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The release of the Mirage Factory's Kurnass got me wondering, what is the best variant or version of the F-4 Phantom II for dogfighting? The Kurnass? The E? The ICE? The J?


I don't want what you THINK is the best, I want to know which one's the best by numbers for things like cimb rate, power:weight, manuverability, range, etc.


Also, it must be a real F-4 variant avaliable for SFP1.

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IMHO the ICE. AMRAAM capable to boot, yes my choice of F-4's

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IMHO the Kurnass 2000 (the full version) could have been the phantom of your dreams.


Take the time to read this please.








for e is justgreek F-4 e phantom II.(peace icarus 2000 program).based on the german ICE variant,with apg65 radar, 4 aim 120 amraam,4 aim9l+ or 4 iris-t missiles, 1xf15 + 2 conventional f-4 drop tanks

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The release of the Mirage Factory's Kurnass got me wondering, what is the best variant or version of the F-4 Phantom II for dogfighting? The Kurnass? The E? The ICE? The J?


I don't want what you THINK is the best, I want to know which one's the best by numbers for things like cimb rate, power:weight, manuverability, range, etc.


Also, it must be a real F-4 variant avaliable for SFP1.


Any old double-ugly with a gun. However, the skill of the front seat gunner and the chemistry between him and the GIB (guy in back) makes the most dangerous, and, thereby, my favorite, Fox Four. Put the Cunningham team in the driver seat and my bet would be on them driving a Navy (yikes) B model armed with nothing but piss-poor Aim-9Bs.

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well.. best F-4 for dogfight ( close-in with guns) ... thats the early build F-4F .. its the lightest version and has slats :ph34r:

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Just do like I did...Get em ALL! :clapping::biggrin::good: :yes: You can NEVER have too many Phantoms out there lurkin around!

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Just do like I did...Get em ALL! :clapping::biggrin::good: :yes: You can NEVER have too many Phantoms out there lurkin around!


There's nothing I'd like more than to just go nuts and download ALL the F-4s avaliable. However, I don't have nearly enough HD space (2GB- SF takes up one and a half GB of that), and if I start to add without taking anything away, the lag becomes unbearable.


I tried the F-4S late model, and I like it a lot. I'll also check out the ICE from Column5, and I'll see if I can clear some psace for the Kurnass.

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For maximum dogfight capability, you want the greatest thrust, lowest weight, latted wings, and internal gun.

Of the original production F-4 variants: F-4B/C/D/E/F/J/K/M, the F-4F would be that version.

Later versions of the F-4E and F-4F may be better.

F-4F ICE has great avionics, but I have no idea if its weight went higher, stayed the same, or thanks to technology, maybe got lighter?

F-4E Kurnass 2000 I believe has a combat thrust enhancement, which may make it the better dogfighter for a few minutes until engine temps get too high.

I don't know if any F-4E/F variants other than Israeli Kurnass ever got the combat thrust enhancement.


In the game, using only stock aircraft, the F-4E is the way to go for maneuverability and use of the AIM-7E2 as a "dogfight" missile.

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where does the F-4S come in?


it's got the slatted wings, and I think it's the most manuverable one I've flown. i still haven't got the ICE yet, though. The Kurnass was pretty good, but it wasn't as useful in a dogfight as the -S. And I can't seem to find that Greek one anywhere.

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I don't believe anyone has released a Peace Icarus yet Rambler.

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to put it bluntly, that's one of the few planes that I probably wouldn't have known existed untill somebody points out how good it is. Somehow, I'm not suprised it's not modeled. :tongue: Maybe I'll make one out of the ICE once I finally get it.


I'm still having lots of fun with the F-4S, btw.



EDIT: I got the ICE, finally. It's REALLY good too. I'm not sure why, but my wingmen, who usually have trouble getting any kills at all, are really kicking butt with the F-4S and ICE. In two missions, my wingies have taken down 7 MiG-23s, whereas with other planes, they always get blown up. I think the allied AI in SFP1 is optimised for F-4s, or something like that. Also, these F-4s are the only planes I can run flights of eight of without getting unbearable lag.




Crud, I think I'm falling for Big Ugly! :shok:

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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lol..well.. the S and F ICE have all-aspect 9L and 9M.. thats the difference...

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ok, 3 of those kills were AIM-9Ls, but the others were earlier 'winders, AIM-7E-3s and -4s and guns(!).


I don't usually load out my planes with the best avaliable missiles, that's boring. The biggest change, though, is that my wingies are not getting blown up. Today one took down a MiG-29!!!

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