About This File
Weapons Pack3 , Rockets & Rocket Pods
- this weapons pack includes all Rockets and Rocket Pods that i have done so far i know that there are still some pod missing and i will release them later if i find more info and good pictures
- the LAU-61A is to be considered as a place holder i just have one picture of a LAU-61 from the rear and i have no clue what version it is , the firing fingers in the picture are different than the one in the manuals until i can solve this problem the pod is a place holder
i strongly recomend that you remove / delete an existing file with the same name as the one in the pack befor you replace it with a new file
you best replace the files one by one , overwrite old files is not recommended
- all weapons and textures are made by ravenclaw_007
Templates are available on request
if you still find an error please let me know , and there will be a Weapons pack3 with all other weapons as soon as i´m done with it
Have Fun , ravenclaw_007