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9 files

  1. Super Hornet Package for SF2 v4.1

    - Have fun with this mod
    - Use it as you see fit once you download it, even modify it as you see fit
    - Create your own textures as you see fit and upload them under your name
    IF you wish to send me any modified core files (I don't need to review skins as that doesn't affect any core files) please PM me the modified files and I will check them out. There is no exception to this policy given my attitude towards staying out of jail. I will check them out and yay or nay the decision, but if I can edit any files in order to not go to jail, I will inform you and that will be it. I understand you may have information of a sensitive nature that you may have access to and frankly it does not belong in any files of this download. If that bothers you then please don't send me sensitive information, I think I've made it clear that I'm not going to jail in order to appease to players.
    Newer skin PSD with Block I ECS (no stacks) now available for skinning needs:
    - Fixed some glaring errors in the INI files.


       (35 reviews)



  2. CF-188B

    After a request i received, i went ahead with this :)
    As per included readme :
    CF-188B pack for SF2
    Based on the F/A-18B/D Series made by Dave. (The Hornet Team) that can be found here :
    This is the CF-188B as used by the RCAF for the SF2 series of games.
    The skins represent the current scheme used by the RCAF on their CF-188B Hornets.

    The serial numbers in this skin pack are real one's. (but not squadron specific). I made 12 out of 40 serials the CF have had (or still have) over time.

    You will get the following skins in this package :
    409 Nighthawks
    410 Cougars
    425 Alouette
    * Note : I did not touched the model, all files comes from the original pack. All i did was to rename some files and creating/modifying some of them. So all credits goes to the persons above.
    Copy the CF-188B Objects/Aircraft folder content to your game Objects/Aircraft folder.
    Copy the CF-188B Objects/Decals folder content to your game Objects/Decals folder.
    Copy the CF-188B Objects/Pilots folder content to your game Objects/Pilotsfolder.
    Copy the CF-188B Objects/Weapons folder content to your game Objects/Weapons folder.
    Copy the CF-188B Flight folder content to your game Flight folder.
    Copy the CF-188B Sounds folder content to your game Sounds folder.
    Copy the CF-188B Effects folder content to your game Effects folder.
    Credits (per original files):
    The Hornet Team:
    Original Model by BPAO and the Mirage Factory, updated by FastCargo.
    New pit by Brain32 with Crusader, Brain and CB34 doing the avionics.
    Skins by Siddog, Sundowner and EricJ.
    Crash test Dummy: Caeser
    Seats: Julhelm and Ravenclaw
    Weapons by Ravenclaw, wpnssgt and others.
    Loadouts and variant shred out by CrazyhorseB34 who put a lot of effort into researching this part of the package. Its highly recommended you use the loads he made or you will have problems.
    - Thirdwire
    - All persons involved in the original pack. you guys are great!
    - Myself for the ''clean'' skin :)
    Happy flights!
    Mario C.


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  3. F/A-18 Series By The Hornet Team (BETA!)

    F/A-18A/C. This package is beta and to be honest we are all sick of looking at it. So here is the deal. You find something wrong and the community agrees, send it to me and I will keep the package updated. We just need fresh eyes on it. There is a new pit by Brain32 that is amazing.
    The Hornet Team:
    Original Model by BPAO and the Mirage Factory, updated by FastCargo.
    New pit by Brain32 with Crusader, Brain and CB34 doing the avionics.
    Skins by Siddog, Dave and EricJ.
    Crash test Dummy: Caeser
    Pilots: by Diego
    Seats: Julhelm and Ravenclaw
    Weapons by Ravenclaw, wpnssgt and others.
    Loadouts and variant shred out by CrazyhorseB34 who put a lot of effort into researching this part of the package. Its highly recommended you use the loads he made or you will have problems.
    If I forgot anyone let me know in a PM and I will correct it.
    To install:
    C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 directory.


       (20 reviews)



  4. F/A-18B/D Series By The Hornet Team (BETA!)

    F/A-18B/D Package. This package is beta and to be honest we are all sick of looking at it. So here is the deal. You find something wrong and the community agrees, send it to me and I will keep the package updated. We just need fresh eyes on it. There is a new pit by Brain32 that is amazing.
    The Hornet Team:
    Original Model by BPAO and the Mirage Factory, updated by FastCargo.
    New pit by Brain32 with Crusader, Brain and CB34 doing the avionics.
    Skins by Siddog, Sundowner and EricJ.
    Crash test Dummy: Caeser
    Pilots: by Diego
    Seats: Julhelm and Ravenclaw
    Weapons by Ravenclaw, wpnssgt and others.
    Loadouts and variant shred out by CrazyhorseB34 who put a lot of effort into researching this part of the package. Its highly recommended you use the loads he made or you will have problems.
    If I forgot anyone let me know in a PM and I will correct it.
    To install:
    C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 directory.


       (14 reviews)



  5. FA-18 Series Update by The Hornet Team

    F/A-18A/B/C/D Version 2.0
    11 Jan 2015
    Streamlined the mod, took out some of the skins to make the package smaller, fixed many ini problems. Add missing hangar and loadng screens. Deleted loose files. Made it more user friendly and complete package.
    Dave USAFMTL Slavens
    The Hornet Team:
    Original Model by BPAO and the Mirage Factory, updated by FastCargo.
    New pit by Brain32 with Crusader, Brain and CB34 doing the avionics.
    Skins by Siddog, Dave and EricJ.
    Crash test Dummy: Caeser
    Pilots: by Diego
    Seats: Julhelm and Ravenclaw
    Weapons by Ravenclaw, wpnssgt and others.
    Loadouts and variant shred out by CrazyhorseB34 who put a lot of effort into researching this part of the package. Its highly recommended you use the loads he made or you will have problems.
    If I forgot anyone let me know in a PM and I will correct it.
    To install:
    C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 directory.
    Previous readme info below.
    Fixed decals and skins. Recommend deleting all the other skins and using these to get rid of excess files.
    Added missing drop tanks and added Ravenclaws weapons.
    This package is beta and to be honest we are all sick of looking at it. So here is the deal. You find something wrong and the community agrees, send it to me and I will keep the package updated. We just need fresh eyes on it. There is a new pit by Brain32 that is amazing.


       (12 reviews)



  6. McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet

    McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet Package for SF2 1.1
    Package for SF2 (Includes aircraft upgraded under the two phases of the Incremental Modernization Project) UPDATED
    1.1 Updates:
    - Skin pack added to make a total of 9 different skins that cover the change in markings over the years as well as squadrons that have been activated and disbanded etc. Plus a few special/ anniversary skins.
    - Additional 'CF-18 Hornet IMP Phase II Operation 'Mobile' Lybia 2011' Aircraft with with loadouts, markings and a pilot skin specific to the campaign.
    - LoadOut.ini files and weapons updated.
    - Improved Bird slicer IFF aerials.
    This package contains three separate year specific aircraft to cover the original aircraft and the upgrades it received in latter years as part of the Incremental Modernization Project:
    ‘CF-18 Hornet’ is the initial aircraft and covers the period from delivery till 2006.
    ‘CF-18 Hornet IMP Phase I (03)’ the AN/APG-65 radar is replaced with the AN/APG-73 radar, the AN/APX-111 IFF is added, as is ability to use JDAMs and AMRAAMs. This covers the period from 2003 to 2007
    ‘CF-18 Hornet IMP Phase II (07)’ this includes the integration of the Joint Hemet Mounted Cuing System, the ability to carry the Sniper XR targeting pod and an upgrade to the aircrafts ECM jammers. This aircraft covers the period from 2007 till 2017+.
    There are overlaps in the operational dates due to the time each upgrade program took to do the entire fleet.
    You can use the single mission editor to select a Laser Guided Bomb Attack loadout or the Mixed LGB/AMRAAM loadout used over Libya.
    I have used the Mirage Factory CF-18 from the SF2 NATO Fighters 4+ Mod as the base for this Mod.
    Also includes is an extensive rwr.lst file and library
    Simply un zip and drop the contents into any SF2 series Mod Folder, make sure you override when prompted.
    Credit goes to:
    The Mirage Factory for the original CF-18,
    Spectre8750 for the F/A-18A, A+ and C by The Mirage Factory for SF2 package,
    Dave for the F-16C package,
    331KillerBee for the MGunny 331KillerBee's Ordnance Shop II


       (8 reviews)



  7. CF-18

    CF-18 is Canada's current multirole single seat fighter aircraft based on the FA-18, they were first put into service in 1982 and featured many upgrades from the FA-18A which they were based on.


       (0 reviews)



  8. F/A-18A, A+ and C by The Mirage Factory for SF2

    9 Apr 2011
    F/A-18A, A+ and C for Strike Fighters 2 Generation Sims
    wikipedia link :
    SFP1 Model Credits
    3D : Flying Toaster
    Mapping, SFP1 import : BPAo
    Base Textures : Column5
    VMFA-122 Markings : USAFMTL
    FM : Column5
    3D : Flying Toaster/BPAo
    Textures : BPAo, HUD from Kesselbrut
    Effects : BPAo
    Converted to SF2Gen: Spectre[8750]
    Pilot : Thirdwire
    Texture : Diego
    3D : BPAo
    Textures : Column5
    Test Team
    Camouflage, Manetsim, Sony Tuckson, Column5, Tom Venom, USAFMTL
    Aircraft, Sounds, Effects and Weapons install Plug and Play.
    Just drop contents into any SF2 series Mod Folder.
    Hope You Enjoy it!
    Released: 15,Sep,2009
    Updated: 18,Sep 2009
    Added AN/ASS-38 Laser Pod, reworked the cockpit.
    Fixed Station 2 showing up right, Thanks EricJ.
    Updated: 22,Sep 2009
    Moved ATFLIR to intended location for this aircraft. Using the
    Left Sparrow Station. Supposed to be an Adapter Plate for Pod
    but best i could do for now.
    Also changed Loadout a little and included all weapons and
    changed the Pilot Skin out as he was beginning to smell.
    Also added Cockpit Animation for 1 slot. Default is SHIFT+1.
    Updated: 26,Sep 2009
    ATFLIR With Adapter has now been Added. Now it Looks more
    proper Thanks To EricJ and FastCargo.
    Fixed and cleaned up the Cockpit, now Ground Mode works.
    Added VFA-131 Skin and GEF404 Engine Sound and a new USNWind
    sound with background Radio Chatter from the Desert Storm Mod.
    Not sure who orig did it but sounds good. Thanks.
    Also Added Patch for USMC VMFA-122 Crusaders Skin.
    Updated: 10,May 2010
    Updated Avionics.ini and the F-18_Effects.ini so effects and
    cockpit work with December 2009 update.
    Also updated the FA-18C_RWR.lst file.
    Added: DestroyedModel DestroyedEffect to the Data.INI File.
    Adjusted Gun sites.
    Cleaned up Hangar and Loading Screens.
    Updated: 15,July 2010
    Updated Effects.
    Added DDS Damage Textures.
    Updated the FA-18C_RWR.lst file.
    DestroyedModel needs to be in the \Aircraft root Dir.
    Updated UserList.
    Updated Screens to JPG's
    Added Loadout.TGA.
    Updated FlightData.INI
    Changed AntiShipping to AGM-84E Harpoon In LOADOUT.INI and
    included weapon.
    Updated: 25,October 2010
    Updated Cockpit.
    Updated Effects.
    Updated the RWR.lst file.
    Updated FlightData.INI
    Added Flight Dir Files needed for RADAR detection.
    Updated: 14,December 2010
    Updated Cockpit MFD Texture.
    Updated Effects and Sounds. Delete old F-18Effects INI's.
    Updated the RWR.lst file.
    Updated FlightDATA.INI
    Updated RWR_?.TGA's
    Fixed TWS scan Distance.
    Enhanced Wheel Texture Appearence.
    Added Skins.
    Added Squadronlist Sample info and full INI in the PilotData
    dir for optional use.
    Added sample Soundslist.ini in Flight Dir.
    Added AN/ASQ-173. Added "SpecificStationCode=F182" in the
    Weapon ASQ-173_DATA.INI file so Pods would switch during
    different dates. You will want to add it to other Aircrafts
    ?_DATA.INI at that station in other Aircraft like the
    F-14B_96 StationID=14 if you have it.
    Updated: 27,March 2011f
    Updated Data files.
    Updated Weapons.
    Updated Cockpit Cage Texture.
    Updated Gauges.
    Updated RWR_?.TGA's
    Changed F-18_DTV.TGA Texture.
    Moved Decals to proper Folder.
    Added Correct Files.
    Updated: 08,April 2011
    Added F/A-18A and A+.
    Updated Data files.
    Updated Weapons.
    Updated Landing Gear Data.
    The A models come with original skins plus
    the first USN and USMC Squadrons.
    Mirage Factory
    Flying Toaster
    Sony Tuckson
    TK and Thirdwire


       (14 reviews)



  9. C-15 Spanish v.1 for SF2 series

    C-15 ( F/A-18 Spanish ) v.1 for SF2 series
    C-15 Spanish EF-18 HORNET by Sordo.
    F/A-18 Pits converted for SF2 series by Spectre8750
    Decals folder modified by Blackfish.
    Based on the Mirage Factory F/A-18A


       (2 reviews)



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