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Lock On Video, 'Cobra'

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Lucky....real...lucky....and kool too..






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I wonder how many times he had to do that before he got a good take? ;)

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Here's some quick 'n dirty screengrabs I captured from the video. Not great quality, but you get the idea... BTW, the video is really good quality, nice and smooth, so don't judge it by these crappy grabs... :D I'll get some better ones when I get home today.













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Guest Ranger332

very impressive considering it normaly done at a much higher alt.

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AHAHHAHAHAHA! That is awesome!

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I understand that this manuever is an actual manuever. I have heard that only a few aircraft are capable of it, something to do with the canards perhaps. Can anyone elaborate?

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You don't need canards, just large control surfaces. I think an F-15 can do it, or at least, I have in Jane's F-15, lol. I know an Su-27 can, and they don't have canards.

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I've seen test footage of an F14A doing a type of cobra manuver. It wasnt quite as pronounced as what I have seen the Flanker do, but it definantly was a "cobra" manuver.

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That wasn't a "cobra" manuver. He was comming out of a loop too low to the ground and smacked his nozzles on the ground. I've seen the whole video. I've seen a Hornet do the exact same thing accept the plane actually smacked the ground and didnt go airborne again.

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I think the whole video is a scripted AI aircraft.


I could make anything happen in OFP with a few scripts. :D

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I dont know about it being a scripted AI, but the "Cobra" manuver in Flanker is scripted and probably the same in LOMAC. To perform a cobra in Flanker you merely press the K key. The fact that the cobra manuver is scripted probably makes the landing look funky like it does.

People are already debating whether LOMAC will have a realistic flight model because of this video and how the plane seemed to do a "easy" landing.

Personally I think the doubt about the flight model is hogwash, but I think the person who made the video used easy settings for the video. Maybe had invulnerable on, easy landing on, etc.

Who knows. I dont think LOMAC's flight model is going to be "arcadish" as some like to claim because of what they saw in this vid.

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geez, in the absence of any real info, people will create any story they need just to have a debate. :roll: I think we can safely assume the flight models will be very good, at least as good as they were in Flanker. I can hardly stand getting on the forums anymore because of everyone engaged in pointless arguements about topics they can't possibly have a clue about since the info is not currently available. :?


I'm starting to long for the release just to shutup the debaters even more than wanting to fly the sim. :lol:


BTW, this is not directed at you Seawolf., just some of the idiots over at the Ubisoft forums... :wink:

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anyone notice the hand of god that comes down when he exits the cobra and stops him from cratering the tarmac?


ah i see some people have.


something strange is afoot at the circle K.

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Oh no sweat Jeff, you and I definantly agree. You just put it in less words than I did. LOL :lol:


geez, in the absence of any real info, people will create any story they need just to have a debate.  :roll:  I think we can safely assume the flight models will be very good, at least as good as they were in Flanker. I can hardly stand getting on the forums anymore because of everyone engaged in pointless arguements about topics they can't possibly have a clue about since the info is not currently available.  :?  


I'm starting to long for the release just to shutup the debaters even more than wanting to fly the sim.  :lol:


BTW, this is not directed at you Seawolf., just some of the idiots over at the Ubisoft forums...  :wink:

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anyone notice the hand of god that comes down when he exits the cobra and stops him from cratering the tarmac?


ah i see some people have.


something strange is afoot at the circle K.

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so you have an explanation for the behaviour seawolf?

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I don't know much about aerodynamics but how come the airplane isn't just falling backwards?

It does go over 90 degrees.


So what we see is that really possible? (not that a sain person would try it so low)

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momentum and great big control surfaces

basically physics but still not convinced it's possible.


Is there a possibility to record telemetry?


I would like to see the horizontal speed/acceleration graph.

In reality that's not easy but in a simulation that should be a piece of cake.


BTW are there real (fighter) pilots on this forum?

Do real pilots give input for Lock on?

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1) It has been stated that Real Pilots are testing LOMAC for it's accuracy. This comes directly from Matt Wagner.


2) I have seen the cobra performed at airshow's. Momentum is a big factor, thus his dive from 3000 feet to the runway. But an even bigger factor is not the flight controls, but the Thrust to Weight ratio. I've seen this aircraft stand on it tail and near hover like a helicopter. It truely is a sight to see. It also something else to hear.



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Thanks for the info.


I will believe your word on it :)


Thrust to Weight ratio: Yes I know it is possible with it.

but I have a strange 'not real' feeling when it goes a lot over 90°


about the sound I can imagene it. :)

(airshows didn't always happen on a very safe distance)

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All I got to say is get the game :wink:


I think you'll find that with those BIG flight controls, you may just wind up on your back if you hold the elevator back to long....But, I'm sure the compressor will stall and both engines will flame out.


If you want to practice before attempting to duplicate the video, do as us real pilots do. It's called "Approach to Landing" manuevers. You merely pick an altitude that you can recover from if something goes WRONG. I like to pick 3000' AGL. I consider that to be were the deck/runway is located. I start at 6000' AGL and attempt the manuever reaching the appropriate speed etc as if the runway were at 3000'


Or, since its just a simulated game, crash alot. hehe



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