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Famous Czechoslovak Migs

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Hallo pilots :yes:


I sucessfully finished last exams on my university and became Magister Phislosophiae (de facto. Need wait for some papers to became Magister Philosophiae de jure :haha: ). So little gift I have for you :biggrin: Famous Czechoslovak Mig-21F-13 paints...


I started some Mig21F-13Cz skin editing in last two months (when I was tired with study :blush: ), and now I am almost finished. Skins are based on Sundowners F-13 skins. You will need Mig-21F-13Cz mod by Mirage factory for these skins (for correct historic show up). Four skins with four individual nums will be included in pack.





Coming soon... :wink:

Edited by kukulino

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Congrats on the degree!!


What makes you think we don't love MiGs!!???


I LOVE MiGs!!!












wait for it...

















they make such a wonderful sound when the hit the ground.... :rofl:


Nice skin man! :good:



kevin stein

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I really like MIGs. Mostly when they get into a turning fight with my SPAD. It does make me sad that I have to pickle the optimized A2G load that took me 5 whole minutes to load my flight with. Yum! 20 mike mike candy.

:ph34r: CL

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Kuku, you the man!

The same skins were on my to-do-list. I think I'll skip them and let you

get the credit for this sweeeeeeeeeeeet job!

Hope you publishsoon!


Cheers mate,




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kukulino, congratulations on your degree. :bowdown2:


now, stop worrying about the metaphysic nature of things and ideas and get to work producing all those wonderful eastern block birds in tw sims



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Very nice pack you have here!! Congratulations too for the studies!

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Heartiest Congratulations kukulo my friend.

Great work on thiose skins. I have lways like nose art painted MiGs. So Iam looking foward to them.

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Next step is P.h.d.

Don't let me alone in SF community with that degree :yes:

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Oh, I hope that I will try next degree. I do not want let you alone my friend :biggrin: Thank you :wink:




Ah, kesegy, you know metaphysics? :spiteful: Mmm, hehe, for many poeple it is science... For another poeple unknown science, and finally for many poeple it is not science... Well philosophers :stars::no::biggrin:



THANK YOU very much to ALL :wink: Glad you like Migs (in the air and on the groud too :grin: So everywhere :whistling: )



Writing read me file and making some last details on skins now.


I plan upload "0311" skin with 16 different serial nums later, so will be usable in campaign with various nums ("0311" style were more planes. Not sure about other styles quantity).


Every Mig is good Mig :biggrin:

Edited by kukulino

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Congrats Kukulino :notworthy: , that's a great thing, I'm still about 3 years short of such an achievement darn Bologne university system prolonged things for me...

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Thank you Brain32 :yes:


Good luck in your studies. Hope we will not let starfighter2 alone with his P.h.d. degree :biggrin:

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