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Green Hell for Wings over Vietnam

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will give it a try after work

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will give it a try after work

Backup any files you change! !!!

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Surely. I'm too-much-backups-to-find-proper-one kind of person :ha ha:

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First, I must give a disclaimer. I have no programming or modding talent. What info I have is just based on experimenting with the settings provided by Lexx_Luther. After a lot of experimentation I have the mesh at 10 and have eliminated the white "artifact."


I edited the Flightengine.ini as below






















In the VIETNAMSEA_DATA.ini..........























Setting MIPMAP=TRUE solved the sparkling tree problem as per my last post. The nearclipdistance setting in bold in the flightengine file can be changed to get the right effect. Lowering it solves the white artifact but lowering too much causes texture flashing. I experimented to find the sweet spot for my PC and configuration at .22. I can report that my FPS never drop below 15FPS with an 8800 GTX card. I hope this info helps. I can also report that YAP seems to work great with this addon.


I can make suggestion. The line where the trees begin to be rendered in still visible even at detailmeshsize=10. What about changing the color of the trees to a darker shade of green to blend with the background tiles? Might help a great deal at medium to high altitudes. I'd try it but like I said I have no talent for such things.


Thanks for making this addon available. It is truely astonishing.

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Great work! - was the shimmering reduced any Norman?

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Yes - completely eliminated!



Holy f... I was going to have a quick browse at the weekend - people have always blamed Nvidia in the past for all shimmer nastyness - but if this has eliminated it then congratulations!!


Dont suppose you could look at Falcon 4AF too :biggrin:



CA_Stary - you have to include this fix in v1.1 :clapping:

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Be careful with changing this setting. If you make it too small, you will start getting flashing textures and/or you may starting seeing anomalies from the cockpit of certain planes.



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Be careful with changing this setting. If you make it too small, you will start getting flashing textures and/or you may starting seeing anomalies from the cockpit of certain planes.




Thats right - Too low a setting causes texture flashing as I stated. Too high and you get the white patches of terrain. .22 works perfect on my system but I'll bet people will have to experiment a bit to find what works for them.

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Nice one, norman! :clapping:


I was aware (and tested doing Germany trees) of the TextureStage[01].MipMap=TRUE,


it eliminates shimmering to some point*, but increases those nasty white edges on alfa objects, so I decided to leave it at default FALSE


*not completely, but I guess it's my current ATI card fault -remember that on ATI cards you had no fog in EAW?

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Yea, I think its the mipmap=true that is eliminating the shimmer. For me no shimmer at all. The white edges do appear but very minor compared to the shimmer. The white edges are only visible when I'm on the ground, and even them it is not much of a distraction.

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Yea, I think its the mipmap=true that is eliminating the shimmer. For me no shimmer at all. The white edges do appear but very minor compared to the shimmer. The white edges are only visible when I'm on the ground, and even them it is not much of a distraction.


Must be my card then. Maybe in spare time I'll replace my ATI with spare NVidia 6600 and compare how the GPUs handle alpha and such in SF


And yes it's definitely the mipmapping that reduces shimmering

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Could you clarify exactly where to place the two extra files: NOISENORMAL.BMP and TERRAINEFFECT.FX. Exactly where would the VietnamSEA map directory be found?



Mike D.

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Could you clarify exactly where to place the two extra files: NOISENORMAL.BMP and TERRAINEFFECT.FX. Exactly where would the VietnamSEA map directory be found?



Mike D.

Shimmering zeroed on my old ATI-9600 but the white edge are distracting and give my eyes a feling of cardboard trees, when seen close. I guess it is matter of taste. If I may say, having flowna little at treetop height and over woods and trees, I can tell you that real world , does shimmer, especially trees and woods and forests.

Maybe it is mt brain-eye that looks for somethign similar

(anyway shimmer not to the awful level of Falcon4, but that is another story)

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Yes, a matter of taste. I am a fairly high time real world pilot. Never seen trees shimmer like that though, and I got my ticket in NH! Lot's of trees up there.


What is more distrating is the way trees pop up. Does anyone know how to change the tree color? I'd like to try matching the color of the trees with background jungle tiles. I think the popping up of the tree line would be far less noticable. Any thoughts?

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Yes, a matter of taste. I am a fairly high time real world pilot. Never seen trees shimmer like that though, and I got my ticket in NH! Lot's of trees up there.

Actually probably my eyes are less irritated by the shimmering, which is yes beyond real, but neither real is the cardboard effect with the trees. I think it is really a matter of taste thoguh, what do you fly if I may ask?

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Actually probably my eyes are less irritated by the shimmering, which is yes beyond real, but neither real is the cardboard effect with the trees. I think it is really a matter of taste thoguh, what do you fly if I may ask?


I have flown Cessnas and Pipers of all varieties. Nothing too exotic. Have a couple hours doing acrobatics in a Texan. When I did my instrument rating I spent many hours in a Piper Cherokee Arrow, which was nice because it has a variable pitch propeller, retractable gear, and this one has over 200HP. That got me the high performance complex endorsement. I'd love to learn to fly helicopters but I don't have that kind of mula. What's your ride?

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Could you clarify exactly where to place the two extra files: NOISENORMAL.BMP and TERRAINEFFECT.FX. Exactly where would the VietnamSEA map directory be found?



Mike D.


You place them in the your WoV installation patch/Terrain/VietnamSEA/ directory -to remove the new ground effect, simply delete them

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What's your ride?


Canadair Waterbombers, the piston one CL-215, during summer, and during winter, according to company program, MD-80, doing the type rating at the moment. Used to fly ATR turboprops for a while. Thus saying that whole conisderation about low-altitude shimmering is basically more taste than anything else, actually you probably have more low altitud time than me, since 15 % of my flight time is in low altitude flying in waterbombers. seriously, when I quoted my experience I didn't mean to look like a know-it-all, or a show-off.

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I did not take it that way at all. Those are some cool planes! It is amazing how those of us who love aviation and can't get enough of it spend our spare time flying on our pcs just for fun. Flight simming can be almost as much fun as reality for me because I can fly stuff in WOV, FSX etc that I would otherwise only be able to dream of. If I could just make my wife understand!

Edited by norman

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I did not take it that way at all. Those are some cool planes! It is amazing how those of us who love aviation and can't get enough of it spend our spare time flying on our pcs just for fun. Flight simming can be almost as much fun as reality for me because I can fly stuff in WOV, FSX etc that I would otherwise only be able to dream of. If I could just make my wife understand!



Dear norman, we might have different tastes as far as mipmap goes, but I quote your post in the whole interity, from the flying being never enough, and flying things we can't for real, and un-understanding wives---

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CA_Stary I seem to have hit a snag.I intalled Brains High rez tiles into a stock Vietnam sea terrain,then I installed yours over his,all my water turned white the ocean,rivers,rice paddies all of them turned white no color at all can you tell me where I'm going astray?



Another great work from you CA, this terrain mods really add new life to the environment




I'm facing the same problem under the same settings (Stock WOV 08.30.06 + Brain32 Tiles) on Medium water detail level, on High detail some water is textured tough, the rivers and some patches on the terrain. Any toughts on how to solve it? Thanks in advance



Hi I am expierencing similar problem with areas of water on land appearing white do we know as yet why this occurrs? See photo below.


Stary did you by the way get my PM?





Hey guys. I too am having the problems with the water. Happens on medium, but doesn't happen on low setting. I tried changin useeffectshader' to 'false' and that still didn't correct the problem. I've had a similar issue before with the water on OTC doing weird things on medium settings as well.


Any other things to try?

Edited by malibu43

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try completely deleting these lines in VietnamSea_data.ini :




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try completely deleting these lines in VietnamSea_data.ini :





Alright, I'll give that a try. Delete the entry for the water effect and teh terrain effect, correct? I get the issues in the ocean and not just the rivers and rice paddies, if that makes a difference...


Also, looking back through this thread again, I noticed that the water texture section of the data.ini that comes with the install and the water texture section of the data.ini that Canadair posted (that has supposedly fixed some of the problems) look the same at first glance but there are some sections that are very different.


From the installed data.ini:
































From Canadair:
































What changes do these entries cause? Could these explain why this fixes the problem for some?



Edited by malibu43

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Alright, I'll give that a try. Delete the entry for the water effect and teh terrain effect, correct? I get the issues in the ocean and not just the rivers and rice paddies, if that makes a difference...


Also, looking back through this thread again, I noticed that the water texture section of the data.ini that comes with the install and the water texture section of the data.ini that Canadair posted (that has supposedly fixed some of the problems) look the same at first glance but there are some sections that are very different.


that's very, very interesting find :good: ! I was using downloadable texturelist provided by Thirdwire to create the _data file in Terrain Editor. It's buggy so maybe it's also the fault (pre-SP4 level settings?)


Strange as most users have no problems with the settings I included


Must investigate this

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