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The Burning Questions

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If Badfrank got into a fight with Goodfrank? Who would win? Or would then cancel each other out? :haha::rofl::blink::biggrin:

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It would end with a nullification with eels ruling the world.

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David, what a Question.... :haha:



You can be sure, i´m really bad!

My english is bad, my sex is bad (somethimes...), i fly bad, my Skins are bad...


I don´t like eel´s... If living or to eat it, if salted or smoked... No Chance...


Don´t know what you want with your eel´s...


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There has been a shocking surge of eels in threads, it is yet a mystery as to where they came from, where they're going, or what the heck they want with us... :blink:

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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David, what a Question.... :haha:

You can be sure, i´m really bad!

My english is bad, my sex is bad (somethimes...), i fly bad, my Skins are bad...


I don´t like eel´s... If living or to eat it, if salted or smoked... No Chance...


Don´t know what you want with your eel´s...



I had to mess with you my friend...... :biggrin:


We have to be vigliant.....or the eels will take over the world......

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I believe it would be then end of the universe as we know it.

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my sex is bad (somethimes...)


And now I know entirely too much about Badfrank!

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I believe it would be then end of the universe as we know it.



But I feel fine.

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The other possibility is that the two would merge creating normalfrank. But what does a normalfrank do?

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The other possibility is that the two would merge creating normalfrank. But what does a normalfrank do?



Interesting Theory... :rolleyes:


Does someone knows this "Goodfrank" Guy?

Have never seen him here before...

Does he loves eel´s?








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Goodfrank isnt here yet but if he comes, then the eels will follow.

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Bad. VERY BAD! Unless you like eel, whether baked, boiled, or bbq.

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The other possibility is that the two would merge creating normalfrank. But what does a normalfrank do?


Actually, if you'd merge them together, the result would most naturally be Frankenstein. No doubt about it. AHA!!! Frankenstein is powered by eels! Now we all know. :grin:

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Is the difference just that BadFrank just has a goatee and GoodFrank doesn't...?


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wait how do we know that goodfrank isn't hiding here or something??

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I think Badfrank and Goodfrank would make a frank that is good and bad. well, not good AND bad at the same time, but so bad that it's a good bad bad. or maybe they'd cancel each other out, leaving a rip in the time space contunum where good met bad and positive met negative and sweet met bitter, and it all combined into a black hole full of nothing.


I have a headache. Eels? where does that come in?

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I'm reminded of the original ST episode with Lazarus...

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