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Am I the only one that finds LOMAC impossible?

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I just can't manage to stay alive! If a missile locks on to me I try evade it but ALWAYS get hit. So pretty much the moment an enemy missile is launched at me I know it's game over.


I played it for about 4 days, and did all the tutorials, but after not being able to get any kills against enemy bandits in that time, and dieing about 50 times, I just gave up. I love the game but it's just too damn difficult to be any fun...

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tell me about it,between the bots killin me and everyone online killing me AND laughing about it,its a wonder i still try

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Guest Bounder

practice moving mud till you get it down

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What's "moving mud"?


Blowing up/destroying a ground target

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I tried Flanker 2.5 with a Flanker pilot next to me and he started explaining the railway lines on the HUD for an IR shot and I was like what are we driving a plane or a steam engine?

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you only have to manage two things:

you have to get:

the right time to break away

and the right time to flare, also your ECM should be turned on only when you are actually attacked, because it reveals your position ;)


if you get these two right, it's quite easy to get away alive ;)

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4 Days!!!


think anyone would find it impossible after that amount of time.


You just need to practise and gain the knowledge required to know where you are going wrong and avoid getting into bad situations


I dont have LOMAC but its supposed to be a pretty serious sim based on real life - in which case if a modern missile is fired at you - you will be hit!


Modern missiles have about 95% hit rate, are impervious to flares/chaff, and can easily out turn you. There are ways to defeat them - though it will require finding tactics in old threads and then practising until you can do it.

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I've got about a 80% success rate evading missiles in LOMAC, unless the missile is either fired at very close range (no time to evade) or I get hit by missile #2 while evading #1! The multiple-missile inbound scenario is the worst.

I will grant I've been flying this series since Flanker 1 over 10 years ago, of course. :grin:

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4 Days!!!


think anyone would find it impossible after that amount of time.


You just need to practise and gain the knowledge required to know where you are going wrong and avoid getting into bad situations


I dont have LOMAC but its supposed to be a pretty serious sim based on real life - in which case if a modern missile is fired at you - you will be hit!


Modern missiles have about 95% hit rate, are impervious to flares/chaff, and can easily out turn you. There are ways to defeat them - though it will require finding tactics in old threads and then practising until you can do it.

Greetings All,

Hiya CoolHand29!,

I agree 100% with ya that, it takes researching and practicing to not get flamed most times from just SAMs.


I've found turning down into 'em, going knife edge head on, then popping flares/chaff like crazy while extending full flaps, keeping the same track and air speed goin' up and at the last moment, killing the throttle and pulling that stick back right through ya, seems to work around 75 to 80% of the time. You don't slide into 'em as fast during the un-powered turn, your air speed dosen't decrease very much as you're in a dive angle, and the flaps help to lift you away faster from the SAM, giving you greater distance from the darn things when they blow. Recovering altitude and speed ASAP is key as, the second and possibly third pole is on it's way up to greet ya already. :grin:


Also, never fly alone on missions. Use those program generated wingmen as "SAM bait". Go in a little behind 'em and let them take some of the pressure off your aircraft. {HEY! IT'S A SIM! THEY'RE NOT REAL! :yikes: } This boosts your survival rate up to around 90%.


If you set up a second air group to fly "Ironhand" for ya, call base ops and tell 'em to draw a cold one for ya. :wink:


As for the air to air stuff, that's a whole 'nother world for me. I strap on a hog, not a fighter so, I can dodge the 1st shot no problem, most times the 2nd from a wingman. By then, they're close enough to send over my AIM9s and/or use my gun. If they put up a set of two fers, FOR GET IT! :tomato:

I just pull the handle and say good bye to my beautiful perfect plane, long before they break it on me. "Memories; of the way we used to beeeeeeee." :cray:


Again, using your program wingmen. . . er. . wing persons { :kiss: GEEZ!} and another air group as pawns, is a good tactic. There really is strength & safety in numbers.


IMHO, I think many folks forget it is a sim we all "act" within, not "play a game" in. They're in too much of a rush to increase their number of kills and in these "gamer's" cases, one can read that to mean get a bigger "total game score". They need to be reminded it's a "sim", NOT a "game" and the ultimate object of sim pilots is to take off, fly to a specific area, "do their thing" and/or attack a primary objective, either air, ground, or both, and come back alive with your aircraft intact and land it safely. NOT just run up a big score in a hurry. { Gamer = Nuckledragger = glorified high tech Pong & Space Invaider arcade game player. :bad: Simer = excellant, trained & fine tuned, experienced actor. :good: }


I wonder how many persons perchased the original ubisoft LOMAC sim disk, had this mind set, became discouraged, bored, and hate it because, it was too hard for 'em, and their LOMAC sim now sits on a shelf somewhere gathering dust?


Just as my A-10 and I "go low & slow", I'd suggest anyone and everyone, to take their time, put themselves in "IMMORTAL" mode even, no matter how good they are at acting in the sim at the moment, use the fast battle planer, and train, train, train, and train some more. I do it all the time! Even "Old Guys" need to keep their acting skills up and polished too! Otherwise, specially NEWBIES out there, you're just gonna be fresh meat and/or easy pickin's for the bad guys! {Anyone read "Bounder" 's post about what happened after a long absence from LOMAC? Smoked right off the bat!}


OK. That's enough long winded blah, blah, blah from me peoples.

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I think will not to be easy in a real conflict to any pilot survive for more than a few days.

The pilot´s hability are not a match for last generation missiles.

That´s the reason because I think the seventies and early eighties are the date limit to model combat flight sims that are

really fun for us.

Just because you can´t dodge a MICA,SRAAM,AMRAAM or last generation Pythons forever...One,two times with lucky , ONLY if you have one missile a time against you.

That´s the reason I droped LOMAC, because it was really frustrating.Impossible to finish a campaign , for example.

BTW , I´m not a newbie to flight sims, started on the old days with FS 1.0 ( in glorious green phosphorus screen,remember?)

Maybe, TK could add a little more deep in his next generation combat flight engines , but maintaining all the great fun we have now.

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