius
other skins by other users are here:
By delrey
Su-34 skin
This is a very small mod based on original skin by Insky group. Underside is from WINGSOVERISRAEL [david].
You need the Su-34 mod, not included here.
Extract folder named Grey to your aircraft folder. Soviet folder goes to Decals.
Note: This is the first time that I upload, if I missing something, someone or is wrong, please let me know.
del Rey
November 19,2015
Su-34 Skins
Su-34 FullBack Skins By me
Su-34 Model by Inskyes
Su-34 Fullback skin pack and bits for SF2
I began to made this skinset since the original one was not of my taste and ended up making some others fictitious.
Must mention since the model is no longer available, the skins apply for the lucky ones who has it.
Grey-Blue and Platypus skins, represent production aircraft already in service, while Soviet Navy and Forest ones represent fictitious planes for use in deep Europe and maritime.
Additionally, i'm adding a Hangar, loadout and loading pics to add some flavor to the game.
Su-34.ini has been modified to use my planes in first place, but that can be easily changed, for the plane of your choice.
I´m also using a couple of pilots made by The Trooper, with a big thanks to him.
Last i want to thank to Daniel "Cocas" Lieabert and Martin Kratochvil (76.IAP BlackBird) for their kind advise to create this skins, and the patience they had to me.
Skins are intended to be used by anyone here, can be shared and given away for everybody, but cannot be used as payware of any class.
Hope you all have fun with them.
Best Regards.
Enoc Marquez AKA Flogger23.
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