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Nieuport 28

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Ok I got the lift and drag adjusted... now I need to adjust the ai values for the stall speed, climb speed and turn speed.. and need to combat test it had more impact then I thought...


will not get ready tonight... gf-ack... ;)



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I believe the Nieuport 28C is the version that entered combat service. The plane is described as a light, manoevrable,, and a rapid acceleration but had an unhappy tendency to shred upper wing fabric in any violent manoevre.


Cant wait to fly it!!

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Ok I test flew the plane with the new FM this morning... I dont know what was going on but I think I was just tooo tired as I was getting my arse handed to me all the time...


It did feel much more unstable then before. Especially at low speeds. This aint suppricing as the lift is lower.


I do think that Im on the right path with this as it definatly should have less lift then it had before. Only negative thing is that it feels less nice then before based on pure flying joy.


As said still needs more work but Ill spend time on it tonight as well.



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The Nieport series of airplanes has always intrigued me. I especially like the little Nieport 17. The cutest plane of the bunch.

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I like N17 too, i think it will be the next one!



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I spoke to MontyCZ, he has thouse plans too, abot the 17, so maybe i will try the N24 or 27 then...

What you say?

Edited by EmlD

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Making fabric for N28.


N24 - started! :grin:

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Ok here is the new version of the FM...


ALOT has changed...


1. Basicly wings are now smaller. Hence less lift and less drag from wings.

2. More drag now from fueselage to keep speed constant.

3. Increase in mass to correct C1 numbers.

4. Increase in prop effiency to counter the increased mass and lowered lift which gave very bad low speed handling.

5. Even more drag from fueselage to keep speed constant, numbers not excessive.

6. Increase pitch momentum from elevators.


Please tell me what you think... Remember we are making a nimble plane which was outclimbed by the Albatros DVa but out climbed the DII... it just barely outran them...


If someone could do me a huge favor.. please please....


Take off the plane and climb... make sure to be at a alt where you are not climbing in AGL feet but in true feet (usually swiches around 3000feet)... then measure the climb speed.. how many feet per min does it climb????


Ive unfortunatly not got the time to messure it tonight and if someone can do it within the next 24 hours it would help me a huuuuge lot....


Thanks in advance.



EDIT: Climb is waaaay off.. so still need to fix that which I will do tomorrow...


Edited by TexMurphy

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I have news too, what do you think?

If i do this damage material 2sided, there is no texture on bottom space of the wing...






I tested the new FM. I lost both upper wings... and i didn't stall ....

i could fly and fight as long as i wonted...but N28 wasn't fast enough....is it normal?

Edited by EmlD

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Looks good.. try to see if you can get the fabric damaged with small ripps and shreads on the inside of the main "edge"... think tht wuold look even better....


On the FM when you say not fast enough did you mean it slowed down once you lost the wings??



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I would say, i couldn't catch another N28 anymore... the max speed decreased... but i cuold turn and climb....

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Keep up the good work guys :) Emld and Tex Murphy ur doin a good job at the N28 :D I love it





Red von Hammer

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I tested the new FM. I lost both upper wings... and i didn't stall ....

i could fly and fight as long as i wonted...but N28 wasn't fast enough....is it normal?


This "loosing wings and still flying" seemed to happen a lot pre-patch, but in my experience I haven't seen it post patch, so maybe TK changed something in the stock AC ... ???


I flew the latest N28 mod last night a bit, and at 1st impressions found it to be an enjoyable, tossable AC, certainly not the whirling-dervish it was before!!! THAT was a ride, but not very realistic unfortunately... Current FM mod climbed very well, but as I think one of you mentioned, it is rather vanilla now.


Too bad that the terminal dive characteristics (aka loosing the upper wing) can't be worked in currently, but oh well... maybe TK can come up with something later.

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Im a bit torn here on what to do....


Fokker DVII for example has a climbrate which is about 500feet/min higher then what Ive seen mentioned on the web.


PfalzDIII from ATeam seems to be spot on in climb rate.


Currently (not posted yet) Ive got the climbrate of the N28 about 350feet/min higher then what Ive seen mentioned on the web.


Ballance after historical numbers, when available, or ballance relative to TKs planes???


Id say ballance after history...



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IMHO, unless ALL the planes are historically "correct" then gameplay balance is more important.

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How did other modders of jet fighters do?


We should make it history like... every bit of realism will not harm.


Let us try to understand, why the stock planes are set to a higher level... maybe it depends on the game itself (global FM, or 3d engine)



??? :dntknw:

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Forgive me for not being as rigid in my thinging of how things should be. The problem with published numbers is that they tend to apply only to the particular aircraft being tested at that particular time. I think this is where the (sometimes) wide variances in numbers come from. Things like maintanence practices, airframe and engine wear and tear, tuning, all had and effect. I think if you are after the most "realism" possible you should start from scratch, take the basic physical charistics and aeordynamic properties of the aircraft, do the math and insert the "real" calculations for the N 28 C1 into the data.ini and go from there. But since we aren't doing that and we are compromising by working off an existing FM from another plane, I think a reasonable compromise in the final performance of the model is OK. :good:

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Since there is sooo much variation, from the stock AC, to between all the 3rd party AC, then there is no "standard" way to implement the FM...

IMHO do your best, do what you think is right in the 'spirit' of the aircraft [ie: what has been written about it, facts, romanticized opinions, or otherwise...] and then move on to enjoy it for what it is, a fine piece of work by all of you.

Life is too short to nit pick [absolutely nothing meant to be derogatory about your approach or modeling standards], and while it maybe fun, I'll bet it will be getting pretty frustrating soon. An artist or craftsman needs to find that point where if he goes any further, then something else is lost from the 'whole'. Striving for a Holy Grail of historic realism may be untenable, given the game limits, and in the end all the AC might become vanilla...


Just a few cents thrown in...

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Fabric damage done.


EDIT: looks like this




Now, N28 plane is done-->

Waiting for last FM edition by TexMurphy

Cockpit will be added later as patch.


reposting the link:





Edited by EmlD

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Look grrreat :clapping:

My plane will never be that good.. not even close.. :sorry:

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I wouldn't make it without help of the community, so you can try too!


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