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Blue Angels defeat Measure...

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Almost every year, the Blue Angels show up in San Francisco to fly during

the Fleet Week event held here. And also every year, somebody or some

group tries to stop them.


This year is no different. This time, Supervisor Chris Daly created a measure

to stop the Blue Angels from flying. He claimed that they are too scary and

frighten small animals. Well, it turns out that whenever the Blue Angels don't

fly here, the revenue expected from Fleet Week is halved! So in the end,

it was Chris Daly who got shot down, hehehe.


aaahhhh, victory is sweet!


Here's some links:







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Can we give San Francisco to Canada or something?

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Guest Saganuay82

Why would we want it? Shake your head man.

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Wow. By that logic, we'd better ban cars. Do you know how many poor squirrels we could save? My dog is scared of the garbage truck. Better get rid of those, too. Does this idiot have any idea how many planes fly over the SF/Oakland area every day? What if one of those fell on Chinatown? Holy crap! Someone call Chicken Little!!!! Yikes! I'm gonna go hide under the bed!


I've worked at SFO & OAK quite a lot over the years, and I USED to really like the area. Expensive, but nice (if a little, um..."festive", particularly around Halloween :blink: Not that there's anything wrong with that. :biggrin: ) That kind of uber-liberal crap is a bit much, though.

Edited by RunsWithScissors

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Can we give San Francisco to Canada or something?


Are you serious?..Canadians are nice people..better give it to Mexico..i would like to see what happens to them when the "federales" arrive..lol


Best regards


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I still like it out here, even though the anti-military/anti-gun crowd is annoying.

SF is not quite a liberal as it seems. The wildly left activists are just extremely

vocal, striving every moment to "get the message across".


Most folks I know here are just focused on getting through the workday to put

food on the table. They could care less about the latest "cause".


And notice that when it came down to a choice between scaring small furry animals

or making a ton of money, this supposedly "liberal city" chose money. And that's

the way it goes out here. You scream "save the whales!" in public and then

whisper "show me the money" in private. Folks are more conservative than they appear.





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I shudder at the thought of this crap ever succeeding. You haven't seen the BA's until you have seen them fly the golden gate and alcatraz. I saw them when they flew A-4's over the bay and have seen the 18's a half a dozen times over the bay. Once during fleet week about 6 years ago I even saw them launch a hornet off of the carrier inside the bay for the first time ever. We used to have so much in aviation, naval and military involvement that has been abandoned by the local governments since the mid 90's but, do not judge us all by what the cities do. many of us that live in the east bay, north bay and south bay cringe and SF, Oakland and berkeley.


I recently went on the Hornet which is based at the former Alameda NAS and to the Alameda Air museum also on the former base. It was sobering to say the least as i ran down the list of bases in Northern CA that are no more:


Alameda NAS

Mare Island

Fort Ord

Mather AFB

McClellan AFB

Moffett Field

Fort Mason

The Presidio

and more.


many reserve units are gone as well.


At least travis (i live next door) and beale are still around.


I will be at fleet week on Sunday for the BA's and will watch them practice on Friday from nearby my work. I wanted to go Saturday but, I am putting a 80' fence in for the in laws (can you say 'sucker').

this guy took some good shots...


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Can we give San Francisco to Canada or something?


You'd be better off giving it to Cuba, or better yet... Iran... since, as Ahmadinejad stated, there were no gays in Iran like in the US... That should shut him up... :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Just start selling hybrid cars in South Park.. smug storm will take care of everything.

"Thanks to your gay little song, kid, there won't be a San Francisco"

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Can we give San Francisco to Canada or something?

I'll take it if you want, always wanted to rule a city state. :)

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I'll take it if you want, always wanted to rule a city state. :)



Please put some patriotism into the place! Maybe when California splits off the continent it will only get san fran.


Heres my view of California:

San Francisco librilism and hatered of your own military- hmmm 1960s

Los Angeles complete with dumb celebrites -some asembly required

San Diago- Illegal Imigrants

So many military bases! So little room!<Give some to Massachusetts. We only have 4! And we only have F-15s, C-5s, and not much longer A-10s

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Don't give San Francisco to Canada! We'll just take the bozo who wanted to save some skunk's hearing. I'm sure he'd be happy with our nice, quiet Snowbirds.


UNTILL WE GET OUR CT-155s! :fans: (those are Canadian BaE Hawks if you're wondering)

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I still want to get rid of San Francisco.

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Don't give San Francisco to Canada! We'll just take the bozo who wanted to save some skunk's hearing. I'm sure he'd be happy with our nice, quiet Snowbirds.


UNTILL WE GET OUR CT-155s! :fans: (those are Canadian BaE Hawks if you're wondering)



My god the Hawk is a loud bird.

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Hey, we all need places like San Fran, even if it's just for a little perspective. I mean the right wingers have the rabid monsters who foam at the mouth like Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter to show them when they go too far. People like the local governments in SF who want to hark back to the days of scary Cosby show style political correctness just show the left that "Hey, there's a way we can argue our case without sounding like these complete wankers." As for the centre types, I don't know. Since Gretzky retired and Lemieux was put out to pasture, I don't think they have anyone good or bad to talk about. :biggrin:


Come on... Blue Angels scare the wildlife?? And what do Harleys or Hemmys do then? Its BS! (admittedly, the Hornets are GD loud as we find out every year at the Clipsal 500!) Come on!!


Vote Quimby!

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UNTILL WE GET OUR CT-155s! :fans: (those are Canadian BaE Hawks if you're wondering)


And what is the deal with you bloody Canucks renaming everything?! :tongue:


CT-155s, CF-188s, CP-140s... Excepting the US, the rest of us kept all of our DHC designations! What, ours aren't good enough for you?! :biggrin:

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And what is the deal with you bloody Canucks renaming everything?! :tongue:


CT-155s, CF-188s, CP-140s... Excepting the US, the rest of us kept all of our DHC designations! What, ours aren't good enough for you?! :biggrin:


Well what do you Aussies use? And the Canucks used CF-101 for the Voodoo and CF-104 for the Starfighter.


And what do you mean by DHC? Is that like T.1A or F/A-18F?

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:biggrin: I mean DeHavilland Canada (DHC) for say, the DHC-4 Caribou, the DHC-3 Beaver(?), The DHC-5 Buffalos used for firefighting. I always saw it as a bit of defiant "Screw the US" from Canada. And I can understand since, well, you know what the Yanks are like... If only they were members of the glorious Commonwealth :tongue:

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Could you still consider in anyway the Canucks a member of the Commonwealth? I mean they no longer use Royal Canadian (Insert Branch Here). While you Aussies still have Royal Austrailian Air Force or Navyand so does New Zealand. Are you 2 the only ones left apart from the UK?

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All i know is that we change the designations on some (most) of our aircraft, I think because our prime minister likes to think we're totally independent from the US and UK. Or maybe he has a bizarre fetish for three digit numbers. :haha::dntknw: We keep the DHC thing here for our de havillands (which we are very proud of), and sometimes we just put "C" in front of the aircraft's original name. We're just trying to be a little independent after our last independent fighter program, the Avro Arrow, got shot down (heh-heh).

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We're just trying to be a little independent after our last independent fighter program, the Avro Arrow, got shot down (heh-heh).


Yeah, that was a bastard of a decision, huh? All I'm saying is that it would have been a thing of beauty. And word is that its death knell was partially helped along by the US and UK... It would have been the F-4 phantom before the F-4 phantom... 'cept pointier. :smile: Oh how US pilots would hve been p*ssed flying Avro Arrow in their Blue Angels display... :biggrin:

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Avro Arrows for the Blue Angels? :blink: Now THAT would be noisy! (especially with the Iroquois engine)! Tree huggers beware!!!!!! :rofl: It would break the NAVY's heart. Also, the Canadian aerobatics team would get a LITTLE more respect. "HEY USA! I'LL BET OUR SNOWBIRDS CAN OUT-THUNDER YOUR THUNDERBIRDS! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"


ps- where can I find an Avro Arrow for SFP1?

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I am glad they defeated the measure. All the city of SF is doing drawing more attention to themselves on how anti military they are. Personally I find disgusting.

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I am glad they defeated the measure. All the city of SF is doing drawing more attention to themselves on how anti military they are. Personally I find disgusting.


I bet it was liberals from San Fran that called General Petraeus "General Betrayus" and called our troops in Iraq and Afganistan "Phoney Heroes". It sounds a lot like treason to me now.

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I bet it was liberals from San Fran that called General Petraeus "General Betrayus" and called our troops in Iraq and Afganistan "Phoney Heroes". It sounds a lot like treason to me now.


Indeed, I did hear that treasonous phrase mentioned here.

I didn't shoot the idiot because they aren't in season just now...


There really are some rational minds here in San Francisco. And those who could

attend had a great time watching the Blue Angels fly. My cam has lousy zoom,

but here's some pics I took at the event.


Fat Albert showing off:



The Blue Angels!



No dogs, cats, or squirrels were frightened or injured during the performance.

Although it is rumored that Chris Daly pissed himself...


Next Day: Fleet Week is still on. So the Marines showed up at the 49er game. ooh rah!


We could've used these guys in the offensive line...





Edited by ShrikeHawk

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