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Official Backup Day

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Just a friendly reminder to everyone to back up their data.

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Just a friendly reminder to everyone to back up their data.


sad reminder.


I tried out a program called System Mechanic to automate some of the routine maintenance. It trashed my computer and I needed a tech to restore it without loosing too much. It still isn't back up to speed. Most of my stuff is on a second drive so protected from the hard-drive system crash. My daughter's computer was not so lucky. Still haven't recovered her files.


Point 1, backup!


Point 2, don't get System Mechanic!!

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sad reminder.


I tried out a program called System Mechanic to automate some of the routine maintenance. It trashed my computer and I needed a tech to restore it without loosing too much. It still isn't back up to speed. Most of my stuff is on a second drive so protected from the hard-drive system crash. My daughter's computer was not so lucky. Still haven't recovered her files.


Point 1, backup!


Point 2, don't get System Mechanic!!


Gawd - bloody typical that !


Dont bother with backup apps myself - I just use Windows explorer - which means you have to do it manually - but at least I can blame myself for not doing it :)



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good reminder... i'm too lazy to do it though... :P


hope everyones data will stay safe for now!



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Did it. My HDD (don't worry, it is in a PC that can't be used for gaming because it's too weak) is on the verge of dying.

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I'm onboard also, Backed up my WOE and FE installs to my second HD. I would love to burn em to DVD but WOE is up to 29 Gigs so its just not practical, I Might burn FE though its only about 3 gigs so it would fit on one DVD. After losing WOI to a HD Failure i can't stress enough the need to back up these sims!

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Backing up now as we speak.

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stopped being lazy SOB ans i backuped my computer...

arranged my iPhone and music..


thanks for the pep talk :)

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stopped being lazy SOB ans i backuped my computer...

arranged my iPhone and music..


thanks for the pep talk :)

Completed backup and my External (backup) HD died! Drop-kicked it out the door and bought a stack of DVDs. Doing backups to re-writable DVDs now.

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Last week, I went and backed up 300 Gigs of photos that I've taken over the last couple of years of flying. So, not only do I have them on an external HD, but on DVD also.


Can never be too careful.



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Completed backup and my External (backup) HD died! Drop-kicked it out the door and bought a stack of DVDs. Doing backups to re-writable DVDs now.


good point! I was about to go buy some external HD's. think I will re-think that plan........

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good point! I was about to go buy some external HD's. think I will re-think that plan........


HDs have more lifetime than DVDs or CDs...

take care of it right and everything will be oki doky :ok:

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