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Photos from Afghanistan

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Just a few photos I'm starting to collect and post on my Myspace:




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If it wasn't for guns that would be beautiful country...

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Keep your head down Eric.

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Most of the pics I've seen so far are all HUD tapes from the A-10. Keep you head down, take care of your self and your buddies. If it get's hot, call these guys, they'll give ya some close support :)



FYI, one of my friends recently finished his second A-10 rotation through Bagram. Hopefully you didn't need to see their skills in action, but if ya did, I'm sure they put on a good show!

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What's the loadout? The missiles on the dual AA rack look different

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The outboard one is a CAP-9, and the other store is the TACTS pod.

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If it wasn't for guns that would be beautiful country...


yeah, nice mountains :good:

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If it wasn't for guns that would be beautiful country...


Hmm, looks like: Rock,Rock,Rock,some Desert,Rock,Rock,Rock,few acres of Marihuana plantations,Rock,Rock,Desert,Rock,Rock,Rock...

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Hmm, looks like: Rock,Rock,Rock,some Desert,Rock,Rock,Rock,few acres of Marihuana plantations,Rock,Rock,Desert,Rock,Rock,Rock...


wasn't Papula flowers for Opium? :blink:

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Well when I wrote I remembered one video I saw of US Convoy stopping by near some kind of field, then you hear: OMG man look at this!!! Camera turns around and WHAM, as long as you can see a field of good ol' weed, about 1-1,5m high LOL


EDIT: Thruth be told I'm not sure if that was Afganistan or Iraq...

Edited by Brain32

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Nice pics. keep your head, and the sun at your back!

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nice pics indeed... you finished your tour or just some RnR time at home?

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Gr.Viper: Yes it is a beautiful country, alot of stuff you see or haven't seen is just amazing. I got a really beautiful sunset picture that I'll put up in a sec.


dwcace: Generally I'm starting to rotate with my FSO as far as patrolling, which is why pictures are showing up late in the game. And most of the time I have a "Rover" style feed, so I've seen some live footage of bombs from A-10s, and F-15Es. I've worked with them directly a couple times, but so far I've never controlled a live drop, it's relatively quiet in my sector and usually they boogie like cockroaches when any sort of air (CAS, CCA) shows up, but sometimes you get a treat, like an HVI drop I watched.


Silverbolt: Yeah it could be Afghanistan, opium is common, along with cornfields.


And overall thanks, and will always try to keep my head down.. :good:






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this pictures are not so high quality but i think there are some intreresting buildings for the afganistan terrain









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nice pics Volker, specially the last one.

have you made the pics?

a good friend of mine is now back in afghanistan.

he is a member of Heeresfliegerregiment 15 (Rheine Bentlage).

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Be careful, Eric, good luck

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The Afghanistan terrain really looks desolated. :yes:

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Thanks, and no Nesher, I'm not on R&R, we got satellite internet so I'm able to post while deployed. I don't go out as much as the others so (my position keeps me in the TOC) I got some more free time, while some others buy their own internet. Providers are Iran and China, so no, I'll stick to the Guvmint computers.


And ravenclaw..... I'm assuming that's around Kabul?

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nice pics Volker, specially the last one.

have you made the pics?

a good friend of mine is now back in afghanistan.

he is a member of Heeresfliegerregiment 15 (Rheine Bentlage).


no i retired before this all happend a friend of mine ( RGT25 Oberschwaben) made a video on a mission from Kabul - AOR ISAf thats where this photos from

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So that's around Kabul, thx. Those pictures were quite informing for me :)

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So that's around Kabul, thx. Those pictures were quite informing for me :)


i have a lot more from the german camp and from some missions

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