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Edited by Veltro2k

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UuaaaAAAAA :shout: Wellington incomiiiing :fans:

Edited by kukulino

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looking good :good:

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Practice at it, read tutorials, etc. Look at places like FPS mod forums and the such - they always have tons of tutorial threads on how to paint guns, tanks and other such models. It's a learned skill, not something you are born with.

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Hi, Veltro, how goes this one. Realize you working on other projects. Thanks.

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Guest Bounder

hey "BRO' just do your thing,your doing great just getting it out. There are plenty of ppl the can skin. And all started just like you are.

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skin test


Cor!!.. can't wait to get it and do some more high altitude bomb runs. When will it be available?

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if i had a nickel everytime I posted for help with Fm's and skinning I would be rich by now....everytime i do i get the same responce----> :tumbleweed::tumbleweed::tumbleweed:


I can help with FM

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Is that a Mk VI Halifax? It looks terrific. Now I know I'm a bit obsessed about reproducing the EAF during 1956 but ...... could I convince you to do a Mk XI (no top turret and radial engines)? Only when you've got a spare week or two. :smile:



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