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It can't be compared to the excellent models y'all have produced, but for a first try I'm pretty happy. Nearly done, too. Still have to model the bomb bay with the fuel tank and refueling hose.

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Looking Great , :good: how many of these did the Soviets put into service? :dntknw:

I'm old enough to remember the old Aroura Model Company, they

produced a model(plastic kit) of this aircraft, built a couple of them.

Not a bad kit by the standards of those days(late '50s).

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According to what I have read the Soviets only built about 93 from 1954 to 1963. The first 7 produced were found to be such dogs that they were removed from service awaiting an upgrade. However it was those 7 which were shown in the 1954 May Day parade which cause the "bomber gap" political crisis in the west to occur. Again from what I have read, in order to fool the western military attaches which were attending the parade the Soviets flew 2 groups of three bombers with a pair of MiG-17 escorts constantly over the top of the Kremlin during the entire time the rest of the parade was occuring. This then caused the west to believe that there were more bombers in exsistance. On top of that by using the small MiG-17 as an escort seem to also give credeance that the bomber could fly from Soviet bomber bases near the Ural mountains and hit American and English bases in North America without refueling.

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Myasishchev, the designer/builder of the Bison was "punished" by the then Soviet military and govt because they were disappointed that the aircraft was incapable of reaching the continental United States, by "punished" I mean severly limiting the production run of a bomber that at the time was a more capable aircraft than the TU-16.


EDIT: BTW the model looks great. Can't wait to fly it.

Edited by Atreides

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Myasishchev, the designer/builder of the Bison was "punished" by the then Soviet military and govt because they were disappointed that the aircraft was incapable of reaching the continental United States, by "punished" I mean severly limiting the production run of a bomber that at the time was a more capable aircraft than the TU-16.


EDIT: BTW the model looks great. Can't wait to fly it.


Thanks guys for all the nice comments.


Indeed, only a limited number were built - and the version I'm moddeling is actually the tanker version of the 3M - not much fun to fly, probably!

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Why the tanker version ? For online play ?

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Why the tanker version ? For online play ?


Because I think that the drawings that I've got to be the most complete for the tanker version, and this plane is probably best used as a target; on the other hand, the bomber (both M4 and 3M) versions seem to differ the most in the nose section, so...

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best used as a target

:biggrin: So we could create missions to shoot down the innocent tanker! It'll be nice to have a soviet tanker...

Looking good Kout! :good:

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I think I controlled the last intercept of one of those over the Pacific in 1983. Pretty big radar return.

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I think I controlled the last intercept of one of those over the Pacific in 1983. Pretty big radar return.


It probably has the radar return of a flying barndoor :biggrin: Is your's a story that you could elaborate on?

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I think I controlled the last intercept of one of those over the Pacific in 1983. Pretty big radar return.


Hello Typhoid,


pleaese tell us your story


Thank you



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I think I controlled the last intercept of one of those over the Pacific in 1983. Pretty big radar return.

Ooh! Tell us about it!

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It can't be compared to the excellent models y'all have produced, but for a first try I'm pretty happy. Nearly done, too. Still have to model the bomb bay with the fuel tank and refueling hose.


Looks good to me! Great model. I am looking forward to knocking afew of these down. :clapping:

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Ooh! Tell us about it!


You guys are interested in old war stories?


as part of this operation;




I was flying as a Mission Commander/Air Intercept Controller in the E-2 in CVW-5 embarked in CV-41. After we had tipped our hand and were operating with Enterprise both groups closed the Japanese islands and prepared to enter the SOJ.


As noted in the article linked above, everything that could fly in the Soviet Far East Military District including 37th Air Army aircraft were flying against us and we were all getting a great workout. Just prior to entering the SOJ we were tucked in close to Honshu which forced the Soviets to fly around Hokaido and come looking for us with the JASDF also playing in the mix. I controlled an A-7 to intercept an inbound HUGE radar contact and it turned out to be a Soviet Air Force Bison looking for us. It was, as best as we could determine, a bomber variant and was trying to find us acting as a pathfinder for other strike aircraft. Needless to say there was a great deal of astonishment in the group that a Bison was out playing, but the photos proved it. It was in excellent external condition and looked like it had a new paint job. Probably used as a vip aircraft and pressed into operational use as all the other aircraft had been hard flown for a couple of weeks and were breaking down. (On another intercept the Tomcats saw a Badger blow an engine and they escorted it back until another Soviet joined up on him. Three days later, he was back.)


Interesting couple of weeks.......

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Thanks Typhoid. Very interesting stuff, and great read on that link. Aussom.

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I 'll put up a few picture


I. Standard Myasishchev M-4





As we can see clearly, the M-4 has glass nose.


II. Myashishchev 3M







The 3M has normal nose


III.Tanker 3M



Hope these pics can help.

Edited by Anhnguyen

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Man that's cool. kout if possible make sure the model has a working interior canopy framework, as this would be excellent to slip a cockpit inside the 3D model.


The Valiant/Victor series and MiG-25, for examples that I recall now, seem to have some kind of one-sided canopy framework that vanishes from the inside.


Check out the inside of the stock An-12 crew compartment. That's the most interesting of all, along with the amazing 3D canopy framework on the B-58 model's crew compartment.

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Thanks for the pics and comments. BTW, does anyone have any goods pics of the landing gear?

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Thanks - nice to see that they used a simpel design for the landing gear...

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It can't be compared to the excellent models y'all have produced, but for a first try I'm pretty happy. Nearly done, too. Still have to model the bomb bay with the fuel tank and refueling hose.



Still working on this bad boy ??

Edited by Veltro2k

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Plz do the bomber Bison once the tanker one is finisheded! It would be Russia's answer to the B-52 in WOE!



Kout is doing the Bison,,,,Last I saw , He was doing a fantastic job...I just hope he didnt give up on it...also Have not heard from him in a while.............

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