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Turboprop Skyraider

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Check out this what if. Who ever thought this up has a great imagination, the plane has LGB, ECM,and a HUD.

Edited by MAKO69

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Very nice. You'd get a s**t load of torque when you opened her up!


Gotta love trim

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I'm sure I've heard an instructor mention that before now...


once or twice...................

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the real turboraider (Skyshark) is heavily modified, but the what if looks like it would probably work also if it had some strengthing were the engine and chasis mounts. Eitherway they would have been cool. My Uncle flew the A-1 in 'Nam for the Navy he said that plane was the best, and most fun plane he ever flew. He hayted to trans to the A-7, but then he said when u sit in a brand new plane w/only test hours on it, he said that was pretty cool too.

Edited by MAKO69

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I think the color scheme is pretty, but that nose is too long to be practical! I'd hate to try & taxi that thing out. I doubt I'd be able to see over the nose! I do love the wing tip tanks though!

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Maybe someday some kind sol will model the Sky Shark for us :)

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I think the color scheme is pretty, but that nose is too long to be practical! I'd hate to try & taxi that thing out. I doubt I'd be able to see over the nose!


That about what I was thinking. Of course, there's other long-nosed props out there. You just do those clearing turns while taxiing - or look out the sides.

Edited by gbnavy61

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I think the color scheme is pretty, but that nose is too long to be practical! I'd hate to try & taxi that thing out. I doubt I'd be able to see over the nose! I do love the wing tip tanks though!

Welcome to the town called "Tail Dragger's With Big Engines. " Love it when people complain, you would piss your pants if som1 let you climb in and fly that rig for real. The nose is to long, the prop is to big the wheels are out front, the wheel in back is to small, the seat is to low. etc. etc. the list for complainers goes on.

Edited by MAKO69

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:blink::blink::blink: That is one sick looking airplane. :yes: :good::salute::cool: Edited by cgold

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where's out resident Spadgirl to judge this one?


kinda reminds me of the cavalier mustang, a turboprop CAS version of the WWII warbird. Looks like a british (rolls royce?) turboprop, with the gearbox in line with the engine and intake. I'd definetly like to fly one of those turbo-spads.


btw, there's also the SkyPirate, kinda like a megaspad. Quad-bank counter-rotating radial, musta weighed a LOT.



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where's out resident Spadgirl to judge this one?


Sunning on some beach on Cyprus. :good:

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Sunning on some beach on Cyprus. :good:


Well we will have to PM her so she can check this out when she gets back I'm sure she will dig it.

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She's gonna be sh*tting bricks about this when she gets back! A buddy of mine were going to attempt to make a modernised Skyraider in our dwindling free time. I think this would be a good design to emulate, sans the wingtip tanks... and maybe an 8 blade prop.

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Well, um, ah. Tuna tanks look cool on an A-26, Beach Bonanza, and Sky Kings' Cessna 310. Really Wicked on my dads' P2V, and my uncles EC-121 / Willy Victor. What motor is that? when I visualize a gas turbine Skyraider I immediatly think of the A2D Skyshark / Exploding Cigar. I'm not sure I like a Viscount style turbine pulling my SPAD thru the sky unless it was a product of our British Brothers. If a Turbo SPAD / Sandy in USAnian warpaint was to fly, my thot would be it would be draged thru the sky with a big Allison type that C-130s or P-3s use with a big intake under the nose. Yup. My bias is that SPADS should have short noses. If some one does mod the long nose turbo raider. I'll probably be the first to download it and paint the hill side with aircraft grade aluminum with my hose nose turbo raider. I've sniveled for a Sky Shark. I bet all of the SPAD drivers on this site take what we need and give what we get.

:ph34r: CL

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..interesting concept...bet it would be a b**ch to fly (think Wyvern), but looks cool in a freakish way..might try to do that with my current mesh..but i guess the cockpit should be more modern..and i definitely would add contra-rotating props..



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That about what I was thinking. Of course, there's other long-nosed props out there. You just do those clearing turns while taxiing - or look out the sides.


Yes, those turns would be time consming, I know you practically have to do that with the P-40 Warhawk.



Welcome to the town called "Tail Dragger's With Big Engines. " Love it when people complain, you would piss your pants if som1 let you climb in and fly that rig for real. The nose is to long, the prop is to big the wheels are out front, the wheel in back is to small, the seat is to low. etc. etc. the list for complainers goes on.


I love the Spad, all variants of it. And I do think the person who modeled that has a great "imagination" f you will. I just prefer tricycle undercarriage rather than tail-draggers. How was I complaining? I was stating the obvious. And I have my opinion just as you can have yours. To each his own.

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..and i definitely would add contra-rotating props..




you sure? The gearbox would mean an even longer nose, not to mention a maintinence nightmere. Turboprops don't really make loads more power then a compareable radial, but they usually weigh (a bit) less and are not so bad for maintenence. I know that they converted the Convair 580 from radials (donno what kind) to Allison turbines (very similar to those in the P-3 and C-130H), and it still flew like a mongaloid hippo, but at least it didn't crash or cost as much.

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