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Simmer down, simmer down

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Recently, there have been some posts made in the sport of good fun, and somehow or another, folks kind of gotten a bit "defensive" about them. The reason why I quote the word defensive is because these posts that were made didn't really insult anyone, didn't make an attack towards a person or group, but somehow ended up getting some people upset, in which, one member quoted that they were done (only guessing with being a part of this site). Now, maybe it's just me (and by the way, I'm not Mr. T or Chuck), but was there anything really offensive here? If so, then what? If not, then why are we getting so upset? If this site is about having some fun with each other, then why are we making a big deal about a couple of people who are RP-ing (role playing). Honestly, I think it adds the uniqueness of CA, and pokes fun at some of the things that we sometime get annoyed at here, just to lighten up the mood a bit. I chuckled (no pun intended) at some of the Mr. T and Chuck Norris posts that were made. If I got a Mr. T response due to asking a silly question (and there's no such thing as a stupid question... but there are bad ones), I'd laugh my butt off. However, if you were to feel disrespected by a response by any member here, isn't the common course of action is to P.M. the person, letting him/her know that what they did wasn't cool, and if that didn't work, you go up the chain of command, that being a moderator. However, I must point out, the complaint has to be legit; in other words, there should be clear definition that a legitimate offense was made by another member (i.e. racial slurs, attack of a person's character, profane language, unwanted sexual advances - which i have to admit, happen the most here and nobody of either gender has filed a complaint on... at least not to my knowledge). So people, are we really getting upset for a real reason, or are we getting upset just to get upset? If the later is the case, then you might want to ask yourself why are you here, what is your purpose in being a part of this community and being in these forums? If you got real world crisis's happening in your life, then i think a lot of people here can relate to you. I for one have seen my share of personal crisis, but never have i ever taken it out on a community. If you need to talk to someone, there are plenty of good people here to talk to, including me. If you had a bad day at work, and it's really biting you in the rear, make a post about it. You'll probably be surprised by how many people here have gone through the same thing and can give you advice or be an ear for you to talk to. But if it's just fun and games that's driving you mad, and you want to leave, I'm not stopping you, 'cause this site is about fun and games. That said, I think this post should be locked to prevent unnecessary ranting and raving going back and forth.

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That said, I think this post should be locked to prevent unnecessary ranting and raving going back and forth.


I think you hit it on the head, and your post is worth everyone's time to read and think about.

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To add to SD's post, we are here to have fun. Period, if you can not for a moment remember that then so be it. We all have our controversies etc etc. Life is like that. But in the end, it all about what you make of it.

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Oops I didnt mean to close it, hit the wrong button.

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I take offense that those on the defense weren't offensivly offensive and to realize that being defensive is against the silly sod rules of this forum, one being to have fun. :blink:


I am offended by your offensive post, you offender. :lol:

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LOL I think alot of us sometimes get a little stressed in real life and let that carry over to our internet lives and vice versa. I thought the A-Team and Chuck posts were pretty funny, it helps to lighten things up.


Remember if we take things to seriously we will all end up as the rivet counters we come to CA to avoid!

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Oh... simmer down... as in "everybody simmer down, now"...


I was think along the lines of "piper down! piper down!", only instead of a bagpipe playing falling over, it was some dude at his computer that hyperventilated after excitement due to new patches...



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You covered it completely.

The moderators on this site are the best I have ever run across.

If someone even hints at getting out of line,they stop it immediately.

Hat's off to them. :good::ok::clapping:

Keep up the GREAT work,people.


How about those new patches!!! They are terrific.

The AI is a lot better. I have flow about a dozen missions in several different aircraft,and I got hosed everytime.

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It's like an orange on a toothpick...

Edited by malibu43

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I learned long time ago that not to take offensive to anything on a site.It's just an idea of someone else.

Since becoming very ill from cancer [it's a crying shame i didn't learn to take things in stride before] finding humor in the things that used to flame me.But,i think this is a good thread and if you find it offensive...ask yourself why?Make sure you know that words don't have emotions,people who read/say them do.Hope this helps too.Brady


P.S.A-Team bit was funny...Your Airplane Movie quotes was the most funniest thread my brother and i ever read.And don't forget the EELS!

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I thought the A-Team and Chuck posts were pretty funny, it helps to lighten things up.


Since I expect to be on the receiving end of a roundhouse very soon, I don't expect to be finding unconsciousness funny... :biggrin:

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You covered it completely.

The moderators on this site are the best I have ever run across.

If someone even hints at getting out of line,they stop it immediately.

Hat's off to them. :good::ok::clapping:

Keep up the GREAT work,people.


How about those new patches!!! They are terrific.

The AI is a lot better. I have flow about a dozen missions in several different aircraft,and I got hosed everytime.


Jeez - well I cant really be seen to be giving you A-A tactics advice :biggrin:




I dont know what all the fuss was over tbh - maybe excitement over the patches got to people - but its all calm again today :beach:

Edited by MigBuster

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wHAtz Dis ThAng SiMMer DowN? USed FoR tO StuF TeH piLLoWz or MattRASZ? MaYBe LiNE aN InSUlAt JaKiTZ?


WeLL, I kNo DaT wiTh ReleeSe PatCK SePtem 08, ManY Here rEAliZe Dat PCs ThaY Habe r nOw 2 slOW!!! So, I taK tehTime 2 OffER yuo V,Good n FasT Sistams WiT Da LMD Core6D ProCESSaser! CoRE6D is 3D x2! Is Da BioTchn' BesT! LMD = LatVIAn MAFIa DeSIGn.


ANy1 InTReSted, PleSe RepoND. buT Do So v.Soon, DiS MacHines Sal V.QuiklY!

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