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7 files

  1. Improved Dassault Rafale C3

    Hello and thank you for downloading my work.
    What's included:
    Dassault Rafale C3 with Qatar texture.
    improvement on the Beta in 3ds Max by me:
    I fixed the cockpit to almost the correct size.
    New Pilot with modern French helmet
    New Rafale MK16 ejection seat
    added pilot ladder and engine cover and remove before flight tags
    Added miner addon to the model and fixed some model miner 3ds model imperfections
    ejected and added the hitboxes
    New Qatar texture and decales.
    All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.LOD) and the texture required. (tested and work only for SF2)
    Copy files to their proper folder
    //Please add to Soundlist (If you don't have the WAV sound added) under the Flight directory
    Shift+1 Open the pilot canopy and deploy the ladder
    Shift+2 Deploy Damocles Intake sensor on/off
    Shift+3 Remove Before Flight tags

    If you need any further help, please read the Knowledge Base at:

    Virgin 1.0
    You are allowed to use this model and everything included for personal non-profit use for Strike Fighters 1 and 2. You need to contact me for permission for use outside of this scope.
    Credit goes to the following:
    Compufat for working on the texture, Decals, and testing the model.
    Coupi for fixing hitboxes and testing
    Pilots: GKABS (3D models) and Ludo.m54 (texture)
    JAT (JAT81500) for making this beautiful Rafale model
    ravenclaw_007 for sending me the 3ds Max file (Big thank you)
    Original Beta credit form JAT81500 readme file: Export Rafale Mod
    "3D model: Heberth/CadeteBRA, aleks, 76.IAP-Blackbird, ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Templates: ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Cockpit: Gux, Marcfighter, Heberth, ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Legs skin: Centurion-1.
    pilots: Amokfloo, JAT.
    Weapons: ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Seat: aleks.
    Loadout tga: JAT.
    Skins: ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Decals: Many modders!!!, JAT.
    Hangar and loading screens: JAT.
    Special advisor: peyo."

    Finally not to forget the wonderful site of https://combatace.com and all the nice members and their dedicated support for this game.
    Software used:
    3d Max 2009
    UVLayout v2 Pro
    Substance Painter
    Adobe Photoshop

    If you need any assistance please get in touch with me at 


       (0 reviews)



  2. CF-151 (Rafale) * What-If

    Complete aircraft based on JAT81500 terrific Export Rafale Pack v1.0 :
    Fictional Royal Canadian Air Force Rafale Mod for SFP V2 (CF-151)
    This addon represent the folowing versions of the Rafale :
    - Canada (F3+ version) 
    *** Same version as India ***
    Rafale EH
    Changed the roundel on the skins and the decals on this pack are  made by me.
    Background :
    As the original Lockheed Martin F-35 Lighting II Canadian Procurement have been froze by the Liberal government after their 2011 election. It's been long speculated which fighter would replace the aging CF-188's of the RCAF. In 2017, the Liberal government announced the 18 Boeing Super Hornet would be bought as interim aircraft to fill the holes of the current Fleet of CF-188's so operational status can be maintained at 100%. As the tender for the replacement still went on, many manufacturers when on the line to win the replacement aircraft contract.
    In the year 2017, Boeing sued Bombardier (Canadian Aerospace Company) over a dispute on aircraft sales (CS-100's below cost) to Delta Airline. Many actors in Canada, USA and even Britain went to defend the Canadian Company that their was nothing wrong by doing so as Boeing did it in the pas itself (like Air Canada Boeing 787). The response by the Canadian Government was to initially re-think the 18 Super Hornet's order. On septembre 25th, the US court stated the Bombardier was at fault and a double 80% sale tax was then charged on every CS-100 sale to the US market. The Canadian response was immediate with cancellation of the Super Hornet buying. 
    On september 26th, the Liberal's announced that a new fighter have been chosen for the RCAF. The secret have been well kept in the RCAF and government ranks. The announced was the cancellation of the F-35 Lightning II procurement and the buying of 72 Rafale C (same as EH model of the India Air Force) with armament, support and maintenance for a life span of 30 years. The Rafale C under the RCAF would be called CF-151 Rafale-C and would equipped the 6 Tactical Fighter Squadrons (401, 409, 410, 416, 425 and 433).
    The 12 first planes (serials 151101 to 151112) were delivered as early of 2018 to the 410 Cougars for training and transition of the CF-18 pilots.  Then the other squadrons received their 12 planes each in late 2018- early 2019 time line.
    Here is the 12 serials per squadrons :
    410 Cougars        151101 - 151112
    425 Alouette        151113 - 151124
    433 Porc-Épic        151125 - 151136
    409 NightHawk        151137 - 151148
    416 Lynx        151149 - 151160
    401 Ram            151161 - 151172



       (0 reviews)



  3. SF2_Marine_Rafale.7z

    Marine Rafale Mod for SFP V2
    This addon represent the folowing versions of the Rafale:
    - Marine Rafale M F1/F2/F3/F3R/F3+ and what if F4
    - Marine Rafale N what if F4
    3D model: Heberth/CadeteBRA, aleks, 76.IAP-Blackbird, ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Templates: ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Cockpit: Gux, Marcfighter, Heberth, ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Legs skin: Centurion-1.
    pilots: Amokfloo, JAT.
    Weapons: ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Seat: aleks.
    Loadout tga: JAT.
    Skins: ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Decals: JAT.
    Hangar and loading screens : JAT.
    Special advisor: peyo.
    Sorry if i forgot someone, send me a PM, i will make public apologies.
    Animation Keys:
    1 - Open canopy (sorry for the collision bug)
    0 - Toggle Damocles open/close (useless only eye candy !)
    A thanks to the Two more weeks and the AdA-Mod teams to share their works.
    A big thanks to all involved of this long term project (first step with aleks in november 2010!).
    A special thanks to Marcfighter for the permission to use the pit.
    A special special Thanks to ravenclaw_007 who pushes the perfection beyond human capacity.
    in memory of BPAo.
    Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms:


       (15 reviews)



  4. SF2_Export_Rafale.7z

    Export Rafale Mod for SFP V2
    This addon represent the folowing versions of the Rafale:
    - India (F3+ version)
    Rafale DH
    Rafale EH
    Rafale MH
    - Qatar (F3+ version)
    Rafale DDA
    Rafale EDA
    - Egypt (F3+ version)
    Rafale DM
    Rafale EM
    - Greece (F3+ version)
    Rafale DG
    Rafale EG
    - UAE (F4 version)
    Rafale DAD
    Rafale EAD
    - Dhimar (F4 version)
    Rafale DMA
    3D model: Heberth/CadeteBRA, aleks, 76.IAP-Blackbird, ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Templates: ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Cockpit: Gux, Marcfighter, Heberth, ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Legs skin: Centurion-1.
    pilots: Amokfloo, JAT.
    Weapons: ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Seat: aleks.
    Loadout tga: JAT.
    Skins: ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Decals: Many modders!!!, JAT.
    Hangar and loading screens : JAT.
    Special advisor: peyo.
    Sorry if i forgot someone, send me a PM, i will make public apologies.
    Animation Keys:
    1 - Open canopy (sorry for the collision bug)
    0 - Toggle Damocles open/close (useless only eye candy !)
    A thanks to the Two more weeks and the AdA-Mod teams to share their works.
    A big thanks to all involved of this long term project (first step with aleks in november 2010!).
    A special thanks to Marcfighter for the permission to use the pit.
    A special special Thanks to ravenclaw_007 who pushes the perfection beyond human capacity.
    in memory of BPAo.
    Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms:


       (12 reviews)



  5. SF2_Ada_Rafale.7z

    Armée de l'air Rafale Mod for SFP V2
    This addon represent the folowing versions of the Rafale:
    - AdA Rafale B F2/F3/F3R/F3+ and what if F4
    - AdA Rafale C F2/F3/F3R/F3+ and what if F4
    3D model: Heberth/CadeteBRA, aleks, 76.IAP-Blackbird, ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Templates: ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Cockpit: Gux, Marcfighter, Heberth, ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Legs skin: Centurion-1.
    pilots: Amokfloo, JAT.
    Weapons: ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Seat: aleks.
    Loadout tga: JAT.
    Skins: ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Decals: ravenclaw_007, JAT.
    Hangar and loading screens : JAT.
    Special advisor: peyo.
    Sorry if i forgot someone, send me a PM, i will make public apologies.
    Animation Keys:
    1 - Open canopy (sorry for the collision bug)
    0 - Toggle Damocles open/close (useless only eye candy !)
    A thanks to the Two more weeks and the AdA-Mod teams to share their works.
    A big thanks to all involved of this long term project (first step with aleks in november 2010!).
    A special thanks to Marcfighter for the permission to use the pit.
    A special special Thanks to ravenclaw_007 who pushes the perfection beyond human capacity.
    in memory of BPAo.
    Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms:


       (13 reviews)



  6. Rafale C for SF2

    -------------------------------------------------RafaleC BETA 1.3-------------------------------------
    By CadeteBRA (Heberth Thaylon)
    Any bugs, PM me...
    I'm using the typhoon pit for now, in the future a correct Rafale pit.
    ------------------------------ Credits----------------------------------
    CadeteBRA ( me) for the model/FM
    FLOGGER23 (Enoc) for the skin THANKS!!!!!!!!!
    Craig for the SUPERB AND AWESOME EF-2000 Cockpit!
    JAT, The Mirage Factory and 331KillerBee for the decals and/or weapons. thank you guys!
    (if i forgot someone, please PM me and i'll fix it)
    Loading image taken from here:
    if you know the guy who take this picture, say: "THANK YOU" for me, please? :D
    And thanks to Ianh755 for the important help! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
    Also, thanks to WhiteboySamurai! great help!
    1: unzip into a temporary folder
    2: cut/copy or move to your mod folder
    3: if asked, overwrite some files
    4: play!


       (16 reviews)



  7. Rafale B Flight Model Beta 1

    this is a new flight model for A-Team's rafale b released under beta 1
    this flight model shall fix all the problems in flight that you had with the one comes with rafale b from a-team website
    --- IN THIS FM :
    landing gears fixed
    pylons and missiles rail added
    ai going to use new radar system as called RBE2 AESA radar
    chaffs flares and ECM systems added
    brand new control systems
    all new engines
    how to use :
    firstly you have to download the rafale b from A-Team website
    NOTE : you must have membership in order to download it
    once you download the aircraft head here and download the FM
    after downloading the FM do the flowing
    extract rafale b.rar to your HDD
    copy rafale b.ini to your rafale b directory
    replace if ask and rename if needed
    - play
    Credit :
    A-Team \ model and avionics
    Me \ flight model
    thanks for everybody who gave me advises and helped me making this FM
    enjoy it


       (2 reviews)




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