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A revolution in small arm design.

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Looks like some high-power alien BB-gun... :rofl:


But I doubt it'll replace heavy vulcan cannons because, for instance, the GAU-8's lethality comes from it's slugs being of depleted uranium, thus being able to rip through any armor... and that thing doesn't look like it could match that lethality, no matter what pretty images it might show of it being fitted on an A-10... I think it's good against SOFT targets only, but I bet that well-designed armor can deny penetration of those projectiles... Perhaps it could replace the old M2 .50 cal...

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The Dread

It may mean the end for all gun powdered propelled munition. (combustion ?)


That's okaaaaaaaayy... but if you want something with balls (pun intended :smile:) you might wanna see this:

Short Version:


Long version (9 mins):

This is very similar to a test I have the fortune of attending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vznasOXrqI


This is Metal Storm, and it has something like a 10 year head start. And true to Aussie form and innovation, it was completely ignored here when the concept was demonstrated, so the company had to go overseas for funding opportunities. Our successive governments have had a tendency to drop the ball when it comes to revolutionary inventions... :sad: I mean, it just wouldn't have happened in Israel or China...

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In either case of the Dread or Metal Storm, if am EMP hits it, bye-bye... whereas a good old gun will still fire! :rofl:

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In either case of the Dread or Metal Storm, if am EMP hits it, bye-bye... whereas a good old gun will still fire! :rofl:


not to mention the battery pack or generator that is needed to drive that thing!

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Or if they got wet and weren't totally water sealed. ZZZzzzaaaaaappppp!!!!!!!!!!

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They say it has stealth capabilities...which I find funny....


This thing can be firing somewhere, and all it would take is a COMPASS to point to it.

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I like how they ignore the fact that all stealth is immediately nullified once things start exploding.

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They say it has stealth capabilities...which I find funny....


This thing can be firing somewhere, and all it would take is a COMPASS to point to it.


Warning, do not operate if you have a pacemaker, medical inserts/pins, shunts, plates, fillings, braces, are prone to dizziness, flatulence or are undergoing magnet therapy. Makers of Metal Storm/Dread are not responsible for loss of fillings from rapid vibrations, chipped teeth, deafness, frozen wristwatches or explosive bowel movements.

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With many weapons the act of firing negates stealth. :grin:


Submarines, airplanes, tanks, etc.

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