About This File
SF2:I Vautour IIN Upgrade Pack 11/27/2017
= For SF2:I (or Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) =
Extensive modifications and upgrades to Veltro2k's S.O.4050 Vautour IIN Night/All Weather fighter-bomber as used by the IDF/AF. As seen on the CombatAce message boards, a major revamp adds 2 skins for ealy service in the IDF/AF.
This mod is designed to replace all other versions, in toto, of the Vautour IIN. This package contains the full, entire aircraft.
Many modification have been performed, and all are listed in the "Notes" section of this readme. Loadouts have been adjusted, as have several other important statements in the data ini. All weapons used are stock 3W items, meaning they still use the UK bombs. End Users (tm) that wish to swap out to the various French bombs available in weapons packs may do. Be advised, I did =NOT= test with those, so their attachment positions -may- not match.
All new, historical "plane-in-squadron/serial numbers" for IDF usage. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. However, due to the low number of aircraft (6-7) the randomization (for some reason) seems not to be working.
Even though there isn't another Vautour IIN, I've added a statement to the "displayed name", so it now reads:
Vautour IIN (V2K)
This is just one of my usual "things", when more than one of the type exists.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them ... after unzipping but before installling!
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein