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Bad news better than No news Status DEMO (11/08)

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Rank:  Over 2000 Postings  

Date:  08/12/03 03:48AM  



With all the anxiety about when the demo will be released I decided it would be best to make an announcement about the status of the demo. Matt agreed and I will be giving you a report, as appropriate, during the final testing effort on the demo.


Bad news is better than no news. The recent build we received this weekend had some serious bugs that prevent us from releasing the demo at this time.


One very serious bug has to do with the Options menu where you configure your hardware. It is unstable and crashes the program when used. None of you would enjoy this bug very much as it prevents you from configuring your joysticks.


When I have more information about the status of the demo I will post a report.


Hang in there.





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Guest MrMudd

I was looking forward to the Demo. I have been impressed with the openess of the Developers of LOMAC. They so far have been very forthcomeing. Looking forward to seeing the end product.

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ummm...thanx for the update, but...u guys are just now getting the joystick console to work :?: :roll:


Well...good luck yall. :D

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ummm...thanx for the update, but...u guys are just now getting the joystick console to work :?: :roll:  


Well...good luck yall. :D


Yes it's a bit strange because it's obviously working in the beta versions.

maybe they removed just a little to much files for the demo ;)

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ummm...thanx for the update, but...u guys are just now getting the joystick console to work :?: :roll:  


Well...good luck yall. :D



Well if you reread it was a bug in the latest version. The version I have for preview the hardware configuration works fine. These things happen. But I doubt they are just gettng to it.

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ummm...thanx for the update, but...u guys are just now getting the joystick console to work :?: :roll:  


Well...good luck yall. :D


Yes it's a bit strange because it's obviously working in the beta versions.

maybe they removed just a little to much files for the demo ;)


You're right, when they remove large chunks of the sim to make a demo it affected the config file data base. You have to understand a sim is so intergrated when you mess with one part it affects all the other peices.


Carl is only talking about the demo not the beta itself, that is still being de-bugged and worked.

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They just don't know how to program things right. I pre-ordered this game on 03/ 23/03 then it got delayed to June then now it's 9/..../03 I have been programming for three years... [snip]



Edited for excessive language


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Until I see your name on a sim I purchase, Lexicon, I don't think you have the right to bitch.

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I was just taking a good natured poke at Stormin. :D :D


Lexicon, you need to go work off some energy. :shock:

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Lex, if you want to complain about release dates that's one thing, but your rant is a little over the top, so it was edited. Let's keep the language civil please.

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Guest Ranger332

hey ppl lets just wait and see what happens sometimes they get things fixed fast sometimes it takes a while-were still waiting for the secomd patch for SFP1 but it and the demo will get here when they get here ty for the update on the demo any news is better then no news.

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hmmm, choices

A.)a few more months to get a Fully Working Demo,


B.)no Wait and get a demo thats non configurable and crashes,


I'll take Option A,


If Only the Publishers for Strike Fighters had AS Much Patience as the LO:Mac Publishers Do,

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Guest Ranger332

I aggree ,but think the wal~mart contract is what messed up SFP1 as they forced the bata to be put out into the market way before (and this is my opinion ) Tk was ready to send it out. I have no paperwork to prove this ,but just Tk's past work on Longbow to go on. IMO.

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it's all about having class.


release it early and you get labelled as crapware shovellers, release it late and you get labeled as people with integrity that don't shovel crap.

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