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MH-53 Pave Lows fly final combat mission

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She served us very well indeed! She will be missed!! :good:

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She served us very well indeed! She will be missed!! :good:



Good airframe and the taxpayers got triple the return on their investment. Machines do not last forever and the more you push them closer to the breaking point, the more you endanger lives. Hopefully the Osprey and possibly the HH-47 can fill the gap.

Edited by ironroad

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I love these helicopters!


Twas a marvelous workhorse! So is the CV-22 going to replace it?


I was kinda hoping that someone in Hollywood would finally get around to filming the story of the Son Tay prison raid and use some of the original aircraft that participated in this mission. Can't belive that operation has not being picked up at tinseltown! Oh well...

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Oh the Osprey will definitely fill that gap and fill it well.

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indeed an end of a long era...

not every aircraft last that long, the pave lows are sure to get into aviation history with great honor :)



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I love these helicopters!


Twas a marvelous workhorse! So is the CV-22 going to replace it?


I was kinda hoping that someone in Hollywood would finally get around to filming the story of the Son Tay prison raid and use some of the original aircraft that participated in this mission. Can't belive that operation has not being picked up at tinseltown! Oh well...


There was talk of making Clancy's Without Remorse (which has Clark participating in an ancilliary way with that op) about 10 years ago, but then all that happened was Sum of All Fears got made and Clancy films never returned.

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There was talk of making Clancy's Without Remorse (which has Clark participating in an ancilliary way with that op) about 10 years ago, but then all that happened was Sum of All Fears got made and Clancy films never returned.


That novel kicks ass! It would been nice to see Without Remorse on the big screen! Ben Affleck and the continuity issue are the two reasons IMHO that killed that movie. They picked the wrong book to adapt to film.


I think we may yet see something in regards to Without Remorse in cinemas, is anything from the imdb website can be believed. If done right it will be the mother of all kick ass movies. I hope they cast the right person for the part of John Kelly/John Clark.


But I reckon that if they adapted the book about the Son Tay Rescue Mission by Benjamin F. Schemmer, and do it before November 21, 2010 it would be totally awesome. Thing is I was hoping the USAF still had H-53's so as to make it realistic. A CGI animated version of the H-53's would be a total letdown for me though.

Edited by MiGMasher

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It'll feel like an empty sky without them. Unique sillhouette, unique sound, unique aircraft.



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It's not like there are no more 53s out there. The USMC has plenty of the E model and has a new K model program underway.

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It's not like there are no more 53s out there. The USMC has plenty of the E model and has a new K model program underway.


Excellent! Didn't know that! Probably the best news I have heard all day! I LOVE the '53.

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It'll feel like an empty sky without them. Unique sillhouette, unique sound, unique aircraft.





Yeah, the Marines are still going to use them for heavy lifting. the MV-22 has been pushed so hard because the the CH-46s needed to be replaced and they needed a heavier/faster transport than the Uh-1N/Y. Before the Mv-22 came online the Marines would have to call up for Ch-47s to shuttle them around Afghanistan and Iraq, then again because of the nature of warfare and new global commitments (that are constantly changing) everyone has to share.

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It's not like there are no more 53s out there. The USMC has plenty of the E model and has a new K model program underway.


True, but nothing like the Pave. I was fortunate enough to spend 3 years in the 20th SOS, flying around the US, Europe and the Middle East in the back of one of these beasts. If it wasnt leaking hydro fluid on you, it was empty and you should be looking for a place to land. Each helo was a piece of history. Many were veterans of Vietnam and all of them had some battle scars from places like Panama, Bosnia, Iraq/Afghanistan, and many places we'll never know about. Despite the loss of 3 friends during crashes, I look back on those days with fond memories.


Glad she went out with style and flew combat missions to the end.



Green Hornet '95-98

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we built a level c simulator of the mine sweeping version of the -53 it was awesome had the chin windows to see the sled, 200 degree visual dome & six DOF motion, you always flew with the stab aug system on otherwise, i was told by a former -53 test pilot, you were in test pilot mode, sorry to see such a good bird go to roost on a pole or the desert, i wonder if one the copter models we have here in the downloads could be massaged to act like a -53 hmmmm just a thought

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That is pretty cool. Where did it come from? Which sim?



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That is pretty cool. Where did it come from? Which sim?





A screen shot I took in Operation Flash Point, and a few addons I have collected over the years.

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