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It always has to be the hard way for our procurement people. We had nothing for WWI, we were way behind and made stupid choices for early WWII planes(like no turbosuperchargers= no high altitude performance), the early cold war and foresaking guns for unreliable missiles and now jack of all trades strike craft.


Has there ever been a conflict for which any nation was prepared for? The honest answer would be: No.


Just look at World War II. It wasn't only the United States that was unprepared for it, equipment-wise. Britain, Germany, they all had equipement in their inventory that were soon found out to be unsuited for the conflict they had become involved in...


And in fact it is impossible to known what needs to be done to be prepared for the next conflict.

It is now easy to say that the US forces sent to Iraq were in some aspects rather unprepared for their mission, but did back then who did actually know how this would turn out?


One can "argue" or make some "analysis" all day and night whether euqipment X is well suited for the next conflict Y, but in the end it's all just talk that leads nowhere, especially when it's done on the net. :wink:

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Why they don`t build new Tomcats?! Improved one?! It`s still one of the best planes ever build!


At the risk of sounding cynical it's pretty hard for industry to make money if you're into recycling, if you know what I mean.


Sure getting new stuff is good for advancement of technology and the maintenance of the infrastructure and skills to produce them, but if I were the end-user of these products I would take some comfort atleast in knowing that what I'm using is the best in the world...that's if if it were the best in the world. And I'm sure the taxpayers would want to know what their tax dollars are paying for.

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Seeing no alternative to the Tomcat for the Navy( a rather correct assumption) Grumman overpriced the F-14D. Then Secretary of Defence Richard Cheney killed the program and her retirement was bumped up from 2010 to 2006 during Bush jr with the SH filling the gap until the JSF enters service. If you look around online, Grumman has put forward some plans for improved tomcats, even having major changes improving stealthiness and adding thrust vectoring.


No, we can't always foresee and be prepared, but Germany was quite prepared for WW2, as were the Japanese. But the things I mentioned could have been easily avoided by anyone with half a brain. Take the original F-104, 2 wingtip sidewinders, no guns. It'd be like sending a tank into battle with 2 shells. Even with 100% accuracy and effectivemess, it's brainless against the soviet's larger numbers.

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Despite my hate of the Super Bug I will give the F/A-18F credit. It has been the one to do all the fancy moves and is flown by F-14 Tomcat crews and Squadrons (ie. VFA-103 Jolly Rogers or VFA-2 Bountyhunters) Also the F/A-18F does look better than the F/A-18E.

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There's no reason to hate the superbugs, they're perfectly good aircraft, I just hate them being used in place of a tomcat for A2A roles which its at a sore disadvantage. We might as well go back to the F-4 Phantom for fleet defense, there'd certainly be more love for her.

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OK gentlemen..... The Hornet vs Tomcat has been hashed out too many times and threads locked.


This is for Marcello's model ... let's keep it that way.

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Thank god, maybe someone will listen to an administrator

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It's an inevitable shift in discussion :(


Has anyone heard from Marcelo about the state of his computer and projects?

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I heard his HD crashed, but i hope that wasnt true, but just scuttlebutt

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It's an inevitable shift in discussion :(


Has anyone heard from Marcelo about the state of his computer and projects?



HD is broke and he is now on a laptop that cant do 3d work.


I have to agree with my fellow admin, lets keep this about the SH and leave the Tomcat stuff to the offical Tomcat VS Super Hornet thread that I am going to start. :biggrin:

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HD is broke and he is now on a laptop that cant do 3d work.


I have to agree with my fellow admin, lets keep this about the SH and leave the Tomcat stuff to the offical Tomcat VS Super Hornet thread that I am going to start. :biggrin:




did he say if his 3d projects were recoverable, or backed up shortly before?


Oh $%



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Hi all. Forgive me if this has been asked before; is there any update on this anticpated A/C?

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Hi all. Forgive me if this has been asked before; is there any update on this anticpated A/C?


It'll be out in two weeks.

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hmm I am biased when it comes down to soviet vs. u.s. aircraft (I am a russian aircraft fan). I get chastised by my dad whop says that most of the soviet fighters on the market are outdated, he even had the audacity to say that the F-16D could out manevour a Mig-29C! But I say it comes down to the pilot as my first story shows! HEHEHE Hint=F-22 go boom!

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As said man, the discussion is about Marcello's model, not this aircraft vs. this aircraft.


Since his HD is down, I still got my F/A-18F that SunDevil finished abrubtly. Still requires work, but if anybody is willing to work with it, send me a mesage and I'll get it to you.

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Last I talked to him, Marc was still unable to work on 3d stuff, so it'll be quite some time. He did confirm his projects were safe, which is a huge sigh of relief.

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I realize that, but saying that a model is readily available ;)

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I'm locking this down and restarting a post for Marcello's model.

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