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Alpha Jet

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Hey Marc, these are excelent models that you have made. Definately looks like a lot of time and effort well spent into making them. I'm just barely getting my feet wet in modding stuff for this community, and I already know how involved it can be. Saying that, I mean no disrespect, and don't take this in any way or form that I'm trying to pressure you to release these beautifull pieces of craftmanship, but I was just wondering what the status was on them, because I'm sure a lot of people here are really interested and are eager to see your models ready for download. I understand about real life issues, because I got my share which have kept me back on my projects, such as the F-35 and some other WIPs that I have going. But you show a lot of cool pics of these things that look like they're in opertional status, and was just wondering if you're going to be releasing them soon individually or if you're going for a pack release deal.

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Hey Marc, these are excelent models that you have made. Definately looks like a lot of time and effort well spent into making them. I'm just barely getting my feet wet in modding stuff for this community, and I already know how involved it can be. Saying that, I mean no disrespect, and don't take this in any way or form that I'm trying to pressure you to release these beautifull pieces of craftmanship, but I was just wondering what the status was on them, because I'm sure a lot of people here are really interested and are eager to see your models ready for download. I understand about real life issues, because I got my share which have kept me back on my projects, such as the F-35 and some other WIPs that I have going. But you show a lot of cool pics of these things that look like they're in opertional status, and was just wondering if you're going to be releasing them soon individually or if you're going for a pack release deal.



2 weeks :wink:

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cross the fingers and think in a release! :victory:

btw, here are 10:07Am,probably he is in the Work xD


Nice Tail Soulfreak!


id'like to see one of those Freak Tiger Meet paintjobs hehe



Desse género? :biggrin:









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Hi Serverandenforce!


Well, I will try to explain.

I don't have a team formed to develop these projects.

I don't have problems to model and to paint skins.

I have some help of some friends of Mirage Factory in some projects,

in FM and cockpits, but they also have other things to do.

Then, my projects don't have date for release.

But, Alpha Jet should be ready soon, I will use a cockpit existent in the community. :ok:



Hey Marc, these are excelent models that you have made. Definately looks like a lot of time and effort well spent into making them. I'm just barely getting my feet wet in modding stuff for this community, and I already know how involved it can be. Saying that, I mean no disrespect, and don't take this in any way or form that I'm trying to pressure you to release these beautifull pieces of craftmanship, but I was just wondering what the status was on them, because I'm sure a lot of people here are really interested and are eager to see your models ready for download. I understand about real life issues, because I got my share which have kept me back on my projects, such as the F-35 and some other WIPs that I have going. But you show a lot of cool pics of these things that look like they're in opertional status, and was just wondering if you're going to be releasing them soon individually or if you're going for a pack release deal.

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Hi Serverandenforce!


Well, I will try to explain.

I don't have a team formed to develop these projects.

I don't have problems to model and to paint skins.

I have some help of some friends of Mirage Factory in some projects,

in FM and cockpits, but they also have other things to do.

Then, my projects don't have date for release.

But, Alpha Jet should be ready soon, I will use a cockpit existent in the community. :ok:


That mean we need a MarCFactory :rofl:

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Hi Serverandenforce!


Well, I will try to explain.

I don't have a team formed to develop these projects.

I don't have problems to model and to paint skins.

I have some help of some friends of Mirage Factory in some projects,

in FM and cockpits, but they also have other things to do.

Then, my projects don't have date for release.

But, Alpha Jet should be ready soon, I will use a cockpit existent in the community. :ok:


Cool. NP man. I understand completely. Like I said, wasn't really trying to push, just curious actually 'cause I felt teased with all the hot pics you have of your beautiful models (you are really talented compare to my stuff). Anyways, carry on and do what you do best. :salute:

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Thanks Serverandenforce! :biggrin::wink:


How is it its F-35?

Edited by Marcfighter

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Véri gud uorqui Marqui!


Falous ! Valheus!

Quandiu quisé fala in segredium cum us Brasuquia é sói falha a liguia du Seu Creysson. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Falous ! Valheus!

Quandiu quisé fala in segredium cum us Brasuquia é sói falha a liguia du Seu Creysson. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Poiséssiu! Eu agarantiu! E o seu Creyssu tambémchu!

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Thanks Serverandenforce! :biggrin::wink:


How is it its F-35?



Well, it's been placed on hold. I'm working on a time demanding project with some folks here and got some awesome stuff made. Need to read up on some tutorials first though to finish my stuff off (which will probably help me with the F-35 as well). Some pics of my work in this project just got posted recently, which proves that I'm not twidelling my thumbs and letting the Lightning II just collect dust here :smile:

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Edited by Soulfreak

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13 days nothing going on in this threat??? :blink:

so, i have to post again.... :rolleyes:

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Just a little gift... for Erikgen :






Essa é muito gostosa! :nyam: :nyam: :nyam:


That is very pleasant! :nyam: :nyam: :nyam:

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