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Hidden Talents?

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Does anyone here have a hidden talent? Mine for example is cooking. My mom was chef for a time and my dad is still a master BBQer. So I learned everything I could from them, as my wife can attest to. When we are stationed together I do all the cooking and BBQing. I have won several awards for my beercan chicken and brisket.


What can any of you do? How did you get started? Has any of you turned your talents into your job?

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I can cook.... haven't won any awards though. (but my expanding waistline can testify to it)


I turned my military training into a very profitable career.

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I guess mine would be aircraft recognition. I used to be tied for 19th in NIFA...probably would of broken into the top 10 if my team had competed the following year.

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Ever since I bought my house 4 years ago and went through the whole thing I would have to say home improvement. We went through the whole thing. I really love my miter saw and table saw :biggrin: On the side this year I have remodeled my inlaws home, redone their kitchen, wood flooring, electrical. Last time my mom asked my brother in law (who is a contractor) for some help with crown molding and some flooring my step-sister said, "Why don't you ask Todd he's so handy now..." What a piece of crap.

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I have always been pretty handy with a wrench. When I was a kid, I helped my dad restore a Austin Healey Bugeye and a Corvette Stingray. Later, I became a mechanic. Then, I met a guy that owned a race team and I joined up as their chief mechanic. I could change a gear box on the car in under twenty minutes.

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I have none. All my talents are displayed on the surface in plain view of all who look. :wink:


If you can call it one, I have the ability to recall a song or movie line and relate it to pretty much anything anyone says. Sort of an odd photographic memory.

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I'm really good at impersonating celebrity voices. I do a very excellent Sean Connery if I do say so myself :good:

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I'm really good at impersonating celebrity voices. I do a very excellent Sean Connery if I do say so myself :good:


Moo, the sound your mother makes Alex......I love that skit in SNL.......

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My hidden talent is fighting... I am a czech and in a german/chinese Martial Arts kung fu academy, located in Germany... learnin Kung fu for some years now... started with Shaolin Kung Fu, gone over to Kickboxing and Thaiboxing and went back to Emei Kung Fu... won the german masters and heading now to the european champianchip of martial arts...


My second talent is eating.. so If we ever meet each other .... you can cook and I can eat like no other...


Cheers ....

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I can play a bit of guitar. I was a drummer way back in high school, but then took up the guitar thinking it would impress girls; it did :wink:

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My hidden talent is fighting... I am a czech and in a german/chinese Martial Arts kung fu academy, located in Germany... learnin Kung fu for some years now... started with Shaolin Kung Fu, gone over to Kickboxing and Thaiboxing and went back to Emei Kung Fu... won the german masters and heading now to the european champianchip of martial arts...


My second talent is eating.. so If we ever meet each other .... you can cook and I can eat like no other...


Cheers ....


Man... It seems that we have the same. I practice south Vietnamese Martial Art named "Bach Ho" (23 years of M.A practice now). Won some French masters (technics and fights) few years ago...


I like cooking and eating too. I worked as an assistant-cook when I was a student...

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I'm pretty much a jack of all trades and certainly master of none. I can cook, fairly skilled at most home building trades, better than average at most sports I've tried, (of course I'm over 50 now so the games I play now have changed in nature) I used to work on my own cars...I know a little about a lot, I guess. The only thing I've ever won any awards/money at is bowling...pretty exciting, huh? :biggrin:

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I've looked for mine, but apparently they are hidden pretty good.

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I am a czech

I'm half Czech. I also play guitar (13 years in rock bands) and I'm an artist and do just about anything with paint. My website is: www.iplaster.net

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Well lets see

house design landscape design / agriculture

meat cutting / butchercustom build pc's


wood working metal working


framing forming and finishing houses




I also learn new skills very fast show me once and it's locked away

this causes me to get bored with things very quickly too

sf and wov ,and worms are the only games out of 90 or more that I have the I still play 3 years later

I do not do drywall( most drywallers that I have met are sever pot heads ) but I can't blame them

I do not do roofs

and my spelling sucks

no really I am soon to be 42 and my spelling sucks

I read tons my vocabulary is huge but even the simplest things stumble me

oh and I type like a one armed one fingered left handed infant elephant

but my real hidden talent is no matter what no matter how hard I try I can and do messup just about anything if I try too hard

the above was censored to keep me from being banned

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I'm half Czech. I also play guitar (13 years in rock bands) and I'm an artist and do just about anything with paint. My website is: www.iplaster.net


I thought you did origami? :haha::biggrin:

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I can do this amazing thing with my tongue that my wife just loves... :biggrin:

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I thought for sure you were going to say something about walking in heels.....

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I thought for sure you were going to say something about walking in heels.....


Sigh... You wear a dress once... :blink:

Edited by Zurawski

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Sigh... You wear a dress once... :blink:



Haha....that was pretty awesome dude.


I still get a chuckle out of that.

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I really don't know but I can drive a M4A3E2 Sherman and also I am a Soviet Tank geek.

My wife really doesn't like me to going to tank museums. She always say that they screw up my life.


And I really don't believe that..... :biggrin:

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I have a great ability to anoy people to the point of violence.i can go into a room and after tem minutes of talking politics I have most in the room ready to linch me.I can argue either side but tent to do better on the right.I play football but at my age it's not a tallent anymore but more stuborness.I do like the look on the "kids" faces when I let them know somone their dads age just layed them out though.On a side note I'm great with gramer and spelling. :lol:

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Let's see...


I can't dance, but I can fly a plane well...which frustrates the wife no end.


I barely have the hand eye coordination to play sports, but can knock tin cans off a bench at 50 yards with a handgun.


Can barely fix stuff around the house, but can rebuild almost everything tech based from PSPs to cars.



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