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Strike Fighters 2: Crisis in the Med

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About This File

Strike Fighters 2: Crisis in the Med


This is an add-on package for the "Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic" Expansion Pack available at CombatAce. The "Strike Fighters 2: Crisis in the Med" (SF2MC) add-on includes two new campaigns, both set in the Mediterranean early to mid 80's and both providing fictionalized takes on real world events from that time period. Also included are sixteen new aircraft and a three-dozen new ground objects to fill out these new campaigns.


This add-on package is designed to be applied over the top of an existing installation of the SF2NA Expansion Pack. You can download the three main Expansion Pack files here:


Part 1:



Part 2:



Part 3:



Please take a look over the remainder of this ReadMe before installing this add-on.






The minimum requirements for this add-on package are:


REQUIRED: Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic (SFNA), plus

Strike Fighters 2 (SF2), plus

Strike Fighters 2 Europe (SF2E), plus

Strike Fighters 2 Israel (SF2I), plus

Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam (SF2V), plus

DLC #28 (AI Plane Pack 1)


PATCH LEVEL: Mar2012 or higher


As this mod is an add-on to the SF2NA Expansion Pack, you must have that earlier mod already installed and working.






Here's how to install this update package:


1. Ensure that SF2NA, SF2V, SF2, SF2I, and SF2E are all properly installed & updated as part of a

merged install.


2. Ensure that the SF2NA Expansion Pack is properly installed and working. (See above for

links to all the download components.)


3. Unpack SF2_MedCrisis.7z to a safe place on your drive.


4. Open the \To_Mod_Folder directory. Drag and drop all the files and folders from within

\To_Mod_Folder to your SF2NA Expansion Pack Mod Folder, overwriting as prompted.


At this point the SF2MC add-on is installed and you're ready to play the new campaigns.



Summary of New Campaigns



This add-on supplies two new campaigns for the SF2NA Expansion Pack, both set in the Mediterranean early to mid 80's. Both campaigns involve fictionalized takes on real world events:


- Powder Keg: After Israeli armored units invade southern Lebanon in June 1982, driving PLO forces north to Beruit and routing Syrian tank regiments, the Soviet Union dispatches a large amphibious group anchored by two carriers to intervene. Standing in the way is one lone U.S. carrier group: the USS Eisenhower and her escorts. With little support from feckless NATO allies, the Eisenhower sails north to intercept the Soviet 5th Eskadra and Black Sea Fleet.


- El Dorado Canyon: In June 1986 the Reagan Administration decides to take action against Libya following several years of naval and air skirmishes between the US Navy and the Libyan military as well as a string of terrorist attacks against civilian targets in the Middle East and Europe, all financed or supported by Libya. Codenamed "El Dorado Canyon," this operation will be a coordinated series of strikes by USAF and USN aircraft against Libyan military and industrial targets over the course of five days.



What's Included



This add-on includes the following updates for the SF2NA Expansion Pack:



- BR.1150 (AMI)

- C-130H (HAF)

- Ka-27

- Mi-24P

- S-3A

- S-3B

- Tu-16KSR2

- UH-1D (HAF)



- An-12

- C-47A

- C-130H

- G-222

- Mi-8T

- Mi-24P

- MiG-21bisB

- MiG-23BN

- MiG-23MF

- MiG-23MLA

- MiG-23MS

- MiG-25PD

- MiG-25RB

- Mirage5D

- Mirage5DE

- F-1AD

- F-1ED

- Su-20B

- Su-22

- Su-22M3

- Su-24MK

- Tu-22



- BTR-60

- FROG-3

- M38Jeep-Red

- M38Jeep-Yellow

- ZIL-157_M1939_Trailer

- ZIL-157_SA2_Trailer

- Zil-157_ZPU-1

- Zil-157Flatbed

- Zil-157Troops



- BarlockB

- Crotale

- FansongF

- FlatfaceB

- SA-2LF

- SA-3QL

- SA-5LB

- SidenetB

- SquarePairB



- Assad


- Komar

- Koni

- LNGTanker

- Moskva


- MVAtlantic_Causeway

- MVAtlantic_Conveyor

- MVBaltic_Ferry

- MVNordic_Ferry

- MVTor_Caledonia

- NanuchkaII

- SSCanberra

- Vosper



- EasternMed terrain

- Libya terrain

- two new campaigns

- misc. new skins

- misc. new weapons



- updated & expanded F-14 skins/decals

- new lo-viz skins for A-6E_79 & A-7E_74

- new EF-111A 42nd ECS skin

- new F/A-18A skins for VFA15,VFA82,VFA86,VFA87,VMFA314,VMFA323

- additional Mi-8T Soviet camo skins






This update contains a number of new items from the following modders who generously allowed their use:


Dave (USAFMTL) ........................ B-52G 2nd BW skin

Veltro2K & Wrench ..................... BR.1150

Dels .................................. C-130H

Daddyairplanes ........................ C-130H upgrades & skins

Veltro2K & Wrench ..................... G.222

WhiteboySamurai ....................... Ka-27

YEYEYE ................................ Mi-24P

emresukhoi ............................ Mi-24P skins

Paulopanz ............................. MiG-23 LARAF camo skin

USAFTML & MiG-25 Team ................. MiG-25PD & MiG-25RB

Baffmeister ........................... MiG-25 updated flight model

Wrench & Paulopanz .................... MiG-25 LARAF skins

Paulopanz ............................. Mirage5D/E camo skins

The Mirage Factory .................... Mirage F-1

CA_Stary .............................. Mirage F-1 cockpit repaint

Ravenclaw_007 ......................... Mirage F-1 camo skin

Florian ............................... P-3C beta

FoxMonter ............................. S-3B

Wrench ................................ S-3B updates

slick cowboy .......................... S-3B skins

ArmourDave & AmokFloo ................. Su-22 models

Lindr2 ................................ Su-22 upgrades

eburger68 ............................. Su-22 SF2 upgrades

Veltro2k & Lindr2 ..................... Su-24MK

Mikeymead ............................. repainted/updated Su-24 cockpit

Paulopanz & Spillone104 ............... Tu-16KSR2

whiteknight06604 ...................... Tu-22 camo skins

Gramps ................................ UH-1D Huey


Adrian Benetti ........................ Assad & FAPC (ARA Intrepida)

rebel ryder ........................... BMP-2, BMP-2_AT-5

Kesselbrut ............................ CommTrailer, HQTrailer

Pasko ................................. BTR-60 & Frog3

BPAo & Sundowner ...................... Crotale (SA-9)

Kesselbrut ............................ Kilo Class submerged (November)

AleDucat .............................. Kilo Class Sub (ARA Salta)

Pasko ................................. Komar

WhiteboySamurai ....................... Koni (Type053K)

Fubar512 .............................. LNGTanker

WhiteboySamurai ....................... Moskva (Jeanne d'Arc)

Kesselbrut ............................ MVNordic_Ferry, MVTor_Caledonia, MVBaltic_Ferry, & SSCanberra

Polak ................................. MVAtlantic_Causeway & MVAtlantic_Conveyor

Badfrank .............................. Red & Yellow Jeeps

SUICIDAL-ART .......................... M113A1

Unknown author ........................ MTB

WhiteBoySamurai ....................... Nanuchka II missile boat

Pasko ................................. SA-3, Flatface, & Sidenet

FastCargo ............................. SA-5 & SquarePair

WhiteBoySamurai ....................... Vosper class (Zulfiqar)

Kesselbrut ............................ ZiL-157 trucks


Edward & Wrench ....................... EasternMed terrain

USAFMTL, Diego, Deuces, & Wrench ...... Libya terrain

OldDiego, Pappy, Wrench, Pasko, ....... Pilots

Florian/AmokFloo, & PureBlue


If I have neglected to credit anyone here, please let me know. I will get it fixed ASAP.




Eric Howes


8 May 2015

  • Thanks 1

User Feedback

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GREAT JOB AS USUAL!  Hmmm... would'nt be all that much of a stretch to do a mid 90's Bosnia-Herzegovina/Kosovo air campaign with much of what we have here already...

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Great campaign as always. Thanks.

@eburger68: maby You could create Turkish-Greek campaign based on 1974 Cyprus crisis with Anatolia map.



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I (and a lot of old SF2 entusiasts, i believe) was searching for a SF2 sucessor but this tipe of gae engine is irrepleaceable till now, hope one day we have a multiplayer.

But just to resume:

if you like SF2 and navy like environment THIS IS A MUST HAVE PACK.

The word excelent is few to say about what this guys have done here. The hornet is just so nice.

Hope one day we can do some more modern environment like European in the 80's and 90's decade. Like Mirage 2000, F-5, F-15, F-16, MirageIII,

Tornados, Starfighters, Clemenceau and Foch, Etendards, French crusaders, jaguars, that old european theater plus us navy atlantic fleet, etc.

(cause I have almost all this aircrafts, scenarios and etc, but make this kind of art, adjustments, create campaigns, pack it all)

And if you go more deep and do all historic search about sqdns and airbases, stations, etc. is a lot more time spending.

I know how time its spended in this kind of work and again congratulations to all this team who made an excellent work and made it free to us all.

If you people have a webpage about your projects will be nice.

Sorry about poor english.

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I have loaded the SF2 exp updates, then loaded this onto my  NA mod folders and none of the campains show up can you help?

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I was thinking of swapping out the planes in AI Plane Pack #28 as I do not have that.

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Another "Fleet Defender" campaigns mod... I loved it and I will try this in a while




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