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Serperate Installs? How?

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First, I'd like to apologize ahead of time if this in the KB, or if it has been asked a million times and that I should use the semi-useless Search Engine. But, in any case, I'm having trouble grasping the idea of seperate installs. Actually, I should say, I'm having difficulties making them. I want to keep a stock install, an install for two campaigns I'm making, and a "Test" Install (ie. where I can test WIPs, etc.), all for Strike Fighters Gold. I know that this should be a rather simple thing to do, but I guess not for me :blush: Can someone help me?


Also, I went through the Nations INI and didn't find a section for Dhimar or Paran. What's up with that? :shok:

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First, I'd like to apologize ahead of time if this in the KB, or if it has been asked a million times and that I should use the semi-useless Search Engine. But, in any case, I'm having trouble grasping the idea of seperate installs. Actually, I should say, I'm having difficulties making them. I want to keep a stock install, an install for two campaigns I'm making, and a "Test" Install (ie. where I can test WIPs, etc.), all for Strike Fighters Gold. I know that this should be a rather simple thing to do, but I guess not for me :blush: Can someone help me?


Also, I went through the Nations INI and didn't find a section for Dhimar or Paran. What's up with that? :shok:


When the install program asks what directory to install the program in, name it something else like "SFGTest" or something along those lines. It is really that simple.

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Well, that could work. But the next question. Can I run say, the SFGTest install without changing its folder name to Strike Fighters Gold?

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Well, that could work. But the next question. Can I run say, the SFGTest install without changing its folder name to Strike Fighters Gold?


I really don't understand what you are trying to say, but if you click on a shortcut, or on the .exe file in the "SFGTest" directory the "SFG Test" install will run without any information from any other installs.


You can name the directory anything you wish as long as you don't start renaming subfolders in the direcory like "flight" "menu" "objects" etc.

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I raised this a few weeks back but didnt get a reply, using SFP1. The install option is removed from the start up screen afeter only one install is there a way to force it to install?

I tried manually copying everything into a new directory and renaming the "install" as per the instructions in the Falklands mod however it refused to load.



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Well I haven't had actual Strike Fighters installed since about 2003, so I am not sure then.

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Folks, here is the simple, no frills, no pain way.


Do an install of your favorite TW sim. Patch it up.


Go to the directory (lets say Strike Fighters).


Make a copy of the directory. Or burn it to a DVD.


Rename the directory (say...Strike Fighters Install Number Two)


Rinse and repeat.


Does everyone understand that the TW sim series runs completely self contained? No registry entries needed, no desktop shortcuts, no menu shortcuts. Just double click on the appropriate .exe file within the particular directory and you're off to the races.


Hell, you can run the thing off a memory stick...yep, copy the entire directory onto a USB stick, and play on any computer if you want something to do.


Don't make this any harder than you need to.


Phoenix...I have NO idea why your install doesn't run. If you're not sure, and you can't uninstall, then delete the directory and run something like 'CCleaner' (freeware registry cleaning program) to clean out all remains of the TW sims.



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cool didnt realise about the memory stick option


anyway I struggled with it for about a week and gave up on the 2nd install, the original runs fine so just making do with that



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Thanks Jeremiah Weed and Fast Cargo. :good:

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Yup, like FC said, "there really ain't nothing too it".


Excpet I'd like to add just a little something....with 18 installs (Ive removed a few to clear up some HD space --had 23)


All the steps FC outllined are perfect. This is how I've done it. I'll we using WoE as an example, you all just substitute whichever game name you want -- it's all the same.


ONE perfectly clean, unmodded, fully patched install -- that one gets little play, and all the patches installed to it.


Create a new folder; fer instance you want a Mid-East only version. So, our new folder is called "WoE_MidEast" (I dislike spaces)


Copy/Paste EVERY DAMED THING IN THE "CLEAN" INSTALL INTO THAT NEW FOLDER. EVERYthing, from those files in the Root of C:/ProgramFiles/Wings Over Europe (ie: the exe, options ini, etc, etc etc) and all the subfolders





Maunal (where the game operating manula on pdf resides, for those that've never seen or used it)



Net Cache

Objects -- and ALL of its subfolders and file!!! very important!!!!

Pilot Data





now, in mine, I have 2 other main sub-folders, one for the SP5 weapons editor (makes it easier to edit weapons -- there's one in EACH install), and WoVsqmd (helpfull in terrain editing)


Once everything is moved into the "New" game install, all you'll need to do is create a new shortcut on your desktop, or like I have, a folder ON my desktop "Games". I like an uncluttered desktop.


Point the new shortcut to the "WoE_MidEast" game install, and you should be done.


Similiar instructions ARE in the KB for "Creating an Era Specific Install" ... and even I couldn't find the sonovabeaayching thing!!! KB needs a slight amount of reorganization.



Thread Hijack Ahead:


FC, is that a good cleaner? I"ve been looking for something like to a "clarificate" some issues that have been popping up on this machine. What about a really good de-fragger??? That one they advertise is good??



End Thread Hijack




kevin stein

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Two small things I do on a new copy:


1) Add modified INIs, like viewlist and huddata

2) Rename .exe appropriately, e.g. wov-steeltiger.exe

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Nope, you don't need to rename the exe. ALL mine use the stock exe name; they're ALL in a seperate folders, with seperate shortcuts.


Never had a problem.


As to the inis, it's a matter of a few seconds work to extract new ones; things HAVE been changed internally, and it's a real good idea to start with the most current file. Add you tweeks to the newly extracted one.



kevin stein

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Something no one else has mentioned that I usually do - remove the game from the Add/Remove programs list... see below.


Install the game, then rename the game folder temporarily (so windows can't find it...). The go to Add/Remove programs and "uninstall" the game from the add/remove programs tool. Since you've renamed the folder, it won't actually delete anything, but it will remove the program from the list and the computer will no longer think the game's installed. Then you can go back and rename your folder whatever you want and it will work fine.


Then, if you want to do another install, temporarily rename (or move) the folder again (or permanently, if you want - ie "WOE_modded" or "WOV_clean_patched" or however you want it labeled). Then install the game again. It won't find the program listed in Add/Remove Programs and the correctly named folder won't be found in the default location, and it will let you install.


Repeat these steps for as many installs as you like.

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I just create multiple Aircraft folders within the same install. All the Terrains,Weapons and Ground Units play well together as long as the start and end service dates are set correctly.


In my Objects Folder i have Aircraft, AircraftWWIIEuro,AircraftWWIIPac, and i just create a new folder for any other plane sets i want. Makes it easy to switch the game quickly by just re-naming the Aircraft folder from Modern to WWII ect.


The downside is if a mod uses a custom sky effect or something that might need to be saved into another temp folder and installed when needed, but i usually just choose one effects set and pretty much stick with it.


Is there any other reason why multiple installs are needed? Maybe i'm missing something.

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Uh yeah....total modifications (OTC, DS, NF, etc). You try multi aircraft in something like that and you'll end up with a mess. Or weapons available on aircraft that it never really carried. Not to mention ground objects may show up that were never in that theatre of operations, or during that time period.


Unless HD space is a REAL premium, there is no reason NOT to simply use a separate install. Feel like WWII? Click on your WWII install. How about a 1950s conflict in Europe...or Lexx_Luthor's Siberian Sky conflict. Just click on the exe needed. No copying, renaming, etc. Most of the TW sims stock are less than 1GB in size...paltry by today's standards.



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Sorry about that. I forgot to answer your question.


Well, I've been using CCleaner for a while. The 2 things I look for is that a) It doesn't pork my windows install, b) It gets rid of crap in the registry and useless files. So far, CCleaner has performed both tasks admirably. It's probably a little conservative when deleting stuff, but that's okay.


Defragging-wise, I just use the standard Windows defragger with no issues. There are probably better ones out there, but I've never used them.



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Sorry about that. I forgot to answer your question.


Well, I've been using CCleaner for a while. The 2 things I look for is that a) It doesn't pork my windows install, b) It gets rid of crap in the registry and useless files. So far, CCleaner has performed both tasks admirably. It's probably a little conservative when deleting stuff, but that's okay.


Defragging-wise, I just use the standard Windows defragger with no issues. There are probably better ones out there, but I've never used them.





stay away from System Mechanic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Those were the answers I was looking for! Thanks FC!!


Typhoid: I remember reading your thread about it. Most definately, staying very far away from it!!




And as to the "Whys" of seperate installs? That's pretty much covered above.


Gives you almost total control of WHAT you want to appear in a given time frame. Hell, my PTO intall actually needs splitting into 2 different one -- one for CBI and one for SoWesPac/Central Pac. Differing plane sets, differing operations (you don't see/hear/read about many carrier ops in CBI do you??? -not counting the IJN raids on Ceylon and RN stuff in Indonesia? or CAF Peashooters operating over New Guinea??)


Controling what you want to play is what it' all about!



kevin stein

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Apologies for additional thread hijacking but I would recommend the defragger stable mate of CCleaner for the following reasons: You can check the drive and if it shows that everything is by and large ok except one particular folder (recent downloads, newly installed programs and so on), you have the ability to only defrag the folders you wish.. saves time. That said, the program seems to do defrag the whole drive quicker than windows does. I have a niggling doubt though that defrag including the windows kind, can cause unexpected folder tree irregularities such as folders being nested where they shouldn't.

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Good Points, I can see now why some would want another install.


Personally, I'll stick with multiple Aircraft folders, but you have made me realize i will also need multiple GroundObject and Weapons folders to avoid the problems you mentioned of objects that shouldn't be there in certain theatres.


Its easy enough to have a main Aircraft/GroundObject/Weapons folder with all the units in it, then you just create a new folder add what you want and rename both folders so the new folder takes the place of the main one.


Dedicated installs do make it a one click deal so i see why people use them.


My reasoning has nothing to do with HD Space, its just easier to backup 1 install with everything than 5 installs with a little of this and that.


Anyway, as long as the game runs ok and you get the units you want, i don't think either method is wrong.

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diskkeeper pro is my choice for defrag ops....lets u choose what to defrag or defrag entire drive in 1 click...set and forget..even lets u know how bad fragmentation is and how diskkeeper pro will increase ur speed(on reading drive(s)!!!set and program will keep files defragged without even looking!

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