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I always wondered...

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A couple of size comparisons...








I never realized that the B-47 was so fat...it always looks so clean...then again the BUFF really isnt that big, I think I read that the BONE is actually larger, but looks smaller...man another Dr Who reference in the same week

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The B-47 isn't that fat. I went inside the bomb bay of one at the 8th AF Museum in E GA and it's NOT that wide.

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granted, just saying that I always thought it was smaller, more svelte...it looks huge in this shot...

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Yeah the B-36 at the USAF Museum is just huge. No pictures can give you an accurate dipiction on how big the B-36 is. I am in awe everytime i see it.

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and it had TEN engines...I mean 6 turnin and 4 burnin...wasnt it called "aluminum overcast" or something to that effect?

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Yeah it was, and for good reason. I would of loved to taken a flight in one.

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Also, wasn't the 36 a carrier or supposed to be a carrier of the nuclear powerplant, as in nuclear powered bomber, the problem was radiation shielding for the pilot's weighed a ton, the true winner being the Navy where they took that idea and voila nuclear sub's !

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Also, wasn't the 36 a carrier or supposed to be a carrier of the nuclear powerplant, as in nuclear powered bomber, the problem was radiation shielding for the pilot's weighed a ton, the true winner being the Navy where they took that idea and voila nuclear sub's !



Yep. Don't forget the FICON projects as well!

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Yep. Don't forget the FICON projects as well!


Yeah that B-36 was used for alot of stuff. FICON was my favorite though. :good:

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I remember watching a Discovery Wings program on it (same series of programs that had the -104 and -105...man why cant Discovery still do that instead of Monster garage?)...it was beyond sweet...I think they had a tunnel through the bomb bay and a sled to ride it through...but dont quote me as its been quite a while since I saw that show, and unlike the history channel which would be happy to sell you a DVD of them selling you a DVD, Discovery sucked at archiving their programs...man the Wings of the Red Star program still makes me...uh...excited

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I remember watching a Discovery Wings program on it (same series of programs that had the -104 and -105...man why cant Discovery still do that instead of Monster garage?)...it was beyond sweet...I think they had a tunnel through the bomb bay and a sled to ride it through...but dont quote me as its been quite a while since I saw that show, and unlike the history channel which would be happy to sell you a DVD of them selling you a DVD, Discovery sucked at archiving their programs...man the Wings of the Red Star program still makes me...uh...excited

You can go into the bomb bay of the one at WPAFB. There you can see the tunnel. I got pics of it, I iwll sort throug them when I get home.

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You could? Damn! When I was there we couldn't. Then again my Civil Air Patrol flight only had half an hour in each hangar. Stupid pencil pushing senior members!

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You can see the tunnel to the right.

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I think I read that the BONE is actually larger, but looks smaller...man another Dr Who reference in the same week



Nice photo's dude!!!


I believe you're thinking of the B-2 Stealth Bomber (they really need a cool name for that, like BUFF for the -52, Lancer for the B-1B etc)



Blackhawk :yes:

Edited by S-70 Blackhawk

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What is the 4-jet-engined delta plane in the first picture? :blink:



Great question, it is the amazing B-58 "Hustler"...there is one available in the download section...goes fast, kills lots of people

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Great question, it is the amazing B-58 "Hustler"...there is one available in the download section...goes fast, kills lots of people


And it comes with one of the largest drop tank in the world, glad I dont have to pay the fuel for that :rofl:

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eh...you know that was not just for gas, right? It was also a weapon storage area...

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Yeah I know, but anyway most of it must have been a gas tank

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true, but doing the math in getting that much aluminum to go that fast that far = saudi arabia's annual yield...

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true, but doing the math in getting that much aluminum to go that fast that far = saudi arabia's annual yield...


You can say that again, probably the main reason to cancel the B-58 project

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Means if you dumped the whole thing it would make a nice explosion? Fuel and weapons... :biggrin:

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Uh yeah, it was a nuclear bomb and a fuel tank.



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