26 files
Lockheed RF-104G Starfighter
By paulopanz
The RF-104G was a tactical reconnaissance model based on the F-104G,
usually with three KS-67A cameras mounted in the forward fuselage in
place of the internal cannon. Many of the 189 built were subsequently
reconfigured to the F-104G standard.
What's in:
- 6 new planes to fly
- 14 HD skins
- historical decalsets
- Hangars & Patches
- Gkabs 3D parts (KS-67A cameras)
- BobRock F-104G temps
- Soulfreak German/Greek base skins
- Paulopanz skins, decals, screens, data.inis edits
- you need SF-2 Europe for CF-104 used
- all in main mod folder (Isn't easy?)
@ paulopanz
AMI & KLU Recon F-104G with Orpheus pod
By paulopanz
In '70 AMI and KLU due the RF-104G shortage, converted a limited basic F-104G to recon duty by equipping them with Orpheus recon pod.
These pods were different and Steve S made both for us sometimes ago. So it's time to upgrade and use them.
What's in:
- 2 new plane to fly
- 6 HD skins
- historical decalsets
- 2 SF-2 Orpheus pods
- Guns removed & noses restyled
- Spillone104 new 3D parts & Orpheus upgrades
- Steve S original SF-1 Orpheus
- BobRock F-104G temps
- Paulopanz skins, decals, screens, data.inis edits & upgrades
- all in main mod folder (Isn't easy?)
@ paulopanz
PS: the 'real' RF-104G and A.M.I. F-104G skins in the makings.
Turkish Air Force F-104S
Turkey is one of the very first countries to receive the F-104Gs within the MAP program. As a preparation for the new aircraft the 144th Squadron was organised at the 4th AB in Mürted-Ankara. The first 15 aircraft arrived on May 10th,1963 by sea and they were deployed at the newly founded squadron in July. In July 1963 two TF-104gs arrived and they were also assigned to the same squadron. This was followed by Canadair produced 18 F-104Gs and 2 TF-104Gs. The shipment continued in 1965 with 5 more Canadair built F-104Gs. All of these planes were deployed at the 144th Squadron. In 1968 3 pcs F-104G and 1 pc TF-104G were received from USAF.
The TuAF faced with the US embargo after the Cyprus peace-keeping Operation ordered a batch of 18 F-104S from Italy. 6 of the planes were delivered within the same year and the remainder in 1975 on the basis of the planes per month. In 1975 the purchase was risen to 40 planes all which were received within 1976.
The CF-104s, F-104Gs, TF-104Gs and the RF-104Gs which were strated being replaced by more modern aircraft were despatched to Turkey. This operation included 17 pcs F-104Gs from Belgium, 43 pcs F-104Gs & 12 pcs TF-104Gs from Holland, 12 pcs RF-104G and one TF-104G from Norway and 165 pcs F-104Gs and 36 pcs TF-104Gs from Germany. Canada also promised to hand over the CF-104s after being replaced by the F-18A/Bs. In 1986 44 pcs CF-104G & 6 pcs CF-104D were received. These planes were allocated to the 181st and to the 182nd Squadrons.
Within the elapsing time the TuAF F-104Gs started aging and they were withdrawn from active duty one by one. Some were even used as spare parts for those which were still in active duty. The last ones were the CF-104s of the 182nd Squadron when replaced by F-16C/Ds in 1996.
Mod Maker: By Ajunaidr
Skin Maker: falcon16fighter
- byajunaidr
- f-104
- (and 1 more)
SF2 F-104 Starfighter Super Mega Pack 2016
By Viper63a
SF2 F-104 Starfighter Super Mega Pack 2016 v3.5
By Viper63a et al!
NOTE1: If you already downloaded version 3.1, you just need to download and install the patch to upgrade from version 3.1 to 3.5 Please read the Read Me in the Patch file.
NOTE2: This mod WILL replace stock F-104s and may conflict with any other F-104 mod you may have installed - SO BACK UP unless you crave drama! SF2 Europe (merged or not) and DLC28 is REQUIRED, REALLY. If you don't have these, this mod will not work for you.
After flying FastCargo's excellent "Classified Mission Mod (Version 1.1)" pack, I got re-introduced to the F-104 Starfighters. So take a look at FastCargo's mod in the link below. Some install work is required, but well worth it....
Firstly - I take NO CREDIT for the work contained in this pack. I made some of them better (All new skins, decals...etc), but I was not the creator. I am just a reflection of the excellent work that can be found here in CA. So here is my humble contribution to the collective. Thank you all for your mod packs!
What's in this pack? In a nutshell, I downloaded some F-104 mods to check out the 104s (turned into downloading almost ALL of them, two of the best being Wrench's DLC28 F-104 Pack and MigBusters "Thirdwire F-104A/C Pack 1 1.0 " pack. Then added a bunch of other packs that caught my eye. There were lots of conflicts, broken decal links, leaking LODs...etc etc...So I started merging - fixing - reskinning - re-decaling and generally upgrading all the packs into one merged and hopefully easier to install pack. This is my "Best of the breed" F-104 Super Pack and I thought you may like a copy. Again, SF2E and DLC28 are REQUIRED, but other than that, everything else is in this pack to start flying the F-104 Starfighters.
This pack includes F-104 skins, new pilots, hanger, loading, loadout, decals and everything else you need to start flying the F-104s...
If you find any issues or concerns, please let me know via the Support Topic section for this mod...
As always, I recommend that you back up your mod folder before you install any new mod...just in case.
* To install, simply unzip and copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder and Overwrite (if needed).
My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2...
Original "Readmes" are in the Extra folder with some other goodies...
Special Thanks!
I would like to take a minute and thank these people for taking the time to contact me with fixes, upgrades and assistance to make this a better package! THANKS!
KJakker - Major help with upgrading the cockpits! Thanks!
Fanatic Modder for his assistance, INI files and corrections!
Credits: Used alot, parts or refereneced the packs below...
Classified Mission Mod (Version 1.1) - FastCargo
Thirdwire F-104A/C Pack 1 - MigBuster
3rd Wire for the F-104 Models and pits
Skins / new Decals & Flight Model changes: MiGbuster
IR Sensor: Spillone
Cockpit grey repaint files: Ordway
Templates based on previous work: Paulopanz/Spillone/Soulfreak/Ianapa
Other decals and previous ini edits: WRENCH & USAFMTL Dave
Fake pilot mod: FastCargo
SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter, Pakistani Air Force - Wrench
SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter Skins Pak, Part 2 - Wrench
SF2 DLC #28: F-104C (61) Starfighter Skins/Ini Pak, Part 1 - Wrench
SF2 DLC #28: F-104C (66) Starfighter Skins/Ini Pak, Part 2 - Wrench
F-104A Pack - Spillone104
F-104C Pack 1.1 - Spillone104
Original F-104A: Ajunaidr
Added 3D parts and Fuel Tanks: Spillone104
Textures : Spillone104 and Paulopanz
Decals : USAFMTL (Dave) and Paulopanz
Fake pilot mod: FastCargo
INIs : Spillone104
Effects : Spillone104
Sounds : Spillone104
Beta testers : Starfighter2 and Paulopanz
Lockheed NF-104A for SF2 - Spillone104
Added 3D parts: Spillone104
Textures : Spillone104 with great Bobrock templates.
Decals : JimBib
Fake pilot mod: FastCargo
INI and FM : Starfighter2 and Spillone104
Effects : Starfighter2, X-Ray and Spillone104
Sounds : Spillone104
Beta testers : X-Ray, Starfighter2 and TheTestPilot
Special thanks to the Team that created the original NF-104A mod for SFP1. (original readme included!)
West German Marine Zippers - 7eleven
JaboG 36 "Westfalen" F-104G - Hopsten Air Base - 7eleven
original model by - Third Wire
GAF F-104G temp by - ravenclaw_007
AMI & KLU Recon F-104G with Orpheus pod 1.0 - paulopanz
- Spillone104 new 3D parts & Orpheus upgrades
- Steve S original SF-1 Orpheus
- BobRock F-104G temps
- Paulopanz skins, decals, screens, data.inis edits & upgrades
F-104G_ROCAF - ace888
Turkish Air Force F-104S CB for SF2 v1.2 - PureBlue
Based on Thirdwire's F-104G model, also drop tanks by TW
Skins from Spillone104's "F-104S Pack" by Steve_S and Bobrock
Avionics/Sounds from Spillone104's "F-104S Pack" by Spillone
Decals & SEA Skin from Soulfreak's "TuAF Zippers" pack.
Cockpit textures from "F-104G High-Resolution Cockpit Textures 1.0 2005/10/29 by ?
MK_GQ7 seat: Ravenclaw007
F-104S pylons and other additional 3D Parts by Crab_02
Historical information from Serhat Güvenç's article on Zipper magazine (pdf included)
INI Tweaks, Loadouts, Hangar screens and packaging by me, Pureblue
F-104S pack for SF2 1.0+Fix- Spillone104
Added 3D details, Fuel tanks, INI work, flight model, sounds and effects: Spillone104
Texture and decals: Steve_S and Bobrock
Cockpit: Starfighter2
MK_GQ7 seat: Ravenclaw007
Fake Pilot mod: FastCargo
BETA testers: Aleks, Canadair, Spitwulf, Silverbolt, Starfighter2, Steve_S, The Test Pilot
Inspired and basically based on the work of Crab_02 for the old F-104S mod.
SF2 WOV F-104C&D-10 Starfighters - snapper 21
F-104C-10 and F-104D-10 Starfighters Mod by USAFMTL
Original Model by Ajunaidr
Skins by Sundowner
Decals and data ini tweaks by USAFMTL
Avionics by Fubar
Drop tanks and data by Crab_02
Cockpit: starfighter 2
F-104A and C Pack for SF2 by SupGen 1.0 - SupGen
SuperGen, Wrench, Raven, and everyone else mentioned in Spillone104's download above.
Lastly - Alot of references from NATO Figters 5 - eburger68
This mod package builds upon "NATO Fighters 4+," previously released at CombatAce.com along with five update packages. In addition to carrying over most of the work from that earlier version of NATO Fighters, this new version incorporates a large number of new and updated items from the following modders, who generously allowed their use:
ErikGen ....................................... updated/upgraded F-101C & RF-101C
Spillone104 & Paulopanz ....................... updated F-104A/C
Paulopanz ..................................... F-104G skins
Crusader ...................................... F-105D & Harrier cockpit mods
Frank Rosato ...................................... F-104A/C Pack for SF2
Wrench ............................................ F-104C DLC 28 Pack for SF2
Soulfreak ......................................... F-104G MFG skins
Centurion ......................................... F-105D Hill AFB skins
Crusader .......................................... F-105 gunsight mod
I referenced so many packs, I am sure I missed someone, please forgive and let me know so I can properly credit you.
Thanks and Enjoy!
SF2 F-104C 1965 Vietnam Pack
By Viper63a
SF2 F-104C Vietnam Pack
By Viper63a
This pack WILL NOT replace stock F-104s, but it may conflict with any other F-104 mod you may have installed - SO BACK UP unless you crave drama! SF2 Europe needs to be merged with your Vietnam install and DLc28 is REQUIRED, REALLY. If you don't have these, this mod will not work for you.
This pack contains a small sub-set of the "SF2 C/N/R/F-104A/B/C/D/F/G/J/S Starfighter Super Pack" (see link below). Separated it for users who did not want to install the full F-104 Super Pack just to get the Vietnam era F-104s. You don't need the full pack to use this Vietnam Pack.
I take NO CREDIT for the work contained in this pack. I made some of them better (All new skins, decals...etc), but I was not the creator. I don't do what I do NOT to take credit, but to give it and appreciate the other contributors who make Combatace a great site for SF2. So here is my humble contribution to the collective. Thank you all for your mod packs!
This pack includes F-104D (circa 1965) Vietnam era skins, new pilots, hanger, loading, loadout, decals and everything else you need to start flying the F-104s for Vietnam...
As always, I recommend that you back up your mod folder before you install any new mod...just in case.
* To install, simply unzip and copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder and Overwrite (if needed).
My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Vietnam...
Original "Readmes" are in the Extra folder with some other goodies...
Credits: Used alot, parts or refereneced the packs below...
Classified Mission Mod (Version 1.1) - FastCargo
Thirdwire F-104A/C Pack 1 - MigBuster
3rd Wire for the F-104 Models and pits
Skins / new Decals & Flight Model changes: MiGbuster
IR Sensor: Spillone
Cockpit grey repaint files: Ordway
Templates based on previous work: Paulopanz/Spillone/Soulfreak/Ianapa
Other decals and previous ini edits: WRENCH & USAFMTL Dave
Fake pilot mod: FastCargo
SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter, Pakistani Air Force - Wrench
SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter Skins Pak, Part 2 - Wrench
SF2 DLC #28: F-104C (61) Starfighter Skins/Ini Pak, Part 1 - Wrench
SF2 DLC #28: F-104C (66) Starfighter Skins/Ini Pak, Part 2 - Wrench
I referenced so many packs, I am sure I missed someone, please forgive and let me know so I can properly credit you.
Thanks and Enjoy!
Thirdwire F-104A/C Pack 1
By MigBuster
Thirdwire F-104A and C pack 1
Includes new Hi Res skins and revised flight models along with everything needed to fly them.
F-104A (GE-3B engine & Internal Gun)
USAF ADC & ANG, Jordan (RJAF), Pakistan (PAF), Taiwan (ROCAF)
F-104A (GE-11A engine)
Pakistan (PAF)
F-104A (GE-19 engine)
Default is the initial high thrust rating - but an alternate data.ini is inluded for the reduced thrust GE-19 version.
F-104C (GE-7A engine)
USAF TAC (shooting star silver schemes)
F-104C 1961 (GE-7A engine)
Adds centerline AIM-9 catermaran under Project Grindstone (that was never used.)
USAF TAC (Early Vietnam silver scheme)
Thirdwire F-104G Flight Model
By MigBuster
Thirdwire F-104G Flight model
Modified SF2 flight model - see README for details
JASDF F-104J Starfighter, SF-2 Re-Optimization Pak
By Wrench
JASDF F-104J Starfighter, SF-2 Re-Optimization
= For SF2 (Any/All, but Full-4 Merged Prefered) =
*Note: Usable for any SF2 install with access to the F-104G*
*Note2: You should have made them Flyable as per the CA Knowledge Base article @
Follow the instructions therein!
*Note3: this is NOT the full aircraft -- just some fixes. Read on...
Some general cleanup and optimization of the EXCELLENT! JASDF F-104J by Spillone104 for SF2
Designed to be applied Directly =OVER= these 2 paks:
Original Aircraft Pak:
paulopanz's sf2 upgrade pak:
It -MUST- be installed after these 2 are installed, right over paulo's pak.
Latest data ini (as of Sept,2011)
Loadouts adjusted
Uses 'built-in' drop tanks and skins (sknis supplied)
All decals inis adjusted to have squadron badge at Level 1
All textureset inis have correct format for squadron listings.
Canopy operates via manual key (surprise! Shift/0)
New SF2-style hangar screen (photograph)
This will bring the flight model and avionics up to the latest patch level. All weapons used are (or should be!) stock in-game items. In the instructions below, are also the listings to use for the Squadronlist.ini, to add the Hikotai to the game.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
Clear Skies!
kevin stein
F-104A, Pakistan Air Force
By ndicki
F-104A, Pakistani Air Force for SF2
This will work only if you have installed DLC No. 28 AI Aircraft Pack 1, including the F-104A Starfighter. Without this pack installed, you will not have the necessary model files.
Serials include the 12 F-104A aircraft supplied to the PAF, a further 9 loaned by the Royal Jordanian Air Force, and finally two F-104B aircraft of the PAF.
F-104A and C Pack for SF2 by SupGen
By SupGen
First, read the readmes; all of them! The first two are Spillone104s', this mod is based on his work and those credited in his readmes. Also, as it says in his readmes, you'll need at a minimum SF2E for the stock F-104s. You'll also need to follow the
instructions here: http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/ to get the cockpits. This Pack contains six different versions of the Starfighter, three F-104As and three F-104Cs. I felt this was necessary because of the changes that ocurred
over the years; the original A models had no gun and didn't recieve one until 1964, later, in 1967 a number of them recieved the J79-GE-19 engine. The C model was originaly optimized as an interim Nuclear Strike Fighter to fill in until the F-105 came
online, as such it was cleared to carry either the Mk-28 (B28) or Mk-43 (B43) tactical nuclear weapons. Included are dedicated versions of these weapons and Lexx Luthors' Nuke Effects. I've made this an alternate loadout in the later versions(selectable
with the Mission Editor) so if you really want to shake up Uncle Ho, you can. The F-104C also had the ability to carry two more Sidewinders on an under fuselage "Catamaran" ala the F-104G and according to Joe Baugher, while in Viet Nam they did just
that. Raven was good enough to make a version of the "Cat" for both the SEA Camo and standard versions of the F-104C. Batman1978s' Hi-Res Cockpit .Bmps are included, as well as a Radar.bmpfrom Starfighter2s' F-104C Cockpit mod that I cleaned
up a little. Some of the aircraft have benefited from Wrenchs' secondary ADI fix, however, in later versions of the aircraft that had a RWR, the secondary ADI was given over to a visual display. They also use Wrenchs' steerable nose wheel fix, along with
a little bump from Raven. I also modified Spillone104s' "Added 3D Parts" to put the RWR bits on the F-104C_67. I think that's about it; it was a lot of work but if you enjoy it, it's worth it. As always, good luck, good hunting, and give 'em hell!
Frank Rosato
F-104J Starfighter SF2
By pappychksix
This is a fast repaint of the F-104G Starfighter.
It represents an F-104J Starfighters as used by the Japanese Air Self Defence Force, 1962 to 1986. Since the Japanese were forbidden at the time to have have aircraft with an offensive capability, I removed everything except IRM, but any weapons you want can be re-added.
There squadrons are included, the 302 Hikotai, 206 Hilotai, and the last user of the "J" Starfighter, the Air Proving Wing at Gifu.
This is not a complete aircraft. There are no LOD's, cockpit or avionics included. To make this work properly, you must have the F-104G Starfighter from SF2 Europe, the cockpit from Strike Fighters and the DLC F-4EJ Phantom II since the serial numbers I used are from that aircraft.
Thanks to TK and his crew for the Starfighter and the game.
Enjoy, Pappy
SF2 Spanish F-104G
By lanapa
Basado en el F-104G de thirdwire (Se necesitan los .lod,.tga,.shd,la carpeta cockpit y el loadout.bmp)
Representa el F-104G de las FFAA usado entre los años 1965 y 1972 cuando se les conocía como 104 Escuadrón.
He incluido Skin, Decals, hangar y loading Screens, también he modificado:
-Data: Fechas y país de utilización, Posición de SideWinders y apertura de carlinga (Shift+0)
-Loadout: Respetando los reales, los pilones del fuselaje nunca se usaron en España (No han sido borrados)
-Userlist: España 1967-1972
Breve historia, archivos modificados, Instrucciones de instalación, reconocimientos y créditos en el LEEME
-Historia completa de los F-104G españoles (español e ingles): http://www.grupoaerea.es/F104/
-Imágenes de la película española "No le busques tres pies" (lema del escuadrón) en la que aparecen junto a otros cazas de la época:
Now in english!! (sorry if i made a mistake)
Based on Thirdwire´s F-104G (You will need ..lod,.tga,.shd,Cockpit folder and loadout.bmp)
Represents the F-104G used by the Spanish Armed Forces between 1965 and 1972 when their pilots were known as 104 Squadron
I´ve included Skin, Decals, hangar y loading Screens, I've also modified:
- Data: Dates and country of use, SideWinders position and canopy open (Shift+0).
- Loadout: As reality, fuselaje pylons never were used in Spain (But are not erased)
- Userlist: Spain 1967-1972
A little bit of history, modified files, instalation, Acknowledgments and Credits in README
-Complete history of spanish F-104G (english & spanish): http://www.grupoaerea.es/F104/
-Images of the spanish movie "No le busques tres pies..." (motto of the squadron) in which they appear alongside other fighters of the era:
### Gracias a la comunidad de Combatace-----------thanks to Combatace´s community ###
F-104C Pack
By Spillone104
Lockheed F-104C Starfighter for Strike Fighters 2
The F-104C was the fighterbomber version of the Starfighter. It has been used only by the Tactical Air Command of the USAF.
This mod is intended as a general update of the F-104C model of Ajunaidr released some years ago.
The FM is improved and now there are a new ogival nose, pitot and other details added via "fake pilot".
There are 2 variants in this pack. Standard F-104C and the later upgraded variant of the "Vietnam era" with RWR bulges and SEA camo.
You need SF2E to have the stock F-104G and SFP1 for the cockpit files.
or follow these precious instructins: http://combatace.com...f-104s-for-sf2/
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
Original F-104C: Ajunaidr
Added 3D parts and Fuel Tanks: Spillone104
Textures : Spillone104 and Paulopanz
Decals : USAFMTL (Dave) and Paulopanz
Fake pilot mod: FastCargo
INIs : Spillone104
Effects : Spillone104
Sounds : Spillone104
Beta testers : Starfighter2 and Paulopanz
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
Enjoy and good flight. :)
June 2012
F-104A Pack
By Spillone104
Lockheed F-104A Starfighter for Strike Fighters 2
The F-104A was first interceptor version of the Starfighter. It has been used by the Air Forces of the US, Pakistan, Jordan and Taiwan.
This mod is intended as a general update of the F-104A model of Ajunaidr released some years ago.
The FM is improved and now there are a new ogival nose, pitot and other details added via "fake pilot".
There are 2 variants in this pack. Standard F-104A and the later upgraded machines with the more powerfull and reliable J79-GE-19 engine.
You need SF2E to have the stock F-104G and SFP1 for the cockpit files.
or follow these precious instructins: http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
Original F-104A: Ajunaidr
Added 3D parts and Fuel Tanks: Spillone104
Textures : Spillone104 and Paulopanz
Decals : USAFMTL (Dave) and Paulopanz
Fake pilot mod: FastCargo
INIs : Spillone104
Effects : Spillone104
Sounds : Spillone104
Beta testers : Starfighter2 and Paulopanz
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
Enjoy and good flight. :)
June 2012
Turkish Air Force F-104S CB for SF2
By PureBlue
Turkish Air Force F-104S CB v1.1 for SF2
Turkish Air Force looking to reinforce its fleet after the Cyprus operations, ordered F-104S Starfighters in 1974. Aeritalia built and delivered two batches for a total of 40 aircraft. The first were received in December 18, 1974. These F-104S aircraft were of the CB bomber variant and all of them kept their guns.
Copy the package contents to your MOD folder.
Credits (Thanks!)
Based on Thirdwire's F-104G model, also drop tanks by TW
Skins from Spillone104's "F-104S Pack" by Steve_S and Bobrock
Avionics/Sounds from Spillone104's "F-104S Pack" by Spillone
Decals & SEA Skin from Soulfreak's "TuAF Zippers" pack.
Cockpit textures from "F-104G High-Resolution Cockpit Textures 1.0 2005/10/29 by ?
MK_GQ7 seat: Ravenclaw007
F-104S pylons and other additional 3D Parts by Crab_02
Historical information from Serhat Güvenç's article on Zipper magazine (pdf included)
INI Tweaks, Loadouts, Hangar screens and packaging by me, Pureblue
* Check included Readme.pdf for loadout reference.
Pureblue (Umut Destan)
F-104S Quick Fix
By Spillone104
This is a quick fix for the tank issue in the F-104S pack under most recent patches of Strike Fighter2
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder. And let overwrite the files.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
Thanks to all of the comunity for the feedback about this issue and how to correct it. And especially to mikeymead for giving me all the updated INI files, plus the conversion in TGA of the loadout image.
F-104S pack for SF2
By Spillone104
Lockheed / Aeritalia F-104S pack for Strike Fighters 2
This mod recreate the 5 variants of the italian version of the Starfighter
F-104S CB: Fighterbomber variant with M61A1 gun.
F-104S CI: All weather interceptor variant, no gun and capable of carring 2 AIM-7E and 2 AIM-9B
F-104S-ASA CB: Updated FB variant with better ECM.
F-104S-ASA CI: Updater interceptor variant capable of carring 2 Aspide and 2 AIM-9L missiles and better ECM
F-104S-ASA-M: Last conversion done to keep the aircraft in service till EF-2000 introduction into service. Lighter, with updated avionic and other systems. No ECM or countermeasures and same armament as the ASA-CI version.
You need SF2E to have the stock F-104G
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
Added 3D details, Fuel tanks, INI work, flight model, sounds and effects: Spillone104
Texture and decals: Steve_S and Bobrock
Cockpit: Starfighter2
MK_GQ7 seat: Ravenclaw007
Fake Pilot mod: FastCargo
BETA testers: Aleks, Canadair, Spitwulf, Silverbolt, Starfighter2, Steve_S, The Test Pilot
Inspired and basically based on the work of Crab_02 for the old F-104S mod.
Thank you all guys!
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
Enjoy and good flight. :)
January 2012
F-104B Pack
By Spillone104
Lockheed F-104B Starfighter for Strike Fighters 2
The F-104B was the trainer version of the F-104A interceptor.It has been used by the Air Forces of the US, Pakistan, Jordan and Taiwan.
This mod is intended as a general update of the F-104B model of Ajunaidr released some years ago.
The FM is improved and now there are a new ogival nose, pitot and other details added via "fake pilot".
You need SF2E to have the stock F-104G and SFP1 for the cockpit files.
or follow these precious instructins: http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
Original F-104B: Ajunaidr
Added 3D parts and Fuel Tanks: Spillone104
Textures : Spillone104 and Paulopanz
Decals : USAFMTL (Dave) and Paulopanz
Fake pilot mod: FastCargo
INIs : Spillone104
Effects : Spillone104
Sounds : Spillone104
Beta testers : Starfighter2 and Paulopanz
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
Enjoy and good flight. :)
By Spillone104
Lockheed QF-104A Starfighter for Strike Fighters 2
The QF-104A was a special modified version of the (Y)F-104A Star-fighter which could be flown remotely controlled. The control was done by F-104 pilots on the ground or inside another aircraft.
The conversion of the (Y)F-104A to QF-104A was approved on 19 Februar 1960 by the USAF. Testing of the QF was conducted during the period of 9 Januar 1961 to 16 October 1961.
The reason for converting the (Y)F-104A was the need for high altitude, high mach targets for the development of ground-to-air (BOMARC) and air-to-air (AIM7 - AIM9 - GAR2B - MB1 - AIM4) missiles.
At the end of the summer in 1972 the QF-104 drone program had come to an end and the F-104D's were handed over to the Puerto Rice ANG which could use them very well. All of the personnel that were in the QF-104 program were reassigned to other duties and bases.
In total 24 QF-104's have been used by the USAF. Twenthy of them were actually killed as targets and 1 crashed while flying a manned mission. The pilot ejected safely.
What has happened to the other 3 aircraft is not known but it is very likely that they have been withdrawn from use.
In total the drone-flight has accomplished 162 unmanned missions. Most of the QF mission were flown at Eglin AFB. However, some were flown at Holloman AFB (NewMexico) and a small number at Point Mugu NAS in California (for the US NAVY).
The QF-104A were of course different from the normal 104’s.
The most important modifications/changes included (in reality there are a lot more...) :
1 - The QF-104A received anti-skid brakes.
2 - A smoke-generator was applied (JP-4 pumped into the exhaust).
3 - Remote control system to fly the aircraft unmanned.
4 - A dayglow paintscheme was applied. It was an “eyecatcher”.
Originally the aircraft serial numbers were painted white. This was unsatisfactory as they were not highly visible against the dayglow. For that reason they were changed to black lateron.
5 - A special system which is able to make in flight air-starts remotely. In fact several were successfully made over the years.
6 - Due to the high-rate of stall problems with the GE J79 3A engines the QF was repowered by the 3B version of this engine. This solved the stall-problems.
7 - A self-destruction device was mounted on the QF for emergency reasons. This device was remotely controlled
8 - A changed cockpit layout to support all typical QF-104 systems.
9 - Additional gun-bay and case storage fuel tanks.
10 - Optical (5) camera scoring system. Three camera’s were located in the nose radome and 2 could be found inside the left external fueltank.
Pilot Notes:
The default nation for this plane is USAF "friendly plane".
Inside the QF-104A there is a folder named "For Mescalero Proving Grounds", if you want to use this aircraft with that mod simply replace the data.ini file. Now it will be a "red" target. :'(
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
Original F-104A: Ajunaidr
Added 3D parts and Fuel Tanks: Spillone104
Textures : Spillone104
Decals : STORM and Spillone104
Fake pilot mod: FastCargo
INIs : Spillone104
Effects : Spillone104
Sounds : Spillone104
Beta testers : Starfighter2 and Paulopanz
Info and history: www.i-f-s.nl
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
Enjoy these bright orange planes and try to not pull the trigger too often.
Thanks ;-)
F-104S (79)
By Guest
****F-104S (79)****
You have downloaded my version of Aeritalia's F-104S, the final and most definitive version of the Zipper. This particular version
is a bit curious because when the Italians placed the demand that it be able to engage in the BVR fight with license-built Raytheon
Sparrow III missile, it required them to add avionics that hadn't originally been intended to be used in the Starfighter.
This forced the engineers at Aeritalia to remove the 20mm M61A1 cannon to make room.
There is one skin and markings for four units:
23° Stormo/5° Gruppo 'Veltro'
21° Stormo/53° Gruppo 'Tigres'
102° Stormo/5° Gruppo
155° Stormo/50° Gruppo 'Pantere Nere'
Skin: ThirdWire original F-104G Free Add-on
By ace888
F-104G_ROCAF for SF2
Please place the appreciate content from each folder into each specific folder base on SF2 format.
F-104G cockpit .LOD is not included. Please follow Wrench's instruction under the knowledge section.
The following squadrons is included in this aircraft:
Republic of China Air Force
427th Tactical Fighter Wing, ROCAF based Ching Chuang Kang AB
7th Tactical Fighter Squadron, ROCAF
8th Tactical Fighter Squadron, ROCAF
28th Tactical Fighter Squadron, ROCAF
499th Tactical Fighter Wing, ROCAF based at Hsinchu AB
41st Tactical Fighter Squadron, ROCAF
42nd Tactical Fighter Squadron, ROCAF
48th Tactical Fighter Squadron, ROCAF
401st Tactical Combined Wing, ROCAF based at Taoyuan AB
12th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron
In-addition [Dedicated aircraft in "HONOR" of the following:]
The "Flying Tigers of the American Volunteer Group (AVG)"
1st Pursuit Squadron "Adam & Eva"
2nd Pursuit Squadron "Panda"
3rd Pursuit Squadron "Hells Angels"
Mig Killers (4344 and 4347)
The ROCAF "Thunger Tigers"
CIA/USAF working with the ROCAF:
34th Squadron "Black Bat"
35th Squadron "Black Cat"
A short history...
The ROCAF/Taiwan's secret 34th Squadron's RB-69A/P2V-7U ELINT/SIGINT aircraft flew electronic reconnaissance missions over China and Vietnam. Overall, from 1953 to 1967, 34th Squadron flew 838 missions, 148 Black Bat crew members went down with 15 aircraft. A few were captured after being shot down and later released in Hong Kong. Last squadron's operational mission was flown on Jan. 25, 1967. After 1967, 34th Squadron stopped flying over and near Mainland China, and moved to special ops over Vietnam, until 1972. 12 members of 34th SQ also involved in CIA's Project Main Street in 1971 to 1972, involving tapping North Vietnam's communication link.
The Black Cat Squadron was a squadron of the Republic of China Air Force that flew the U-2 surveillance plane out of Taoyuan Airbase in northern Taiwan, from 1961 to 1974. The formal designation of the squadron was the 35th Squadron, operating under the cover of a high altitude weather research squadron. 26 ROCAF pilots successfully completed U-2 training in the US and flew 220 operational missions, including 102 surveillance flights over the People's Republic of China.
During the squadron's 14 years of existence, five U-2's were shot down by PRC air defenses, with three pilots killed and 2 pilots captured. One other pilot was killed while performing an operational mission off China coast. Seven other Black Cat U-2s were lost during training missions, killing 6 pilots.
The squadron usually had only two U-2 assigned to it, sometimes down to just one aircraft. A total of 19 U-2s were assigned to the Black Cat Squadron, over fourteen years.
The intelligence gathered by the Black Cat Squadron, which included evidence of a military build-up on the Sino-Soviet border, may have contributed to the U.S. opening to China during the Nixon administration by revealing the escalating tensions between the two communist nations. Shortly after Nixon's visit to Beijing, all reconnaissance flights over the People's Republic ceased, and the Black Cat Squadron was officially disbanded in the spring of 1974.
31 January 2011
By ace888
F-104SM_ROCAF for SF2
This is my modified F-104G to the F-104S series (which I really like). In the late 1960s, Taiwan was looking at purchasing F-104S from Italy, the deal never went through. Only the Turkish Air Froce bought 40 F-104S from Italy.
Please place the appreciate content from each folder into each specific folder base on SF2 format.
F-104G cockpit .LOD is not included. Please follow Wrench's instruction under the knowledge section.
In this aircraft I used the F-104AS_COCKPIT.LOD I recommend that you copy the cockpit.lod from the Spillone104's (F-104S Mod Pack).
The following squadrons is included in this aircraft:
Republic of China Air Force
427th Tactical Fighter Wing, ROCAF based Ching Chuang Kang AB
7th Tactical Fighter Squadron, ROCAF
8th Tactical Fighter Squadron, ROCAF
28th Tactical Fighter Squadron, ROCAF
499th Tactical Fighter Wing, ROCAF based at Hsinchu AB
41st Tactical Fighter Squadron, ROCAF
42nd Tactical Fighter Squadron, ROCAF
48th Tactical Fighter Squadron, ROCAF
401st Tactical Combined Wing, ROCAF based at Taoyuan AB
12th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron
In-addition [Dedicated aircraft in "HONOR" of the following:]
The "Flying Tigers of the American Volunteer Group (AVG)"
1st Pursuit Squadron "Adam & Eva"
2nd Pursuit Squadron "Panda"
3rd Pursuit Squadron "Hells Angels"
Mig Killers (4344 and 4347)
The ROCAF "Thunger Tigers"
CIA/USAF working with the ROCAF:
34th Squadron "Black Bat"
35th Squadron "Black Cat"
A short history...
The ROCAF/Taiwan's secret 34th Squadron's RB-69A/P2V-7U ELINT/SIGINT aircraft flew electronic reconnaissance missions over China and Vietnam. Overall, from 1953 to 1967, 34th Squadron flew 838 missions, 148 Black Bat crew members went down with 15 aircraft. A few were captured after being shot down and later released in Hong Kong. Last squadron's operational mission was flown on Jan. 25, 1967. After 1967, 34th Squadron stopped flying over and near Mainland China, and moved to special ops over Vietnam, until 1972. 12 members of 34th SQ also involved in CIA's Project Main Street in 1971 to 1972, involving tapping North Vietnam's communication link.
The Black Cat Squadron was a squadron of the Republic of China Air Force that flew the U-2 surveillance plane out of Taoyuan Airbase in northern Taiwan, from 1961 to 1974. The formal designation of the squadron was the 35th Squadron, operating under the cover of a high altitude weather research squadron. 26 ROCAF pilots successfully completed U-2 training in the US and flew 220 operational missions, including 102 surveillance flights over the People's Republic of China.
During the squadron's 14 years of existence, five U-2's were shot down by PRC air defenses, with three pilots killed and 2 pilots captured. One other pilot was killed while performing an operational mission off China coast. Seven other Black Cat U-2s were lost during training missions, killing 6 pilots.
The squadron usually had only two U-2 assigned to it, sometimes down to just one aircraft. A total of 19 U-2s were assigned to the Black Cat Squadron, over fourteen years.
The intelligence gathered by the Black Cat Squadron, which included evidence of a military build-up on the Sino-Soviet border, may have contributed to the U.S. opening to China during the Nixon administration by revealing the escalating tensions between the two communist nations. Shortly after Nixon's visit to Beijing, all reconnaissance flights over the People's Republic ceased, and the Black Cat Squadron was officially disbanded in the spring of 1974.
31 January 2011
Lockheed NF-104A for SF2
By Spillone104
Lockheed NF-104A for Strike Fighters 2
In 1963, three ex-USAF F-104As (56-756, -760, and -762) were taken out of storage at Davis Monthan AFB and modified as NF-104A aerospace training aircraft. All of the military equipment was removed and the original F-104A vertical fin was replaced by the larger fin that was used on the F-104G. The wingspan was increased by four feet (to 25.94 feet) and a set of hydrogen peroxide control thrusters were mounted at the nose, tail, and wingtips. A 6000 pound thrust Rocketdyne LR121/AR-2-NA-1 auxiliary rocket engine was mounted on the tail above the jet exhaust pipe. This rocket engine could be throttled from 3000 to 6000 pounds of thrust, and the burn time was about 105 seconds.
The first NF-104A was delivered on October 1, 1963, with the other two following a month later. They were operated by the Aerospace Research Pilot School at Edwards AFB, which was commanded at that time by Colonel Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager.
On December 6, 1963, the first NF-104A set an unofficial world altitude record of 118,860 feet for aircraft taking off under their own power. The official record at that time was 113,829 feet, set by the Mikoyan/Gurevich Ye-66A, an experimental version of the MiG-21 Fishbed. Later, the same NF-104A flown by Major R. W. Smith reached an altitude of 120,800 feet.
On December 10, 1963, the second NF-104A (56-762), with Chuck Yeager at the controls, went out of control at an altitude of 104,000 feet and fell in a flat spin to 11,000 feet. Yeager managed to eject successfully at that altitude, although he was badly burned on his face by the rocket motor of his ejector seat. The aircraft was destroyed in the ensuing crash. An investigation later showed that the cause of the crash was a spin that resulted from excessive angle of attack and lack of aircraft response. The excessive angle of attack was not caused by pilot input but by a gyroscopic condition set up by the J79 engine spooling after shut down for the rocket-powered zoom climb phase. So it wasn't Chuck's fault.
In June of 1971, the third NF-104A, with Capt. Howard C. Thompson at the controls, suffered an inflight explosion of its rocket motor. Although Thompson was able to land safely, the aircraft's rocket motor and half its rudder were blown away. Since the program was about to end in any case, this aircraft was retired.
The number one NF-104A is currently on display on top of a pylon in front of the USAF Test Pilot School.
You need SF2E to have the stock F-104G and SFP1 for the cockpit files.
or follow these precious instructins: http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2
Another thing... there are some minor differences between SFP1 and SF2E models and one of these is a bit different mapping on the nose. So it will be included an optional SFP1 f-104_2.bmp file.
Pilot Notes:
-The rocket engine is set to use "Thrust vectoring" as a throttle control to permit separate control from the jet engine. The rocket will operate only with afterburning regime and with only 2 stages, half and full power. From idle to military it will not generate thrust and so will not affect fuel consumption.
-This plane is equipped with hydrogen peroxide Reaction Control System like the real plane. To engage the system simply throttle the rocket a bit over idle.
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
Added 3D parts: Spillone104
Textures : Spillone104 with great Bobrock templates.
Decals : JimBib
Fake pilot mod: FastCargo
INI and FM : Starfighter2 and Spillone104
Effects : Starfighter2, X-Ray and Spillone104
Sounds : Spillone104
Beta testers : X-Ray, Starfighter2 and TheTestPilot
Special thanks to the Team that created the original NF-104A mod for SFP1. (original readme included!)
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
Enjoy the ride and land safe ;-)
By PureBlue
Lockheed TF-104G and TF-104G-M for SF2 series (04.Nov.2010)
This mod is the SF2 conversion of
Spillone's TF-104G and TF-104G-M mod for SF1 (http://combatace.com/topic/60210-tf-104g-g-m/)
Additions to original SF1 release:
* Decals placed in proper SF2 Decals folder
* NASAAR radar values copied over from stock SF2 F-104G
* Used Ravenclaw's GAF Pilots (Edited their flag patches and named the pilots _Generic)
* Drop Tanks ini files converted to SF2 format
* [RocketAttackAI] based on stock F-104G
* Aircraft model Shadows now handled by SF2 Gfx Engine (Still has a glitch from canopy mesh, from certain angles)
* Optional Martin Baker Mk7 seats by Ravenclaw included
* Hirez cockpit textures included from "F-104G High-Resolution Cockpit Textures 1.0 2005/10/29" by (?)
(no cockpit lod included)
INSTALLATION in SF2 generation games:
1. Extract or Copy the Effects, Objects and Sounds folder to your Mod Folder.
(Example: C:\Users\pureblue\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\ in Win7)
2. You MUST copy over the F-104G_Cockpit.LOD file from your SF1 install to
Objects\Aircraft\TF-104G\cockpit and
Objects\Aircraft\TF-104G-M\cockpit folders.
3. If you want to use MB_Mk7 seats also copy over the contents of "Optional_MB_Mk7_Seat" to your Mod Folder.
The TF-104G*_DATA.INI files will be overwritten.
4. That should be all :)
Original aircraft, 3D model and templates: Ajunaidr
Added 3D details, Fuel tanks, INI work, flight model, sounds and effects: Spillone104
Texture and decals: Spillone104 and Paulopanz
Fake Pilot mod: FastCargo
BETA testers: Paulopanz, Muesli and Derk.
SF2 conversion: Pureblue ;)
Thank you all!
enjoy, Pureblue
Lockheed TF-104G and TF-104G-M for SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI oct.08 patch standard:
This mod is intended as a general update of the TF-104G model of Ajunaidr released some years ago.
The FM is improved and now there are a new ogival nose, pitot and other details added via "fake pilot".
TF-104G skins:
KLu camo
AMI 20- Gruppo
AMI 4- Stormo
AMI 4- Stormo with blue stripe
AMI mono gray
Included there are new Camo(AMI) and Gray(ASA-M) tanks.
To open the canopy use Shift+0 .
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder. :)
And add the code lines of the fuel tanks to your WEAPONDATA.INI
Note: You need to have the stock SFP1 F-104G for the cockpit in your install.
Original aircraft, 3D model and templates: Ajunaidr
Added 3D details, Fuel tanks, INI work, flight model, sounds and effects: Spillone104
Texture and decals: Spillone104 and Paulopanz
Fake Pilot mod: FastCargo
BETA testers: Paulopanz, Muesli and Derk.
Thank you all guys!
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
Enjoy and good flight. :)
Lockheed/Mitsubishi F-104J SF-2 Upgrade
By paulopanz
This is the kit to convert in SF-2 Spillone104's great work.
For Ace888, Carlo & Kevin who asked for.
This is NOT a complete plane.
You will need original mod here: http://combatace.com/files/file/11113-f-104j/
And F-104G cockpit folder plus F-104G_COCKPIT.in extracted from SF-1/WoE or following Kevin's hints here: http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/page__pid__426204#entry426204
Some easy work:
1. extract my upgrade pack
2. extract Spillo's original mod, in aircraft/F-104J folder copy ALL skins folders
3. paste ALL skin folders in my upgrade pack aircraft/F-104J folder
4. take from SF-1/WoE F-104G F-104G cockpit folder and F-104G_COCKPIT.in and paste in my upgrade pack aircraft/F-104J folder, too
5. that's all folks
I added only a SF-2 F-104_Loadout.tga, made by myself.
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