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Warhammer 40K

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Anyone here play Warhammer 40K?

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Anyone here play Warhammer 40K?

This is the Dawn of War series, yeah? I got a copy of this from a guy i used to work with and was pleeasantly surprised by it. Not normally into WH40K but I loved how they set up the infantry in it!

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This is the Dawn of War series, yeah? I got a copy of this from a guy i used to work with and was pleeasantly surprised by it. Not normally into WH40K but I loved how they set up the infantry in it!


Yeah not Dawn of War which I have and a huge fan of but I am talking the table top game.

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Yeah not Dawn of War which I have and a huge fan of but I am talking the table top game.



People play that game? I thought they just painted the figures.... :biggrin:


Seriously though....I sold my army of Space Marines about 4 years ago.


I've always loved WH40K, but could never find anyone interested enough to play.

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People play that game? I thought they just painted the figures.... :biggrin:


Seriously though....I sold my army of Space Marines about 4 years ago.


I've always loved WH40K, but could never find anyone interested enough to play.


I got a set of Dark Angels, they have some new rules in which they kick a lot of ass.

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I knew there was a reason i liked you USAFMTL.I have a 4000+ point ork force thenn a small Daemon Hunters,Medium Witch Hunters,Large Imperial Guard(custom Planet and forces-many conversions.I used WW2 german heads on the troops) a med Tau army,A large Dark templar space marine force , a medium Eldar army done in bright orange and my step son has a large Chaos army.I love Warhammer 40K almost as much as Football lol.btw my orks eat space marines for a light snack.;) I'll try to post a few picks when I can.I don't know if anyone is familiar with the old animated Hobit and lord of the rings but in order to taunt my oponents i like to play the ork war songs when I'm playing.

Edited by whiteknight06604

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I used to play a lot, mostly with the 2nd edition rules when they had an insane number of weapons and equipment with insane capabilities; I think you could wipe out ten models in a turn with the assault cannon in 2nd ed. if you rolled the right dice, the tunder hammer would insta-kill a tank if it so much as hit it, vortex grenades created mini black holes on the table, etc. etc. I still have a massive army of Space Marines (probably over 5K points) but I haven't played in 4 years or so. I play Dawn of War now; no where NEAR as expensive.

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When I was like six years-old, me and the neighbor kid would play GI Joe... We use to smack them around with a ballpeen hammer to simulate battle damage...


We called it the "Warhammer"...


(Then I got into Battletech and discovered the Warhammer assault mech... and bought the minature)



Edited by Zurawski

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When I was like six years-old, me and the neighbor kid would play GI Joe... We use to smack them around with a ballpeen hammer to simulate battle damage...


We called it the "Warhammer"...


(Then I got into Battletech and discovered the Warhammer asault mech... and bought the minature)




Before I got into warhammer my passion was Battletech.My friends and I would have huge multi company battles and planet asaults that would take all weekend to finish...those were the days.

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battle tech now your talking

i have 100+ mechs plus tanks and aerospace fighters toads and books up the ying yang

i also adapted my 1/285 scale modern armour miniatures to it

any one play centurion by fasa with grav tanks thats good too

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If anyone needs a room to stay while attending GENCON this year, I might be able to hook ya up. Dave come to Indy in August and you get a chance to play some of the best Warhammer you could ever imagine.

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Used to work part time at friends Game/Hobby shop a few years back. When I first saw the GW figures, being a "serious" modeler, I made a lot of jokes. His wife said that if I was so good I should paint a few. I did and got hooked into that hobby. When I realized that what I could do with the armor models and the figures well....


I've got an Imperial Guard army of that can go from a small platoon to a company of at least 2500 points. Based around an old Necromunda gang the I started off with.


One Land Raider for a command track, I know but that'll teach the Astartes to leave the keys in the ignition.


Eight Chimmera APCs


Six Leman Russ MBT


Three Griffion heavy mortars


Three Basilisk SPG


Two Salamander Scout tracks


Three Gun trucks


And enough Troops to scare the hell out of any opponent :crazy:


Just dont get me started on whats on my shelf that needs to be built yet.


Heres a couple of shots of a Leman Russ for those who don't know.

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One more thing, if never seen Turn Signals On A Land Raider before try this link...




If you ever played WH40K you'll instantly get it. I marked the first page, you'll understand why.


That's funny. I got about 1100 points worth of Dark Angles/Ravenwing each. That includes Death Wing Termies and my Librarian in Termie armor. So far I have used the teleport into back lines of Orks and Tau and shredded my opponent mercilessly. The new rules for the Dark Angels makes them very hard to beat. The one time I did lose is because the guy using nids overwhelmed me. At great cost to his army. He won as I said but he wasn't to happy that he had about 2 squads left LOL.

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Hah, Terminators are pretty tough to beat no matter what chapter uses 'em. Invulnerable save, heavy and/or rending weaponry that can move and fire, and all power weapons in close combat. Key drawback is that they're so costly to field.

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I remember Warhammer40k. Back in 1989-91 I was pretty into it. Grew up in a small town, which meant I had no one to play the game with.(though a few other people were into it) Spent alot of time painting miniatures. Still have them someplace, but sold the books when I went to college.

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Scout squad




Some Infantry




Sanctioned Psyker




A Leman Russ




Radio Man




Homebuilt Thudgun





Eldar Jetbike




Stormboy Nob





Camo Closeup





Cutomized Einhorn Light Tank





Customized Salamander

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I have a 1500 Mobile Tau Army, 1800 or so points of Gaurd Armor, 1000 or so Points of Gaurd Infantry, and a 1500 Point "Pure" Grey Knights army. I'll post pics later of anyone is interested...

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WK and anyone, any interest in a 40K forum?

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WK and anyone, any interest in a 40K forum?


I would be interested in that.I could post some pics of the conversions I have done.

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I played in high school, Col., and when i first got out of the military. I may get back into it just because all the guys from the old neighborhood still do it. A local comic shop has some 2000 square feet of table tops w/ different terrains, fortreses. It was like 10 bucks a night got you a cup for the keg and all the pizza you could eat. You could bring your own miniatures.

Edited by MAKO69

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Well if I get enough interest I will make the fourm.

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And then everyone talks about the Space Marines.

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