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teen arrested for hijack plot

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He has duct tape......and handcuffs, I would of been scared.....LOL

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He has duct tape......and handcuffs, I would of been scared.....LOL


I doubt you have been scared, or even a tiny bit nervous, as you proceeded to pound this little punk into a seat full of bloody pudding... :crazy:

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I doubt you have been scared, or even a tiny bit nervous, as you proceeded to pound this little punk into a seat full of bloody pudding... :crazy:

Agreed! They said his plan had a "remote chance of success", and I imagine it's because everyone on board would be lining up to throttle the punk.

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Couldn't it be that his only plan was to visit a kinky girlfriend :rofl:

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Um,.... yeah. Maybe he could come in on Saturday and pull that one off. ........maybe Sunday too.



Seriously, Southwest means it was a 737. A 737 with a bulletproof (federal regulation post 911) door locked from inside the flightdeck. How was he going to gain access again?

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Seriously. I don't think the kid had been keeping up with the news. "Overpowering the flight crew" is nigh on impossible these days. You could threaten the flight attendents, I suppose, but I suspect the airlines have thought that scenario out and have contigencies to protect aircraft and passengers.

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since 9/11 there have been close to a dozen attempts to hijack an aircraft of interfere with the crew. There was even an attempt by an armed team on flight from the UK to Pakistan to hijack the aircraft.


In every instance a variation of the


"I doubt you have been scared, or even a tiny bit nervous, as you proceeded to pound this little punk into a seat full of bloody pudding... "


on the part of all on board has made it very, very clear that a hijacking will never, ever again succeed anywhere in the world.


I remember one call we got where some drunken idiot on a flight out of LA stood up and said he was going to kill all the Americans on the plane. All the Americans on the plane proceeded to pound him into a bloody pulp while the USAF F-16 pilots watched from a few hundred feet away.........

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I always carry a ball point pen with me when I fly. You must remember to aim for the side of the neck when taking someone down. ;)

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oh crud...


when I signed on to MSN to check my emails (nothing but junk- I should have known), I was assulted with a volley of messages asking if I heard about the crazy homicidal lunatic 16-year-old who tried to crash a 747 into a Hannah Montana concert, and only pulled up when an F-16 fired a sidewinder.


I laughed for twenty minutes straight.


Oh, how the news gets distorted....

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Good grief.


beyond belief. I wonder how long it will be before a newsfabricator, I mean reporter, calls up NORAD for comment......

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NORAD is too busy tracking Santa and UFOs to respond to those dweebs...

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