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Was wondering how many here have actually gotten into a flat spin (ala Top Gun when Goose dies) and been able to recover from it.


For me, it's when I'm knife fighting in the Sufa. First time it happened, I was going against a Flanker. We were in a turning fight, me chasing him, and speeds were getting below 300 knots. He was able to pull in sharper, and when I tried to follow with him, the aircraft's nose just flared up for a brief second and then started flat spinning in the direction in which I was turning, dropping altitude fast with my speed pretty much at 0 knots. It caught me by surprise and I was trying to figure out what to do and at the same time wondering if that Flanker was going to engage me. I rembered watching some aviation special on T.V. a while back about flat spins and that the trick to getting out of it is applying full rudder and aileron/elevon in the opposite direction of the spin, pushing the stick forward to point the nose down combined with full throttle. It worked and I was able to re-engage the Flanker. After knowing how easy it is to recover from a flat spin, I sometimes do it deliberately to gain a tactical advantage in a dog fight. I ran into this once in the Hornet, and it is nasty to get out of (tends to go inverted, then goes into an almost unrecoveralbe roll - thank goodness I was at +/-30,000 ft). I've never experienced it in the Tomcat or any other aircraft. Also note, the Clint Eastwood technique in dropping the gears doesn't really do much to help. Infact, it's probably more of a con than a pro technique because it's creating more drag, which will slow down the aircraft.

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Mirage Factory's F-4s are good for spinning. Thought I had got it figured how to recover.....but still managed to lose a RF-4 the other day. Punched out just in time. It is fun to fly around in free flight and just try out the a/c height, speed stall aspects etc.

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Was wondering how many here have actually gotten into a flat spin (ala Top Gun when Goose dies) and been able to recover from it.


What...OMG !! Goose dies ?? I wondered what Meg Ryan was so upset about ! :tongue:


Seriously though everytime I've gotten into a flatspin it's always been at low altitude, crashed and burned most times (don't like punching out unless it's in campaign mode because I like to see what else is going on around me!).


Funnily enough thinking about it it was mostly in a Kurnass. I'll have to do a bit of stall recovery training methinks.

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What...OMG !! Goose dies ?? I wondered what Meg Ryan was so upset about ! :tongue:


Seriously though everytime I've gotten into a flatspin it's always been at low altitude, crashed and burned most times (don't like punching out unless it's in campaign mode because I like to see what else is going on around me!).


Funnily enough thinking about it it was mostly in a Kurnass. I'll have to do a bit of stall recovery training methinks.



Not Meg Ryan but nevermind.

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Meg Ryan was Goose's wife.


Hehehe I'm not the only one who departs controlled flight on purpose it seems. I put myself into a stall when I have a bandit on my six and he can follow everything I do, the stall/spin is basically a super effective break where he flys past and starts to turn around to get behind me again. I quickly recover and I'm somewhere between his 4-8 o'clock and a good range to get an IR missile out. That and doing the best J turn possible in a non thrust-vectoring aircraft to snap my nose around quickly.

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Meg Ryan was Goose's wife.


Hehehe I'm not the only one who departs controlled flight on purpose it seems. I put myself into a stall when I have a bandit on my six and he can follow everything I do, the stall/spin is basically a super effective break where he flys past and starts to turn around to get behind me again. I quickly recover and I'm somewhere between his 4-8 o'clock and a good range to get an IR missile out. That and doing the best J turn possible in a non thrust-vectoring aircraft to snap my nose around quickly.


Put on the spin he'll fly right by?

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My mistake I thought you were talking about the woman whom Tom serenades at the bar. Why Id think she'd be weepy over Goose getting cooked is coz... well ... too much pot.Damn its an old movie. But it still kicks arse if you watch it on my pops onkyo

Edited by Stick

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Kelly McGillis...with those immortal words "Yes...I know the finger, Goose!" :biggrin:

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Those were the days,when the adults would talk in innuendo's and Id refer to the dictionary in vain, and wonder what could the matter be?

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I've spun the F-14; it took about 10K feet to recover, and it wasn't easy to get into.

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Got unrecoverable flat spin in stock WoI F-4. Started as a tail-forward fall...

Then got the same flying Kfir. This time recovery was quite easy, although seeing -70 on speed indicator at first was spooky.

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Got unrecoverable flat spin in stock WoI F-4. Started as a tail-forward fall...

Then got the same flying Kfir. This time recovery was quite easy, although seeing -70 on speed indicator at first was spooky.


I take it your nose was pointing up while basically falling straight down when that happened?

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Then the plane balanced itself in a flat spin...

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You have gotta enter that in the screen shot of the month contest!


That is one of the funniest screenies evar!


Maybe a funny shot theme?

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