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I tried every thing to get this thing flyable. And when I go to single missions the aircraft does not show up as a flyable. So is this plane flyable? I put it in my Objects folder and also put a F-89C directory in my aircraft with all the files just like all the other add-ons and it still does not work.




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Well, I was able to load the new aircraft into its own directory. All looked ok, until I added power on the runway to take off.


Immediately, the aircraft takes a right turn, and goes out of control, before even going down the runway.


I tried other aircraft, thinking the problem was my machine, but it isn't.


Let me know if anyone else is having this problem.


Chief W.

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Navy chief,


I am having the same problem now that I got it working. The flight model is not correct. Also there is a problem with the model itself.

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Chief, I took this bird for a flight test and I always start in the air..huge drop in my frame rate (I never had this prob before). I took out the F-89C.shd file and things went back to normal. as far as problems during take-off...I dunno, I can't seem to start my single missions on the runway.

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It works fine for me. Taking off on a runway is no problem. However the AI cannot.


Nice plane! Seems to take a framerate hit though somewhat.

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as I Said on SimHq.


There are Issues with the INI.

Most of them I Noticed right away and Im Already Working on them to get them fixed ASAP



As for the rest Im Doing a Overall of the DATA INI and so Far every plane that a 3rd Party Made (P-51 and F-89c When the shadows Finnaly Worked it killed my Frame rate by a good 60-80%) Dunno Why.


Been too busy to test the F-86 By DanW

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I Havent 100% Fixed it.


But i narrowed it down to the landing Gears

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the Right gear seems to be locked. ....


wierd eh?


that or something else is got a Missed point.

I Even Replaced teh Entire Gear Column to try and change it... no luck.


The Plane Flys straight in the AIr but on the ground .. lol... no way.

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that or you just have WAY too many systems going..

Im gonn Re Do the Entrire INI to see of its just a Typo that is mis linking something..

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Guest Ranger332



Member # 2440


posted 04-15-2003 09:12


I was talking to my dad about your F-89 (he was in the airforce a very long time ago) and he said the joke was that if you got the engines up to 40% and they hadn't exploded yet, you knew you'd be able to take off!




from SHQ forum

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I dunno, I can't seem to start my single missions on the runway.
Try: Options -> Part I: Game -> Starting Position: "On the runway"


I'm using the german texts, hope you'll find it nevertheless.

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I Just downloaded the F-89c and Tried a few things.

1- If you start on the runway and hit autopilot the AC takes off OK, All your wing men go to full thrust and crash.


2- If you land and go to 0% Thrust the AC will start bouncing, Jump to 120knts then start to slow and bounce /120knts /.... /bounce /359knts.


3. If you taxie to the water in this mode the AC will sink in the terrian tile and stop.


Hope this helps with the Fix.



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Some PLanes Have "issues" with addon Terrain..


My P-51 Can Fly Thru Mountains on the Euro terrain.

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