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Screenshot of the month idea.

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Generally i really like the screenshot of the month threats, but

I´m a little busy about all those (sorry) bad quality pics.

i think the spirit of the screenshot of the month threats is to show real Art in the TK-Serie....


I have an idea for better rules, so that we can get only real eye-catchers.


1st: 1 pic per user per month.


2nd: every month another topic. for example: Attack, Dusk, in flight, dogfight, winter, Helis, Carrier, vietnam war, Korea war etc...


3rd the winner makes the topic for the next month.


what do you think about it?

Edited by Soulfreak

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The only thing I don't like is the first part. It would be too hard for the staff to keep track of who did what (i.e. it would have to be checked all the time to make sure some one didn't post more than one pic) and also what if you do a better screen shot and want to pull your previous one. The staff would get bugged to death on requests to change it. Since its summer not alot of us are around.


As it is right now it shows a lot of variety. But a theme, and the winner pics next month would be great.

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I like the current set up of one per day.


I here what you are saying about people submitting {warning - TOP GUN cliche alert} 'the best of the best' but the daily trawl through the screenshots can be inspiring and also a glimpse into the future shop window for the modellers and modders. In addition, comments about my screenshots have got me starting to upload a few bits and pieces.


I would like to see a 'hall of fame' sticky just showing the monthly winners.

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I would feel bad for the moderators that would be tuff to police, I do like the theme. I also enjoy the lesser quality pics. I must say that people do doctor them up with photo shop or other applications a little which isn't true to the game.

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There ya go spinners hit it on the head exactly.

I like the current set up of one per day.


I here what you are saying about people submitting {warning - TOP GUN cliche alert} 'the best of the best' but the daily trawl through the screenshots can be inspiring and also a glimpse into the future shop window for the modellers and modders. In addition, comments about my screenshots have got me starting to upload a few bits and pieces.


I would like to see a 'hall of fame' sticky just showing the monthly winners.

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I agree, that it will be hard for moderators to check.

But maybe normal users (as i´m) can check too.


And i think if every user stays on the rules, it will be no problem.

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It really is difficult enough as it is picking a winner out of three-hundred-odd screenshots per month.


The quality has got better each month, both the original in-game shots and those enhanced with photo-editing.


I certainly agree with Spinners that some of the screenshots do inspire you and I take great satisfaction from looking at them and their comments.


Even though it's a competition, everyone is a winner really. :ok:


All I ask is that people don't repost pics cos it's driving me buggy !

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It really is difficult enough as it is picking a winner out of three-hundred-odd screenshots per month.


The quality has got better each month, both the original in-game shots and those enhanced with photo-editing.


I certainly agree with Spinners that some of the screenshots do inspire you and I take great satisfaction from looking at them and their comments.


Even though it's a competition, everyone is a winner really. :ok:


All I ask is that people don't repost pics cos it's driving me buggy !




I dont think people realize when they hit reply that all they have to do is delete the attachment line and they wont repost pics, maybe someone should reiterate how to get rid of the pic.

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Is removing the text and pointers and such from the screenshot considered doctoring? Cos thats all Ive done to any Ive posted.

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Is removing the text and pointers and such from the screenshot considered doctoring? Cos thats all Ive done to any Ive posted.


No its not.



I am going to be honest, I don't want to make this into a edit vs unedited type thing. I want it simple, post a screen shot, staff picks it. You have to remember the staff here is volunteers. Some things dont get done when staff isnt around. So keeping it simple is the best.

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I'll probably be lashed for this. I like the ideas.




The "Reply" Button is painfully misleading. Reply means to quote someone. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the thread to find the "Add Reply" Button that's the one that doesn't throw the quotes in thereby copying what someone posted earlier, including images.




That's all for now. :telephone:

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To stimulate discussion, the standard "screenshot" thread, running for years and several hundred pages, is always popular on The Sims boards. Keep the rule about not quoting pics though.


For a monthly competition, one screenshot per month will not prevent anybody from poasting their *best* pic. I suggest a one week window to poast pics, the last 7 days of the month say. ie...the serial moderators don't start the competition until the last week, and so only have to work overtime for a week. :good: I say no edits at all. Nothing. All game text can be turned off, but that's not too important and could slide.

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I really like see the edited screen shots. Deuces for example makes some of the best.

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I don't want to make this into a edit vs unedited type thing.


So what happen to the 2 categories, edited and unedited, as posted in the rules? Seems there has always only been one selected.

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So what happen to the 2 categories, edited and unedited, as posted in the rules? Seems there has always only been one selected.


That is my fault, just forgot. But that is what we need to do, one winner of each.

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I like the rules as they are right now, because it's also a place where one can just post a screenshot that they think is cool, it doesn't have to be "the best". I know that none of my low-res shots will be picked, but I post them anyway because it's a way to get your shots seen. I also like logging on every day to see a fresh, shiny new crop of grade-A pics.

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Dave - To simplify things for the mods just have one 'open' category (i.e. edited and unedited).

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I know that none of my low-res shots will be picked, but I post them anyway because it's a way to get your shots seen.

And the serial moderators have to do more than see it, but judge it as well against all others. Think of the laws of probability as one increases the number of items that all have to be compared to every other item.


You could poast a note, not to be judged.


Better, use the standard never ending "screenshot" thread that every The Sims forum has, except SF CombatAce.


We need one of those forever screenshot threads, just to get the pics out there.

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