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Iceland 2015 Terrain WIP

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Great job Batilka!


That looks amazingly like the real-deal from what I remember.


You need to be careful about what season you are modeling though. In winter the country is almost completely white in the interior. In summer the country is quite green except at altitude and on the interior.


The pictures on the first page like this one: http://forum.combatace.com/uploads/post-16...80164_thumb.jpg

I would make the tiles whiter. There shouldn't be quite so much rock showing imo. But, even as is, the terrain really looks great.


(Edit: well, if you got the tiles from google earth...I can't really argue with that! I guess that really IS what it looks like!)

Edited by toonces

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Thanks for the encouragement, people :good:


toonces, I take your point, GE has a bit of a mish-mash of seasons so they can get a bit mixed up. I'm aiming for something atmospherically Icelandic, and interesting to fly over, so I'll probably go with what looks good.


This is one steep learning curve, and getting the whole thing done is going to take a long time, but here's how Heimay looks right now:-





Those Fjords are fiddly to tile - obviously some blending and seam work needing done, but it's taking shape:-







PR Glacier:-





Surf's Up, or The Land of Weird Green Lakes:-







Cheers for now,



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when when when?


Hmm, 2 months at this rate, never mind two weeks :wink:

Autotiler just won't do it, so I'm reduced to hand tiling a lot of it. That's time-consuming :crazy::blink:


Also, the keen-eyed amongst you may spot certain repeating kaleidoscopic patterns in the landscape - this is entirely the fault of magma bubbling to the surface from Iceland's active volcanic faultlines under the effects of proximity to the magnetic field of the North Pole, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the terrain designer's inability to create properly seamless tiles :wink:

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Hmm, 2 months at this rate, never mind two weeks :wink:

Autotiler just won't do it, so I'm reduced to hand tiling a lot of it. That's time-consuming :crazy::blink:


Also, the keen-eyed amongst you may spot certain repeating kaleidoscopic patterns in the landscape - this is entirely the fault of magma bubbling to the surface from Iceland's active volcanic faultlines under the effects of proximity to the magnetic field of the North Pole, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the terrain designer's inability to create properly seamless tiles :wink:



Take your time, it's awesome!

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Kudos to you Baltika! Very different but very believable. Take your time, we'll wait here...

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Great improvement Baltika!

Cliff tiles has given the terrain some depth, and the dark cold feeling is nicely portrayed.

Keep up the good work :ok:

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Really nice!!



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Guest Vlamik

Nice work, well done! :clapping:

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Just to let you all know I haven't forgotten about this :wink:


Terrain tiling is a slow process :blink:


With thanks to Brain32 for his superlative lava rock texture tile. Cheers mate :biggrin::good:







The whole process has undergone a re-think and a new approach. Instead of a Germany_CE repaint, this is a new Texturelist built up from scratch in TE, and abandoning my klutzy hand-tiling approach to fjords. As ever, more transition/seam work is required, but the whole thing is now much more manageable.


We're still talking "2 months" - but we'll get there :wink:

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What would be necesary to play it in SFG?

Operation Polar Glory, Nordic Hammer... best part of Red Storm Rising

Edited by macelena

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A few minor .ini edits to the terrain_data file would do it, I think. It is being developed in WoE with Sept 08 patch, so that is the preferred platform.

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Alternative low-res (256x256) summer tileset, early WIP:-







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Very impressive !


Keep up the good work :good:

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Looking very good, not bankrupt at all .............. :blind:

(really looking forward to this Red Storm Rising country in it's definite form !!)





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"Looking very good, not bankrupt at all .............. "


Kirsten, late last night I was going to make a similar observation but thought maybe it would be mis-construed. Thanks for the levity!


Great looking terrain, and it just keeps improving.

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Soviet incursion over Iceland:





RAF response is equal to the task:





With thanks to bobrock & team for their superlative Tornado F3 :biggrin::good:



Iceland terrain now has a new .HFD for more atmosphere, tileset is progressing nicely.


Still a WIP. But not forgotten :no:

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I may download this one.. the mountains and textures sold me :good:

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I may download this one.. the mountains and textures sold me :good:


Sorry, just to be clear, the 0.1 beta available in d/l section is just a very basic initial build. It uses the stock Germany_CE tileset, or you can use Brain32's excellent repaint. There are 3 working airfields for each side and that's it.


The textures pictured in this thread are WIP only, I still have a lot of transition work to do. But progress is being made, as I have learned a lot about TE and texture tiling since I started this one off.


My advice - hold off for now. Release v1.0 is inching towards completion :yes:

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Oh trust me I am man, :good:

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Progress update:-

















Glacial rate of progress, but we're getting there :grin:

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Thanks :biggrin:


These are the low-res 256x256 summertime set, aka Iceland on Acid. The much more subdued, dare I say realistic, high-res set pictured earlier in this thread is still a long ways off completion.


I am obviously still having some issues with seams and joins, but I am no texture artist, just a guy with paint.net and not enough time on my hands. Happily, I recently had a breakthrough with setting up the sea-tile alpha channel, making that process much quicker, so the whole tiling thing is being progressed again. Water effects are disabled in the above screenies, as none of those sea tiles have alpha channels applied (yet!). That's why the sea looks so black. The beaches are meant to be black, takes some getting used to. It's like flying over one of the moons of Saturn, what with the orange volcanic scree, green lakes and purple rocks. But it's all there in RL, trust me :grin:


Watch this space, we are inching towards release with the speed of a melting glacier :yes:

Edited by Baltika

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