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What Are You Paying For Gas...

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Everyone i know here wines about the Gas prices...


It would be interesting also to know the consumptation of your cars...

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Yeah it's really funny when crapUV and pickup people whine about gas prices. Well you drive a POS vehicle, what do you expect ?


EDIT:- 2007 Jetta TDI driver here (who gets 1200 KM on a full tank, try beating THAT Detroit), and yes I DO laugh at the "people" who drive the aforementioned vehicles and I love their reaction.

Edited by Atreides

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Ok Ill bite, Saturn station Wagon 29 mpg in city,and 42 highway fully loaded wife ,kids,pets,food,and baggage.

Edited by Bounder

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i'm just curious, but do somewone know how cost the JP-4 fuel(liter or galon) ?



For Jet-A-> $6.40

For 100LL-> $5.76

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Yeah it's really funny when crapUV and pickup people whine about gas prices. Well you drive a POS vehicle, what do you expect ?


EDIT:- 2007 Jetta TDI driver here (who gets 1200 KM on a full tank, try beating THAT Detroit), and yes I DO laugh at the "people" who drive the aforementioned vehicles and I love their reaction.



Yeah.....that's a riot.


Like when I drove my SUV to California the other week and whined about the 50 bucks per trip I saved by not driving the little car. My SUV gets 5 miles less per gallon (25 MPG) than my sedan (30 MPG) on the highway. But the bigger tank on my SUV meant that I only had to fill up 3 times as opposed to 5-6 in the sedan. A normal trip to California in the sedan costs me around 300 bucks in gas. This was the first trip in the SUV and I spent 250.


"tree huggers" can suck on that one

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Can you imagine that 50 $ of the gas price, now I thing 118$ a barrel, is speculation?!?!?!? WTF is this ... imagine you would buy fuel, near half the price we pay today. The prob is the financial down in the US cause of missspeculating of some american banks. Everyone trys to find a better investment something more saver. So the last crash in the US and all the stuff around Iraq and Afghanistan and the misspolitic of Bush(wars) is a part of all this trouble.


Damn this is bloody s**t, that 50$ of the 118 $ is just speculating and has nothing to do with the real price or consume..


Don`t forget about china but this is not the biggest part of this.

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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Can you imagine that 50 $ of the gas price, now I thing 118$ a barrel, is speculation?!?!?!? WTF is this ... imagine you would buy fuel, near half the price we pay today. The prob is the financial down in the US cause of missspeculating of some american banks. Everyone trys to find a better investment something more saver. So the last crash in the US and all the stuff around Iraq and Afghanistan and the misspolitic of Bush(wars) is a part of all this trouble.


Damn this is bloody s**t, that 50$ of the 118 $ is just speculating and has nothing to do with the real price or consume..


Don`t forget about china but this is not the biggest part of this.



I think the speculation fueling this can be taken in a couple of ways. First off, its hard to define just how much of this is driven by speculation, but also, the speculation is driven by the analysis of future shortages and the resulting higher prices.


I'd say more, but USAFMTL didn't like it when I did before......



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Hiope I was not to political. You`re not wrong, but how can you explain such a rising price?! after the the investment crash in the US?! The time before it was near stable by 1,26€ super. We did a research in the university about the oil price and the rising china and some other results.

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Well, there is speculation and speculation.


Speculation can be based on rational components, like the expectation of diminishing production (long term), deliveries (short and medium term, due to political instability and uncertainties), increasing costs of exploitation (long term), the increase of consumption (medium term), fueled by China's expansion (medium term), global economy needs (medium term) and increased demand for the war in Iraq (short to medium term, hopefully, from a purely US perspective).


Speculation can also be purely financial, one buying because he expects the prices to go up, and thus resell at a later date at a higher price, getting a nice benefit; by buying, he is increasing the demand and thus raising the price, if sufficient actors of the market follow such a trend, we have a market steadily going up for no external reason.


Of course the oil market today is a result of both these movements.


Also, keep in mind an important factor, oil is traded in US dollars, and while the oil prices go up, it is partly due to the value of oil going up, but also the value of the currency used to trade it going down, meaning that even if the value of oil was stable, the price of oil would go up, as you would need more currency units to buy the same value.

That is beautifully illustrated by the trend of prices for oil suppliers using other primary currency than the US dollar to trade oil.

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Oil prices go up also because the falling dollar leads investors to put their money in things that will likely NOT depreciate. Oil is one, gold is another.



(who gets 1200 KM on a full tank, try beating THAT Detroit)


They can't. None of their cars use km, so you might as well tell them you get 4 billion kilojoules/parsec for all they'll care!


Of course, diesel prices have gone up more than gas, so a TDI car getting better mileage might not be any cheaper to drive per mile.

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I am going to be riding my R6 alot. I did however not put gas in my Silverado for almost 6 weeks. I really didn't drive anywhere. I mean everything in Ok City is right there so I never used any gas.


How many mpg does your bike get?

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Yeah it's really funny when crapUV and pickup people whine about gas prices. Well you drive a POS vehicle, what do you expect ?


EDIT:- 2007 Jetta TDI driver here (who gets 1200 KM on a full tank, try beating THAT Detroit), and yes I DO laugh at the "people" who drive the aforementioned vehicles and I love their reaction.



Well all I can say is


Not everyone lives in a large metro area or tight nit Europeanesk community with a thriving metro/rail system, so biking, busing, or switching to an electric car is out of the question. Furthermore car pooling becomes a problem when do not live in a neighborhood or gated community. (When I left D.C. and lived with my grandparents, 30 mins to the nearest town, 1 hr and change to the nearest major city, nothing but trees and fields inbetween.)


Some people have to drive trucks, vans, and SUVs for their lively hood (although I am not a big fan of them.) For every simpleton you see in a some big SUV with sliver rims blasting urban music, there are about a dozen farmers or self employed people who would use the truck to keep the lights on and food on the table.


Furtheremore, truck drivers (the people who deliever food, mail, medicine,packages, in another words the stuff WE need.) are getting hit the hardest. Especially the ones who own their own companies or free lance (which is a large number throughout North America.)

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found this interesting



Iceland: $8.28 per gallon

Monaco: $8.31 per gallon

Netherlands: $8.37 per gallon

United Kingdom: $8.38 per gallon

Norway: $8.73 per gallon

Eritrea: $9.58 per gallon

Bosnia-Herzegovina: $10.86 per gallon

Aruba: $12.03 per gallon

Sierra Leone: $18.42 per gallon



ref source:





As far as bikes prior to my injuries I would ride 18 miles a day to and from work . My wife still rides. Here in Austin you can take your bike on the bus at no extra charge.

Edited by FastCargo

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Of course, diesel prices have gone up more than gas, so a TDI car getting better mileage might not be any cheaper to drive per mile.


Yeah but diesel now costs me 1.79/Litre thankfully our dollar isnt performing nowhere near as pathetically as the U.S Dollar and yes in this case the TDI is cheaper to drive than my 2008 Chevy Malibu which on full tank gives me 480 KM if not using a heavy foot and cost me a bit less i.e 1.18/litre. TDI costs me 1.79 but gives me 1200 KM. The high price of diesel pays off with the extra mileage.

Edited by Atreides

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Like when I drove my SUV to California the other week and whined about the 50 bucks per trip I saved by not driving the little car. My SUV gets 5 miles less per gallon (25 MPG) than my sedan (30 MPG) on the highway. But the bigger tank on my SUV meant that I only had to fill up 3 times as opposed to 5-6 in the sedan. A normal trip to California in the sedan costs me around 300 bucks in gas. This was the first trip in the SUV and I spent 250.

"tree huggers" can suck on that one


Try beating 60 dollars for a full tank and getting 1200 KM's/745 Miles on a tank.


EDIT:- Post edited by me for fear of being hit by ban stick.

Edited by Atreides

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