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The best SEAD for today

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After the F-4G left service, F-16CJs were used for SEAD by the USAF, but, was it the best option

for this role?


As of its use, we can say that its performance was outstanding but i don´t think that F-16 is the best platform to

SEAD, as intended to be a light fighter, no organic ECM, requires a pylon for RWR, preventing to mount LANTIRN or similar,

low resistance to combat damage (the two manned aircraft lost by USAF in Balkans were Blk 40 CGs), etc


For SEAD, before the arrival of CJs, Allied forces in the Balkans used F-18s from USMC and Spain especialist units,whose

work was satisfactory. Hornet is my option, for cost, capability and surviability


Wich would be yours? "brand new" QF-4G or other UCAV? F-15E?Tornado ECR? Its Ok with CJs?

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The RAF have a handful of converted Tornado F.3s which supposedly outperform the ECR.

EF-18 Growler would have to be up there.

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The RAF have a handful of converted Tornado F.3s


Are they actually used for SEAD? I thought the upgrade was done as a UOR and isn't supported anymore, although you'd think they'd have a few spare lying around now to form a dedicated SEAD squadron.

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I still like the Prowler for SEAD. Although, something faster would probably be more survivable.

Edited by gbnavy61

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Hehe, he said the F-16 was intended to be a "light fighter". True. :wink:


Most F-16s today are more into the light attack business without any bad guys roaming the skies. Yeah, our guys practice dogfighting, but when it comes down to deploying...we go as light bombers. Strap on a couple JDAMs and LGBs, provide 24 hour coverage over Iraq to be where needed within a few minutes, and that's the main job of a lot of F-16s today.


QF-4Gs would still be great for SEAD/DEAD, but talking to the contractors who work the drone program at Tyndall AFB they told me the Gs are already used up and most are at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. There are still some QF-4Es, but it would be crazy to do the "G" conversion now.


The F-16CJ/CGs are fine and do a great job. I personally think SEAD might be best done by UAVs in the near future. SAMs are still a dangerous thing, and it might be better to risk UAVs.

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Perhaps QF-16s? I heard that the Air Force is going to use that as a QF-4 replacement.

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I personally think SEAD might be best done by UAVs in the near future. SAMs are still a dangerous thing, and it might be better to risk UAVs.


What the man said. Use a stealthy UCAV and kill the SAM when he doesn't know you're there. Using a old fighter with the RCS of a barn to get the SAM to shoot at you is ineffective if you lose the drone and fail to kill the SAM. Also, the SAM operator is now on alert to use counter SEAD techniques because he knows you're gunning for him.


A stealth kill is much better...because the idea is that he doesn't know you're there, and so he may not be playing up his full countermeasures. And hopefully, you don't expend a weapons carrier in the process.



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SEAD/DEAD is exactly what UCAVs are being designed for. They'll do other stuff, too, but that's the prime focus.


As for the F-16, no I don't think that's a great match. I always thought the F-15E would've been a better choice, but whatever. Right now I'd say the B-2 and F-22 are best suited to the role. :wink:

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Well, UCAVs are the solution for today and nearby future, but the link with ground control could be jammed- theorically


As manned SEADers, Growlers will do fine, i guess. But the USAF could have used some Hornet back in 90s, thats what i mean

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The 'Growlers' need the ordinance stations to carry 'jammers' and fuel tanks.

Put up the 'Growlers' for jamming,put up a couple of F/A-18F's or F-15E's loaded for suppression along with them. The 'Growlers' could stop 'jamming' long enough(coordination) for the suppressors to smoke the target with a HARM or LGB or JDAM.

If the threat is very severe send in the UAV's first.

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