About This File
Also known as the A-1/AD-6 Skyraider
For the stock 3rd Wire SF2:V A-1H Skyraider
Continuing on from my previous uploads and reworks of USN and USMC Skyraiders, I present to you, for your delectation, and enjoyment the next in my rework of our beloved mud moving , snarling, piston powered , and rather handsome USAF Versions , I have made 3 Camouflage versions of the Aircraft from the 1st SOS, 22nd SOS, and 602st SOS of the 56th Special Operations Wing .
22 SOS is in the Zorro scheme of Camo over Nite, I am aware that not all the aircraft in the Squadron were painted this way, however rather than making a split squadron, the whole load of 'em are nite unders, if ya don't like it....well tough !! 1 SOS is done in the more usual "day" scheme, but is very dirty drab and scratched up, whilst 602's airframes are reasonably clean ( for a skyraider) And a slightly lighter colour tone with the more usual Light Grey unders.
I have tried to get the numbers and nose art matched up on the different squadrons airframes, and yes I am aware that some of the pilots flew on different squadrons and took their aircraft's name with them, so some of the ones I have portrayed, may appear with different tail codes etc, depending on your sources.
I have pretty much reworked the camo schemes from scratch, and I hope that these beautiful aircraft meet your approval .
Everything you need is in the package decals, sounds, pilots , weapons etc. etc. etc. also the Data.ini for the aircraft.........Be advised, you MUST use this Data.ini with these aircraft, firstly because I have enabled the Chaff dispensers, and secondly, it kills off the clipping issue that started me off on this project in the first instance................YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED AND WARNED!!
That I think covers it, all the usual shout outs to Wrench and Nyghtfall for their Templates, which are instrumental in these 'ere skins And to anyone else who had anything to do with the original , aircraft, cockpits, and any other stuff that I have to be politically correct about .
Please feel free to leave feedback ( it is much appreciated) also if you find any glitches that may have slipped by my (cough) quality control (cough) department, please give me a shout so I can attempt to fix it.
Get out there, move some mud, scare the bejesus out of the baddies in Injun country, and above all ENJOY !!!