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stock F-15A pit to F-15C pit

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Well, I've been trying to find ways to solve the left and right mirror issues with the F-15C pit and thought I could be able to use the stock F-15 pit from WOE or WOI. The problem is that the stock pit is constructed and mapped differently than the C pit and the C pit has a lower left MFD. So, I thought my solution to that would be just to crop and copy that MFD in the .bmp file of the C pit and past it where it should be in the .tga file for the stock pit. Well, another issue pops up from that. The stock pit uses more 3d objects than the C pit, and there's a slew of switches and a big freaken A/G selector knob that's right in the area where that MFD goes (see pics below). Is there a work around with this, or should I wait for an updated pit / make my own from scratch?



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Have you tried the 'cockpit moves', via cockpit ini edits, to drop the switch panel out of sight?

Lexx_Luthor is our resident expert on that sort of thing.


There's a whole thread about it over on the 3rdWire forums (Stargetic :haha: Cockpits, or something like that. I am NEVER going to live down that typo!!!)



kevin stein

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I assume the word is strategic, since, well, uh, anything made by Lexx_Luthor have that theme on it.


EDIT: Upon checking TW BBS (just registered, what the heck have I not done yet!), his thread is called 'Generic Cockpits'.

Edited by kct

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Have you tried the 'cockpit moves', via cockpit ini edits, to drop the switch panel out of sight?


After looking through that section, downloaded a hex editor, and opened it, I think the most easiest route for me to do is build a new cockpit... or wait for someone else to build one. But anyways, the whole thing looks like rocket science to me and I don't have half the brains to deal with something like that. So, once I'm done with all of my projects (let's see, that's about 3 or more DS stuff, the F-35, and little things that get my attention to do a quick tweak here and there... like what I was going to be doing with this F-15 pit) I might build a new F-15C and E (I think it's the same as the C... I hope) pit.

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I managed to make a F-15C pit from a stock F-15A pit, want it?


OH and E pit is very different from a C pit....

Edited by Brain32

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I want it!

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I managed to make a F-15C pit from a stock F-15A pit, want it?


OH and E pit is very different from a C pit....


E pit is coming....

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I managed to make a F-15C pit from a stock F-15A pit, want it?


OH and E pit is very different from a C pit....



Sure bro. Why haven't you uploaded it to CA?

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Don't know I thought it's not a big thing, kinda "Who would want this anyway, I will rather not spam..." but now since you have been trying to do it, there's no reason why I wouldn't help you :)


Anyway I'll just attach it here, you have an edited *.BMP and cockpit.ini inside, you just need to use stock F-15A_avionics.ini and you are ready to go, although the MFD is not working I painted a static one using LockOn's F-15 as a refrence, it's only a weapon selector anyway, I did the same for F-15C pit by Kess which I still use, although it shows age, I like variety :D



E pit is coming....

Dave that's super great news :notworthy:



EDIT: Here's a pic too :)



Edited by Brain32

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that "MFD" is part of the MSIP II program, built into the F-15C from 1985 onwards... meaning that if you want to fly a F-15C in say 1983 then you want to keep the normal F-15A style cockpit.

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Thanks bro. The pit is great! And most importantly, the mirrors are correct! This should definately be uploaded 'cause there aren't any F-15 pits to download.

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Its killer!

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Hey Brain or anyone, 


Is this cockpit available for download anywhere? Can I get a copy?



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Thx, great pit !!!!!  :imhappy: You should add it to the file announcements !!

Edited by Derk

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