218 files
Strike Fighters 2: Indian Ocean
By eburger68
Strike Fighters 2: Indian Ocean
This mod package for "Strike Fighters 2" supplies the aircraft, ground objects, guns, weapons, and effects to support four campaigns centered on the tensions and occasional conflicts between India and Pakistan. Two of those campaigns are fictional and involve the U.S. Navy, which intervenes amidst rising tensions between the two countries in a support of Pakistan. Two are historial -- based on actual wars fought between the two countries.
To use this mod, you must have a merged install that includes "Strike Fighters 2" (SF2), "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E), "Strike Fighters 2: Israel" (SF2I), SF2I "Expansion Pack 1" (EXP1), "Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam" (SF2V), and "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA). This mod also requires the MirageIIIO DLC aircraft from ThirdWire.
Note that this is a COMPLETE mod package and should be installed to its own dedicated Mod Folder. Please do not attempt to combine it with any other major mod such as "NATO Fighters," as you could end up with a non-working install. Also, although this mod shares a number of common elements with the SF2NA Expansion Pack, it is NOT designed to be installed over or merged with that earlier mod.
Minimum Requirements
To install and play this mod, you must have the following installed as part of your target installation base:
Strike Fighters 2 (SF2), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Israel (SF2I), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Israel - Expansion Pack 1, plus
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam (SF2V), plus
Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic (SFNA), plus
DLC #17 (Mirage IIIO)
Mar2012 or higher
This mod does support installations that include the F-4N DLC aircraft from ThirdWire, but it is not required.
Before installing, please ensure that your target SF2 install meets the minimum requirements laid out above.
This mod requires a separate Mod Folder. Please do not attempt to install this mod over or combine it with any other mods package such as "NATO Fighters" or the SF2V Expansion Pack.
- Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic.exe. Rename the copied .EXE file to SF2_IndianOcean.exe (or whatever unique name you prefer).
- Run the newly copied and renamed .EXE file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your "SF2 Indian Ocean" install will have been created in one of these locations:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
...where [YourModFolder] matches the name of the copied .EXE file that you created. You will install the "Expansion Pack" mod files to your Mod Folder.
- Open your Mod Folder and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it).
Now you're ready to install the "Expansion Pack" mod proper.
This is the easiest step.
- Unpack the five "SF2 Indian Ocean" archive packages that you downloaded to a temporary location on your hard drive.
- Move the *contents* of the \To_Mod_Folder directory from each package to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above). (Note: do not simply drag and drop the folder named "To_Mod_Folder" or you will end up with a non-working install.)
If you've moved everything correctly, you should have a new \Objects sub-directory in your Mod Folder, along with a few new other sub-directories.
This last step involves a bit of text editing, so please pay attention.
Open the Options.INI file in your Mod Folder. Locate the "Single Mission" section. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows:
Finally, a little further down you should find the "Campaign" section. Replace it with the following:
CampaignName=1987-1021 Southern Calm
PlayerUnit=VF-103 Sluggers
Save your changes and close the Options.INI file.
* * * * *
THAT'S IT. Your "SF2 Indian Ocean" mod should now be ready to use. You may consider installing some of the "optional" items as described in the next section.
Optional Installs
This mod includes a number of "optional" items that can be installed, provided you have the required files to suport them. These "optional" items can be broken down into three types:
- Optional Aircraft
- Optional Ships
- Alternate Campaigns
1. Optional Aircraft
The \Option\Alt_Aircraft directory includes three optional aircraft that you can install. These alternate aircraft replace the substitutes that are installed by default.
Opt Aircraft Substitute
------------ ----------
F-4N (DLC) F-4N (based on F-4B_67)
Marut Su-7BMK
L-1049 C-47A (India)
How to Install:
If you have the F-4N DLC installed to your target SF2 installation and wish to use the DLC version instead of the default F-4N, simply remove the substitute F-4N from \Objects\Aircraft in your Mod Folder. Then move the DLC version from \Optional\Alt_Aircraft (part of the first package you downloaded) to \Objects\Aircraft. In other words, swap the DLC version for the default version.
Marut & L-1049:
The HF-24 Marut and L-1049 require LODs (model files) from the A-Team's download site:
1. Download the appropriate package containing the necessary LODs from the A-Team's site (link included above). For the Marut you will need to download the HF-24 Marut. For the L-1049 you will need the C-121 Super Constellation.
2. Unzip the package you downloaded to a temporary directory.
3. Copy the .LOD files from the package you downloaded to the appropriate aircraft folder in the \Alt_Aircraft directory.
4. Once you've added the LOD files to the aircraft's folder, you may install the aircraft and accompanying decals from the \Alt_Aircraft directory to your "SF2 India" Mod Folder.
Once installed the L-1049 and HF-24 Marut will be automatically used in campaigns. The F-4N is not used in any campaigns but can be used in Single Missions.
2. Optional Ships
Also included are three ships that can also be installed, provided you obtain the correct LODs to support them.
Two ships are USN destroyers (the Charles F. Adams class and Farragut or Coontz class) based on the DLG-10 included in the "Yankee Air Pirate 2" and "Yankee Air Pirate 3" commercial mods. To use these optional destroyers you must have the necessary LOD files from "Yankee Air Pirate".
The third is the INS Viraat. To use it you must have the LOD files for the HMS Hermes from the SF2 Falklands mod:
How to Install:
a. For the destroyers, remove the substitutes (named Adams and Farragut) that are installed by default from \Objects\GroundObject in your Mod folder. (These substitute versions are based on the ThirdWire CGN-36.) The Viraat has no subsititute to remove.
b. Copy the Coontz2.LOD from "Yankee Air Pirate" to the Adams and Farragut folders in \Optional\Alt_Ships (part of the first package you downloaded). For the Viraat, copy the R12 .LOD files from the Hermes (R12) in the SF2 Falklands mod to the Viraat folder in \Optional\Alt_Ships.
c. Create collision LODs for both destroyers by making a copy of Coontz2.LOD and renaming it Coontz2_COL.LOD. For the Viraat the collision LOD is the R12-R2b_COL.LOD that's already included in the SF2 Falklands mod.
d. Move the ships from \Optional\Alt_Ships\GroundObject to \Objects\GroundObject in your MOD folder.
The campaigns will automatically use the new versions of the USN destroyers. The Viraat is not used in any campaigns but can be used in Single Missions.
3. Conventional Campaigns
The game engine for SF2NA brought many welcome new features to the world of Strike Fighters 2. As useful as those new features are, the SF2NA campaign engine (i.e., the engine that allows for "naval campaigns" with battle groups and cruise missile strikes) was clearly designed specifically for the SF2NA Iceland/North Atlantic campaign, as it attempts to turn every campaign into North Atlantic, Part II.
Once battle groups are "discovered" by the opposing side, the campaign engine will throw everything at that battle group, mission after mission, until all the ships are sunk or the attacking side runs out of aircraft capable of performing strike missions. This can become a bit wearisome, and it is extremely difficult to prevent those battle groups from being "discovered" and attacked. In the standard SF2NA-style campaigns listed above, this usually happens around the fifth mission of the campaign.
To give players an alternative to the standard "North Atlantic" duel-to-death naval campaign, I have included standard SF2-style versions of the two fictional campaigns (the 1974 and 1987 campaigns). The "conventional" versions put the campaigns' focus squarely on the battle between India and Pakistan. The Indian government -- based on a combination of military and political reasons -- elects not to directly attack American carrier groups while still engaging U.S. aircraft flying in support of Pakistan.) Note that the two historical campaigns (1965 and 1971) were built from the start as "conventional," non-navalized campaigns.
The upside to these "conventional" campaigns is that the campaign engine no longer gets stuck in the same cycle of hurling strike aircraft at the battle groups over and over. The downside is that carrier battle groups no longer move together. The carrier moves, but the escort ships are static terrain elements. Also, the big bombers on both sides tend to make less frequent appearances from their off-map air bases.
How to Use the Conventional Campaigns:
If you wish to try the conventional campaigns, you will have to install them from \Optional\Alt_Campaigns (found in the directory where you unpacked the "SF2 Indian Ocean" downloads).
a. Drag the \Campaigns folder to the Mods folder where you installed the
"SF2 Indian Ocean" mod, allowing Windows to overwrite files as prompted.
b. Drag the \Terrains folder to the "Black Sea Crisis" Mods folder as well,
again allowing Windows to overwrite files as prompted.
When you re-start the game, the listed campaigns will play as conventional, SF2-style campaigns.
Please note that in the above install process you are effectively converting the India-Pakistan terrain into a conventional SF2 terrain. While the terrain is coverted into a conventional, non-naval terrain, naval aircraft in Single Missions will fly from land bases, not carriers.
To convert the terrain back into an SF2NA-style "naval" terrain, copy these files from \Terrains\IndiaPak (in the directory where you unpacked the "SF2 Indian Ocean" download files) to the \Terrains\IndiaPak directory in your Mods folder:
That's right -- those are the only files that need to be restored. I would recommend restoring the original SF2NA-style campaigns at the same time.
Summary of Campaigns
This mod includes four campaigns -- two historical campaigns plus two fictional campaigns. For each campaign a Red-side and Blue-side version is included, allowing you to fly aircraft from all three nations represented in the campaigns: India, Pakistan, and the USN.
Here's a quick summary of the campaigns:
1987-1021 Southern Calm
October 1987. A joint naval exercise, code-named "Southern Calm,"
conducted by the USS Saratoga carrier battle group with the Pakistani
Navy is interrupted when the Indian government denounces the joint
maneuvers as cover for a planned nuclear strike by Pakistan using
recently developed nuclear warheads designed to be delivered by
Pakistan's U.S. supplied F-16s.
1974-0421 Frowning Buddha
April 1974. After the Bhutto government of Pakistan publicly denounces
India's preparations to conduct a "peaceful nuclear explosion" at the
Pokhran Test Range and declares its intention to stop the test through
unilateral military action, the Nixon administration dispatches the Kitty
Hawk carrier battle group to the Arabian Sea in support of Pakistan.
1971-1203 India-Pakistan War '71
December 1971. After eight months of rising tensions over India's
support for the secessionist government of East Pakistan, the
Pakistani Air Force elects to strike the first blow in a seemingly
inevitable war by launching a pre-emptive attack against airfields
and other military targets in western India.
1965-0901 India-Pakistan War '65
September 1965. The Pakistani military launches Operation Grand Slam,
an effort to seize the town of Akhnoor in Jammu and cut off Indian
communications and supply lines in the disputed region of Kashmir.
Although it enjoys initial success, Grand Slam also manages to draw
the Indian Air Force into a conflict that threatens to grow into a
major conflagration.
This mod package draws on the work on dozens of modders who have uploaded the fruits of their labor to CombatAce.com and elsewhere over the years.
yakarov79 .......................... AH-1F
yakarov79 .......................... AH-1J_80
EricJ ............................... AH-1J camo skin
dtmdragon ........................... A-4M Skyhawk for SF2
Insky ............................... A-5C Fantan
Wrench & Lindr2 ..................... A-5C Fantan updates
Paulopanz ........................... A-5C Fantan skins
Boopidoo ............................ Su-15TM cockpit (used on Fantan)
HomeFries ........................... A-6 Superpack for SF2
Wrench .............................. A-7 low-viz skin
Marcfighters ........................ Ajeet & Gnat
Paulopanz ........................... An-12 skins
Wrench .............................. AV-8A for SF2
Crusader ............................ AV-8A Harrier Avionics Mod
gbreuder ............................ B-52 Vietnam Era Upgrade Package
Dels ................................ B-52G
Dave (USAFMTL) & team ............... B-52G upgrades
Dave (USAFMTL) ...................... B-52G 2nd BW skin
USAFMTL, JSF_Aggie, Dels & wpnssgt... B-52H
Kesselbrut .......................... B-52 cockpit
Veltro2K & Wrench ................... BR.1150
Veltro2K, Paulopanz, Eole, .......... BR.1050
& Nyghtfall
Baffmeister ......................... BR.1050 flight model
Paulopanz ........................... C-47A IAF skins
Lazarus ............................. C-47A PAF skins
MontyCZ ............................. C-119
Paulopanz ........................... C-119 skins
HrntFixr ............................ C-130A camo skin
Ahmed Junaid Raza ................... Canberras
Kessselbrut ......................... Canberra bombadier's cockpit
HomeFries ........................... EA-6 SuperPack for SF2
Beer, Sundowner, & Dave (USAFMTL).... New F-4B/N/S skins
Rippersix & dtmdragon ............... F-4E APQ-120 avionics update
daddyairplanes ...................... F-4J_74
mppd ................................ F-4J/N/S DECM antennas
Paulopanz & Spillone104 ............. F-6 Pack for SF2
ModMafia ............................ F-7PG & F-7MP
Murtaza Akbar ....................... F-7 alt skins
Swordsman422 ........................ F-14A Skin & Decal Pack for SF2NA
The Mirage Factory / Viper Crew ..... F-16A/B Blk15
Ace888 .............................. F-16 PAF skins
The Mirage Factory / ModMafia ....... F/A-18A
Wildcat, column5, & BPAo ............ F/A-18A skins
Zur ................................. F-86F & CL-13B
Wrench, Fubar512, & Ravenclaw ....... F-86F/CL-13B updated skins & flight model
Zurawski ............................ F-86F cockpit (used on several aircraft)
ndicki & Wrench ..................... F-104A PAF
bunyap .............................. Harvards
Wrench & Soulfreak .................. Harvard skins & updates
Paulopanz & ghostrider883 ........... HF-24 Marut skins & updates
Baffmeister ......................... HF-24 new flight model
ghostrider883 & Paulopanz ........... Hunter F.56 skins & updates
Veltro2K, Torno, & Paulopanz ........ IL-38 & IL-38N
Oli & Sundowner ..................... Jaguar GR1
Bpao, Jeanba, Tom Venom, Cangas, .... Jaguar A/M
& Sony Tuckson
Bunyap & pappychksix ................ KA-3B Skywarrior
WhiteboySamurai ..................... Ka-27
Marcfighters & Kreelin. ............. Mi-8 Hip
ghostrider883 ....................... Mi-8 IAF skins
Lazarus ............................. Mi-8 PAF skins
YEYEYE .............................. Mi-24P
emresukhoi .......................... Mi-24P skins
Paladrian ........................... MiG-21 cockpits
AtariBaby ........................... MiG-21 Complete Pack for SF2
Paulopanz ........................... MiG-21F, MiG-21FL, MiG-21PF skins
Paulopanz ........................... MiG-21bis skins
ghostrider883 & Lazarus ............. MiG-21bis skins
Paulopanz ........................... MiG-21M/MF camo skin
Paulopanz & ghostrider883 ........... MiG-23 camo & grey skins
CA_Stary ............................ MiG-23/27 cockpits
USAFTML & MiG-25 Team ............... MiG-25RB
Paulopanz ........................... MiG-25RB IAF skin
Baffmeister & Spillone104 ........... MiG-25RB updates & new flight model
The Mirage Factory .................. MiG-29A Fulcrum
Russouk2004 ......................... MiG-29A updated model
ghostrider883 ....................... MiG-29A IAF skins
Denis Oliveira & Coupi .............. Mirage IIIEP & Mirage IIIRP
Paulopanz ........................... Mirage 5PA skins & updates
Denis Oliveira, Coupi, & Paulopanz .. Mirage IIIDP & Mirage 5DD
Denis Oliveira, Coupi, & Paulopanz .. Mirage IIIO Rose
The Mirage Factory .................. Mirage 2000H
Wrench, ghostrider883, & Ace888 ..... Mirage 2000H skins & updates
ghostrider883 ....................... Mystere IVA IAF skins
Pasko ............................... Ouragan
Paulopanz ........................... Ouragan skins
Ordway .............................. Ouragan/MD-450 cockpit
Baffmeister ......................... new Ouragan flight model
Florian ............................. P-3C beta
Julhelm ............................. RA-5C Vigilante
The Mirage Factory .................. RF-8G Crusader
Gocad ............................... RF-8G VFP-63 skin
Erikgen ............................. T-33A & RT-33A
Paulopanz ........................... T-33A & RT-33A skins
FoxMonter ........................... S-3A/B
Wrench .............................. S-3A/B updates
slick cowboy ........................ S-3A/B skins
The Mirage Factory .................. Sea Harrier
Paulopanz & Sundowner ............... Sea Harrier skins & updates
Bunyap .............................. Sea Hawks
Tomb ................................ Sea Hawk fixes/upgrades
Paulopanz ........................... INS Sea Hawk skins & updates
Florian ............................. SH-3D Sea King
Paulopanz ........................... Su-7BMK IAF skins
CA_Stary ............................ Su-7BMK cockpit
Wrench & ghostrider883 .............. Tu-142 mod
Gramps .............................. UH-1D Huey
ghostrider883 ....................... Vampire FB.52 skins
Ground Objects
Pasko ............................... "SAMs and Vehicles Pack: Euro & Desert"
Nicholas Bell ....................... "WOE 1950's AAA Mod"
Gerald14 ............................ "Russian Defence/ZSU-23-4 Pack"
Monty CZ ............................ "SF2 WWII Flak Pack"
Geo.................................. "WWII Ground Object Pack"
Kesselbrut .......................... "US Armor Pack"
SFP1Ace ............................. "Alternative ArmorPack"
Wrench .............................. "India-Pakistan Ground Objects, Weapons, Other Bits"
Wrench .............................. "India-Pakistan Naval Units"
Gabilon ............................. 2S6 & SA-13
Kesselbrut .......................... SA-9
Monty CZ............................. Stinger site
EricJ ............................... SA-11
YEYEYE .............................. TubeArm
Pasko ............................... SA-3, Flatface, Sidenet, Spoonrest, EW_Radar
FastCargo ........................... SA-5 & SquarePair
Julhelm & Wrench .................... SON-9A Firecan
Crusader ............................ Soviet MANPADs for SF2
Stary ............................... Soviet MANPADS (new models)
Pasko & Nicholas Bell ............... S-60, ZPU-4, M-42, D-20
Pasko & Nicholas Bell ............... M-59 155mm (based on KS-19P)
Nicholas Bell ....................... Bofors L60/L70
rebel ryder ......................... M1939 flak guns
Kesselbrut .......................... OerlikonAAA, ZPU-1, RH202, US_Cal50
Fubar512 ............................ ZSU-23 AAA tweaks
Pasko ............................... BTR-60, Type-59, Type-63, Type-69, AMX-13
rebel ryder ......................... Sherman-M4A2, Sherman-M4A2_76mm
Stefano ............................. M-47 Patton tank
Geo ................................. M24, M36
rebel ryder ......................... BRDM-2, BMP-1, BMP-1_AT-3, BMP-2, BMP-2_AT-5
SUICIDAL ............................ New Destroyed Tank LODs
Kesselbrut .......................... CommTrailer, HQTrailer
Pasko ............................... Frog3
Moonjumper, Crusader, & Otto ........ BM-14-16 Katyusha mod
Fubar512 & MiGBuster ................ Carrier Deck Illumination package
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Kidd, Leahy, Burke, Ticonderoga, & Bainbridge class ships
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Arnala class (Type053K)
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Tariq class (Zulfiqar)
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Nanuchka II missile boat
Adrian Benetti ...................... Shanghai II (ARA Indomita)
Pasko ............................... Huangfeng class (Komar)
ID(io)T Team, Torno, YeYeYe, ........ Iowa '80s battleship
& Spitwulf
Fubar512 ............................ Iowa '80s configuration
JSF_Aggie ........................... ThirdWire LHA upgrade
Florian ............................. USN AOE Transport (Bremen class)
Julhelm ............................. USN Tanker
Hinchinbrooke ....................... Trishul/Talwar, County Class, Type 12M, Foch,
Type 42, Cavalier, Daring, & Vikrant
MiGbuster ........................... INS Vikrant hi-res skin
Gramps .............................. Daring (old model)
BANIDOS TEAM ........................ Type 12I & Type12L
Unknown author ...................... MTB
Kesselbrut .......................... MVNordic_Ferry, MVTor_Caledonia, MVBaltic_Ferry, & SSCanberra
Polak ............................... MVAtlantic_Causeway & MVAtlantic_Conveyor
Kesselbrut .......................... Trawler 1 & 2, Small Cargo Ship, Navy Tug
Cocas ............................... Trawler
BANIDOS Team ........................ ContainerShip
Julhelm ............................. Container_Ship & Tanker2
loborojo & SUICIDAL ................. Petrolero
Fubar512 ............................ Fleet Oiler & LNGTanker
Cocas ............................... SovietTrawler
SUICIDAL-ART ........................ M113A1
Kesselbrut .......................... ZiL-157 trucks
Richard & Kesselbrut ................ Land Rover trucks
Badfrank ............................ Red & Yellow Jeeps
cellinsky, Insky/Orsin, & PanamaRed Environment mods
OldDiego, Pappy, Wrench, Pasko, ..... Pilots
Florian/AmokFloo, & PureBlue
Spillone104 ......................... custom engine sounds
CA_Stary ............................ custom effects
Stary ............................... new gun tracers
CA_Stary ............................ Ejection mod
Spectre8750 ......................... Fake Afterburner Node
Arthur66 ............................ India-Pakistan '65 campaign
Deuces & Wrench ..................... India-Pakistan terrain
Stary ............................... India-Pakistan hi-res tiles
If I have neglected to credit anyone here, please let me know. I will get it fixed ASAP.
Eric Howes
20 July 2015
23 July 2015
TSF 2: Expansion Pack 1
By JonathanRL
This is an Expansion Pack. You need The Scandinavian Front 2 in order to play this mod.
(Please read the included Credits file. I could not do what I do without the lovely people who helped me by allowing me to use their work!)
The official soundtrack of the mod is
with Sabaton.
Before downloading the main files again if you seek to patch the game, check the support topic. Patches are posted there too.
Main Features:
* Several new and unique aircraft to fly, amongst them the Saab 18, Saab 21, Myrsky, Fouga Magister and Avia S-92!
* New cockpits for the De Havilland Mosquito, Saab 18, Saab 21 and the Fouga Magister by Stary; one of the best cockpit builders for Strike Fighters.
* A new Campaign, featuring an all out liberation of Finland by Swedish and Norwegian Forces set in the year 1950 including Amphibious Assaults.
* Fly for the Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic! A TSF First, this Campaign will allow you to fly an aircraft for the communists, defeating the filthy, warmongering imperialists in the name of Socialism!
* Bug Fixes and updates to the older campaigns, adding or replacing aircraft where suitable.
Included Campaigns:
Campaign Name: Operation Harmaahylje
Year: 1950
Flyable Services: Swedish Air Force, Norwegian Air Force, Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic Air Force.
Naval Combat: Yes
Ground War Scale: Large
What to expect: Korea War dogfights with very unique aircraft, a long and intense ground war that does not pull any punches.
This mod requires SF2: Europe & SF2 North Atlantic with The Scandinavian Front 2 Installed, Expansion Pack 1 and DLC 008 J 34 Hawker Hunter is highly recommended.
First of all, make sure you are using SF2: Europe and that it is patched to the latest version. This is _vital_.
Check http://www.thirdwire.com if you are unsure what the latest patch is, but the game should notify you if there is new patches out.
If you are using a mod, or plan to use one, TSF will mess around with settings other mods may be using. As such, creating a seperate mod folder for TSF is
a good idea. If you only plan to use TSF, then this step can be bypassed.
Now go to your Mod Folders. For Windows 7/Vista, this is located in C:\Users\Name\Saved Games\Thirdwire. For Windows XP Users, it is usually in My Documents.
Unzip the contents of the 7zip files "TSF2" into the mod folder already containing TSF 2. Allow any overwrites.
Any person who may be responsible for the fact that Team TSF is not allowed to use the A-Team Saab 37 Viggen may not play this modification. If any breach of this rule occurs, I am at full liberty to mete out whatever punishment I deem fit. By downloading the modification, you agree to this condition.
(Please read the included Credits file. I could not do what I do without the lovely people who helped me by allowing me to use their work!)
Strike Fighters 2: North Cape
By eburger68
Strike Fighters 2: North Cape
(Version 1.2)
This is an add-on package for the "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" Expansion Pack available at CombatAce. The "Strike Fighters 2: North Cape" (SF2NC) add-on includes two new campaigns, both set in northern Norway during the late 70's and early 80's. Also included are fourteen new aircraft and a dozen new ground objects to fill out these new campaigns.
This add-on package is designed to be applied over the top of an existing installation of the SF2NA Expansion Pack. You can download the three main Expansion Pack files here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Please take a look over the remainder of this ReadMe before installing this add-on.
The minimum requirements for this add-on package are the same as for the SF2NA Expansion Pack.
REQUIRED: Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic (SFNA), plus
Strike Fighters 2 (SF2), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam (SF2V)
PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher
As this mod is an add-on to the SF2NA Expansion Pack, you must have that earlier mod already installed and working.
Here's how to install this update package:
1. Ensure that SF2NA, SF2V, SF2, and SF2E are all properly installed & updated as part of a
merged install.
2. Ensure that the SF2NA Expansion Pack is properly installed and working. (See above for
links to all the download components.)
3. Unpack SF2_NorthCape.7z to a safe place on your drive.
4. Open the \To_Mod_Folder directory. Drag and drop all the files and folders from within
the \To_Mod_Folder sub-folder to your SF2NA Expansion Pack Mod Folder, overwriting as
At this point the SF2NC add-on is installed and you're ready to play the new campaigns.
Summary of New Campaigns
This add-on supplies five campaigns for the SF2NA Expansion Pack, all set in northern Norway during the late '70's and early to mid '80's.
Two of the new campaigns are variants of the same underlying campaign:
- Nordic Sword (79): After war erupts in Europe, the USS Nimitz carrier battle group sails north off the Norwegian coast in September 1979 to contain the Soviet Northern Fleet as it attempts to break out from the Barents Sea and into the North Atlantic. A trailing Amphibious Group carries U.S. Marines ready join the Norwegian Army in its fight to prevent Soviet armored regiments from seizing the North Cape. The Norwegian Air Force flies F-5As and F-104s. Temporarily deployed to Norwegian air bases are two squadrons of USAF F-4Es and a squadron of USAF F-111Fs. A squadron of B-52Gs, hastily deployed to RAF Fairford (off map), is available for use in theater.
- Nordic Sword (82): A variant of the 1979 campaign, set in 1982. The USN carrier battle group is led by the USS Independence. The Norwegian Air Force has one squadron that has transitioned from F-104s to F-16As. Temporarily deploying to Norwegian air bases are two squadrons of RAF F-4Ms and one squadron of USAF F-111s.
The other three comprise a linked series of campaigns set in 1986:
- Fighting Withdrawal (86): Just hours after the Warsaw Pact invades Central Europe, Soviet armored columns and airborne troops launch an assault on northern Norway. As Norwegian army units fall back, the USS Nimitz and her escorts are ordered to withdraw from the waters off Norway, lest the carrier and her invaluable air wing fail prey to Soviet bombers filling the skies over Norway.
- Return to Norway (86): With the ground war in Central Europe stalemated and the Soviet Northern Fleet defeated in the North Atlantic following a failed assault on Iceland, the USS Nimitz returns to Norway with the USS Forrestal and a Marine amphibious group to retake the airfields and ports under Soviet control in northern half of the country. The Marines will seize Narvik, splitting the Soviet occupation forces, while relying on the two carriers' air wings to provide a covering umbrella of air support.
- Assault on the Kola Peninsula (86): Three weeks after the successful landing of Marines near Narvik and subsequent defeat of Soviet forces in Norway, the Nimitz and Forrestal battle groups take position in the Barents Sea to strike Soviet air bases and naval facilities on the Kola Peninsula.
Terrain Notes
This add-on is based on the North Cape terrain created by Baltika and updated by Wrench. As Wrench notes in his ReadMe for his updated version, the terrain is not in a final, finished state. Thus, you should be aware of some of the terrain's anomalies, which I have not been able to redress.
Air Bases
Some air bases on this terrain are un-usable for various reasons.
- Some air bases sit on ground that still needs proper flattening. At affected air bases, the runway and parking areas may disappear from view at ground level. In the very worst cases, aircraft may bounce around or even explode on the ground as they taxi or take off.
For the included campaigns I have not used any of the most affected air bases, though at one Norwegian air base (Narvik-Framnes) the runway will disappear from view at ground level (aircraft still taxi and take off without issue).
- Some air bases sit in the middle of heavily forested areas, with trees crowding the runway and taxiways. Most of these bases are in the southern area of the terrain, which is generally not used for the campaign.
In sum, although some air bases on this terrain have unresolved issues, they are for the most part not used in the campaigns. If you try to fly game-generated single missions, though, you could find yourself starting from a problem air base.
Naval Groups
One other problem you could encounter in game-generated single missions involves the placement of opposing naval forces. Although the terrain has been properly converted to SF2NA Naval Map standards, the single mission engine often ignores the designated water areas for friendly and enemy naval groups, which are generally along the northern peripheries of the map. The game engine seems to prefer spawning naval groups in the center of the map -- the Gulf of Bothnia -- often right on top of one another.
This misplacement of naval forces really only becomes an issue if you are flying naval aircraft off carriers in game-generated single missions. When flying a naval aircraft on a single mission, you would do well to check the mission map before taking off. If the game engine has chosen to locate opposing naval groups in ridiculous places, back out and start a new mission.
What's Included
This add-on includes the following updates for the SF2NA Expansion Pack:
- C-130E (RNoAF)
- CF-104 (72)
- F-5A
- F-16A Block 10
- F-104G
- MiG-25PD
- MiG-25RB
- MiG-27K
- MiG-27M
- RF-5A
- Su-24
- Su-24M
- Su-25
- Vulcan B2 (MRR)
- Container Ship
- Firecan
- Leopard1A1
- M113A1
- Oiler
- Oslo
- Petrolero
- Soviet Cruiser
- Soviet Freighter
- Soviet Tanker
- Soviet Trawler
- North Cape terrain
- two new campaigns
- misc. new skins
- misc. new weapons
In May 2015 this mod package was refreshed with the following updates, additions, & fixes:
- AH-1J_80
- Be-12
- IL-38
- IL-38N
- Ka-27
- Mi-24P
- MiG-31
- NimrodMR1
- P-3C
- S-3B
- Su-15TM
- Su-17M3
- Su-17M4
- Su-27
- TornadoGR1
- Tu-16KSR2
- Tu-126
- BMP-2
- BMP-2_AT-5
- CommTrailer
- HQTrailer
- Kilo
- KiloSub
- Koni
- NanuchkaI
- NanuchkaIF
- CampaignNC3A: Fighting Withdrawal
- CampaignNC3B: Return to Norway
- CampaignNC3C: Assault on the Kola Peninsula
Other notable additions/updates:
- updated campaigns
- three new campaigns
- updated & expanded F-14 skins/decals
- new lo-viz skins for A-6E_79 & A-7E_74
- additional Mi-8T Soviet camo skins
- updated & corrected terrain
This update contains a number of new items from the following modders who generously allowed their use:
yakarov79 ........................ AH-1J_80
EricJ ............................. AH-1J camo skin
Dave (USAFMTL) .................... B-52G 2nd BW skin
Veltro2k & Wrench ................. Be-12 (PBY Catalina)
Dels .............................. C-130E_RNoAF
Daddyairplanes .................... C-130E_RNoAF upgrades & skins
The Mirage Factory ................ F-5A & RF-5A
suhsjake .......................... F-5A Norwegian skin
hgbn .............................. F-104 RNoAF decals
Viper Crew ........................ F-16A_Blk10
Veltro2K, Torno, & Paulopanz ...... IL-38 & IL-38N
WhiteboySamurai ................... Ka-27
YEYEYE ............................ Mi-24P
USAFTML & MiG-25 Team ............. MiG-25PD & MiG-25RB
Baffmeister ....................... MiG-25 updated flight model
Jv44kt, Erwin_Hans, & Lindr2 ...... MiG-31
Veltro2K & Wrench ................. Nimrod MR.1
Florian ........................... P-3C beta
FoxMonter ......................... S-3B
Wrench ............................ S-3B updates
slick cowboy ...................... S-3B skins
Boopidoo & Volksjager ............. Su-15TM
Jug ............................... Su-15 lights update
dalai_LAMA ........................ Su-15TM camo scheme
Flogger23 ......................... Su-15-TM revamp packs
ArmourDave & AmokFloo ............. Su-17M3/M4 models
Lindr2 ............................ Su-17M3/M4 upgrades
eburger68 ......................... Su-17M3/M4 SF2 upgrades
Veltro2k & Lindr2 ................. Su-24 & Su-24M
NATO Fighters 4+ team ............. Su-25
Florian, Baffmeister, Paulopanz ... Su-25 updated model, INI updates, & new skins
Marcfighter, Erwin Hans ........... Su-27
SayWhat!, Massimo, Erwin Hans, .... Su-27 skins
& Diogo
Orsin & Lindr2 .................... Su-27 & Su-33 flight models
YEYEYE ............................ Flanker cockpits
Sundowner, AD, & Dave ............. TornadoGR1
Ianh .............................. Tornado GR1 fixes & updates
Paulopanz & Spillone104 ........... Tu-16KSR2
Veltro2K .......................... Tu-126
russouk2004 ...................... Vulcan B2 MRR
Paulopanz ......................... Vulcan B2 skins
rebel ryder ....................... BMP-2, BMP-2_AT-5
Kesselbrut ........................ CommTrailer, HQTrailer
BANIDOS Team ...................... ContainerShip
Julhelm ........................... Container_Ship & SovietTanker
Fubar512 .......................... Fleet Oiler
Kesselbrut ........................ Kilo Class submerged (November)
AleDucat .......................... Kilo Class Sub (ARA Salta)
WhiteboySamurai ................... Koni (Type053K)
WhiteBoySamurai ................... Nanuchka missile boats
Florian ........................... Oslo Class Frigate (Bremen F122)
loborojo & SUICIDAL ............... Petrolero
Hinchinbrooke ..................... SovietCruiser
Cocas ............................. SovietTrawler
Julhelm ........................... Firecan radar
SUICIDAL-ART ...................... M113A1
Baltika ........................... North Cape terrain
Wrench ............................ North cape terrain upgrades
blaze95 ........................... updated terrain .TFD file
OldDiego, Pappy, Wrench, Pasko, ... Pilots
Florian/AmokFloo, & PureBlue
If I have neglected to credit anyone here, please let me know. I will get it fixed ASAP.
Eric Howes
8 May 2015
18 January 2015
Strike Fighters 2: Crisis in the Med
By eburger68
Strike Fighters 2: Crisis in the Med
This is an add-on package for the "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" Expansion Pack available at CombatAce. The "Strike Fighters 2: Crisis in the Med" (SF2MC) add-on includes two new campaigns, both set in the Mediterranean early to mid 80's and both providing fictionalized takes on real world events from that time period. Also included are sixteen new aircraft and a three-dozen new ground objects to fill out these new campaigns.
This add-on package is designed to be applied over the top of an existing installation of the SF2NA Expansion Pack. You can download the three main Expansion Pack files here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Please take a look over the remainder of this ReadMe before installing this add-on.
The minimum requirements for this add-on package are:
REQUIRED: Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic (SFNA), plus
Strike Fighters 2 (SF2), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Israel (SF2I), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam (SF2V), plus
DLC #28 (AI Plane Pack 1)
PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher
As this mod is an add-on to the SF2NA Expansion Pack, you must have that earlier mod already installed and working.
Here's how to install this update package:
1. Ensure that SF2NA, SF2V, SF2, SF2I, and SF2E are all properly installed & updated as part of a
merged install.
2. Ensure that the SF2NA Expansion Pack is properly installed and working. (See above for
links to all the download components.)
3. Unpack SF2_MedCrisis.7z to a safe place on your drive.
4. Open the \To_Mod_Folder directory. Drag and drop all the files and folders from within
\To_Mod_Folder to your SF2NA Expansion Pack Mod Folder, overwriting as prompted.
At this point the SF2MC add-on is installed and you're ready to play the new campaigns.
Summary of New Campaigns
This add-on supplies two new campaigns for the SF2NA Expansion Pack, both set in the Mediterranean early to mid 80's. Both campaigns involve fictionalized takes on real world events:
- Powder Keg: After Israeli armored units invade southern Lebanon in June 1982, driving PLO forces north to Beruit and routing Syrian tank regiments, the Soviet Union dispatches a large amphibious group anchored by two carriers to intervene. Standing in the way is one lone U.S. carrier group: the USS Eisenhower and her escorts. With little support from feckless NATO allies, the Eisenhower sails north to intercept the Soviet 5th Eskadra and Black Sea Fleet.
- El Dorado Canyon: In June 1986 the Reagan Administration decides to take action against Libya following several years of naval and air skirmishes between the US Navy and the Libyan military as well as a string of terrorist attacks against civilian targets in the Middle East and Europe, all financed or supported by Libya. Codenamed "El Dorado Canyon," this operation will be a coordinated series of strikes by USAF and USN aircraft against Libyan military and industrial targets over the course of five days.
What's Included
This add-on includes the following updates for the SF2NA Expansion Pack:
- BR.1150 (AMI)
- C-130H (HAF)
- Ka-27
- Mi-24P
- S-3A
- S-3B
- Tu-16KSR2
- UH-1D (HAF)
- An-12
- C-47A
- C-130H
- G-222
- Mi-8T
- Mi-24P
- MiG-21bisB
- MiG-23BN
- MiG-23MF
- MiG-23MLA
- MiG-23MS
- MiG-25PD
- MiG-25RB
- Mirage5D
- Mirage5DE
- F-1AD
- F-1ED
- Su-20B
- Su-22
- Su-22M3
- Su-24MK
- Tu-22
- BTR-60
- FROG-3
- M38Jeep-Red
- M38Jeep-Yellow
- ZIL-157_M1939_Trailer
- ZIL-157_SA2_Trailer
- Zil-157_ZPU-1
- Zil-157Flatbed
- Zil-157Troops
- BarlockB
- Crotale
- FansongF
- FlatfaceB
- SA-2LF
- SA-3QL
- SA-5LB
- SidenetB
- SquarePairB
- Assad
- Komar
- Koni
- LNGTanker
- Moskva
- MVAtlantic_Causeway
- MVAtlantic_Conveyor
- MVBaltic_Ferry
- MVNordic_Ferry
- MVTor_Caledonia
- NanuchkaII
- SSCanberra
- Vosper
- EasternMed terrain
- Libya terrain
- two new campaigns
- misc. new skins
- misc. new weapons
- updated & expanded F-14 skins/decals
- new lo-viz skins for A-6E_79 & A-7E_74
- new EF-111A 42nd ECS skin
- new F/A-18A skins for VFA15,VFA82,VFA86,VFA87,VMFA314,VMFA323
- additional Mi-8T Soviet camo skins
This update contains a number of new items from the following modders who generously allowed their use:
Dave (USAFMTL) ........................ B-52G 2nd BW skin
Veltro2K & Wrench ..................... BR.1150
Dels .................................. C-130H
Daddyairplanes ........................ C-130H upgrades & skins
Veltro2K & Wrench ..................... G.222
WhiteboySamurai ....................... Ka-27
YEYEYE ................................ Mi-24P
emresukhoi ............................ Mi-24P skins
Paulopanz ............................. MiG-23 LARAF camo skin
USAFTML & MiG-25 Team ................. MiG-25PD & MiG-25RB
Baffmeister ........................... MiG-25 updated flight model
Wrench & Paulopanz .................... MiG-25 LARAF skins
Paulopanz ............................. Mirage5D/E camo skins
The Mirage Factory .................... Mirage F-1
CA_Stary .............................. Mirage F-1 cockpit repaint
Ravenclaw_007 ......................... Mirage F-1 camo skin
Florian ............................... P-3C beta
FoxMonter ............................. S-3B
Wrench ................................ S-3B updates
slick cowboy .......................... S-3B skins
ArmourDave & AmokFloo ................. Su-22 models
Lindr2 ................................ Su-22 upgrades
eburger68 ............................. Su-22 SF2 upgrades
Veltro2k & Lindr2 ..................... Su-24MK
Mikeymead ............................. repainted/updated Su-24 cockpit
Paulopanz & Spillone104 ............... Tu-16KSR2
whiteknight06604 ...................... Tu-22 camo skins
Gramps ................................ UH-1D Huey
Adrian Benetti ........................ Assad & FAPC (ARA Intrepida)
rebel ryder ........................... BMP-2, BMP-2_AT-5
Kesselbrut ............................ CommTrailer, HQTrailer
Pasko ................................. BTR-60 & Frog3
BPAo & Sundowner ...................... Crotale (SA-9)
Kesselbrut ............................ Kilo Class submerged (November)
AleDucat .............................. Kilo Class Sub (ARA Salta)
Pasko ................................. Komar
WhiteboySamurai ....................... Koni (Type053K)
Fubar512 .............................. LNGTanker
WhiteboySamurai ....................... Moskva (Jeanne d'Arc)
Kesselbrut ............................ MVNordic_Ferry, MVTor_Caledonia, MVBaltic_Ferry, & SSCanberra
Polak ................................. MVAtlantic_Causeway & MVAtlantic_Conveyor
Badfrank .............................. Red & Yellow Jeeps
SUICIDAL-ART .......................... M113A1
Unknown author ........................ MTB
WhiteBoySamurai ....................... Nanuchka II missile boat
Pasko ................................. SA-3, Flatface, & Sidenet
FastCargo ............................. SA-5 & SquarePair
WhiteBoySamurai ....................... Vosper class (Zulfiqar)
Kesselbrut ............................ ZiL-157 trucks
Edward & Wrench ....................... EasternMed terrain
USAFMTL, Diego, Deuces, & Wrench ...... Libya terrain
OldDiego, Pappy, Wrench, Pasko, ....... Pilots
Florian/AmokFloo, & PureBlue
If I have neglected to credit anyone here, please let me know. I will get it fixed ASAP.
Eric Howes
8 May 2015
DAAFAR MiG-15bis Cuba crisis 1964
By regula50
DAAFAR(Defensa Anti-Aérea y Fuerza Aérea Revolucionaria)MiG-15bis Cuba crisis 1964
For Strike Fighters 2.
Recomended instalation on merged game(need F-8D/E Crusaders of Wings of Vietnam)
This campaign with 14 missions cover the periode Sep 7, 1964 to Sep 13, 1964.
Fictional, based in a hipotetic situation of rise of tensions by the Guantanamo border.
DAAFAR units accurate, based in the 1990 Squadrons numeration and his deployment in the three defenses zones:
Zona Aérea Occidental. 2° Brigada de la Guardia "Playa Girón" (3 Squadrons with MiG-21F-13 and 1 with MiG-19P)
Zona Aérea Central. 1° Brigada de la Guardia "Batalla de Santa Clara"(4 Squadrons with MiG-17F)
Zona Aérea Oriental. 3° Brigada de la Guardia "Cuartel Moncada"(2 Squadrons with MiG-15bis and detachments at Camagüey AB)
MiG-15UTIs in Holguín AB, Santa Clara AB, Cienfuegos AB and Ciudad Libertad AB.
Cuban Armour based in real-accurate unit names/numbers and models of tanks and his city or area of deployment.
Campaign need Cuba (OTC Plus) Terrain(by Wrench)
Also, campaign was tested with original textures(not aditional or modified textures addons)
You need the following DAAFAR aircrafts(or repaints):
MiG-15bis(Flyable)MiG-15bis Fagot-B, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba)(aircraft skin by Wrench) Stary cockpit recomended
MiG-15UTI(MiG-15UTI Midget Collection)(By Paulopanz)
MiG-17F(textures included with this pack)
MiG-19P(MiG-19P FARMER-B)(By Paulopanz)
MiG-21F-13(MiG-21F Fishbed-C, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba)(aircraft skin By Wrench)
F-104A Starfighter(DLC028_AI_Plane_Pack1)
Operation Stora Bält
By JonathanRL
The Second World War is long since over and the Swedish Empire has managed to stay neutral despite provocations from both sides. As The United States and Soviet Union are busy with each other, there is the time and place to settle an old score, the sworn enemy since centuries past. Now reduced to only controlling the most vital strategic asset in the Atlantic Ocean, the Swedish Navy has been given their orders - The Kingdom of Denmark must be erased from the face of the earth and control of Iceland given to the Swedish Empire - By God and Victorious arms!
A/N: So I got a little bored waiting for assets for the almost complete Expansion Pack 1 and decided that I had to pay a little tribute to the fact that Sweden and Denmark
has the dubious honour of holding the record of most wars fought between them. So I decided on this little AU to have an excuse to launch a major Amphibious Invasion at Island. Total time from idea to completion was about 3 days. Have fun.
This Mod requires SF2, SF2: Vietnam, SF2: Europe, SF2 Israel, SF2 North Atlantic, SF2 Expansion Pack 1 and SF2 Expansion Pack 2.
It has not been tested with anything less. It might work without SF2 and SF2 Israel but I really have no idea.
Unzip into Mod Folder. This mod is compatible with The Scandinavian Front 2 and TSF 2: Expansion Pack 1.
Any person who may be responsible for the fact that Team TSF is not allowed to use the A-Team Saab 37 Viggen may not play this modification. If any breach of this rule occurs, I am at full liberty to mete out whatever punishment I deem fit. By downloading the modification, you agree to this condition.
Do check the Credits section. I cannot do what I do without the talented people who provide terrains, ground objects and aircraft for me to use.
SF2NA: The RSR Edition
By eburger68
Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic
- The RSR Edition
This is an add-on package for the "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA) Expansion Pack available at CombatAce. The "SF2NA: RSR Edition" (SF2NA-RSR) add-on offers a new campaign that is markedly different from the default "Northern Sabre" campaign that ships with SF2NA as well as fourteen stand-alone missions that can be flown independently of the campaign. Also included are eleven new aircraft and a four new ground objects to fill out the campaign and missions. Please note that while the campaign and missions are inspired by a certain popular novel from the 1980's, they are not designed to faithfully re-create down to the last detail episodes from that book.
This add-on package is designed to be applied over the top of an existing installation of the SF2NA Expansion Pack. You can download the three main Expansion Pack files here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Please take a look over the remainder of this ReadMe before installing this add-on.
The minimum requirements for this add-on package are the same as for the SF2NA Expansion Pack.
REQUIRED: Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic (SFNA), plus
Strike Fighters 2 (SF2), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam (SF2V)
PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher
As this mod is an add-on to the SF2NA Expansion Pack, you must have that earlier mod already installed and working.
Here's how to install this add-on package:
1. Ensure that SF2NA, SF2V, SF2, and SF2E are all properly installed & updated as part of a
merged install.
2. Ensure that the SF2NA Expansion Pack is properly installed and working. (See above for
links to all the download components.)
3. Unpack SF2NA_RSR.7z to a safe place on your drive.
4. Open the \To_Mod_Folder directory. Drag and drop all the files and folders from within
the \To_Mod_Folder sub-folder to your SF2NA Expansion Pack Mod Folder, overwriting as
At this point the SF2NA-RSR add-on is installed and you're ready to play the new campaign.
For information on the individual missions that are also included as well as some optional items that you can install, please see the following two sections.
Optional Items
This add-on package includes files to support the use of Gerwin's alternate IcelandNA terrain as well as Baltika's Iceland02 terrain. These optional files are contained in the \_Optional directory.
This directory contains files to update the version of Baltika's Iceland02 terrain that is included in the SF2NA Expansion Pack (also as an Optional install). It also contains a custom version of the new campaign for use with Baltika's terrain.
To use these updated optional files you must install Baltika's Iceland02 as directed in the SF2NA Expansion Pack documentation for that terrain as well as the updates for it included in the SF2NA Expansion Pack.
Once the terrain and original updates are installed, you can install the additional updates for the terrain included in this directory. You can also install the alternate version of the new campaign (which will overwrite the standard version of the new campaign that works on the IcelandNA terrain).
This directory contains files to update Gerwin's alternate IcelandNA terrain, which is included in the SF2NA Expansion Pack. To use these updated files you must have Gerwin's terrain installed as instructed in the documentation for the SF2NA Expansion Pack.
To use Gerwin's alternate terrain with the new campaign, you will need to edit the new campaign's main .INI in the same way you did the campaigns included in the SF2NA Expansion Pack. See Step 7 of the installation instructions for Gerwin's alternate terrain in the SF2NA Expansion Pack.
Summary of New Campaign
This add-on supplies a new campaign set in June 1986 for the SF2NA Expansion Pack. This campaign is markedly different from the stock "Northern Sabre" campaign in that the Soviets control all of Iceland at the start of the campaign.
A large USN/USMC naval convoy approaches from the southwest to re-take the island from the Soviet forces entrenched on the island. That convoy consists of two carrier groups (led the Independence & the America), two amphibious groups (led by the Tarawa & Peleliu), and a naval gunfire support group (anchored by the USS Iowa & USS New Jersey). USAF, USN, and RAF aircraft based in Scotland fly from off-map air bases in support of the convoy.
The first few days of the campaign are spent striking Soviet targets on the island, fending off Soviet long range recon aircraft searching for the naval convoy, and searching for Soviet naval units thought to be moving towards Iceland. The Marines land at two points near Mt. Snaefllsjokull on the western side of the island north of Reykjavik.
The new campaign appears in the campaign list as: 1986-0618 Northern Sabre (RSR).
Individual Missions
As noted earlier, this add-on includes fourteen missions that can be flown independently of the campaign. These missions are located in the \_Missions directory. For instructions on how to install and play the individual missions, please see the ReadMe for the missions included there.
What's Included
This add-on includes the following updates for the SF2NA Expansion Pack:
- AH-1J_80
- FB-111A
- Mi-24P
- NimrodMR1
- P-3C
- RF-4C
- S-3B
- Tu-16KSR2
- BMP-2
- BMP-2_AT-5
- CommTrailer
- HQTrailer
- one new campaign
- fourteen new missions
- misc. new skins
- misc. new weapons
This update contains a number of new items from the following modders who generously allowed their use:
yakarov79 ............................ AH-1J_80
EricJ ................................. AH-1J camo skin
Dave (USAFMTL) ........................ B-52G 2nd BW skin
FastCargo ............................. FB-111A
slick_cowboy .......................... FB-111A skins
Julhelm ............................... F-19
Veltro2K .............................. Il-76 & A-50
Dave (USAFMTL) ........................ F-4D 136th FIS skin, F-15C skins, RF-4C Euro skin
YEYEYE ................................ Mi-24P
Veltro2K & Wrench ..................... Nimrod MR.1
Florian ............................... P-3C beta
FoxMonter ............................. S-3B
Wrench ................................ S-3B updates
slick cowboy .......................... S-3B skins
Paulopanz & Spillone104 ............... Tu-16KSR2
rebel ryder ........................... BMP-2, BMP-2_AT-5
Kesselbrut ............................ CommTrailer, HQTrailer
ID(io)T Team, Torno, YeYeYe, .......... Iowa '80s battleship
& Spitwulf
Fubar512 .............................. Iowa '80s configuration
Caesar & eburger68 .................... RSR missions
Dave (USAFMTL) ........................ Frisbee missions
If we have neglected to credit anyone here, please let us know. We will get it fixed ASAP.
Eric Howes (eburger68)
14 March 2015
Six Planes for six Days
By paulopanz
Fly all the IDF in '67 war!
This is the stock campaign completed, a sequel and upgrade of previous "five planes for six days" pack .
A "redux " campaign with more accurate arab order of battle is WIP. Stay tuned.
You will need these planes:
Magister/Tuzkit: http://combatace.com/files/file/15351-fouga-iai-tuzkit/
MD-450 Ouragan: http://combatace.com/files/file/10126-dassault-ouragan-md-450/(*)
These need to be made flyables:
- Vautour IIA (cockpit included)
- Super Mystere (cockpit included)
To Install:
Put Campaigns folder in Your mod folder.
To make Super Mystere and Vaoutour flyables put Objects folder in Your mod folder.(*)
@ paulopanz
(*) No needed is you use Eburger68 SFI2 Extention pack
SF2NA Expansion Pack - Part 3 of 3
By eburger68
Part three of the Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic Expansion Pack.
Eric Howes
SF2NA Expansion Pack - Part 2 of 3
By eburger68
Part two of the Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic Expansion Pack.
Eric Howes
SF2NA Expansion Pack - Part 1 of 3
By eburger68
Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic
Expansion Pack
Version 1.2
This "expansion pack" for "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA) adds new aircraft, ground objects, guns, weapons, and effects to standard installs of SF2NA. It also supplies an upgraded version of the IcelandNA terrain, an expanded version of the default "Northern Sabre" campaign, as well as five additional campaigns set in various years from 1969 to 1986.
To use this mod, you must have SF2NA installed in a merged install that also includes "Strike Fighters 2" (SF2), "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E), and "Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam" (SF2V). This mod supports the use of several ThirdWire aircraft released as DLCs -- the F-4K, F-4N, and F-8E(FN) -- but these aircraft are not required.
Note that this is a COMPLETE mod package and should be installed to its own dedicated Mod Folder. Please do not attempt to combine it with any other major mod such as "NATO Fighters," as you could end up with a non-working install.
Minimum Requirements
To install and play this mod, you must have the following installed as part of your target installation base:
REQUIRED: Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic (SFNA), plus
Strike Fighters 2 (SF2), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam (SF2V)
PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher
This mod does support installations that include the F-4K, F-4N, or F-8E(FN) DLC aircraft from ThirdWire, but they are not required.
Before installing, please ensure that your target SF2NA install meets the minimum requirements laid out above.
This mod requires a separate Mod Folder. Please do not attempt to install this mod over or combine it with any other mods package such as "NATO Fighters" or the SF2V Expansion Pack.
- Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic.exe. Rename the copied .EXE file to SF2NA_ExpPack.exe (or whatever unique name you prefer).
- Run the newly copied and renamed .EXE file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your "SF2NA Expansion Pack" install will have been created in one of these locations:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
...where [YourModFolder] matches the name of the copied .EXE file that you created. You will install the "Expansion Pack" mod files to your Mod Folder.
- Open your Mod Folder and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it).
Now you're ready to install the "Expansion Pack" mod proper.
This is the easiest step.
- Unpack the three "Expansion Pack" archive packages that you downloaded to a temporary location on your hard drive.
- Move the *contents* of the \To_Mod_Folder directory from each package to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above). (Note: do not simply drag and drop the folder named "To_Mod_Folder" or you will end up with a non-working install.)
If you've moved everything correctly, you should have a new \Objects sub-directory in your Mod Folder, along with a few new other sub-directories.
This last step involves a bit of text editing, so please pay attention.
Open the Options.INI file in your Mod Folder. Locate the "Single Mission" section. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows:
Finally, a little further down you should find the "Campaign" section. Replace it with the following:
CampaignName=1979-0918 Northern Sabre (79)
PlayerUnit=VF-41 Black Aces
Save your changes and close the Options.INI file.
* * * * *
THAT'S IT. Your "SF2NA Expansion Pack" mod should now be ready to use. You may consider installing some of the "optional" items as described in the next section.
Optional Installs
This mod includes a number of "optional" items that can be installed, provided you have the required files to suport them. These "optional" items can be broken down into two types:
1. ThirdWire DLC Aircraft
The following DLC aircraft can be installed, replacing the substitutes that are installed by default.
DLC Aircraft Substitute
------------ ----------
F-4K F-4K (based on F-4M)
F-4K_75 F-4K_75 (based on F-4M_75)
F-4K_80 F-4K_80 (based on F-4M_80)
F-4N F-4N (based on F-4B_67)
F-8E_FN F-8E_FN_TMF (Mirage Factory)
If you have the DLCs installed to your target SF2 installation and wish to use these DLCs instead of the default substitutes, simply remove the substitutes from \Objects\Aircraft in your Mod Folder and move the appropriate aircraft from \Optional\DLC_Aircraft (part of the first package you downloaded) to \Objects\Aircraft. In other words, swap the DLC versions for the substitutes. The campaigns will automatically use the DLC versions, if they installed properly.
2. Optional Destroyers
Also included are two USN destroyers (the Charles F. Adams class and Farragut or Coontz class) based on the DLG-10 included in the "Yankee Air Pirate 2" and "Yankee Air Pirate 3" commercial mods. To use these optional destroyers you must have the necessary LOD files from "Yankee Air Pirate".
Installation of these destroyers is simple:
a. Remove the substitute destroyers (named Adams and Farragut) that are installed by default from \Objects\GroundObject in your Mod folder. (These substitute versions are based on the ThirdWire CGN-36.)
b. Copy the Coontz2.LOD from "Yankee Air Pirate" to the Adams and Farragut folders in \Optional\GroundObject (part of the first package you downloaded).
c. Create collision LODs for both destroyers by making a copy of Coontz2.LOD and renaming it Coontz2_COL.LOD.
d. Move the Adams and Farragut destroyers from \Optional\GroundObject to \Objects\GroundObject in your MOD folder.
Again, the campaigns will automatically use the new versions of these ships.
3. Alternate Terrains
The SF2NA Expansion Pack now contains files to support the use of two alterate terrains: Gerwin's Iceland Classic Terrain and Baltika's Iceland Full-Scale Terrain. You can find all the necessary files along with ReadMes with installation instructions in these two directories:
\Optional\Baltika: files for Baltika's Iceland Full_scale Terrain v.2.0
\Optional\Gerwin: files for Gerwin's Iceland Classic Terrain
In both cases you will need to download the original terrain, as this mod package does not contain all the files for these terrains.
Also, please note that while Gerwin's terrain can be used with the custom SF2NA Expansion Pack campaigns (with some minor edits described in the ReadMe), Baltika's terrain requires the installation of an alternate set of campaign files (included in the directory for that terrain) if you want to use that terrain in campaigns.
What's Included
This mod adds a number of new items to the standard mix of aircraft, ground objects, guns, weapons, and effects found in SF2NA.
New Aircraft
A-4C_65 C-130E F-4K_80 FA-18A Mya-3MD
A-4F_74 C-130H F-4M Harrier3 RA-5C
A-4M E-2A/B F-4M_75 Harrier3_82 RF-8G
A-4M_73 E-3A F-4M_80 HC-130P RF-8G_77
A-4M_78 EF-111A F-4M_85 IL-28 SEtendard
A-6A F-4B_67 F-4N KA-3B SH-3D
A-7B F-4C_67 F-4S KA-6D SkyraiderAEW
A-7B_71 F-4D_78 F-8E_FN KC-135E SkyraiderMk1
AV-8A F-4J F-14A_82 MiG-21PFM Tu-16K-10
B-52D F-4J_74 F-15C MiG-21S Tu-16KS
B-52F F-4JUK F-100D_68 MiG-21SM Tu-95KD
B-52G F-4K F-102A MiG-23BN Tu-95MS
Buccaneer-S2D F-4K_75 F-111F MiG-29A Yak-38M
Mi-8 Yak-38MP
New Warships *
Adams CGN-25 Farragut KrestaII Suffren Type_22
ANZAC CGN-25_76 Foch Kynda Suffren_77 Type_23
ArkRoyal CGN-25_85 ForrestSherman Leygues Sumner Type_42
Belknap County_Class Garcia LPH-2 Surcouf Type_82
Bremen CVA-41 GearingFRAM1B Mitscher Tourville UdaloyI
CG-16 CVA-59 Kanin Petya Type_12I UdaloyII
CG-16_68 CVAN-65_62 Kidd Riga Type_12L Virginia
CG-16_88 D-Orves KirovIII Slava Type_12M
CG-47/CG-52 Duperre KirovIV Sovremenny Type_21
* Note: no new ship models are included; all ships are based on existing ThirdWire and third-party models.
New Civilian Ships
New AAA/SAMs/Radars
2S6 SA-7_L SA-14_L
ChaparralL SA-7B_L SA-16_L
Hawk_CWAR SA-8_S SA-18_L
Hawk_HIPIR SA-8B_S StingerSite
Hawk_PAR SA-9L StingerUS
HawkL SA-9LB StraightFlush
M-42 SA-11L TubeArm
SA-6L SA-13L
Other Additions & Upgrades
On top of the new items listed above, this mod makes the following other changes to SF2NA:
- Wrench's collection of new targets & target areas added to IcelandNA terrain
- static SAM sites (for SA-6s & SA-11s) added to IcelandNA terrain
- MiGBuster's airfield upgrades (hi-res textures & runway lighting) added to IcelandNA terrain
- shipping routes and truck routes added to terrain to support Anti_Ship & Armed_Recon missions
- invasion routes added to terrain to support CAS single missions
- dozens of new guns and weapons added
- a number of new effects added
- custom tracers from Stary added
- basic cloud mod added to improve sky environment
Summary of Campaigns
This mod includes six campaigns -- an expanded version of the default 1979 "Northern Sabre" plus five new campaigns set in various years from 1969 to 1986. All the new campaigns retain the default structure and background story of the default campaign. They differ in the aircraft, units, and ships that are available to both sides.
Here's a quick summary of the campaigns:
Campaign Name Campaign Notes
------------- --------------
1979-0918 Northern Sabre (79) The default campaign, expanded to include the USS Independence, B-52Gs,
F-111Fs, AV-8A Harriers, & USMC F-4J_74s. The RAF flies the F-4K_75.
1982-0918 Northern Sabre (82) A new campaign set in 1982, w/ the USS Independence & USS Forrestal,
B-52Gs, F-111Fs, AV-8A Harriers, & USMC F-4J_74s. The RAF flies the
F-4M_80 & F-4K_80.
1975-0918 Northern Sabre (75) A new campaign set in 1975, w/ the USS John F. Kennedy & USS Forrestal,
B-52Gs & AV-8A Harriers. Also included are the HMS Ark Royal and R98
Clemenceau. British aircraft now include F-4Ks, Buccaneer-S2Ds, & RAF
Harrier GR.3s. The French fly Super Etendards & F-8E(FN)s. The 57th
FIS flies the F-4C_67 (instead of the F-4E_75).
1986-0918 Northern Sabre (86) A new campaign set in 1986, w/ the USS Nimitz & USS Forrestal,
B-52Gs, F-111Fs, EF-111As, F-4D_78s, AV-8A Harriers, & USN/USMC
F/A-18As. The 57th FIS flies F-15Cs. The RAF flies the F-4M_85 & F-4JUK.
1969-0918 Northern Sabre (69) A new campaign set in 1969, w/ the USS John F. Kennedy & USS Saratoga,
B-52Gs, F-100_68s, & USMC F-4B_67s. The 57th FIS flies F-102As. The RAF
flies the F-4M.
1975-0418 Northern Sabre (75) Another campaign set in 1975, w/ the USS John F. Kennedy & USS Franklin
D. Roosevelt, B-52Gs, AV-8A Harriers, & USMC F-4J_74s. The 57th FIS
flies the F-4C_67. And the RAF flies the F-4M_75.
In addition to the usual mix of fighter and attack aircraft (F-4s, F-14s, A-4s, A-6s, A-7s, EA-6Bs), USN carrier air wings now include recon aircraft (the RF-8G or RA-5C), tankers (the KA-3B or KA-6D), and SH-3D Sea Kings. Available Russian aircraft (fighters, attack aircraft, & bombers) have also been adjusted as appropriate for each campaign.
Phantam Phanatics will interested to know where they can find their favorite Phantom Phlyables:
Model Campaign
----- --------
F-4B_67 1969-0918
F-4J 1969-0918
F-4J_74 1975-0418, 1975-0918, 1979-0918
F-4N 1975-0418
F-4S 1982-0918
F-4C_67 1975-0418, 1975-0918
F-4D_78 1986-0918 (non-player aircraft)
F-4E_75 1979-0918, 1982-0918
F-4K 1969-0918, 1975-0918, 1979-0918, 1982-0918
F-4M 1969-0918, 1975-0418, 1982-0918, 1986-0918
F-4JUK 1986-0918
General Notes
The SF2NA campaign engine has several annoyances, the worst of which is its propensity to task aircraft that have not been configured for Naval_Attack or Cruise_Missile missions with striking Soviet naval groups. Thus, despite my best efforts, you will occasionally see B-52Gs flying missions against Soviet ships in campaigns set prior to 1982 (when the AGM-86 ALCM becomes available).
After witnessing the utterly pathetic plight of AI-controlled B-52s attempting to hit Soviet ships with conventional bombs, I decided that they must have guided missiles of some sort to use for Naval_Attack missions. The obvious candidates were the AGM-69 SRAM and AGM-28 Hound Dog. Both are nuclear weapons, however. And I definitely wanted to keep these campaigns non-nuclear (once the conflict goes nuclear, it's difficult to see the point of continuing).
The solution I came up with is not perfectly satisfactory, but better than the ugly alternatives: fictional conventional versions of the SRAM and Hound Dog, which are now used by the B-52s for Naval_Attack missions prior to 1982.
Along the same lines I have gone out of my way to configure other aircraft that could be tasked with Naval_Attack or Naval_SEAD missions (which, practically speaking, means any aircraft configured for regular Strike or SEAD missions) to use guided weapons of some sort, as AI-controlled aircraft are simply god-awfully bad at hitting ships with unguided bombs.
In Jan. 2015 this mod package was refreshed with the following updates, additions, & fixes:
- added MiG-27K & MiG-27M
- added new skins for several aircraft & ground objects
- performed minor fixes/update on over a dozen aircraft
& ground objects
- added small number of new guns & weapons
- added seven new civilian ships
This mod package was refreshed in Sept. 2014 with the following updates, additions, & fixes:
- added new F-111E/F skins
- added Mi-8 Hip
- added Myasishchev 3MD
- added Skyraider AEW
- added Tu-95KD & Tu-95MS
- added SF2NA Vertical Updates to Yak-38s
- added Carrier Deck Illumination mod updates to carriers
- added updated skin & DATA.INI to ark Royal
- added Kidd class DDG (new model)
- added Suffren DDG (new model)
- added Sovremenny
- added terrain files support Gerwin's IcelandNA classic terrain
- added terrain files & campaigns to support Baltika's Iceland02 terrain
- performed minor fixes to most other aircraft & ground objects
- added a few dozen new or updated weapons
- updated all campaigns to support new aircraft & fix minor issues
This mod package draws on the work on dozens of modders who have uploaded the fruits of their labor to CombatAce.com and elsewhere over the years.
dtmdragon ........................... A-4M Skyhawk for SF2
HomeFries ........................... A-6 Superpack for SF2
Wrench .............................. A-7 low-viz skin
Wrench .............................. AV-8A for SF2
Crusader ............................ AV-8A Harrier Avionics Mod
gbreuder ............................ B-52 Vietnam Era Upgrade Package
Dels ................................ B-52G
Dave (USAFMTL) & team ............... B-52G upgrades
Kesselbrut .......................... B-52 cockpit
ravenclaw_007 ....................... Buccaneer-S2D
Dels ................................ C-130E & C-130H
Daddyairplanes ...................... C-130E/H upgrades & new skins
The Mirage Factory .................. E-3A
USAFTML ............................. E-3A AEW Update
Daddyairplanes ...................... E-3A skins & SF2 updates
HomeFries ........................... EA-6 SuperPack for SF2
Fastcargo ........................... F-111F & EF-111A
liamp51 ............................. Re-textured F-111A cockpit
slick_cowboy ........................ F-111E/F new skins
Beer, Sundowner, & Dave (USAFMTL).... New F-4B/N/S skins
Rippersix & dtmdragon ............... F-4E APQ-120 avionics update
daddyairplanes ...................... F-4J_74
mppd ................................ F-4J/N/S DECM antennas
The Mirage Factory & Sundowner ...... F-4JUK
Paulopanz ........................... F-4K DLC Enhancement Pack
The Mirage Factory .................. F-8E_FN
Swordsman422 ........................ F-14A Skin & Decal Pack for SF2NA
FastCargo & team .................... F-15C_85
Henrik .............................. F-100D 48th TFW skins
Veltro2K ............................ F-102A Delta Dagger
Ordway .............................. F-102A Cockpit
The Mirage Factory / ModMafia ....... F/A-18A
Wildcat, column5, & BPAo ............ F/A-18A skins
Crusader ............................ SF2E Harrier Avionics Mod
dtmdragon ........................... Harrier GR.3 (82)
Bunyap & pappychksix ................ KA-3B Skywarrior
Bpao ................................ KC-135E tanker
Marcfighters & Kreelin. ............. Mi-8 Hip
Paladrian ........................... MiG-21 cockpits
AtariBaby ........................... MiG-21 Complete Pack for SF2
ArmourDave & Sal .................... Su-17 cockpit (used for Floggers)
The Mirage Factory .................. MiG-29A Fulcrum
Veltro2K, Lindr2, & Paulopanz ....... Myasishchev 3MD
Julhelm ............................. RA-5C Vigilante
The Mirage Factory .................. RF-8G Crusader
Gocad ............................... RF-8G VFP-63 skin
Florian ............................. SH-3D Sea King
foxmonter ........................... SEtendard
Wrench .............................. SEtendard updates
MontyCZ, 76IAPBlackbird, & Wrench ... Skyraider AEW
Wrench .............................. Skyraider Mk.1 skins/upgrades
Paulopanz & Spillone104 ............. Tu-16 Badger Collection
Veltro2K ............................ Tu-95KD, Tu-95MS
Snailman ............................ Yak-38 Vertical Pack
Snailman ............................ SF2NA Vertical Pack
Komrad .............................. New Yak-38 skins
Ground Objects
Gabilon ............................. 2S6 & SA-13
Kesselbrut ...........................SA-9
Pasko ............................... Chaparral, Hawk launcher/radars, SA-7
Fubar512 & Wrench ................... Hawk INI tweaks
Monty CZ............................. Stinger site
EricJ ............................... SA-11
YEYEYE .............................. TubeArm
Crusader ............................ Soviet MANPADs for SF2
Stary ............................... Soviet MANPADS (new models)
BANIDOS TEAM ........................ M-167 VADS
Fubar512 & MiGBuster ................ Carrier Deck Illumination package
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Leahy, Ticonderoga, & Bainbridge class ships
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Kidd Class DDG
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Suffren DDG
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Kirov, Riga, & Petya class ships
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Sovremenny
JSF_Aggie ........................... ThirdWire LHA upgrade
Florian ............................. USN AOE Transport & Bremen class
Julhelm ............................. USN Tanker & Kresta II
Hinchinbrooke ....................... County Class, Type 12M, Type 42, Type 82, Ark Royal
BANIDOS TEAM ........................ Type 12I/L & Type 22
SUICIDAL & TORNO .................... Type 21 & Type 23
Gramps .............................. ANZAC class
Orsin ............................... Udaloy & Slava classes
WhiteBoySamurai ..................... Udaloy & Slava Upgrade Packages
Wrench .............................. Foch/Clemenceau mod
MiGbuster ........................... Ark Royal hi-res skin & updated DATA.INI
Kesselbrut .......................... Trawler 1 & 2, Small Cargo Ship, Navy Tug
Cocas ............................... Trawler
BANIDOS Team ........................ ContainerShip
Julhelm ............................. Container_Ship & SovietTanker
Fubar512 ............................ Fleet Oiler
Cocas ............................... SovietTrawler
SUICIDAL-ART ........................ M113A1
cellinsky, Insky/Orsin, & PanamaRed Environment mods
MiGbuster ........................... IcelandNA airfield upgrades
Wrench .............................. IcelandNA Targets Tweek Pack
Gerwin .............................. IcelandNA classic terrain
Baltika ............................. Iceland02 optional terrain
OldDiego, Pappy, Wrench, Pasko, ..... Pilots
Florian/AmokFloo, & PureBlue
Stary ............................... new gun tracers
JSF_Aggie, Arthur66, & macelena ..... previous versions of some campaigns
If I have neglected to credit anyone here, please let me know. I will get it fixed ASAP.
Eric Howes
19 January 2015
10 September 2014
22 April 2013
Guardians of the GUIK Gap
By JonathanRL
Guardians of the GUIK Gap
Submarine Hunters of the Atlantic
Year: 1979
Flyable Services: French Navy
Carrier Operations: Yes
Naval Combat: ASW / Convoy Attacks
Ground War Scale: None
What to expect: A lot of flying over Open Water looking for Subs.
September 1979.
As the Soviet Army invades West Germany, an entire division of Soviet Airborne troops parachute onto Iceland.
As the US Navy moves to recapture the Island (Operation Northern Sabre) the French is asked by NATO to guard the GIUK Gap against Soviet Forces.
As a Alizé pilot, you are to prevent any submarines from attacking the Clemenceau, sink enemy transports bringing reinforcements to Iceland
and work alongside your squadron to secure victory for NATO in this vital sector.
Honneur, patrie, valeur, discipline!
Please note:
This campaign is best played with visual and targeting aids on difficult setting. It becomes a tad too easy otherwise.
This mod requires Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic and Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam OR French F-8E (FN) Crusader DLC.
Install into the Strike Fighters 2 Mod Folder of your choice, usually found at
C:\Users\YOURNAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFigthers2
While this Campaign and assets are made to work together with other minor campaigns and mods, I cannot guarantee
compatibility. Allow overwrites or use a separate folder.
For credits, please read (and actually do it too!) the file named "Credits". I could not do what I do
without all these talented people!
Operation Odyssey Dawn 2.0 HD Part 1
By Peugeot205
From now on , this new update:
It is mandatory to be applied over this MOD.
Opération Harmattan---------Operation Ellamy---------Operation Odyssey Dawn--------Operation Freedom Falcon----------Operación Amanecer de la Odisea---------Operation Mobile
Version 2.0 HD
This is the definitive version of the original Operation Odyssey Dawn MOD. It includes a highly reworked version of the original Operation Odyssey Dawn MOD also avaible here at CA.
As it is a big package and those are usually difficult to handle by some users I'm going to explain with the higher ammount of details how to install it and how to work with it , so please guys READ this README.
1) Requirements
* A very powefull computer at LEAST with an intel core i5 and 6Gb of RAM, if not loading times will be crazy and gaming horrible as the CPU won't afford the MOD
2) Installation
* Use a CLEAN , and when I say clean it is a CLEAN MOD folder
* Path the game up to july 2013 if you don't do this the MOD won't work , so you are warned
* Drop everything you have in the 3 .rar files and when it asks you to overwrite say: YES TO ALL
* Rar files are at .rar5 format so please be sure that you use the lastest winrar version
You can also use this program if you have problems unzipping the MOD:
* Then everything should work
3) If you do the above things , you think that you fullfill the requirements and the MOD does not work properly, What to do?
* Any PM sent to me regarding this question WON'T BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT , because I don't want to have 12 PM's asking me the same thing in 3 different languages.
* So to solve the above point I've created a "problem template" , that you must fill and post at the file announce post of this MOD
"problem Template"
Installation you have:
Type of problem:
Campaign working (YES/NO):
Air unit of the campaign:
Plane used by the air unit
4) Weapons
They are included and based in RavenClaw's MOD so , if you miss some of them because I may have forgotten to add them just download this:
5) Campaign
There are more assest than in the original MOD however a lower number of them will be flyable. The reason is the use of many off-map bases.
6) Credits:
"I approve of the mod"
The Mirage Factory
Ice Man
I've I forgotten to mention someone , just tell me. Have fun.
NATO Fighters 5 - Part 8 of 8
By eburger68
This is the last of eight parts.
Eric Howes
NATO Fighters 5 - Part 7 of 8
By eburger68
This is the seventh of eight parts.
Eric Howes
NATO Fighters 5 - Part 6 of 8
By eburger68
This is the sixth of eight parts.
Eric Howes
NATO Fighters 5 - Part 5 of 8
By eburger68
This is the fifth of eight parts.
Eric Howes
NATO Fighters 5 - Part 4 of 8
By eburger68
This is the fourth of eight parts.
Eric Howes
NATO Fighters 5 - Part 3 of 8
By eburger68
This is the third of eight parts.
Eric Howes
NATO Fighters 5 - Part 2 of 8
By eburger68
This is the second of eight parts.
Eric Howes
NATO Fighters 5 - Part 1 of 8
By eburger68
NATO Fighters 5
for Strike Fighters 2
This package contains latest version of "NATO Fighters," a comprehensive mod for "Strike Fighters 2 Europe" (SF2E). Version 5 of "NATO Fighters" builds on "NATO Fighters 4+" (the original release for SF2E) -- adding dozens of new aircraft and ground objects, updating the GermanyCE terrain to look better than it ever has, including "blue side" SAMs in the terrain, overhauling the existing campaigns with new units and aircraft, adding two campaigns (a new 1953 campaign and a variant of the 1986 campaign), as well as implementing hundreds of other fixes and updates to just about every area of the mod.
This mod package is designed for "Strike Fighters 2 Europe" (SF2E) installations that 1) are patched to the Mar2012 or later patch level, and that 2) also have "Strike Fighters 2 Israel" (SF2I), "Expansion Pack 1" (Exp1) and "Expansion Pack 2" (Exp2) incorporated into the installation base. If you are running SF2E at an earlier patch level and do NOT intend to update to the minimum patch level mentioned above, you should NOT install this mod package. If you do not have SF2I, Exp1, and Exp2 in addition to SF2E, you should NOT install this mod package.
Note that this is a COMPLETE mod package. There is no need to install any previous version of "NATO Fighters." Nor should you attempt to install it over the top of any previous version, as you could end up with a non-working install.
NOTE: this mod is distributed as set of EIGHT 7zip archive files. If you did not download all eight 7zip packages from CombatAce.com, then this mod will not work properly.
Minimum Requirements
To install and play this mod, you must have the following installed as part of your target installation base:
SF2 VERSION: Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E), plus
Strike Fighters 2 Israel (SF2I), plus
Expansion Pack 1 (SF2I Exp1), plus
Expansion Pack 2 (SF2E Exp2)
PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher
This mod does support installations that include "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA), however, SF2NA is not required.
Update Notes
This mod package is a refreshed and updated version of the original version that was released in September 2012 on CombatAce. This refreshed version of the mod includes the following major additions to the "NATO Fighters 5" mod package:
New Aircraft
- A-26C - Harrier3_82
- B-50D - Il-10
- C-54 - MiG-19R
- CanberraB2 - MiG-21PFS-I
- CanberraB6 - MiG-21PFS-II
- CanberraBI6 - Myasishchev 3MN
- CanberraPR7 - Myasishchev 3MS
- F 35 Draken - Su-7BKL
- F-105D_74
Optional Aircraft New Aircraft Models
- A-10A_76 - F-1C
- A-10A_79 - F-1C200
- B-36D - F-117A
- B-45A - JaguarA
- F-104A DLC - Javelin9
- F-104C DLC - MiG-29A
- Mirage3E - Su-25
- Mirage5BR
- RB-45C
- S-99 DLC
New GroundObjects Other Additions
- Container_Ship - Red Campaigns
- ContainerShip - Support for Rends' GermanyCE
- Tanker2
- Misc Trucks
...plus numerous other fixes, updates, and skin additions to almost every aircraft and ground object.
Before installing this mod package, please ensure the installation of "Strike Fighters 2 Europe" (SF2E) that you intend to use is updated to at least the Mar2012 patch level. The latest patches for SF2E can be downloaded from ThirdWire:
Also, please be aware that the mod also requires "Strike Fighters 2 Israel" (SF2I), "Expansion Pack 1" (Exp1) and "Expansion Pack 2" (Exp2) in addition to SF2E. This mod can be installed to SF2E installations that incorporate "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" (SF2NA), but SF2NA is not required.
The main installation process consists of three main steps. Please read the following instructions carefully and follow them religiously. If you wind up with a non-working mod install, then you likely failed to follow the instructions properly.
This mod requires a separate Mod Folder. Please do not attempt to install this mod over or combine it with other mods such as the previously released "NATO Fighters 4+," "Operation Desert Storm," or the SF2V Expansion Pack.
- Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of StrikeFighters2 Europe.exe or StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic.exe (if your target install base includes SF2NA). Rename the copied .EXE file to StrikeFighters2_NF5.exe (or whatever unique name you prefer).
- Run the newly copied and renamed .EXE file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your "NATO Fighters 5" (NF5) install will have been created in one of these locations:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
...where [YourModFolder] matches the name of the copied .EXE file that you created. You will install the "NATO Fighters 5" (NF5) mod files to your Mod Folder.
- Open your Mod Folder and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it).
Now you're ready to install the NF5 mod proper.
This is the easiest step.
- Unpack the eight "NATO Fighters 5" (NF5) archive packages to a temporary location on your hard drive.
- Move the contents of the \To_Mod_Folder directory from all eight unzipped packages to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above). (Note: do not simply drag and drop the folder named "To_Mod_Folder" or you will end up with a non-working install.)
If you've moved everything correctly, you should have a new \Objects sub-directory in your Mod Folder, along with a few new other sub-directories.
This last step involves a bit of text editing, so please pay attention.
Open the Options.INI in your Mod Folder. Locate the "Single Mission" section. At minimum you should change the EndYear= statement to 1986 or higher. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows:
Finally, a little further down you should find the "Campaign" section. Replace it with the following:
CampaignName=790918 Red Lightning
PlayerUnit=7th TFS Bunyaps
Save your changes and close the Options.INI file.
* * * * *
THAT'S IT. Your "NATO Fighters 5" install for SF2E should now be ready to use. Please read the following section for more information on the optional installs included with this mod.
Optional Installs
A. Aircraft
Included in the \_Optional folder are files to support the installation of a number of optional aircraft.
1. DLC Aircraft
The following optional aircraft are based on ThirdWire DLC releases and required the listed DLCs to be installed in order to use these aircraft:
Aircraft DLC Required
-------- ------------
F-104A_58 DLC28: AI Plane Pack 1
F-104C_61 DLC28: AI Plane Pack 1
Mirage3E_64 DLC17: Mirage IIIO
Mirage3E_68 DLC17: Mirage IIIO
Mirage5BA DLC07: Mirage 5BA
Mirage5BA_80 DLC07: Mirage 5BA
Mirage5BR DLC17: Mirage IIIO
Mirage5BR_80 DLC17: Mirage IIIO
S-99_45 DLC28: AI Plane Pack 1
If you have the required DLCs to support the above aircraft, you can install these aircraft by copying or moving the appropriate folders from the \Aircraft and \Decals directories in \Optional to the Objects\Aircraft and \Objects\Decals directories in your NF5 Mods Folder. These aircraft will be automatically used in campaigns.
2. Full Aircraft
Also available are two A-10A versions based on new models released by Spectre8750:
If installed, these A-10s will be used in campaigns instead of the default ThirdWire A-10s. To install these alternate A-10s, simply copy or move the appropriate folders (\A-10A_76 & \A-10A_79) from the \Aircraft and \Decals directories in \Optional to the Objects\Aircraft and \Objects\Decals directories in your NF5 Mods Folder.
3. DAT Aircraft
Finally, the \Optional directory includes files to support the installation of four different aircraft available from the A-Team's web site at:
These aircraft are:
Note that the aircraft folders included here do NOT include the 3D models for the aircraft. Thus, you MUST download the original aircraft packages from the above site (which requires you to apply for access) in order to obtain the models required to use these aircraft.
To add any of these four aircraft to your NF5 Mod:
1. Download the original aircraft packages from the A-Team's site (see link above).
2. Unzip the aircraft packages to a temporary directory.
3. Copy the .LOD files from the packages you downloaded to the corresponding folders in the \Optional\Aircraft directory.
4. Once you've added the LOD files to the aircraft folders, you may install the aircraft and accompanying decals from the \Optional directory to the \Objects\Aircraft and \Objects\Decals directories in your NF5 Mods Folder.
Once installed, these aircraft will be automatically used in campaigns.
B. Terrains
The \Optional directory also includes files to support the installation of Rends' modified version of the GermanyCE terrain. Note that Rend's complete GermanyCE terrain must be downloaded and installed separately from CombatAce (in three parts):
The files included here effectively make Rends' terrain fully compatible with the NATO Fighters 5 campaigns.
To use Rends' GermanyCE terrain in lieu of the default terrain, do the following:
1. Download all three parts of Rends' terrain from the links provided above and unpack the 7zip files to a temporary directory.
2. Remove the default GermanyCE terrain from \Terrains in your NF5 Mods Folder.
3. Install the terrain as directed in the ReadMe. (Do not install the Ground Objects, as the required objects are already included in this update package.)
4. Copy the \GermanyCE folder from \Optional\Terrains to \Terrains in your NF5 Mods Folder, allowing Windows to overwrite files as prompted.
That's it. Rends' GermanyCE terrain should now be used as the default terrain for NF5.
A Note on the F-86F in the 1956 Campaign
The USAF 36th FBW flew the F-86F from the Fall of 1953 to the Spring of 1956, when the first F-100 Sabres began arriving at Bitburg and Ramstein. Given that there are already a good number of F-100A/C squadrons in the 1956 campaign, we have elected to let the 36th FBW units (22nd, 23rd, 32nd, 53rd, & 461st FDS) fly the F-86-30 "Hard Wing" Sabre (F-86F-30FB_HW) in the 1956 campaign (which starts 17 November).
If you would prefer that the 36th FBW units fly their true historical mounts in the '56 campaign, simply remove the F-86F-30FB_HW folder from \Objects\Aircraft, and the campaign will default to the F-100C for the five affected 36th FBW units.
Supported DLC Aircraft
The following aircraft released as DLC packs from 3rdWire are supported in the campaigns (but are not required):
If you do not have these DLCs installed, equivalent substitutes will be automatically used:
A Note on Anti-Ship Missiles
For this mod most third-party (i.e., non-stock) anti-ship missiles have been converted to use the ASM/cruise missile functionality introduced w/ SF2NA. At the same time, the older versions of these missiles have been preserved, as the new ASM cruise missiles can be used by AI only against ships.
So, for many anti-ship missiles you will now find two versions:
1) "Standard" guided version
These versions are the "old" style missiles setwith WeaponDataType=1. They can be used by AI against land and sea targets. These missiles retain their familiar names (e.g., AGM-84D Harpoon, Kh-59M Ovod, etc.).
2) ASM/cruise missile version
These versions utilitize the new cruise missile functionality set by WeaponDataType=7. They can be used by AI only against ships. These versions can be distinguished by their names:
- U.S./NATO missiles have the ASM tag (e.g., AGM-84D Harpoon ASM).
- Soviet/WP missiles follow the naming convention used by ThirdWire's
Soviet cruise missiles (e.g., Kh-59M AS-13 Kingbolt).
At the same time aircraft that typically carry these missiles have been updated to accommodate the ASM versions. Loadouts for these aircraft have been updated to use ASM versions by default for Anti-Ship, Naval_Attack, and Cruise_Missile loadouts.
A Note on Laser-Guided Bombs (LGBs)
AI pilots in Strike Fighters have long had problems employing LGBs. AI pilots in the player's flight can drop LGBs, but will treat them as dumb bombs. AI pilots in flights not controlled by the player (i.e., AI-only flights) cannot use LGBs at all, and will typically get stuck circling the target.
To address this problem I have created EOGB versions of all LGBs for AI pilots to use (AI pilots have no problems with EOGBs for some reason). These AI versions are identical in all respects to the LGB versions save for the Guidance Type, which is set to "Electro-Optical Guided" instead of "Laser-Guided."
By default aircraft that use LGBs for certain loadouts (usually Stike, Attack, SEAD, or Anti-Ship) are loaded with these AI (EOGB) versions instead of the LGB versions. You should make it a habit to check the Loadout screen and switch the bomb version on your own aircraft to the LGB version.
You can distinguish between the AI (EOGB) and LGB (Player) versions by the weapon name -- for example:
LGB version: GBU-12D/B Paveway II LGB
AI version: GBU-12D/B Paveway II (AI)
While this solution introduces an extra step for the player in the preparation to start a mission, it allows AI pilots and AI-only flights to use these weapons.
Changes, Fixes, & Additions
This mod is a major update and expansion of "NATO fighters 4+," previously released at CombatAce.com for "Strike Fighters 2 Europe." This updated mod package incorporates the following major updates and additions over NF4+:
New Aircraft
A-26B F-86F-30FB MiG-21R TF-104G
B-66B F-86F-30FB_HW MiG-25RB Tu-4K
Buccaneer-S2B_RAFG F-100D-FR Mistral Venom1
F-4E_79 F-111E NF-5A Venom4
F-4M_85 Hunter6-60 RB-57A Yak-9P/U
F-16A_Blk15_Baf Hunter10 RF-4E_GAF Yak-15
F-16C_B25 IL-28R RF-4E_GAF_Late Yak-25RV
F-19A La-11 RF-80A Yak-27R
F-80C La-15 RF-100A Yak-28BI
F-84E MD-450 S-99 Yak-28I
F-84G MiG-9 Sabre4 Yak-28L
F-86A-5 MiG-19P Swift5 + Yak-28P
F-86D MiG-19PM T-33A Yak-28R
Added in Decmber 2014:
A-26C F-105D_74 Su-7BKL Mirage5BR +
B-50D Harrier3_82 A-10A_76 + RB-45C +
C-54 Il-10 A-10A_79 + S-99 DLC +
CanberraB2 MiG-19R B-36D +
CanberraB6 MiG-21PFS-I B-45A +
CanberraBI6 MiG-21PFS-II F-104A DLC +
CanberraPR7 Myasishchev3MN F-104C DLC +
F 35 Draken Myasishchev3MS Mirage3E +
+ This is an optional aircraft & may require LODs obtained separately
Upgraded Aircraft *
F-1C MiG-25RB
F-1C200 MiG-29A
F-101C Mirage2000C
JaguarA RF-101C
JaguarGR RF-84F
Javelin9 Su-25
MiG-25PD TornadoGR1
* The above are aircraft that were either converted to newer models
or that received major upgrades of some kind. All aircraft from
the previous version of this mod were updated or tweaked in some
way or another -- some more than others.
New Ground Objects
37InchAA CommTrailer JS-1 OerlikonAAA Sherman-M4A1_76mm
37InchEmplaced ContainerShip LandRover1tonne_Cover Pantsir Skyguard
4xMIM-14 Crotale LandRover_Cover Rapier_L SquarePair-B
ADATS EW_RADAR_UK LandRover_Open Rapier1E_L Stormer_HVM
AMX-30 Firelight LandRover1tonne_Command Rapier2A_L Su-100
AMX-30B2 HAWK_CWAR LoPAR RH202 Tanker2
BarlockB HAWK_HIPIR LoPAR_T RolandRad T-10A
Blindfire HAWK_PAR M3 Roland_Shelter T-10M
Blindfire1E HawkL M59 SA-5BL T34_85a
Blindfire2A HIPAR M-47 SA-7_L Tor
BloodhoundSAM HQTrailer M-47_AdT SA-7B_L TTR
BlowpipeSite IS-2 M-47_Belg SA-11BL TTR_T
BlowpipeUK IS-3 M-47_Bundw Scorpion US_90mmAA
Comet ISU-152 M-51 Sherman_E8
Please note that the above list does not constitute an exhaustive change log, as this updated mod package incorporates too many fixes and tweaks to list or account for here. Suffice it to say that NATO Fighters 5 represents a major overhaul of its predecessor in the NATO Fighters mod series.
This mod package builds upon "NATO Fighters 4+," previously released at CombatAce.com along with five update packages. In addition to carrying over most of the work from that earlier version of NATO Fighters, this new version incorporates a large number of new and updated items from the following modders, who generously allowed their use:
Malibu43 ...................................... A-10 alternate loadouts
Capun, Gramps, Charles, Kesselbrut, Wrench..... A-26B (based on the B-26K)
allenjb42 ..................................... A-26B skins
Wrench ........................................ AV-8B updates
Bunyap ........................................ B-66B
Hgbn .......................................... B-66B skins
ravenclaw_007 ................................. Buccaneer-S2B_RAFG
Paulopanz ..................................... CF-5A skins
USAFTML ....................................... E-3A AEW Update
Daddyairplanes ................................ E-3A skins & SF2 updates
The Mirage Factory ............................ F-4E ARN-101
Rippersix & dtmdragon ......................... F-4E APQ-120 avionics update
ThirdWire ..................................... F-4M_85 (based on F-4M_80)
The Mirage Factory ............................ F-16A_Blk15_BAF
Viper Crew .................................... F-16C_B25
Julhelm ....................................... F-19A
Wrench ........................................ F-19A SF2 upgrades
Pasko, Gramps, Column5 ........................ F-80C, RF-80A
Wrench ........................................ F-80C upgrades
RussoUK2004 ................................... F-84E, F-84G
suhsjake,Wrench ............................... F-84E/G upgrades
RussoUK2004, Paulopanz, Wrench, homer ......... F-84E/G skins
Zur ........................................... F-86A-5, F-86F-30FB, F-86F-30FB_HW, Sabre4 models
Tazkiller & Gwyn .............................. USAF F-86 tweaks & upgrades
Wrench ........................................ Sabre4
Dog Sabre Team ................................ F-86D
STORM & suhsjake............................... F-86D upgrades
Paulopanz ..................................... F-86K skins
Paulopanz ..................................... F-100D-FR
Paulopanz ..................................... F-100D RDAF skins
ErikGen ....................................... updated/upgraded F-101C & RF-101C
Spillone104 & Paulopanz ....................... updated F-104A/C
Paulopanz ..................................... F-104G skins
Fastcargo...................................... F-111E Aardvark
liamp51 ....................................... re-textured F-111 cockpit
Paulopanz, Cliff11, & Spillone104 ............. Hunter10
Paulopanz ..................................... IL-28R
Oli & Sundowner ............................... Jaguar GR1 & Jaguar A
Stary ......................................... Jaguar & Mirage F1 cockpit repaints
Bunyap ........................................ La-11
Wrench ........................................ La-11 updates
Pasko & Column5 ............................... La-15
pcpilot & Paulopanz ........................... La-15 skins & upgrades
comrpnt ....................................... Lightning Lights & FM enhancements
Pasko & Column5 ............................... MD-450
Ordway ........................................ MD-450 cockpit
Paulopanz ..................................... MD-450 skins
Paulopanz ..................................... Meteor 8 skins
Timmy & Lexx_Luthor ........................... MiG-9
Wrench ........................................ MiG-9 updates
p10ppy ........................................ MiG-9 VVS skin
Spillone104 & Paulopanz ....................... MiG-19P, MiG-19PM
Starfighter2, Spillone104, & Paulopanz ........ MiG-21R
CrazyhorseB34 ................................. MiG-25PD upgrade
USAFTML & MiG-25 Team ......................... MiG-25RB
Ludo .......................................... Mirage IIIC (3rdWire) skins
The Mirage Factory ............................ Mirage 2000C
CA_Stary ...................................... re-painted Mirage F-1 cockpit
ThirdWire ..................................... Mistral (based on Vampire FB.5)
Paulopanz, Spillone104, & Ludo.m54 ............ Mistral skins & mod package
Ordway ........................................ Mistral cockpit
The Mirage Factory ............................ NF-5A
Ahmed Junaid Raza & pappychksix ............... RB-57A
MiGBuster ..................................... RB-57A SF2 updates
Kessselbrut ................................... B-57/Canberra bombadier's cockpit
Bpao, Crab02, & ravenclaw_007 ................. RF-4E_GAF, RF-4E_GAF_Late
Amokfloo, Florian, Zurawski, & Soulfreak ...... RF-84F
Gunrunner ..................................... RF-84F skins & SF2 upgrades
Spinners ...................................... RF-100A Slick Chick
MontyCZ ....................................... S-99
Jug ........................................... Su-15 lights update
dalai_LAMA .................................... Su-15TM camo scheme
Mikeymead ..................................... repainted/updated Su-24 cockpit
Wrench ........................................ Su-25 updates
Paulopanz ..................................... SuperMystere B2 skins
Paulopanz ..................................... Swift 5 updates & skins
Pasko, Gramps, & Column5 ...................... T-33A
Ajunaidr, Spillone104, Paulpanz, & PureBlue ... TF-104G
Sundowner, AD, & Dave ......................... TornadoGR1
Ianh .......................................... Tornado GR1 fixes & updates
MontyCZ, Wrench, & lindr2 ..................... Tu-4K
Paulopanz ..................................... Vampire 5 skins
Pasko, Column5, Gramps, & Wrench .............. Venom
Paulopanz ..................................... Venom skins & SF2 updates
Pasko, Wolf25, Gamps .......................... Yak-9P/U
Wrench ........................................ Yak-9P/U SF2 updates
Pasko & Starfighter ........................... Yak-15
Flogger23 ..................................... Yak-15 SF2 updates
Paulopanz ..................................... Yak-15 skins
Pasko & Column5 ............................... Yak-25RV
Flogger23 ..................................... Yak-25RV SF2 updates
Pasko & Lindr2 ................................ Yak-27R
Pasko & Lindr2 ................................ Yak-28BI/I/L/R
MontyCZ & Lindr2 .............................. Yak-28P
Wrench ........................................ Yak-25 & Yak-28 updates/tweaks
Boopidoo & Ordway ............................. Su-15 cockpit (re-used on various aircraft)
AmokFloo ...................................... Su-17 cockpit (re-used on various aircraft)
CA_Stary ...................................... Yak-23 cockpit, Yak-15 cockpit early Soviet jet cockpit
Ordway ........................................ MiG-15 cockpit (based on 3rdWire A-4 cockpit)
Ordway......................................... MiG-17 cockpit (based on 3rdWire A-4 cockpit)
CA_Stary ...................................... MiG-19 cockpit (based on Boopidoo's Su-15 cockpit)
Paladrian ..................................... MiG-21 cockpits
AtariBaby ..................................... MiG-21 Complete Pack for SF2
Crusader ...................................... F-105D & Harrier cockpit mods
Boopidoo & Kukulo ............................. Su-7 cockpit
ravenclaw_007 ................................. Hunter IRM rails
ErikGen ....................................... NIKE 4xMIM-14, HIPAR, LoPAR, & TTR
Abhi .......................................... AN/TWQ-1 Avenger, Pantsir-S1
bigal1 ........................................ Bloodhound SAM
Kesselbrut .................................... ADATS, BlowpipeUK, Oerlikon AAA, Rapier
Blindfire, CommTrailer, HQTrailer, RH202,
Skyguard, Roland_Shelter, Scorpion
FastCargo ..................................... Firelight (based on SquarePair)
Pasko ......................................... Hawk objects, EW_Radar, SA-7, AMX-13, Su-100
Fubar512 & Wrench ............................. Hawk INI tweaks
Richard & Kesselbrut .......................... Land Rover trucks
Florian ....................................... Leopard2A6
Gerald14 & Kesselbrut ......................... M3A1 Bradley & M6 Linebacker
Stefano ....................................... M-47 Patton tank, AMX-30, AMX-30B2
Wrench ........................................ M-59 (based on M-113)
Wrench & 3rdWire .............................. M-51 Skysweeper (based on KS-19)
Florian ....................................... Roland Rad
FastCargo ..................................... SA-5 & SquarePair
Monty CZ....................................... SA-10 & Flaplid, Stinger site, Blowpipe site
Fubar512 ...................................... SA-10 INI tweaks
EricJ ......................................... SA-11
BPAo & Sundowner .............................. Crotale (SA-9)
Geo ........................................... 20mmAAA, M16_Quad, Sherman_E8, M3 Half-track
rebel ryder ................................... IS-2, IS-3, JS-1, ISU-152, Sherman-M4A1_76mm,
T-10A/M, T-34-85a, Comet
Julhelm & Wrench .............................. SON-9A Firecan
Pasko & Kesselbrut ............................ M60A3, M60A1AOS
Gepard ........................................ T-64s
EricJ & winterhunter .......................... Starstreak Stormer
Gabilon ....................................... Leopard 2A4, Gepard, 2S6, & Tor-M1
Unknown author ................................ 37InchAA & 37InchEmplaced
Pasko & Nicholas Bell ......................... US_90mmAA (based on KS-19P)
SUICIDAL ...................................... New Destroyed Tank LODs
CA_Stary ...................................... GermanyCE Re-worked terrain
Paulopanz ..................................... New Dutch & Belgian air bases
cellinsky, Insky/Orsin, & PanamaRed............ environment mods
OldDiego, Pappy, Wrench, Pasko, Florian/ ...... Pilots
AmokFloo, & PureBlue
christian59 ................................... generic aircraft damage textures
Spinners ...................................... RAF Decals Pack
Spillone104 ................................... custom engine sounds
CA_Stary ...................................... new CBU-based napalm effect
CA_Stary ...................................... updated Willie Pete effects
EZLead ........................................ Staggered/Formation Take-offs mod
Nicholas Bell ................................. WOE Air Defense Mod (Hawk Sites)
Wrench ........................................ Hawk Site upgrades/layout
Fubar512 ...................................... NIKE-Hercules sites layout/placement
Capitaine Vengeur ............................. Canadian & Italian medals
(Added in Decmber 2014)
Spectre8750 ....................................... A-10A_76 & A-10A_79
Ludo.M54, Coupi, & Denis Oliveira ................. Mirage IIIE (based on DLC Mirage IIIO)
Bpao, Centurion-1, Brain32, & Ludo.M54 ............ Mirage F-1C & F-1C200
Bpao, Jeanba, Tom Venom, & Sony Tuckson ........... Jaguar A
Timmy, Bobrock, HGBN, & Wrench .................... A-26C
MontyCZ ........................................... B-50D (B-29)
Veltro2K & Wrench ................................. C-54 Skymaster
Veltro2K & Wrench ................................. C-141A (updated)
Wrench & Tim Elliot ............................... new Canadair skins
Ahmed Junaid Raza ................................. Canberra B2, B6, B(I)6, & PR7
Daddyairplanes .................................... E-3A skins
PraetorH .......................................... F-4F Norm81b skin
Lud von Pipper, Bpao, Paulopanz, & JonathanRL ..... F 35 Draken
Paulopanz ......................................... F-86D RDAF skins
Frank Rosato ...................................... F-104A/C Pack for SF2
Wrench ............................................ F-104C DLC 28 Pack for SF2
Soulfreak ......................................... F-104G MFG skins
Dels .............................................. F-117A (new)
Centurion ......................................... F-105D Hill AFB skins
DaniloE31 ......................................... F-106 Update Pack for SF2
dtmdragon ......................................... Harrier GR.3 for SF2
Aleks, Cocas, Spillone, Baffmesieter, & Paulopanz . Il-10 for SF2
Veltro2K, Paulopanz, Baffmeister, & Coupi ......... Javelin FAW.9 (new)
Paulopanz ......................................... La-11 skins
Wilches ........................................... La-9/11 prop fix
Baffmeister ....................................... new MD-450 flight model
Paulopanz ......................................... new MiG-15/15bis skins
Paulopanz ......................................... MiG-17F Jabo Pack
Paulopanz ......................................... new MiG-17F/PF skins
Paulopanz ......................................... MiG-19R
Paulopanz ......................................... MiG-19S skins
Paulopanz ......................................... MiG-21F skins
Paulopanz ......................................... MiG-21PF skins
Paulopanz ......................................... MiG-21PFS-I & MiG-21PFS-II
Comrad ............................................ MiG-21SM upgrades
Russouk2004 ....................................... MiG-29A updated model
Denis Oliveira, Coupi, & Paulopanz ................ Mirage 5BR
Ludo .............................................. Mirage 5F skins
Veltro2K, Lindr2, & Paulopanz ..................... Myasishchev 3MN & 3MS
Gunrunner ......................................... RF-84F BAF Camo skin
Paulopanz ......................................... RF-84F KLU Camo & RDAF skins
Wrench ............................................ new Sabre 4 skins
Paulopanz ......................................... Su-7BKL
Paulopanz ......................................... Su-15A & Su-15TM skins
Flogger23 ......................................... Su-15A & Su-15-TM revamp packs
Florian, Baffmeister, & Paulopanz ................. Su-25 Pack for SF2
Paulopanz ......................................... Tu-4K skins
Tzareff ........................................... MiG-17 Soviet camo skin
liamp51 ........................................... re-textured F-111A cockpit
Stary ............................................. La-11 cockpit
Stary ............................................. La-15 cockpit
Stary ............................................. MiG-15 & MiG-17 cockpits
Paulopanz ......................................... Mistral/Vampire cockpit (based on Meteor 8)
Stary ............................................. Su-7B/BKL cockpit
Stary ............................................. Su-9/11 cockpit
YEYEYE ............................................ new Flanker cockpit
Gepard ............................................ new Super Mystere B2 EC 1-12 skin
Stary ............................................. Vampire cockpit
Paulopanz ......................................... Venom cockpit (based on Meteor 8)
Stary ............................................. Yak-25M & RV cockpits
Crusader .......................................... F-105 gunsight mod
Crusader .......................................... Harrier avionics mod
Spectre8750 ....................................... Fake Afterburner Node
Rends ............................................. GermanyCE revision
Jeanba ............................................ '79 campaign modifications
bandidos team ..................................... Container_ship
Julhelm ........................................... Tanker2 & ContainerShip
Ravenclaw007 ...................................... Fire Trucks, BW Vehicles, & Faun trucks
Sundowner ......................................... UK fuel trucks
Crusader .......................................... Soviet MANPADs for SF2
Stary ............................................. Soviet MANPADS (new models)
Spectre8750 ....................................... Ural-375 & GAZ-66 trucks
Unknown author .................................... Unimogs, Wolf, & MB vehicles
Credit for the original "NATO Fighters 4+" add-on (on which this mod is based) goes to Column 5, Dave (USAFTML) and the rest of the NF4+ team. For a list of all the modders whose work is used in the complete NATO Fighters 5 add-on, see the original ReadMes included in \OriginalReadmes.
If we have neglected to credit anyone here, please let us know. We will get it fixed ASAP.
eburger68 & USAFMTL (Dave)
1 September 2012
13 December 2014
Operation Odyssey Dawn Update
By Peugeot205
Opération Harmattan---------Operation Ellamy---------Operation Odyssey Dawn--------Operation Freedom Falcon----------Operación Amanecer de la Odisea---------Operation Mobile
This Update is mandatory to be applied over the orignal installation you can get here:
Just any standalone SF2 installion under July 2013 Patch level. That's it.
How to install it?
1) Download the original MOD
2) Unzip it. If you have issues try this program:
3) Drag it into a CLEAN Mod folder
4) Unzip this new file
5) Drag to the MOD folder all the contents you'll find in the file called "COMMON FILES"
Then do the following:
* If you have SF2NA , just drag all the contents of the file called "SF2NA" and overwrite everything when it is asked.
* If you don't have SF2NA , just drag all the contents of the file called " NO SF2NA" and overwrite everything when it is asked.
6) Enjoy
"I approve of the mod"
The Mirage Factory
Ice Man
SF2I Extension Pack (1 of 4)
By eburger68
Strike Fighters 2: Israel - Extension Pack
This mod collects a large number of aircraft, ground objects, effects, weapons, terrain enhancements, and other updates for use in "Strike Fighters 2: Israel" (SF2I). Although most of the mods included here have been previously released at CombatAce individually, this mod package brings them together in one convenient package so that players don't have to hunt them down and install them one-by-one.
So what's included? Here's a quick overview:
- 70 new aircraft
- 130 new ground objects
- hundreds of new guns & weapons
- dozens of new skin additions to stock aircraft
- dozens of new effects
- terrain enhancements & upgrades
- new campaigns, including Red-side campaigns
- new hangar & loading screens for almost every aircraft
In short, this mod represents a complete overhaul of the stock SF2I game with the SF2I Expansion Pack from ThirdWire installed.
Minimum Requirements
To install and play this mod, you must have the following games as part of a merged install:
SF2 VERSION: Strike Fighters 2 Israel
Strike Fighters 2 Israel Expansion Pack
PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher
This mod requires "Strike Fighters 2: Israel" (SF2I) as well as "Strike Fighters 2: Israel, Expansion Pack" (SF2I Expansion Pack 1) in a merged install. Before installing this mod package, please ensure the SF2I installation that you intend to use is updated to at least the Mar2012 patch level. The latest patches for Strike Fighters 2 can be downloaded from ThirdWire:
Please note that this mod is designed to be installed to a clean Mods Folder and should not be installed over the top of any other major mod, including the previously released "48-56" mod for SF2I.
The main installation process consists of two main steps. Please read the following instructions carefully and follow them religiously. If you wind up with a non-working mod install, then you likely failed to follow the instructions properly.
This mod requires a separate Mods Folder. Please do not attempt to install this mod over or combine it with other mods such as "Operation Darius," "Operation Desert Storm," or the "48-56" mod for SF2I.
You can install this mod to a clean install of SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack (i.e., an install that uses a virgin Mod Folder that has had no other mods added to it), or you can create a new custom install with a new Mods Folder.
If you already have a virgin Mods Folder that's ready to be used for the SF2I Extension Pack, then proceed to Step 2 below. If, however, you choose to create a new custom install for the SF2I Extension Pack, do the following:
- Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of StrikeFighters2 Israel.exe. Rename the copied .EXE file to StrikeFighters2_ExtensionPack.exe (or whatever unique name you prefer).
- Run the newly copied and renamed .EXE file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your SF2I Extension Pack mod install will have been created in one of these locations:
Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[YourModFolder]
...where [YourModFolder] matches the name of the copied .EXE file that you created. You will install the SF2I Extension Pack mod files to your Mod Folder.
Now you're ready to install the SF2I Extension Pack mod proper.
This is the easiest step.
- Open your Mod Folder and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it).
- Unpack the four SF2I Extension Pack archive packages you downloaded to a temporary location on your hard drive.
- Move the contents of the \To_Mod_Folder directory from all four unzipped packages to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above). (Note: do not simply drag and drop the folder named "To_Mod_Folder" or you will end up with a non-working install. You should drag what's INSIDE the "To_Mod_Folder" directory.)
If you've moved everything correctly, you should have a new \Objects sub-directory in your Mod Folder, along with a few new other sub-directories.
* * * * *
THAT'S IT. The SF2I Extension Pack mod should now be installed on your PC and ready to play.
If you start the mod and it crashes or you don't see any new aircraft or campaigns, then you didn't install the mod properly. Aand that's exactly what I'm going to tell you if you post to the CombatAce forums and ask me if I have "any ideas?" as to what the problem is.
Optional Aicraft
Included in the \_Optional folder are files to support the installation of a number of optional aircraft, which are all based on ThirdWire DLC releases and require the listed DLCs to be installed in order to use the aircraft:
Aircraft DLC Required
-------- ------------
F-104A DLC28: AI Plane Pack 1
J-6C_Egypt DLC29: AI Plane Pack 2
MiG-19S_Egypt_67 DLC29: AI Plane Pack 2
Mirage3EL DLC20: Mirage IIIEL
Mirage5DE DLC28: AI Plane Pack 1
Mirage5E2 DLC28: AI Plane Pack 1
Mirage5SDE DLC28: AI Plane Pack 1
If you have the required DLCs to support the above aircraft, you can install these aircraft by copying or moving the appropriate folders from the \Aircraft and \Decals directories in \Optional to the Objects\Aircraft and \Objects\Decals directories in your SF2I Extension Pack Mods Folder.
A Note on the Included Campaigns
In addition to Red-side versions of the three main SF2I campaigns (the 1967 War, the 1973 War, and the 1982 War), this mod adds campaigns for three minor "wars" that occurred between the major ones:
630819 War for the Water
670701 Attrition War
740401 Golan Stalemate
Although they do not qualify as full blown "wars," these extended periods of aerial skirmishes were nonetheless serious enough to merit attention, and this mod brings them to you courtesy of R. Lee "Banger" Sullivan, who created the first versions of these campaigns for "Wings Over Israel" (WOI).
All three campaigns are low intensity conflicts that feature missions flown intermittently over an extended period of years, quite in contrast to the main campaigns which all cover short periods of time -- a week or a few weeks. Additionally, unlike the main campaigns, these new extended "conflicts" do not feature ground wars. These are exclusively aerial affairs.
Please note that the 3rdWire campaign engine is not entirely suited to handling these types of extended, low intensity aerial conflicts, but we have done our best within the limits of that engine to give you a taste of these historical air clashes, which preceded the outbreak of major wars that grabbed newspaper headlines around the world.
One final note: those looking for coverage of the 1948 and 1956 wars should download and install the "48-56" mod, which is available separately at CombatAce.com in two parts:
Part 1:
Part 2:
The "48-56" mod requires its own Mods folder, and should not be combined with the SF2I Extension Pack.
A Note on Anti-Ship Missiles
For this mod most third-party (i.e., non-stock) anti-ship missiles have been converted to use the ASM/cruise missile functionality introduced w/ SF2NA. At the same time, the older versions of these missiles have been preserved, as the new ASM cruise missiles can be used by AI only against ships.
So, for many anti-ship missiles you will now find two versions:
1) "Standard" guided version
These versions are the "old" style missiles setwith WeaponDataType=1. They can be used by AI against land and sea targets. These missiles retain their familiar names (e.g., AGM-84D Harpoon, Kh-59M Ovod, etc.).
2) ASM/cruise missile version
These versions utilize the new cruise missile functionality set by WeaponDataType=7. They can be used by AI only against ships. These versions can be distinguished by their names:
- U.S./NATO missiles have the ASM tag (e.g., AGM-84D Harpoon ASM).
- Soviet/WP missiles follow the naming convention used by ThirdWire's
Soviet cruise missiles (e.g., Kh-59M AS-13 Kingbolt).
At the same time aircraft that typically carry these missiles have been updated to accommodate the ASM versions. Loadouts for these aircraft have been updated to use ASM versions by default for Anti-Ship, Naval_Attack, and Cruise_Missile loadouts.
A Note on Laser-Guided Bombs (LGBs)
AI pilots in Strike Fighters have long had problems employing LGBs. AI pilots in the player's flight can drop LGBs, but will treat them as dumb bombs. AI pilots in flights not controlled by the player (i.e., AI-only flights) cannot use LGBs at all, and will typically get stuck circling the target.
To address this problem I have created EOGB versions of all LGBs for AI pilots to use (AI pilots have no problems with EOGBs for some reason). These AI versions are identical in all respects to the LGB versions save for the Guidance Type, which is set to "Electro-Optical Guided" instead of "Laser-Guided."
By default aircraft that use LGBs for certain loadouts (usually Stike, Attack, SEAD, or Anti-Ship) are loaded with these AI (EOGB) versions instead of the LGB versions. You should make it a habit to check the Loadout screen and switch the bomb version on your own aircraft to the LGB version.
You can distinguish between the AI (EOGB) and LGB (Player) versions by the weapon name -- for example:
LGB version: GBU-12D/B Paveway II LGB
AI version: GBU-12D/B Paveway II (AI)
While this solution introduces an extra step for the player in the preparation to start a mission, it allows AI pilots and AI-only flights to use these weapons.
Related Downloads
Although the following mods are not included in the SF2I Extension Pack, some players may be interested in downloading and installing them, as these mods add historically correct serial numbers to several stock SF2I aircraft:
Mystère IVA for SF2I
IAI Nesher for SF2I
Mirage IIICJ Shahak for SF2I
Grey Shahak for SF2I
Dassault Sambad & IAI Sa'ar (1958-1975)
Israeli Vautours Pt.1: Vautour IIA (1958-1971)
The above mods are all by Team Flying Dragon (alex70b, ekek, guyran, Stick, wilco).
This mod package incorporates a large number of items from the following modders:
dtmdragon .................................. A-4 Ahits Enhancement Pack
dtmdragon .................................. A-4N Ahit Pack
Starfighter,Diego,& Pasko .................. An-2
Paulopanz .................................. C-47A skins
Dels ....................................... C-130E & C-130H
HrntFixr ................................... C-130E/H IDF skin
The Mirage Factory ......................... F-1CJ
CA_Stary ................................... F-1CJ cockpit repaint
Ravenclaw_007 .............................. F-1CJ Grey & Camo skins
The Mirage Factory ......................... F-5A & F-5E
suhsjake & Sundowner ....................... F-5A skins
Mike Riddell ............................... F-5E skins
Crusader ................................... F-5E avionics mod
The Mirage Factory.......................... F-7B Airguard
Sundowner & ThirdWire....................... F-4E_72 EAF Camo skins
The Mirage Factory ......................... F-4E(S) Shablol
Sundowner & dtmdragon ...................... F-4E(S) Shablol updates
dtmdragon .................................. F-4E Kurnass Upgrade Pack
Rippersix & dtmdragon ...................... F-4E APQ-120 avionics update
FastCargo & team ........................... F-15C & F-15D
The Mirage Factory ......................... F-16A_IDF & F-16A_EAF
Team Flying Dragon ......................... F-16A (TMF) IDF camo skin
LloydNB & ravenclaw_007 .................... F-16A (TMF) EAF skins
Team Flying Dragon ......................... F-16A Netz IDF grey skin
Viper Team ................................. F-16B, F-16C, F-16D
Ahmed Junaid Raza .......................... F-104A_RJAF Starfighter
Wrench & Matthew Ouellette ................. F-104A_RJAF skins
ValAstur ................................... F-104A (3rdWire) RJAF camo
Wrench ..................................... F-104A (3rdWire) RJAF tweaks
Paulopanz .................................. IL-28 skins
Paulopanz .................................. J-6C_EAF
Pappychksix & 331KillerBee ................. KC-130F
MontyCZ & Muesli ........................... L-29
Paulopanz, Spillone104, & Baffmeister ...... L-29 skins & updates
MontyCZ & Soulfreak ........................ L-39ZO
Paulopanz .................................. MiG-15bis & MiG-15UTI skins
Stary ...................................... MiG-15/17 cockpit
Pasko ...................................... MiG-15bis_EAF & MiG-15UTI
Paulopanz .................................. MiG-17, MiG-17F, & MiG-17PF skins
Paulopanz & Spillone104 .................... MiG-17 EAF fighter-bomber mod
Stary ...................................... MiG-19P cockpit (from Boopidoo's Su-15 cockpit)
Paulopanz .................................. MiG-21F & MiG-21PF skins
comrad ..................................... MiG-21M/F skins
Starfighter2, Spillone104, & Paulopanz ..... MiG-21R
comrad ..................................... MiG-21R EAFCamo4 skin
Paladrian .................................. MiG-21 cockpits
Streakeagle ................................ WOI MiG-21 Pack
AtariBaby .................................. MiG-21 Complete Pack for SF2
Wretched ................................... WOI MiG-23 Flyables Pack
Paulopanz .................................. MiG-23 LARAF camo skin
USAFTML & MiG-25 Team ...................... MiG-25PD, MiG-25R, MiG-25RB
Baffmeister & Paulopanz .................... MiG-25 upgrades & new flight model
The Mirage Factory ......................... MiG-29A
RussoUK2004 ................................ MiG-29A updated model
The Mirage Factory ......................... Mirage IIICJ
The Mirage Factory ......................... Mirage 5D/DE/E2/SDE
Ace888 & The Mirage Factory ................ Mirage 2000C_EAF
MontyCZ .................................... NordAtlas (C-119)
Pasko ...................................... Ouragan
Paulopanz .................................. Ouragan skins
Ordway ..................................... Ouragan/MD-450 cockpit
Baffmeister ................................ new Ouragan flight model
Bpao, Crab02, & ravenclaw_007 .............. RF-4E_IAF
Paulopanz & Denis Oliviera ................. Shahak Recon variants
Paulopanz .................................. Su-7BMK updates & skins
Boopidoo & Kukulo .......................... Su-7BMK cockpit
Stary ...................................... Su-7BMK (Early) cockpit
Boopidoo & Volksjager ...................... Su-15A
Jug ........................................ Su-15 lights update
Paulopanz & Flogger23 ...................... Su-15A updates
ArmourDave & AmokFloo ...................... Su-20/22 models
Lindr2 ..................................... Su-20/22 upgrades
eburger68 .................................. Su-20/22 SF2 upgrades
Veltro2k & Lindr2 .......................... Su-24MK
dalai_LAMA, Veltro2K, & Tunderchief ........ Su-24MK skins
Mikeymead .................................. repainted/updated Su-24 cockpit
Ordway & CA_Stary .......................... SuperMystere B2 cockpit
Fracture/Pappychksix & Wrench .............. TA-4H Skyhawk
Paulopanz & Spillone104 .................... Tu-16 Pack for SF2
Paulopanz .................................. Vampire skins
Paulopanz .................................. Vampire cockpit
Veltro2K & Paulopanz ....................... Vautour IIB/N
Pasko ...................................... Venom
Paulopanz .................................. Venom skins & SF2 updates
Sabre Dog Team ............................. F-86D cockpit (used on several aircraft)
Zurawski ................................... F-86F cockpit (used on several aircraft)
Ground Objects
Adrian Benetti ............................. Flower class
GrinchWSLG ................................. Z-Class (Fletcher)
Pasko ...................................... "SAMs and Vehicles Pack: Euro & Desert"
Nicholas Bell .............................. "WOE 1950's AAA Mod"
Gerald14 ................................... "Russian Defence/ZSU-23-4 Pack"
Monty CZ ................................... "SF2 WWII Flak Pack"
Geo......................................... "WWII Ground Object Pack"
Kesselbrut .................................."US Armor Pack"
SFP1Ace ....................................."Alternative ArmorPack"
Gepard ......................................"Tiran Pack"
Gepard ......................................"WOI Panzer Pack"
Geo.........................................."WWII Ground Object Pack"
Kesselbrut ................................. "Zil Transport Pack"
Pasko & Nicholas Bell ...................... S-60, KS-30, ZPU-4, M-42
Pasko & Nicholas Bell ...................... M-59 155mm (based on KS-19P)
Nicholas Bell .............................. Bofors L60/L70
rebel ryder ................................ M1939 flak guns
Kesselbrut ................................. ZPU-1, IDF_Cal50
Geo ........................................ 20mmAAA & M16_Quad
Monty CZ ................................... HS-820 & HS-831
EricJ ...................................... Arab_Dshk
Spectre8750 ................................ GAZ-66_ZPU23
Julhelm & Wrench ........................... SON-9A Firecan
Unknown author ............................. 37InchAA, 37InchEmplaced, TommyFlak37, TommyFlak37Emplaced
Fubar512 ................................... ZSU-23 AAA tweaks
ThirdWire .................................. BTR-ZPU, BTR-ZU-23, KS-12, KS-19, M113-ZPU, M113-ZU-23,
ZPU-2, ZSU-23, ZSU-57, ZU-23, M35_Quad, M55_Quad, M-163
Geo ........................................ Sherman_E8, M3, M3GMC
rebel ryder ................................ IS-3, Sherman-M4A2_76mm, T-34-85, IDF Super Shermans
rebel ryder ................................ BMP-1, BMP-1_AT-3, BMP-2, BMP-2_AT-5
rebel ryder ................................ ZIS Canvas, ZIS_Quad, Bedford Canvas, BedfordOpen, Squads
Pasko ...................................... AMX-13, M-41, Su-85, Su-100, T-34
Pasko ...................................... BTR-60, BRDM-2, BRDM-2AT, Type-59, Type-62, Type-63, Type-69
Gabilon .................................... Merkava
Pasko & Kesselbrut ......................... M60A3, M60A1AOS
SFP1Ace .................................... Chieftains (based on TW Centurions)
russouk2004 ................................ CrusaderII
Unknown Author ............................. Daimler, Humber, PZKW_IVA
ThirdWire .................................. Centurions, Leopards, M48A2/3, M60A1, M113, BRDM,
BTR-50PK, BTR-152, PT-76, T-54/55, T-62A, T-72A,
T-34-85, M50_Sherman, M51_Sherman
Wrench ..................................... M-59 (based on M-113)
bigal1 ..................................... M270MLR
bigal ...................................... Scud launcher
Moonjumper, Crusader, & Otto ............... BM-14-16 Katyusha mod
SUICIDAL ................................... New Destroyed Tank LODs
BANIDOS Team ............................... M167 VADS
Pasko ...................................... Hawk launcher & radars, Spoonrest radars
Fubar512 & Wrench .......................... Hawk INI tweaks
Spillone104 ................................ SA-2 Guideline Pack
FastCargo .................................. SA-5 & SquarePair
BPAo & Sundowner ........................... SA-8 & SA-9 (from TMF Weapons Packs)
Monty CZ.................................... SA-10 & Flaplid, Stinger site
Fubar512 ................................... SA-10 INI tweaks
Gabilon .................................... 2S6 & Tor-M1
Abhi ....................................... Pantsir-S1
Other Mods
R. Lee "Banger" Sullivan ................... new historic campaigns
Paulopanz .................................. custom ranks/medals pack
Paulopanz .................................. custom kill marks
OldDiego, Pappy, Wrench, Pasko, ............ Pilots
Florian/AmokFloo, & PureBlue
CA_Stary ................................... Enhanced IsraelME terrain
Wrench ..................................... IsraelME terrain upgrades
cellinsky, Insky/Orsin, & PanamaRed......... environment mods
Spillone104 ................................ custom engine sounds
CA_Stary ................................... custom effects
CA_Stary ................................... new gun tracers
CA_Stary ................................... Ejection mod
Spectre8750 ................................ Fake Afterburner Node
If I have neglected to credit anyone here, please let me know. I will get it fixed ASAP.
Eric Howes
14 Decmber 2014
SF2I Extension Pack (2 of 4)
By eburger68
Part 2 of 4 of the SF2I Extension Pack.
Eric Howes
SF2I Extension Pack (3 of 4)
By eburger68
Part 3 of 4 of the SF2I Extension Pack.
Eric Howes
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