About This File
SF2 Korean War Era AD-4 Skyraider Pak
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
*Note: you MUST have SF2V as part of your Full-5 Merged install to gain access to the A-1H.lod this mod refers to.*
All aircraft have brand new skins, built from my Home Grown Template .
Unites depicted are:
VA-35, USS Leyte 1950
VA-55, USS Valley Forge 1951
VA-75, USS Bon Homme Richard 1950-51
VA-115, USS Philippine Sea 1950-51?
VA-195, USS Princeton ???
VA-702, USS Boxer (became VA-145)
VA-923, USS Oriskany (became VA-125)
VF-194, USS Boxer 1953? (became VA-196)
VMA-121, Land Based, K-6 airfield
This is a complete aircraft (well, minus the Stock Lod of course!), with a new radar-equipped cockpit by Dels. Skins are still in bmp format, making it usable in all SF2 merged game installs with access to the A-1H.lod. All markings are decals and are Randomized. BuNums are accurate for the aircraft variant depicted, but not for the actual ones used by the squadrons; consider them 'generic' for that purpose.
The 'USMC50s' pilot figure, AN/APS-4 radar pod and engine sounds are included. All weapons are included* (simple edits can make the stock 3W ones usable, if one has Expansion Pak 1).
Wingfold is NOT activated, but the canopy is. Use the Usual Suspect (shift/0) to open and close it. All lighting is histerically correct.
As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them.
Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
When in-game, you'll see "AD-4 Skyraider (3W)" on the selection drop-down.
Happy Hunting!
kevin stein
*excepting torpedoes for attacking the Hwachon Dam