About This File
CloudSkins Too:PaintedClouds - Mar 14, 2010 by ShrikeHawk
Here is another set of CloudSkins for your amusement. In this set, I used a different technique to create the clouds. This method gives me far more control over their look, because it allows me to actually "paint" in the details. Thus the "Painted" subtitle for this set. Additionally, I've played with larger images (768x768 instead of the usual 512x512). There is a slight framerate hit (2-8FPS) in using these clouds, but if your system can handle it, they're worth it. I have included three 512x512 images if you prefer the standard size.
The idea of CloudSkins has been to only supply the images and let the users supply their own sky settings. In this set you can still do that. But this time I am supplying an environmentsystem.ini file that I use in all my installs.
This was primarily created by ASRAAM. He combined the features of Widesky, CloudScape, and the sky settings of NF4+. So I believe, but have not confirmed, this file will work in SF2 as well as SF1. Most of the work is ASRAAM's and he deserves a lot of credit for it. In turn, I have changed some of the cloud settings to suit my tastes. I have tested this out in WoV,WoE, and WoI. To use it, simply copy the environmentsystem.ini file into your Flight folder.
I have added a folder named "CloudBurst." This contains a different environmentsystem.ini file with a trick I learned from Stick. It overloads the cloud counts and produces a striking cloudscape full of many cloud layers. I used this file to create the screenshot for CloudSkins Too. It uses a lot of framerates so it's preferred for more powerful systems. To use it, just copy the environmentsystem.ini file only (NOT the whole CloudBurst folder) and place it into your Flight folder.
Much thanks go out to Stick and ASRAAM for technical support, and Piecemeal, suhsjake, NeverEnough, Haukka81, Dogzero1, Icarus999, and Dude27 for their enthusiasm and encouragement. Greatest thanks to TK for an awesome sim.