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Julhelm, those attack chopper's look sick, dope and all that good stuff. I look forward to fly them one day. Thank's for sharing what you have in the work's :good:

Julhelm, of course: I just lked the Zeewolf so much and the kestrel,, that it looke d a great idea to me to merge the cockpit nto the zeewolf. I hope you are not offended, and you don't think of me so little as of stealng yours or anyone work

And I am more than happy not to feed anyone my files-sugery Zeewolf, if we can have a revised and updated copter. With apit no less. Thanksgivng day! Julhem you are the men.

And your models. OMG; my dea was more a "our world " universe, but something in the middle? A post-nuclear scenario? I just would like to thrwo the eurocopters and the cobra and the hind in.

Edited by atrdriver

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atrdriver,julhelm, i'm gonna pm both of you later tonight when i get off work.seems to be a lot of interest and im working on a time frame and theme for this.you had the idea, julhelms got the neat choppers,want to see what you guys think.

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Julhelm, of course: I just lked the Zeewolf so much and the kestrel,, that it looke d a great idea to me to merge the cockpit nto the zeewolf. I hope you are not offended, and you don't think of me so little as of stealng yours or anyone work

And I am more than happy not to feed anyone my files-sugery Zeewolf, if we can have a revised and updated copter.

No offense taken at all. I'm curious as to the revised flightmodel you speak of. It'd be nice to try it out. My rerelease is still 2 weeks away.


And your models. OMG; my dea was more a "our world " universe, but something in the middle? A post-nuclear scenario? I just would like to thrwo the eurocopters and the cobra and the hind in.

The plot for the original Zeewolf game which inspired these models involved melting icecaps turning the world into lots of archipelagos, but maps were very small. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing perhaps remakes of the F-19 maps, which were ace.

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Those are RIGHETOUS!!! Those AFVs are going to be superb addons. As a humongous sci-fi buff...well, nuff said! :biggrin:

Love that little NOTAR!!!!


I like the idea of a semi-post apocaliptic (sp?) scenario....something like I did with the ANW upgrade I did a few months back; changed the countries to "Global Sedition" and "Alliance" factionated world (not much different from today, huh??). It wouldn't even be that hard to use ALL the existing maps, and just add/change/adjust for the 'time frame' in question. Didn't Stwa do a post-global warming DBS retile???


As to atrdrivers questions, I'd say absolutely post in the main forums someting like "looking for originals owners of these models", and then list them in post.

As to waterbombing...I think we could use a little help in that direction right now, as Malibu's on fire -- again!!!



kevin stein

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Okei I have a campaign needing betatest here and some final permission to release


It is for now just HarrierCampaign 2 from JSF aggie, ads for structure. I wanted to use the Forward operating bases.

Anyway I added plenty of ground units


Ground units: M1a1, T62, T72a, M3a1, Infantrypack (from kesselbrut), a soviet_squad I had, Brdm 2 At, brdm, Lha-1


Air units: Tiger in both versions, (revised flght model and loadouts, using kestrel cockpit) AH-1W, (revised FM and loadouts), Zeewolf ((revised flght model and loadouts, using kestrel cockpit), Mi24 and 35 (revised flght model and loadouts, with ah-1 cockpits and skinpacks) Fixed wing ;kestrel (with revisd loadout) and YAk-41 freestyle (with loadout and cockpit from the latest mig-29 sm something just released)


Needs Hellfire pack fastcargo too. And Irist-T, althoguh they do really look bulk on eurocopeters, so I will experiment with mica--ir


Issues that I am hoping we can deal toghter with.

-loading times. ,might be due to the use of Desetharriers terrain on my low-end system. It takes abotu 10 minutes to load first mission; then the followint missions load better. Needs testing

-Cruise altitudes: grr those helcopter at 9000 feet,, I tied missioncontrol.ini, but nothing

-Maybe a new movement ini, not completely copied from aggie's

- A GROUND MAPPING radar, which I can't seem to able to implement ,for the eurocopter and the zeewolf

-maybe a ka-50, an mi-28, and apache and comanche. but this is really a wish list

- and maybe a better swatter and vihr missiles models

-and bloody overlays for laser designators. I can't seem to make thm appear


Of course this is apatchwork; but I can see s,me potential; if all of us agree and the owners of the model I used and modified agree once more as many already did in previous posts,, we can work on this

and unleash the


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Feel free to use the HellFires. Also, I have a gun pod (HMP-400) from another project that apparently is to be carried by the Eurocopter Tiger.



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Feel free to use the HellFires. Also, I have a gun pod (HMP-400) from another project that apparently is to be carried by the Eurocopter Tiger.




Can.. I have?

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What the problem with the ground radar? Just not coming up?


Have you created an avionics ini for the bird in question;

Does it have a CRT to display the radar (or that bothersome box in the up/right corner) - not familiar with the pits, is I!

Is the avaionics60.dll called out in the main ini?


Easy way to cheat (and I should know -- Ive done it) use the avionics ini from the A-4C/E; its ground map/terrains avoid only.

That's alwyas a good place to start.



kevin stein

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What the problem with the ground radar? Just not coming up?


Have you created an avionics ini for the bird in question;

Does it have a CRT to display the radar (or that bothersome box in the up/right corner) - not familiar with the pits, is I!

Is the avaionics60.dll called out in the main ini?


Easy way to cheat (and I should know -- Ive done it) use the avionics ini from the A-4C/E; its ground map/terrains avoid only.

That's alwyas a good place to start.



kevin stein

Thanks Wrench for the points; I tried all of them, but must have mad a mistake somewhere; I will try again

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Thanks Wrench for the points; I tried all of them, but must have mad a mistake somewhere; I will try again


And the reason is GRRR that I am using kestrel cockpit, which obviousyl uses avionics 70 which I need for the hud; and therefore it is incopatible with AG radar! unless the CCIp function can be removeed

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Julhelm....I need a huge favour....I am having trouble mapping the curved fuselage of my What if..SU_16A (pic below)

any chance you could take a peep...then I can actually finish it....i have nightmares with cylinder wrapping...and planar on such an area is a pain to align the textures when mapped planar...

if ur too busy,np...




Edited by russouk2004

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Issues that I am hoping we can deal toghter with.

-loading times. ,might be due to the use of Desetharriers terrain on my low-end system. It takes abotu 10 minutes to load first mission; then the followint missions load better. Needs testing

-Cruise altitudes: grr those helcopter at 9000 feet,, I tied missioncontrol.ini, but nothing

-Maybe a new movement ini, not completely copied from aggie's

- A GROUND MAPPING radar, which I can't seem to able to implement ,for the eurocopter and the zeewolf

-maybe a ka-50, an mi-28, and apache and comanche. but this is really a wish list

- and maybe a better swatter and vihr missiles models

-and bloody overlays for laser designators. I can't seem to make thm appear

Ground mapping rdr : I think I figured out that the use of avionics70.dll prevents the use of groundmapping radar. of course avionics70 is required foir the whole hud thing; initially I thought it was just the ccip to interfere with the radar but I am wrong I guess. anyone can confirn='


Cruise altitudes and overlays for laser designators PLEASE HELP WITH THIS


Loading times; a BIG issue ; I think it is due to the amount of ground units which I doubled from JSFaggie campaing, adding many infantry units; could this be the cause?

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Julhelm....I need a huge favour....I am having trouble mapping the curved fuselage of my What if..SU_16A (pic below)

any chance you could take a peep...then I can actually finish it....i have nightmares with cylinder wrapping...and planar on such an area is a pain to align the textures when mapped planar...

if ur too busy,np...



I suppose I could.

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I suppose I could.


Thanx mate...let me know when its convenient for you...


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Well I said I was going to update the Zeewolf and this is how far I am at the moment:



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Yay or nay?




Jul, you are making me drool

We already discussed the whole thing

If you agree we could throw that FM to this lovely thing

Unless you have better


Edited by atrdriver

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Yay or nay?



Definetly a YAY ! :good: Look's really nice, she does.

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Complete yay. I like that camo.


Julhelm have you got a name for the "un named fighter" yet? I was thinking F-27 Vulture or F-33 Phoenix.

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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Yay or nay?




Not quite for the turn and burn crowd, but this is one beauty! Sweet.

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And the reason is GRRR that I am using kestrel cockpit, which obviousyl uses avionics 70 which I need for the hud; and therefore it is incopatible with AG radar! unless the CCIp function can be removeed


Okei pushing this up

Load time of the campiagn reduced thanks to jsf help!



Crusie altitudes;

plenty of CAP flight being launched with helicopters, althoguh they don't have AA missions assigned in the data ini

and overlays of laser guided weapons

and the grorund mapping things which interferes with huds

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I have an idea I'm gonna try out on the Zeewolf that might make the ground radar pointless anyway.

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